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TOL. >>: XVI1.---NO. 1386.
We are this week offering some
'remarkable bargains in our Dry
-(roods Dept., and it would be well
for all who are looking for extra
value in those lines to call and see
'as. Our stock as a whole is marked
.at very low prices and we claim to
Five better value in all lines than
can be got elsewhere; but in these
particular lines we offer, snaps that
are seldom met with. One Plum is
-500 yards of Silk and Wool, and all
Wool Dress 'Goods that would be
'cheap at 75 cents per yard—your
•choice while it lasts at 28e. Another
lot of 15 pieces that so far we have
sold at 50c and We, we sacrifice at
'37•e Then we have 15 ends of
Waist and Trimming Silk, formerly
sold at G5c to 75e, that we are let-
ting go at 35e, and we have a few
remnants of Dress Goods that we are
••selling at less than half price.
Do you want a Fur Cape, if so we
can sell you a very nice article at
es and X10- You would pay else-
where 83 and t$4- more for the same
In Mantle prices we have put in
-the Knife to the hilt. We have so
many kinds that we cannot specify
all, the )prices; but they are very low.
If you art: in Want of Table linen we
can show you a line that was cheap
-at 453. We have cut the price to
A lot of good Towels w• ere 25c.
We now sell them at 15e.
Come roan if you want to take
. advantage of these prices.
• LA Large School in a Small City
"i REPUTATION for 'First -Class work is
possessed by the
Neettex 50 Pkat cisme of the students
.'enrolled annually (from outside our own
• city) come from nearer other business
colleges than ours. Enter any time.
. Moderate rates. Board cheap.
.Beautiful Catalogue Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT,`Principal.
marriage Licenses
leaned bo FRANK PATERSON', No 23, Vic-
soi is street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Our Clubbing list.
C EArii OF
cures Chapped Hands
and Face or • Rough
Skin. Removes Sun
Burn, Tan and Freck-
Excellent to use af-
ter Shaving.
25c a bottle.
For sale only at
RETURN THE CLOCK Wil he party who
got a nickel alarm ul - . th a shaving fig-
ure on the dial pleas urn same to me at
once and oblige:—HALSEY Perin,
* WEDDING CAnns—T ere are several wed-
dings on the tapis be wan young people
of this vicinity. Ex lisite wedding cards
of every design aro fo little at the TIMES
Heater Mumma— meeting of all -par.
ties interested in hocky will be held at the
Dinsloy house on Mon ay evening for the
purpose of re•organiis ug the club for the
season. Let there e a large attendance
at this meeting.
lt' -[nereza TIIE
memorial cards ?
with every style
you Cannot nom
write UP your 01
shall guarantee t
C O F M><ExrrG
Court Maitlad, 0
ers will be bald tin
Elliott, High Chi
will bo present at
will bo taken on
Every member of t
ESARTED --Do you want
We can supply yo!
handsome design. If
personally to choose,
ders andverses and we
please you.
The regular meeting of
adian Order of Forest -
(Friday) evening. R.
f Ranger, of Ingersoll
his meeting and a vote
n important matter.
e Court•sbould bo pre -
CHEAT' (NsuttlNCC Mr J M Roberts, of
was at the Ceeen's 1 otel hero on Saturday
last, collectins; ins ranee pretriums from
the policy holders i tea West Wawanosit
Mutual Fire Insure no Co. This company
has had great since: = during the past year,
the rate of insuran e boiug only $1.50 on
the $1,000.
TASE NOTICE—Tl t the Cider and .Telly
Mill will close on l uesday, the 15th Nov.
After that date wo will be in readiness to
chop all kinds of g ain.
in order to sae.) otir subscribers the trouble of
ginaking two or more • renettnnees we have made
'spacial arrangements with Mie publishers by which
we are enaleed to otter the following publications in
tconnectioreeth the tv1NGIIAAf TIMES at special
low rates Irani now until Dec. 31at,1800.
Times and Weekly Globe, ° $125
Times and western Advertiser,
'Times and Family IIorale and weekly Star 1 76
and Picture
"Tinto and Farmers' Advocate, • 100
'Time aud Farming, weekly. - 175
Tinges and Montreal Weekly Witness, 100
Times and Partners' Sun, - 130
:Times and Daily Globo 4 25
'Times and Daily World - • • 3 00
'rimes and ("mintier Gentleman, • 2 70
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 25
'MUM and D•tily Montreal herald, 2 00
Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and
•ntagozines quoted on application. The balance of
'this vluleet to erl
tabveweekies.xcepthe VatiiyHad and
Weekly Star. The Tunes alone will be sent to now
sabscribers enttl January lot, 1800. Cash musb
call orders.
air subscriptions as et-yaspossbs the tin:
-position of postage after Jannary lst, will likely
.Geigel tis to make an advance in tho above rates.
.Address ail orders to or call at the
Wetlxra,—Choice Buttee, i7c,; dried
apples and poultry, G, 1l. n,
tf WKeinghnam.
Therms—Last we k we mailed a largo
number of accounts for back subscription
to the Trams. We have to thank those
who remitted and ould feel thankful if all
who are owing us •uld make an effort to
square up. We a 1 1u need of the money
as we have heavy payments to make at
this season of the 3 ar.
A Cinuxc 'T1tnte Miss Ilougliton in•
tends holding a co cert in the town. hall
on or about the 29tI of Mile month. Capt
Robertson and Miss Patterson, of London,
basso and eoprano singers; Mrs ,1 Arm-
strong, Lucknow, -'ooutionist; the Wing
ham Orobestral Clu and others wUU take
part. This eoncer will no doubt be a
grand success, Bili and programmes will
be issued later.
Woni Is Seer= Wood is •a•very scarce
article in town at p esent. Messrs Buttou
and Fessant's suppl of slabs has been ex-
hausted and Mess = McLean & Son can
hardly keep up wit 1 the demand. Some
wood bas been offer, d and farmers are ask-
ing frons net to $2.50 per cord for it
This;prico is away t o high. The general
opinion is that in tli coarse of a month or
so, wood will be q its plentiful at from
$1.50 to $1.75 per o d.
A DInTT TRICK — 'orae person or persons
were very busy or Thursday evening of
last week in movin the monuments horn
the front of W. V nstone's marble works
out on the sidew lk and disfiguring the
same. This is a d rty trick for anyone to
do, and the gni ty parties should be
brought to justice. Mr. Vanstono offers a
reward of $10.00 to any person who will
give him informs ion as will lead to the
conviction of the € silty ones.
C Ana C,:i,,"noNxA- Camp Caledonia, Sons
of Scotland, beide; reir regular meeting on
Maudey evening. Organizer Nimmo was
present and gave 1 any words of encour-
agement and prais• to the large number of
members present. A. number of applica-
tions were received Mr Nimmo rel urned
to Kincardine on T esda , but will return
here again and spe ci a week or two in
town. Clamp Calenia is bound to in-
crease its present m:mbership.
NEW PHOTOGRAPxxr It; lMr Moses E Zur-
brigg, of Listowel, i•i11 open a new photo.
graph gallery in Mc enzie;s block, opposite
the Presbyterian oh rob. Ile will be looat,-
od here on the 15th . f this month and ex•
pets' tp. be reedy f r business about the
19tli:1111r Zurbrigg
floor gallery which
iti this part of the
frorn Listowel highl
first-class artist and
success.. His advert
in another column of
just received from t principal or, the
Canada Business Co ego and Shorthand
School, Chatham, 0 t, we are informed
that the attendance i now larger than it
WANTED --Genera
to Mrs. (Dr.) Macd
1 1898.
vent girl.Apply
LARGE TOENIP.—Mr. P. Deans, flenr and
feud merchant, has a urnip on exhibition
in his window, which ips the scales at 21
pounds. Tho turnip was grown by Mr.
Thoi. Grefinry on 1ii: piece of laud at the
so•tth end of Josephi le street.
Pix roe, Couxcrer.•ns—Bro Iloimes, of
the Clinton New kir credited us with an
article on the quest on of paying town
councillors. ;lite art cle did not appear in
the Tines, but we see o reason why wan -
(Albers in a town shoo d not receive remun.
oration the saute as hey do in the town-
FANCY Ronsns--Mr
the Central hotel has
Horses from Petrolea,
been for the past year.
Florence G, the famo
a record of 2.18; Grit
2.04, charpiou four.
the world, dam Fiore
Colt, yearling by Sta
G, 2.18; Brown Colt,
Lord Ferguson 2
O'Donnell, five -years•
King lied, he by Red
Rumor, This horse
Farm, Trenton, New
is a horse fancier
the chose list inelud
Jaynes O'Leary, of
received his fancy
where they have
The list includes
s racing mar's with
Line, by On Line.
ar-old stallion of
ce G. 2.18; Brown
der, dam Florence
six months old by.
in Florence 0,2.18;
Id brown horse by
Wilkes, dam by Old
ea bled on'Fashion
ersey. Mr O'Leary
the first water and
s a fine lot of Horse
The regular montl
council on Monday e
shortest sessions o
Mayor Morton, ilea
cillos Newton, Lem nex, Robiusou,. Reed-
ing and Irwin.
The niii,utea of 1
were rend and appro.
The Treasurer's at
of October was reaa
Mortgage, principal
Mortgage. Interest .-
Pull Taxes
y meeting of the town
ening was one of the
record. Present --
e Hanna,• and Coon -
at regular meeting
emont for the morit%i
Balance in b
A communication R
Catherine McColl, ask
62.54 off her taxes.—R
twee Committee.
The engineer and
granolithio walks repo
will have a ground Liam, the contractor, h
•Il be ono of the beat contract, as in tuauy pl
country. Ho comes not° been. properly bat
recommended as a Hanna—Robinson—
we wish hire every Works Committee go
'lenient will be found constructed sidewalks,
,his issue. is needed and instruct
oLLFeE—In a letter to have the work done a
Tho Public Works C
that they had the drai
repaired,• bat had been unable to do any-
thing more with the st 'eets, owing to the
scarcity of teams and • en.
Reading—Lemmex hat the report of
the Publio Works Co imittee be adopted.
The Finance Comm ttee reported on the
following accounts
'1' Hall, advt, Court ,f Revision.. $ 1 50
—Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
—Outside window stand dor
be in fashio:t.
A nice lice of china c nd saucers at
10 cents.--liuTouiscer ufr cGAvxN.
—Mr 0 Gillespie !hipped fo
apples this week.
If yon want good hate ry the Corner
Grocery, Mason block. tf
—llir A Burkholder shipped a ca • oats
for export on Thursday.
If you want good but
—Mr S Graeey, the furniture ma
had a telephone placed in his store
Fresh roll butter and fresh 's wanted.
Also good winter apples. o. Kerr, Mac-
donald block. 1t
—Mr Holmes. Luoknow, shipped two
cars of apples from here this week.'
--Mr Alex Ross, Dorninion
agent,. has a new up-to-date
We have a comple e
pipes and tobacco, cbe p
Star 1iestaurant,---J
I I•oon
cars cif
e ry float:ulson
s cik of cigars,
than ever at the
•.-A carload of Manitoba wheat was re -
received at the Wingbam flouring iseil1s
this week.
--We have received a copy of t • : Stat-
utes of Canada, 61 Victoria, whi has just
been issued.
Toilet. Sets from $1 70 . pwards. Our
groceries are freeh and he best quality.
1'rtces right.—HcmcnisoN & MOGAVol.
—Our woodpile is low. Subs,ribers
wishing to pay their subscriptions in wood
can do so at once.
—A meeting of lire Huron Co
Clerks' Aseodiation will be held.i
on Wednesday next.
Call and see my pre s to cash pur-
ohaser•s.—W, J; Keen Corner Corner Grocery,
$ 52 00 Mason block. tf
2000 00 —We had the first genuine taste of win -
41 00 tar on Thutsday morning. Quite a plant -
757 57 ity of snow has fallen.
30 00 —Mr D McDonald, piper, of town will
take part in a Scotch concert at Nit Forest
,2890 57 'on the 29th Of N'ovember'.
nk $.801 01 Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish moires
as read.from Mrs
ng for a rebate of
(erred to the Fin•
superintendent of
ted that Mr. Gra- puts -
d not finished his —The Trues will be sent to any addr
ees the walks had in Canada or the United States fro
ked up. to the end of 1899 for cue
'hat the Public advance,
ver the reoentl y Choice Biscuits, 3 Ib
ote what banking lbs. Ginger Snaps for 2
he Superintendent sox & McGAvxs's. -
once.—Carried. —Gravel is being planed on Diagonal
rncnittee reported road and Victoria street. This is a piece
on Alfred street of needed work, as the laud was axle deep
in some places.
—Mr Thos Bell was able to bo out fc'r
the first time on Friday last. Hie
friends will be pleased to hear of hi
ery from his recent illness.
RAMP you tried Bost() 7 nary starch?
—Willinm .1.'Kenned Corner Grocery,
Mason block. tf
—The Fancily Herald and Weekly Star
and the Timm will be seat to any address.
for one year, inelnding the picture, "The
12 001 Thin Red Line" for $1.75.
d for ball3 50 —Messrs McDonald & Walker shipped a
ng gutters in carload of hogs from Efievale on We
2 00 day of last week. Mr Hamilton o' '
buggy tops like naw. Sold at MAcMATE's
"laxness Shop.
—The 0 'I' 11 have been running a spec.
ial freight train for a few days on this line.
Eggs and apples have been the main out -
Dilemma -Tho` and Henderson Dram= was at the December losing last year, and
atic Co left town n Wednesday for Kin- they will no doubt re ster quite a number
cardine where the gave entertainments on yet during November and the early part
Wednesday and inrsclay evenings, and of December. There i quite an advantage
from there will go .o Listowel. This cam- to the intending stu ut to enter before
pony ie a good on and put up a first-class Christmas, and get i as much time as
entertainment, an all who attended their possible before the b4avy rush of new
entertainments 11 re were well pleased pupils which they alwys have in January. Wiogholn Elec Lt Go
with them. The sagreeable weather has A word to the wise is sufficient. The A Brisbois, supplies,
been a drawback f, r them. attendance this year s tows representatives Mayor, assessor and
How xs True r. Wonit—J Halliday, from Seattle on tbe acifio, on the west, ingjurors
apple buyer for A our &McAllister, in to Newfoundland on he east. The por- Geo Henderson, wo
one week loaded n the oars, paid for, tion of patronage fro distant places is Wm Mitchell, cutt
branded and lielpe• to unload 999 barrelslarger than suer before The school is ger- sidewalks
of apples, with the : ssistanoo of a boy for cer-
tainly worthy of the la ge patronage which Gutta Percha Rubb r Co. expand -
a day and a half. fluting the same time ib is enjoying. ing bugs.., 2 50
he also had oha e of twenty-four men, S. GRACEY'S Ls John Elder, insp ting local im•
packing. This is only ono week's work—_ provements,
and he has been employed for over • five Remember, we take no John Huffman, w tering streets
weeks, having lea • ed on the cars upwards prices for Furniture. 11 B Elliott, print ng and advtg
1 of 3,000 barrels- f the cboioest apples. Mattresses, wool two sides, for $2,25. A Brisbois, pnttin, up fire alarm
This is no apple s ory but can be vouched Spring bods, 2 centre supports, for $1.50. John Murray, reire
for byWitnesses. Who is apple king? Jas McGuire, ex charges
/ A bedstead complete with castors for Ed Rankin, flush ng drain
As UNPRsCEDE TED DEMAND—The news $1.40. T H Manuel ea : ry and work on
from Montreal i dicates an unpre•, dent- For bice wedding or birthday presents line
ed demand for th =premium piotu t of the Peep in at S. Graeey's window. W m Ganuott, p
Family Herald =nd Weekly ar, "The Picture frames as low as 25 cts. We Jae )\io]ielvie, de
Thin Red Line," which i p .nounced by make a specialty of framing pictures and V yaun elvie, ;
everybody to be he gree es •attle picture wreaths` Young & Pauli
of the British 'mpire 'he men of the Before you buy, -call and see our new Coun &s ,
line have just e • ptied t err rifles into the styles in bedroom autres, parlor suites and, That iroun &
horde of Russi n cavalry, and have fixed as far as it lice U
couches. The prices will speak for diem• g
their bayone = to receive the assault. Robinson--Irw
Every suture 10 itself. Every Our new 2 and 3 ply all wool carpets the Finance Com
y fabs is a Pare the finest in quality and patterns we and cheques tee
private in that olid atone wall of red coats have ever yet shown, and our folded carpet accounts.—Carrie
tells his own atry of defiance and heroism. paper and stair pads will astonish you. Bv.law No. 3iit
"The Thin R:. Line" will be, and is Before you buy just take a look at what we law No. 366,1;040
already, an his .rie picture. The publish- have. was read three ti es and passed.
ere, no doubt, c ul FREE to anyone who can find rn Wingham meet ourreht expe
ands of them i they would, but we hear a furniture store having as nice a variety not needed and it
they are refusi g all offers for them, and of up to date goods and of as good quality heading—Lem
reserving thein exclusively for Faplily Her- and make, in medium lines, and at as low eel to the credit
ald subscribe :, when their renewal sub• prices as can be found at S. GRACEY'S Carried.
soriptions are .cut in. 'i FURNITURE STORE. 4t On motion the
!11ar in
r 25 rents; 4
eats at Huecei.
lights, Oct.. 33 02
w w........ 2 50
Clerk, select -
m y
back seat on
9 73
8 00
6 17
4 00
10 00
10 59
w points 1 60
als, tramps 2 40
ataxy for Oen,34 00
supplies 9 81
k on streets 26 99
Paulin's account be paid
u certified to.
—That the report of
tttee as read be adopted,
'ed for the respective
a bylaw to repeal by -
at last Council meeting
d sell husidrecis of thous- A $5.00 parlor chair or extension table Bylaw No.•306' was a by-law passed to
see, but the money was
as therefore repealed.
ex—That $300 be pieta
E the School Board—
^•until then adjourned.
eter shipped two carloads of c tle from
the same place on Friday last
The old reliable St • r .stanrant still
takes the lead. A ne • ne of oranges,
figs and banannas just , •ceived.—JAs. Mo.
—It was reported around town Tuesday
evening that a deer had been seen in the
neighborhood of Zetland. A number of
hnntamee from town went out Wednesday
morning to look for his deership.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
Tents' furnishings try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
"A cloth dipped in alcohol or glycerine
and rubbed over the glass will prevent the
frosting of store windows," says the Dry
Goods Review. Yes, and the best way to
keep frost out of the store itself is to ad=
veetise in the Tiles.
Fresh oysters arriving natter at 1ttoKe1-
vie's Star restaurant. We serve them in
any style.---JAs. McKerean. tf
•--.Mr J McZelvb'. of the Star Restaurant
has put a sympbonion in his store, The
instrument plays all kinds of tunes and the
many patrons of the Star Restaurant have
the privelege of listening. to the different
selections every time on entering the store.
Jimmy is bound to be in the lead.
For Coughs, Colds
and Lung 'Troubles
1 .17'11 A LING
ALS Allif
is recognized by all to he
the best preparation.
Try it. For sale at
Drug Store.
Every Bottle Griatroarit+ d.
Good apples, butter and gs wanted at
the Corner Grocery, y , u Meets. tf
—The Triggs clubs with all the leading
newspapers and :magazines.
A good second-hand coal stove for sale,
cheap. Apply at Trues office../tf.
—Messrs 13urchill & Robe
a car of cattle on Wedges
We have a line
for our ctis tomer
—Tho addition to the Union factory dry,
kiln has been about completed.
on shipped:
y. r
, put up specially
ry it.-saaltticuesos
•—Iuapector Robb, of Brussels
school an official visit this wee•
Try 'Kitchen Quo•n
warranted pure, l5c
Corner Grocery, M
--The Wilson property pot up at auction
under mortgage sale at the Queen's betel
on Wednesday was not sold.
—Tire Wingham Electric Light Co are
erecting new and higher poi in place of
the low ones in use at pre.
1.1 you waist a di, ger
do well to drop
They will satisfy -on.-- Ir ecnzseet 34 'tiZo
ts.�i�dlN. ... .....
`°;P,3—Mr Ed Haines has sold his beautifa
building lots near the Catholic church to
Mr James G• Stewart, town.;..
—The Darktown Swells, one of the best
travelling troupes will visit Wingham ort
the lath and 14th of December.
We don't blow, but our Xmas stock is
all right this year. Call and see our new
goods.—M. PATTEnSON, Jeweller. • 2m
—Ail those interested in football should
not fail to be present et the .meeting this
(Friday) evening in Dr A J Irwin's office.
—The painters and paperhangers have.
made to vast improvement in tbe appear-
mice of Mr Colin A Campbell's drug store.
Dr. Macdonald is now permanently
at home and can be consulted by
his patrons.
—Mr FI Davis was in Goderich on Satur-
ay and says his son, Mr J E Davis is
busy packing tip his drug stook, etc, and.
expects to arrive here in a few days. y
Turkeys, geese, ducks :.. cliiekeng
wanted every week from on day to Thurso
day; must be dry . ucked clean, (not
scalded) and .t •raver-; leave the tips df
wings on, b cut the heads off.—Jxo:
]inn. Macdonald block. 1t
sr -117r T H•Boss has moved his music
store to his new quarters in the McKenzie.
block, opposite the Presbyterian church
and Mr Leslie Constdble, barber, has taken
lllr Boss' old stand,,`
d out?.
ling Powder,
e• ,oundcan, at. they
n block.
r tea set, you wilI
i and get our prises.
The School Board held their monthly
tneetiug in the council obamber on Tues -
clay evening. Members all present except
:lir. Thos. 13e11.
The minutes of last meeting wore read
and approved.
The principal's report for the month of
October was read as follows:
Boys. Girls. Total. Avg.
Dept.1 22 27 49 46
" 2 27 23 50 45
" 8 22 24 40 41
" 4 14 30 44 88
" 5...,25 28 53 46
" 6 32 15 47 40
" 7 17 37 54 50
" 842 85 77 61
201 219 420 864
Miss Farquharson waa absent for days
through illness. Her place was euppli d
by Miss Sara Farquharson. Non-residents
3. Fees 151.25.
Hiometh—Barber—That the Principal's
report as read be adopted. --Carried.
The following accounts were read : SAM
Farquharson, 4 days' teaching, 114; Wirt
Blanchard, wood, $3.
Button--Barber---'That accounts as read.
be paid.•• -•Carried.
Button -Moore ---That the chairman and
secretary Issue orders for the teachers' aua
officers' salaries for the month of October.
On motion the hoard adjourned.