HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-11-04, Page 88
_ . .
VL H. It -Mill° O.
Last week. lively business in our
Men's and Youth's Clothing Depart
anent, etitnnte i with a record -break
jug da,v tualay. Oar overcoats,
0.1einess Sutt Dress Snits, Trousers.
are much superi r in patterns,
Wyles and quality to the orhtnary
ileady-matie Clothing, sellieg at
apevia 1 prices all through Noveni!ler.
Headquarters for Colored arid
131aett woollens and Silk Goods.
Were never cheaper than our IA ices
for November. It is a certainty Liln
this store rises allow; all others
Dress Goods and Silks. See Slane
day's prices. Fashionable Coats,
Capee, ttoves and Hese at
4Correct Prices.
Winter Underwear
....3urprise onSat urclay.
1.111; W I iNti HAM T1 M ES., NO VE BE R 4
ty attended the fauerel of Mrs Kennedy at
Teesote an Thitreday of last week.
Mies Fleuty remained there until the at • /
rival of Mr Kennedy from Seattle, Wash-
ington territory.
Mies Eva Carruth left last week for
Browneville, where she has enured n. eitu-
atiori s saleslad). Miss Carruth will be
greatly missed in the .;:aabyterian churea
choir, where Ole had leen the leading1
alto s ger fo ...,ta; time.
Mr John aiitobell, of Bozeman City.
Muntana, has returnel home after a very
Pleasant visit to Wingham and other
points. Mr Mitchell, although a citizen
of the U .4 for years, saealte in vary high
terms of *Canada as one of the British
75 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, reg.
$1.50, Saturday for 98e.
10 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Hose,
reg. 30e, Saturday 19e.
5 doz. Ladies' Kid Gloves, Black
and Colored, reg, 90e, Saturday, 46e.
10 doz. Ladies' Hemstitched Hand-
Irerchiels, reg. 10e for se
10 Ladies' Mantles in Blue, Green
and Black, Silk -Faced, reg. $9.00
fort';.tq 00.
10 Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur
Coats. reg. $17.00, Saturday $12.90.
5 Ladies' Extra Heavy Fur Capes,
xeg. ;.Stl.50, Saturday $6.90.
25 Nien's Heavy Ulster Overcoats,
reg :7,,.7.00, Saturday $4.90.
50 1en's Extra Fine Suits, alt -
wool. rt,g. el2.00, Saturday F„'8,75.
75 net:intuits of Dress Goods snit.
able for Skirts, Waists and Dresse-
for Children, reg. prices 50 and. 75e,
.4`Saturcitty your choice for 25e.
Titia is a good chance to get new,
-"fashionaWe goods at less than 'me
'half price. Shop early.
3 7 • •
1411 11,WojeCingotSWW.OWIwW7WelLw.
We .11 he glad to have contri'imtions to this
,COluinu t..iin any of our readers. you hive VIAll•
ening aivar yourseii, drop in and
ttdI ne, said us A note to that effect.
of lambs in February and raised them
and a few weeks ago gave birth to
another pair which are doing well
There is no Dorset in her make up
although all Mr. Wilson's Sheep are
well bred.
Harvesting, turnips. is engrossing
the attention kl the farmers this week.
Hallowe'en passed off without any
of tho sily pranks that were so an
noving to some people.
Mrs, Wm. Harkness' many friends
will be pleased to learn that she is
getting quite smart again.
Mr. IUeh. Welwood, a short time
ago, lined, opened, filled and headed
a barrel of apples in eighteen millet-
- es, which was pretty fast work, the
apples being Tolman Sweets.
Mr. A. Gobel is home after a
months ramble in the States, He
feels very much rested and recruited.
So far as this year is concerned,
HOW THE DISEASE IS DEVELOPED threshing is a historical fact. The
AND CAN BE AVOIDED. yield of grain with the exception of
pease were good.
Mr. J. McRae has; his new imple
rnent house and hog stable cent -
ULT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. eieted and occupied. It is an up -so
date strueture.
From the Advance, Ketnptvllle, Ont.
There is a popular idea that rheu-
matism is eaused by exposure to cold,
and that some localities are infected
with it more than others. Scientists
say that such conditions frequently
promote disease, but from the fact
that this ailment runs in certain fam-
ilies, it is shown to be hereditary,
and. consequently a, disease of the
"The Way War Begins."
Tommy was reading the war new,
when he finished he carne to his mother,
and said :
"Mamma, how do wars begin ?"
"Well, suppose the English hauled down
the Ameriean flag, and that the neer-
Here Totnmy's father interve
"My aear," he said, the "
glish would
blood. Mother -"Excuse me, b they woeld-"
Frequently an individual in whose "Now, dear, wh eve heard of 5000 a
runt !"
tying Tommy
family rheumatism tots not occurred,
develops the disease, and when a ag-
aosis of the ease is made, it is ener-
ally found that the ailment i due to "I am not, sir."
"[3u1 von are, madam-"
a derangement of the blood/. "Don't call me madam-"
One such sufferer who/ has been "Pit catI yon anything I see fit-"
cared is Capt. D. W. 136eket, who "I'm sorry that I ever saw you ; you are
lives in the townsh /of Oxford, 50-11
Tommy going out -"Oh, I guess I know
Grenville County. pt. Becket is how wars begin."
the owner of 275 a cs, and lives in But as it was about supper time the
a beautiful farm home on the banks comforting influences of an infusion of
"Sld"C T overcame the
of t;te. Rideau some three miles from strained family relations, and peace again
Ketnpsilie. In addition to being a reigned. Buy your ',Salado), Ceylon Tea
thrifty farmee, Mr. Becket has taken from N. A. Farquharson of "Tho ohiooi
an enthusiastic interest in our volun-
House," Wingham.
teer force, and has graduated from OTITJRuE. iserrn.s.
the military college at Toronto with
The W 0 T U wilt meet Tuesday after -
Mr.; CI.;') Masan is visiting with friends
in Londea.
Mr. f. MoKelvie, of Wroxeter, was in
Uwe ..aa Wednesday.
S Annuet is away on a week's visit
to frau.as in New York state.
Mr Saliolield, of Woodstock is visiting
oitli it: Joha Carr who is still very ill.
Mrs. Satherlaod, of Blyth, was yisiting
-with Ler daughter, Mrs. A. H. Carr, this
Mr. 3. W. Parker, of Clifford, has taken
4% situation as porter at the G. T. B.
Mr. A. and Miss E. Bainton, of Blytb,
itvere calling an Wingham friends on Wed-
J 3 Elliott, V S, and wife, of Clifford,
fspent Wednesday with 'friends in this
Mr. Sixtus E. Kent and bride arrived ir.
t own last Friday evening after a two
vree.ke' wedding tour.
Mrs. Hunter, mother of Mrs. (Rev.)
Lose has returned from a visit with&
denin Bayfield.
Mr. W. R. Davis and two daughters, of
li1itelt11, were in town over Sunday, visit-
ing with his brother, Mr. Dayis.
Mr. Frank XcLanchlin left on Friday
last for bete:tit. Frorn there he will go to
not Springs, where be will epend the win-
ter mutt,.
Mr Geo Ballard, of Listowel was in
town this week looking for a place to open
boat and shoe store. He has since loca.t-
4d. Ktricardine.
Mr. Winfield, a colored preacher of the
British Methodist church, was in tov,n
last week, soliciting subscriptions in aid of
the above denomination.
Mr Morton, of the Bell '.uelepholie Co,
•avim has been. ill at the residence of his
tancle, Mayor Morton, for a short time, left
for his home in Hamilton on Tuesday.
Mr A 1/ Cochrane, of Brussels was in
town a few days this week and gave tine
Inttf; ft Ca. He was on his way to Ford.
*doh where he had a set of irsoks to audit.
aid 1411kt Plell•
"Pray, do not i
"But you are
a wrong
Dr. U. 11. Ui it medical pi aetit
lonec Thorold, was found dead in
bed at hi a rooms.
Waadaeoc-eInit-leti4t.eitf;rd. tit the mid •
Ar.ee of Robert Dees, Douglas. gt., on
net. 21. the wife or William H.
formerly o Winglinw, of eon (etill
(Pennaten--In Morris, on Oct. 31st,, the
wife of Mr. Le..vis Pepper, of a son,
m ann.= D.
Lawn? -AN Pat.:401v --At the rasi den ee
of thebride's parents, near Helmer° on
Oot. 27th, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy. of
Wroxeter, assisted by Rev. D. Rogers, of
Bluevale, Mr. Howard Lowry, of Del-
more, to .Miss Eulila, daughter of Mr.
Richard Anderson.
Maras:an- Gonnate-At the residence
Of the bride's father, on the 25th ult.,
by tho Rev' F. A. MeL'ennan, Dr. Me-
Intyre, of Chicago, lately with J. S. Jer-
ome, L. D. S.. of Wingham, to Betsy
3 a n e, second dilagh ter of Mr. Roderick
Gallen, of the ist concession, Kinloss,
SOTHEItAN-GIFOON --At. the rectory,
Gorrie. oo Ont. 25th, by Rev. A. B. Far-
ney, Mr. Edward D. S:othertin to Mrs.
Mina °Ibsen, both of Fordwich,
a first elass certiheate, which entitles
him to the rank of Major. To a re- IL
porter of the Kemptville Advance,
Capt. Bteket made the following state-
ment: -"Four Nea.rs ago 1 was taken
s'.udheni e by rheuelatiaiu in both
trly elbows stel thigh juints. The,
pale at dines Was something terrible.
took ntedieine and. doetured for
twee Six but continued. to
grow worse and worse. My artns
front the elbow joints to the tips of
the tingere b.s.tame numb and had a,
pr:ckty sensation, and I was unable
to du any work; in fact I could not
lift my hand . to tay head.
The pain I suffered in my hips was
also must auharable and my legs was
nearly as' useless as my arms, I had
freqnently. red testimonals where
D. Willtains' Pink Pills had cured
this disease, and at last I thought I
would try them as an experiment.
Before I bad completed the first box
I felt they were help;ng me, and after
I hadtaken the pills a little more
than a month, the . pain had en
tirely left me, and1 felt an altogether
differeut man. I feel satisfied there
ie no other medicine could have
wrought such a speedy cure, and I
can truthfully say I met the eueiny
and defoated him througn the aid of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr.Williams'Pluk Pills are a speeifie
to all diseases arising from an im•
povertshed condition of the blood or
a shattered condition of the nervous
forces, such as Si. Vitus dance, loco-
motor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis,
sciatica, the after effects of la grippe,
loss of appetite, headache, dizzieness,
Arcade erysipelas, scrofula, etc.
They are alsoa specific for the troub-
les"r to the female
pe eu asystem,
correcting irregular ities, suppressions
and all forms of female weakness,
building anew the blood and restor-
ing the glow to the pale and sallow
eheeks. In the case of men they eff.
eat a radical euro in all cases arising
from mental worry, overwork or ex•
cesses of any nature.
Protect ourself against imations
by insisting that every box you pur.
ehase bears the full name Dr. Will-
iams' Pink Pills for Pale Pei)ple.
o0011 at 3 30 the 0 F hall. A large
ttenrlance is desiied.
Rev Jas Hamilton, formerly popular
pastor of the Baptist ehuroh here has re-
cved mid a co.
accepted 11 to the 'miswrote
5 the a.ptiet ()much at Palraerston. Mr
Hamilton and family tete on Wednesday
for their new Mine. His litany friends
here will join with us in wishing him every
success in his new field of labor.
Rev. Mr. Pocock and wife fire in town
tide week, and many a . heart i3 glad of it,
for Mr. Pocock has been addressing meet -
togs in the Christie)) Workere' Mission
Hall, on that soulonepiring truth, ."Chriat's
,9eoond Coining." All aro invited to the
meeting this (Friday) eveuing at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Pocock uses maps and charts freely
and i8 honest in dealing with the Word.
• •
For the treatment of DISEA'ililS OF WOMEN and
SURGICAL OASES of all kinds. For particulars
Medical Superintendent, iVingham. Ont.
AltTlfUlt J. IRWIN, 1) D S, L 0 S,
Doctor of Dental Suruery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College And Lionnti ,ta t,f the Royal College
or Dental Surecons, of Ontario. °Mee mer Post
Office, Wmetham
11.111110{01,..11•1110110111041wWW•wiMooll YoPoweiviliNOWO.Rowwww.
Is opening up this we.:k a large shipment of
bought on very special terms from an overstocked manufac-
turer, which will be sold to customers at unprecedented prices..
These blankets are large, heavy anti fine, with wide blue or
pink borders. Your choice of them while they last (which will
not be long) at $2.75.
, •Another Snap in Ready-made. Clothing. We
bought out certain lines ot special values from one of the most
celebratedmakers in Canada, almost at our own prices, and
the public can now have the benefit of our shiewdness.
Great success in the sale of MANTLES, Fur Coats and_
Capes this season,. and we are reeiving repeat orders of the
very newest styles that have been reachcd this season, every
few days, so that our stock is w.and clean all the time. Our
Shoes and Rubbers, Groceries, &c., are all new, fresh and
good. Prices still lower.
D. M. GODON, Direct Importer
Baaegg ;la -ea,_g; taaatameeta-; Laktralev terettz came* tereaaa-rease ee;a:assea.a-caaame IL- ea teargaresealreeaaeta araear:e
ar 0.1J
14 oe
An r;Jr
LtItli Itt V, RI
idi li.. •1 0
14117.' et
inRd 11
0 Have enjoyed for the past three years a large share of the ail
k1-114 Crockery Trade of this district, and Ni
3,000 cords of wood Wanted at the
Wingham Salt Block, Highest cash 11,1
price paid for same on delivery.
North of 0. T. R. .The undereigned
offers for stile 12 acres of ()hole() land in
the old Town Plet of Wingham, beauti-
fully situated, overlooking the town. On
the property there is a good frame holm
with six rooms and stone cellar and
woodshed ; hard and soft water, frame
barn with stabling ; straw shed and drive
shed ; good orohard or choice fruit. Also
eleven rims nwee or less, of good land
without buildings ; well watered a title
good. For parteenlara apply to
WM. J1. .f.IlAMPBELL. proprietor,
Wingham P. 0, Oat.
After extensive alterations and repairs
the Church of the Sacred Heart was re-
opened on Sunday last by His Worship
Bishop O'Connor. High Mass was cele-
brated at 10.30 by Rev. Father McKeon,
the pastor, after which the Bishop
administered the sacrament of aonfirma-
tion and gave a very interesting discourse,
embracing many subjects. He explained
the use of candles, incense and water in
the ceremonies of the Church, and also the
Catholic doctrine with respect to the Real
Presence. After Vespers in the evening
the Bishop took for his text, "I believe in
the Communion of Saints." He treated
his subject in a very able manner. Cath-
olic belief in Purgatory and prayers for the
dead were the principal paints explained .
Ho concluded by thanking the congrega-
tion for a very patient hearing and also
for thoir generous contributions. He asked
them never to condemn the beliefs of any
church without first finding out all they
could regarding them. The choir was very
ably assisted by Miss Donovan and Mr J
W Duncan, of Ssaforth. The collections
amounted to nearly 0103.
Mr. Ed. Bradwin is re-engaged in
Isle. 8 for next year. The consensus
of °pillion is in favor Mr. Bradwin
and the trustees know and appreciate
a good teacher.
Mr, Thos. Wilson of the 2nd can,
has a ewe which gave birth to a pair
(assassin/re syseas0.
r. Purely CANADIAN.
2. National in its character.
3. Age limit -18 to 4,5.
4. Fixed Premium. No Death Assess-
5. Gives $500, $i,000, $x,soo or $2,000
members and their dependents since
organization, 1879.
•7. Careful medical selection. Death
rate for the 18th year of its history,
only 5.44 per 1,000.
8. Has a larger Surplus on hand for
each $r,000 risk than any other
Society of the kind in Canada.
dollar of the Surplus invested out-
side of Canada.
To. Premiums and Interest accruing
therefrom used ONLY FOR PAYMENT
II. At a cost of from 2 tO 4 cents a day
any healthy man (an acceptable
risk), can secure $1,000 Insurance
for his family or dependents.
Full information sent on application to R. Rum=
H. C. R. Ingersoll, Ont.; Tilos. WHITE, II. S.:
Brantford, Ont.; ERNST GARTRNO, Superintendent
or Organization, Brantford, Ont.
to meet our customers with a 'ull and up-to-date
stock of NEW GOO S and all new styles
and patterns and N PRICES.
make an effort this year to secure a still greatershare, and
to do so we are
going to allotv anyone to undersell us. It will not
long to convince you of
call and spend a few
act if you are only willing to
es of
time with us. Our stock of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and Toilet
Sets are acknowledged to be (without a doubt) the best
goods, prettiest patterns, and choicest designs shown in the
town and. for the least
Our Grocery /Department is always replete with fresh,
choice goods. In this line we handle nothing but the best
and let you have them ttt the closest living 'profits. We
don't want your money
11,-X15111:1113.1•16-11511WW•' IWOORROVIS1102...L.1-$1
" The China House," Wingharn.
et -50-5 WiN311 PeEd a --eaell-aW.ZE as1-0-6`7.-sri rarig e7- FaZe r'aaa*1:-_1574.5
',"opular oo,\ store
us the chance of making one big CLEARANCE of this season's
- Wali aper
The holiday time is coming and we want the space.
goes the price of WALL PAPER. The whole stock goes -
Wall Paper, Window Shades, etc., at greatly reduced prices.
Agent Dominion Express Co., and office of C. P. R. Tel, Co.
ALEX. ROSS, Popular Book Store.