HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-11-04, Page 5J
ertai, 'm/lir'ti'"aL siaael,aarceegfa 9aaar'att9/0 ! "0� 'fa!m49dW este
. $ We want to say that our stock
rofy -- rel of Woollens for tall and winter is
complete. We have some
best and most stylish goods in
1ot1iiiig market in
paela la,erazecla
da Winter Underwear, Hats, Caps .nd all kinds of GeutsI cunishings, ,
Waterproof goats, Ready-made Pants and Overalls. • v
05 It is toy our interest to inspect our stock before purchasing Clothing. i
Cr-7.E•�wr�.W — J ..
.,..�A sesta with all its contents totally de
• stroyed by lightning on the night of
Opp. mean's Hotel,
i.10W1t.:IC. GOItItIE. •
Miss Maggie Phair,. of Milbank,
was visiting with ber aunt, Mrs,
Wm. Dunlop.
Rev, Mr. Varney was in Wingliani
on Tuesday,
We are sorry to report the death
of Mr, Fred Evans,. which sad event
!took place on Thursday of last week,
Deceneed had been suffering from
Bright's disease and other troubles
for some time. He 'was a member of
Court (lorrie, No. 57, Canadian
Order Foresters and the funeral on
Saturday afternoon was conducted
by the above Order. The bereaved.
family and Mende have the sym-
lathy of the community in their af-
Mrs. Montgomery, of Godericb,
and her• daughter, Miss Eliza are
visiting at Mrs. Montgomery's broth-
er, Mr. Samuel Greer.
Mr, Jacob I3eswitheriek, who has
been ill for some time with tybold
fever, is progressing as well as can
annual meeting of the members ut be expeeted.
No, 1, Turnberryr and Howick beef 0. 0, F. Inspectt.r W. G. Strong,
ring was held at the, resideahee of I was working around home for some
Mr. 11. Hennings There was a 1 days last week and as a result of his
large attendance of members. Mr.I labors Court Gorrie, No. 57, *had to
J. oecupied the and eltair• Dug- held a special meeting almost every
ald l racer aeted as setsr•t'Ialry. The i night fur tbe initiation of new mem-
minutes of last yearly meeting and bers.
he isuditors report were read arui
!sold ains farm of 150 tierce to Mess week Mr, Robert McIntosh
Lane and Hutchison for $6,300, the
the latter taking the 90 acres with
homestead and buildings and Mr.
Lane the remaining 60 acres in How -
fele. By this sale Air. McIntosh gains
Iw600 in advance of the price lie paid
for the property a few yeat•a ago,
Mr, McIntosh hos purchased the 200
iacre farm from the e:(ccutoes of the
late Crockett Willits for 0,700.
i Alt•. Richard Anderson hard hie
W inghani. the 23rd of August, during the severe
thunder storm which raved in this
way, 1��yc�4L�b�+ . „," vSty t ' ° district. fol has since, however,
erected a barn on the salve site whichA
ce-emeu .+oa*� oa•�•►aenamco r•®oo�aoo�aa +o-�•oelitaeati
He won't use it, because its "shine" lasts
.G too long, and seems too simple.
'Pays him better to use a
wax pore -filler, and polish
up a previous polish.
)raid by the week,
instead of by the pair,
he'd shine the actual
. leather, hard And
smooth surfaced, with
ST, tE
For Saie Only by HO UTH _ BOWLES.
is now approaching completion.
together, the year will prove a mem-
orable one in conneetton with the
gent►em'an's agrieultural and Canes -
tic experiences:
On'1ac.stley evening last,
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will. take
care of them for you. if you need
m 1 st the third
ci,nfimud , The cattle slaughtered
had tide year averaged 457 lbs. dress-
ed and it was proposed that. in the
corning year the standard should be
450 lbs. fano the price fixed at 5
cents per lb The first beast was to
be brought to the butcher the second
Friday in June, 1899. The oict olid:
eels were 1 e•appeinted and at the
close of the meetnee e,xpres:ed them-
selves as perfee11y satisfied with their
butcher, :far. lieunings and an uu-
aniutous vote of thanks was atieurded
to tue inspectors, whose duties had
been light and also to the auditors
fu.i their gratuituus and efficient eer-
GLASSES I3 ttu t:6E i. 5.
Airs. (Rev.) Ahoy was visiting with
her sis,er ie law, Mrs. Stewart, trims
is seriously ill at her ladle, in Brain
of Lord. guests of Alias Edith Gibson last
Mrs. Adam Douglas and d;o gllters. l
of Grey town.hrp,'liave beut+nie rend- I week•
dent: of Brussels. ` Miss Sarah Bray has returned
1)r. A. Lowry and. family arrived home from a- visit ru friends in De
in Brussels t'roin London mud taro trait, and other Michigan punts.
getting settled in tltt;lr new huauc-..
M". 1ualtet• Butnelt, of Wilt, was
The first monthly hot,e. fair Was visiting his sister, Mre..Tboa. Smith.
Mrs. Allisou Gibson is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Geo. 11'repel) at
13 nion ville.
Mr. W. R. Thomps'm, of Teeswa.t
er. has disposed of his cooper•shop.
and property to Mr. Thos. Smith.
Mr Fred Adolph, sr„ of Chesley
was visiting with friends here last
w etls.
buy them from us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, .and all kinds
Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to.
You Try It.
Ie Shiloh's Cough and
Dore, which is ;sold foythe
25 ets., 50 cts. and t
take the bottle bacl4
your money. Sold for over fifty years on
this guarantee., Price 23 ets, and 50 ets.
. 1 •"•.•,
A q get and pretty little wedding
took place at the residence of Mr,
Richard Anderson ,din Thursday the
27th inst. at 11 a. m„ when Alias.
Eulila Anderson was united in marri-
age to Mr. Iiowarrl Lowry, of Bel
nrore, Mr, Iienneda, of Wroxeter,
assisted by Rev. Air Rogers, of Blue
vele, performed the pleasing etre•
rnony./The bride, who was very
handsomely and becomingly attired,
yvas given away by her father. Miss
Addle Anderson, sister of the bride,
acted as bridesmaid and was also
very prettily attired, The groom
was attended by Mr. J. W. I3etdeit,
of Molesworth. The wedding utar ch
was played by Mrs. Rogers, sister of
the groom. After the ceremony had
been pet formed and good wishes had 1'
been . bestowed upon the young
couple, the guess were invited to
the dinging room, where beneath an
elaborate etch a tempting table was '
spread coveted with the most delici-
ous viands. The bride was the re-
cipient of numerous costly and use-
ful presents among which was a
beautiful piano cased organ, present
ed to her by her uncle, Mr. Joseph
Andcraon, of Winnipeg. The happy
couple lett- on the 2 30 train for Tor-
onto and different points of interest.'!
Mr. Robert Lane, who bas been on
a holiday trip to Dakota and Alani
toba, returned home last week,
M . Robert Nilson has returned
Ensu mpton
mall price of
does not cure
d we will refund
The annual meeting' of the Bible Our teacher, Mr. J. D. Campbell,,._.. - -,__a. """'
Society was held in the basement of has been engaged fur another year. Miss Maggie Roherrsm is recover -
the Presbyterian church on Monday Mrs. D. N. McDonald is visiting ing from an attack of erysipelas re lov in
by Reg. Addresses were delivered friends at St. Helens. her face.
by society
- resident d, agent of the The butter factory closed for the • sirs. Adaru Cle�h;n v, of the I31txe
sueietF and resident ministers. season on Monday Inst, The butter vale road, has returned suing freta:
A number of our spurts are up in maker, 111 r. \'4'illium Johnston, sun Manitoba, where she wa.; visiting
Muskoka this week shooting deer. of Air. Janes Juhteston clerk of Car -her children.
Mr. Howard .3nell, of Prince Al- rick has been re-engaged for next; lir. Alex. Craig wain \\-auterton
from harvesting in the Prairie Prov-
Iare sweet. They have that
delicaa.e, rich unity flavor
that only Pan -Drying can
) ield. You do not have to
Acquis a likitet for them.
The first (lisle you at will
convert you, it ' ye,u have
iron using ordinary Boiled
Hats. Your grocer sells them
—by the pound
like Rolled Oats may yee
fail to satisfy your taste,
Half the pleasure of tett
ing food lies in the Mete
of it, Bitter. )dolled Oats
do not tickle your palate,
neither do they help di
!a -et -akin. There Is no neer)
of eating Bitter Rolled
ore RI 5
The Tillson oo; e•, f amitea,
Titeonbura, oat
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed in the Metho-
dist church here next Sabbath. .
pert, N. W T. was visititag with his
year. Al r. Johnston is an excellent,
amts, Mrs. T. F. Miller, butter maker, as the following cotn-
A tr•avelhnn eumpany gave a Inc nlctnicatiun will above :
gical entertainment in the town hall '•1\'e are well pleased with your
last, Thursday evening.' butter•, and no doubt in time, it will
The Mise, ysewart, of Palmerston, butter,
quite popular in our city if
;and Hiss McLeanof Ayton, were the you keep up the quality and send it
regular. The Wm. Davies Co.,
Limited, Toronto."
Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts.
Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Ilarveet Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, harness Oil and Soap.
on short notice, and at reasonable prices.
R, a M A '+,esd M AT H.
heat in the village' on Thursday ut
last week,
Dr. l(albflsisch, who hits been
-quite ill for some tune:, is again pith:,
a e are pleased to say, to tat cuu:,u it
ed by his patients at his ollice. The
Dr, hos regarded the assiotunce or a
competent physictan w4tu will aid
,lith in his praetitte wail he is fully
t'eetorcd tai his former guod hearth.
lir. May, GUverllutent In:pet:Ito of
Public ).Libraries, paid an oLideiat
Visit CO 131118SL:1S and dIsCab ed waall
the Public .Library Boatel and mem-
hers of tilt; 000: ell the prupnna1 ul
the town t ine:Ai ala,ranitig the tam-
,.rul of our r.xe,ellent litj''at y etre
thereby throwing it open t,u the use
fyevery resident of Brussels.
1:11t'ly Monday 11)0111rng or last
week Mrs. 1 ut,to t Ditiesou, a turuler
well ki:own reeioerlt of Grey and
[ituyoeia, pasatd away float time,
aged lid y ears. Slits bad beet; in
puts health for some little tineate'he
tnlernlent was matte in Brussels
cemetery on Friday of ,irti011it of last
week A large -circle ui'old friends
sinew:'el, sympathise -with the be
,\la vee. Mrs. s. Dickson is a sister of
-int,. R. Grant, of Wini,ipeg, Siulun
Grant, of Gley township, at;d Mrs.
las decided *o give his ctistotners and the people in general the greatest
chance of their 1if'e to save money by pui•chosing their fall and winter
rods from hien. His stock is complete in all up-to-date Dress Goode, corn -
rising I3unckle. Figured, Braided, Stripes. Checks and Plain, from eheapes-
ao finest New York styles in Tailor-made Mantles in Beaver, Fine Broad
Cloth, heavy Curled Bouckle and Frieze in all colors ranging from $3,00 up
, ,o 010.00.. - r
Lrdies' FUR CAPES and JACKETS. These Jackets are of the best
-pelts (no tender skine) and are guaranteed to wear. Every person who in-
' ,r tends purchasing a jacket should see these goods and get prices.
See our special lines of Ladies' Vests in Lamb Wool, Marino, Natural
•'Wool and Union from 15e up. Men's, Boys' and Children's Underwear in
Unions and Ald•Wools ; also Heavy Lined Americanmakes from 22' a each
garment to the finest Seotch wear. Men's largest sizes always kept in
re A full line of Men's, Boys' And Children's Suits and Overcoats to clear
4 ; :out at special low prioes.
ing way at the seam in these goods. Special from $5,00 up.
Men's Tweed Rain -proof Coats, Mandleberg's Served Seams.
No giv-
La(lies' Tweed Circulars with 1, 2, 3 Capes in different colors, also
2Iandleberg's sewn seams; just the thing for this season at special price.
I ata the o,]ly merchant in Wingham who keeps a full range Of Car -
;gets in Brussels, Tapestry, All Wool, Unions and Hemps. Also Linoleum
Oilcloths. -"
, Tapestry ctnrpets front 35e to '75e,. Unions from 2rale to
Stlea IX 'nips trona 12c to tie,
Sf�e the new line of Envelopes
Spence, of Guderich. '
Scott's Emulsion is not a
";baby food," but is a most
excellent food for babies
who are not well nourished.
A part of a teaspoonful
mixed in milk and given
every three or four hours,
will give the most happy,
'The cod-liver oil with the
hypophosphites added, as in
this palatable • emulsion, not
only to feeds the child, but
also regulates its digestive
Ask your doctor about this.
• got. and $1:00; all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Ctlemists,'rerento.
a. few days ago and disposed {tf his
shouse and lot in that town..
Mr.. Edward Leceh retuned last
' week. from Detroit, where - bo was
vi it], g relatives.
• dr. and Mrs. Dennis and t'hildren
have returned to then - home in Oeist-
orville after a_ visit to Airs. Dennis'
old haute here.
1 We hear that Mr. Bert Leech, son
GLitlN ANNAN. l of Mr. Edward Leeeh of this village.
t .Mr. John Gilnloui• left last Monday - 'w married last week to a Chicago
morning. for Leamington where lin Lady. Bert ripe alt part t o:f his school
has secured a sch•'u1 at 11.;.-l00(1. salary", dttivs here nod E s rt'ry popular
Mr.I;obt. Baird who has been in
all wile knew hill, therefore,
Minnesota fur rhe past le:v mouths we wish him much jay.
returned home last week. M t's. Bit:'kle went le Port Powan on
One night last week some evildis- I rrntsd.'yr t'; attend Ifni funeral of her
pn ed person or persons entered 11r, hruther, the late Weper Rutherford
;fames Thompson's orchard' on the 9th conductor on the South Eastern Rail- •
line and srole a 'lot of his apples that rased, Manitoba.
he had picked, It would ,erve the Last, Friday v nt"; :tins Robert Yoe
parties. well if they were fount) out sent., nt' "Parnberrt , ,aver, Hasti.tgs
earl severly punished. nf'i'nr•nberl\,.t'•11 ,. 'c•n.'•t'We0X
etre, ,and :1t t . :ti. '_ , ry t•t Lo;,don,
Al r. Thos Small, who went to M. 4tartn'i irn• t1tl,Icc+Ic, to rite; in :sur-
itOha. last summer returned horne 111. the hunting ct 94nn. Aad of then)
Inst Thursday, suffering with a se-
h , '
st a c,Ic1 men but Mr. Gl'ftutt is verY
old to he going t:fC battling. We
ware tool he is eighty-ei;••ht years of
vet; while 'Mr. Pott • is seventy-eight.
Mr. 1(1 Cies three loves Rio not wine,
w 01,1 it and sung but ra;l•Cr a hound,
:t 42'oT1 mid a deer and his love began
hi 0 d England. The example of
Lhese gay old gentlemen is a good;
,.tilt fur us all to copy, slave a keen
intere••t in something and you will
itwin t the progress l f tio:a.
Leaving.—Mr. John 'Cell has nur-
ahaas,•d a huuse in Clinton and intends
t»eving next week He will be
nintb missed as he it a general favor -
e. Our good wishes go with him.
Sales --Mr. E. McVettie, lot 14,
11, has rented his :at m and will
aye 1•1t asrite)len ,sale of his, farm
Rtt,rk a lid implements of Friday the
Ith inst. We understand Mr. Me
Vettie is going tto he lumber woods
his winter.
Nil.. Alex. Watt, who has sold.his
farm to 11r. 1V m. Shep tend bad a
et le r'f his farm stock and implements
,11 Tuesday.
Foresters' Supper.—Last Friday
evening the members of Court Pride
of the West, No. 31, bad a quiet
supper among themselves and also
et:tertained a number of brother
foresters from Blyth.
Notes.---The.Londesboro creamery
closed on Monday after a very suc-
cessful season's business.
The belfry on tbe news' church
adds greatly to its appearance. It
is expected that Rev. Mr. Fair, of
Arva and Rev, Mr. Neal, of Scars -
brook will preach sermons for the
Sunday School at the opening of the
new church.
Mr. Geo. Snell has -purchased a
machine for clipping horses and is
doing a lively trade in this line.
Mr. II. Riddell returned on li'riday
from the West, where be has been
visiting his brothers. Ile says the
weather was very wet and that there
is a great deal of grain spoiled,
Mr. Geo. Axton, called on W. L.
Qaimet:e on Monday in the interests
01 the geoeery trade.
vei•e attack of rheumatism.
Miss Jane Small is visiting friends
in Culreass.
Mr, Richard Small's dog that stud-
alenly disappeared one ;tight about
four weeks ago, put in his appear-
ance at hntne again, and Tommy is
now singing the dug carne back for
it couldn't and it wouldn't stay away.
The illustrated lecture that was
given in Ladies' Church last Thurs•
day evening by Rev. Mr. West, on
"Life in India" was very good. At Mr.Jo.;eph C. Warring -ram, one of
the close, a eoliection was taken tall, th,'• t t+'"'" t cheese art tn'r:'r'o on sue
which amounted to over la.Ol- • ,,, .tn i'1', ha•, made an aassi-fruneet.
Ante' that rsfreshments were, se,•va•at
Peal! �� xv �y
, �j ,,}+,
able evening. t vi
1 h yl]YIle4�
of the Ilth
A'ir. James Thompson
concession cost one of his horses whit
soil Lin,ttiun of th l bowels. A I Covered With Cruhticrls—Could
Not Work, the Suffort1t Was So
l3LUrVALE. Croat—Hood's Haan Curet?.
• "I was all run down with complaints
A paragraph in the Winnipeg peculiar to my sex, and X broke out
news in the Toronto Globe of Wed in sores on my body, ; ead1 limbs and
nesday Of last webf: stated that Lon- mdse and my hair all es ne out. X yraa
' ander the doctor's ttcatntent a long tuna
doctor Rutherford of the South Eest
girt Railway had been crushed be without benefit. They called my troublo
eczema. Finally X began taking Hood's.
Sarsaparilla , and after I had used threo
or four bottles I found X was improving.
I kept on until I had taken several. more
bottles and the sores and itching have dis-
appeared and my hair has grown gut."
MRS. J. G. Btt0'�V t, Brant ord, Ontario.
"X was all run down and had no apps -
1 t'" *N ton- -Sliyi:1tAL Ttt'.ST\VOttTtIV' riilt.
V sa in
n nut ,' tate to
moa art
this ,,4i dt
1 V
heir unnnn•. t,rnrb\• ruunties It le ntn nt, Ulrtt+t' 1. ,r;: r, • ,itt •* it nt hnnte. Ns1at,• strnittht 5500 5
tenv nntl iv:unnRes—detluite, b .nalido no mere, no
leas Inlay. Monthly ¥76. ttelet'eeee4, Tones°
vel'-mitbse•ed ,tntniirtt u..telope, Ilesi,ott 5,1les§,
, ?tot., Dept, Ni, Chient.Y,
tween two cars at St. Annes and ctrl•
of bis injuries. Mr. Rutherford is
the eldest son of Mrs. Rutherford, of
this village. The Rutherford family
have the heart felt sympathy of'the
neighborhood in this their severe
affliction, Conductor Rutherford wets
gust a young man about thirty-four tile. X bac) a tired feeling all the tinte. I
years of age. Ile claves a wife and was advised to tryr Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I did so and it benefited me eo innclx
one child. At his wife's request the that X :would not be without it., ars,
remains were brought to Port Rev- o. X. lsvxrCrcrT, Centtiir, rtortoft, 1 B.
au, Ontario, her former home, i'cr• a . heir$*i
boreal' 1 000r S.. ,.. �
Dr. Moffatt adclressetlu meeting ii;<sthelteatr••infaettie.O.a.e'wriie ,,, ltf
the Methodist church lett Thurada41
,.� ,
evening ntti the word, of tbe 'Upper
Canada Bible and Tract Society.
od;s Pi#is�