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The Wingham Times, 1898-11-04, Page 2
W N(;! I r .'IMMF S, '() ' EMai'kE 4 :er-. David Labor. "t` stet:.ICCs, tint ! L '•ll, can reea(natLiel.(i Ilegyard't Vett'r; tlil tar pains or atnv kind. It ttrttr,,t roe. or a distressing pain tent the rc'lolten• could riot care." Jones S:twvcr, of Verprey, e>"i tier throat wie 1. her Ina b fad's yea and w.s ft;urtti t'tcad in the ,orvha rd. tittle 1=122,2„, 'Vary rase :mama P trc',frareI a;. br;::iz;.: t:cn and ;Ito trey y 3~ a.^ .i ' iftct c ::cdy far Iair.:r: ansa D re'.,,. Des:,:Rod?Taste it:the ?..,•et:,�,`Ci..fcd'rr.':•; l: Tai n in the Selo, TG ILA'+1) L",.'t'f31 . . e .' latseetstt*' the Bowels. stale l' c - Oda.. ' Grin G PM nq e'..7na.n3. Sma w...�.,,1La. )...). i fief fraud o_'the (;av Sec vou get Carter's, How to Dress and Skap :roust The Sprague l''uhhmis'ainn (;e„ Chicago, have issued the following instructions re the dressing and shipping of poultry t In the first place poultry shoo be welt fed an'1 well watered, a then kept fi•nm 1 to 21 hours with- out mina lief • falling. Stock dress- es out hril;...er when well watered and adds to the appearance. Fnll crop injn/e the appearance and are liable to soar, and when this does occur, correspondingly Iov er pric must be aecepted than obtainib f'or choice stock. Never kill poultt by wringing the neck. To Dwass CHICKENS—Killh 4 1".R i, l 7 ,s. r' •I, ( beautifully ti u lv drt, .d i' w'•' , al # 1 � It 1.1. . 1113 141111.1.1 t E � fl•iutti� L'i tr •1ni11t' stiff, wit ( 1tu .in .S•i.' .taw.1! d I 1 i t.nf, ���4k t,1. her ' G f fI' Ll. She held ld lIi d1ala:d at Zt..., t i sharing• bouquet of bridal twee.' riiisit 1 ; After the t #fes N e:•e> pet'furm cz l...l, t. 4 w i , t`ihtl w:arm 'vete the c ri„ "t.at,t.i•,r; ! Id "tendered the young couple. .Viol• 1 nd `(' • witnessing 'his interesting e:e':t the � f guests partook of the good tlai:it: tarepared t')r the banquet. Tiler din. 1 - M1- 'ling room was most artistically' c e.:t r-1 'r.ed, festoons of evergreens from Paine's Carry COMpoihift Gives ' which were suspended f:hineac ,flat The (°lin'it' We °r ler ard I, errs, giving the route a mostdtl�i„;it� • , e, o , ;Jul aapearance. This t:I,Htt,.i•a• w::., . le fieedeu Strength, ! the beautiful floral i13soh.y satistar1.1 'Y_ 1 all that the eye couldctortirt:. It Purifies t?.i.e Blood and lover two hundred ;;'crests sat tto Nu Braces ces the Nerves. i to the rich repast, the bill of fart' he - Y. r vua��r ht- clot-„ in the mouth or npel/ifj the vents cf the neck; hang by tt feet until pros,(+rly bled. Leaa% head, and feet on and du tint Cil)moot i itlte:tit;ei nor crop. .*t'rt idl'(1 chi( ens telt bet t., home dente, and dr picked best to ehil,pt'i n, tao that eithe wanner t'f clre.sfrg will if prayer, e:ceeuttal. I'ar• aeairiing cflick e the r=atter should 1•,e r.. Lt tr the llui mg point aspoabible, ssl,.11udlt bon: pick the legs dry before rca'•din hold by the tread and legs and in worse. and lift up and d+nvn dire times; if the head is ifnmcrsfrd it turn the cords of the comb and gives til eyes a shrunken ap"1'earasnee, whit leads buyers to ttiiuk the fowl ha keen sick ; the feathers and pi feathers should then he removed itu uediately very cleanly, and. wttholi b: eaking the skin; then "pinny” b dippingdippingten seconds in water n?itrI os quite boiling boa and then int ltdiately Into cold water; hang in cool place until the annual heat 1 entirety out et the body. To dry pick chickens properly, the work • siit;ulll be done while the chicken . are bleeding: do not wait and let Ire bt.dies get eo?d. Dry picking is much more easily done while the odies are *arm' Be careful and o not break and tea • the skin. To Dlt,^.,S TtiRKETS. serve the alae instructions ass given fot reparing izhiekens, but always drypick. Dressed turkeys, ten dry picked, always self best and com- mand better prices than se:a cted lots, as the appearance is. brighter and mere attractive. Eudeavor to mar- ket all old and heave gobblers be- fore January 1. as after the holidays the tit -viand is far small fat hen tur- keys irisin, aid Tome being sold at a disci,oat tai eerinee . s AND i'rEnsr--:ill.-aid be ..C:rl':he.1 in the seine tempt,i'ature of teeter as f::•r other kinds of poultry, hut it reelidi t•s riord time for the t.hter tt; pei.errarte red lou.en the fa.c:a`1:(-ria. ;;tante parries advise, after ;;calltiii�g, to wI ap thein in a blanket i•,r the put };r e t.f steaateing, but they reit-: net be left, in this condition I'_ug enough to eoek the flesh. Da nut undertake to drti pick geese and docks•#'uat here,re killing for the pur- raters O,i saving the leathers, as it causes the skin to become Very much infbined, anti is is a €sleet injury to the sale. Do not pick the feathers oaf' Lite bead: Ieave the feathers on for two or three inches on the neck. Do not singe the bodies' for the pur- pose of removing any down or hair, as the heat from the flame will give them an oily and unsightly appear- ance. After they are picked clean, they shank! be held in scalding water abont ten seconds for the par. pose hof plumping, and then rinsed off in clean cold water. Fat, heavy stock is always preferred. I3efore packing anti shipping, poultry should be' thoroughly dry and cold, but not ft( zsn; the animal heat should be entirely out of the! body; pack in hexes or barrels; boxes holaing 100 to 200 lbs. �are,.refer- able, and lack snugly, straighten out the body and legs, so that they will not arrive very Ir.ueLi bent and twisted out of shape; fill the pack- ages as full as pos able to prevent moving about on the way; barrels • answer better for chiekens and ducks than for turkey's (.r ;geese ; when convenient, avoid putting more than one kind to a package, mark kind and weight of each deseription on al the package and mark shipping directions plainly on the Cover. y g ! ing sufficient to sari: f4 the.inost fih t to It Gives Bright Eyes and a Gloat and, rnodious. I'ruft slot llclfurrau with healthy Cnn ex#on. his orchestra rendered sweet, strains ca of music while the guests weli- par• 1'- Miss M tbel Jennoss whose tvoni1eit I takinn; of the dedic"eies Provided far aystea tor the uorrset physwal training,tdlt Ili. The Lueknow Band LL es ill .r' of women and girls ha eo Heil known all attendance and disebarattl many over the North American uoutinent, iaa n sweet select -toils, their inu'•ic being tiro itel,aver in the virtues of 1'.tue'a rib Celery Compound. Wlieu overworked DMA heartily atpplcuial<+ec1. Ii. it 1• I by bar multitudinous ditties she always hard to find a morel. gentleman ly number of young men than we have in our hand. Toe evening went gdickly by and WAS lreal•ti?t enjoyed by all. With anisic; _arid dancing the night sedated to pass rou soon. The bride and - bridegroom were the recipients of inany ':tIual,lc and suitable presents. Seldom 11,1s a young married paw been fa t -w ed. to the• extent of Dr, ll efrityte and his wife. The young couple buy led Wednesday on thea p. ,n, trait, fin' western trip I Stu sure were It not for Chicago, St, Paul and Mardtobaa. It Paine's Celery Compound, widen has a is to be hoped that their wedding, took: el -fecal should out :se able to keep trip will be a pleneant one and Hirst up and stork hard. •'I rccuwtnett(aect 1'aine's Ctelery (twit_ their journey through life will be free flow the many trials and clouds. g; reeuperated and strengthens her system by using Paine's Celery Uclovenad. 1st ' .b letter to %Veils w Itiui•tardsu,n Co., pro- f- prietors of Paina'u l.'plery Compound, e clic says: s "I was induced to try Paine's celery c Compound at a tiwe when 1 wits St, trt,r- i di a uident. overwork from 1 began i'uimedind ately`to regaeet of l s . lee tonic: and blood nourishing effects 1 o take pleasure in saying that, although _ opposed to n,edleiue in general, 1 really consider this an exeelletit preparation. t "1 have not been able to take one day's y rest since t returned from my long, hard v Ask for Carter's, 1l a:1C; de:Ila.nd Little Liver Pills. a s pound to a friend who dined with us yesterday, t.nd on leaving here she went, and bought a bottle. l shall do aft 1 s can for it, for I believe in it.” l� fl '+``ill t+t ii�is;:at n:') QM YOUR b d ,tri it is Woe: or irrogetar don't Hest. to'•e to :Stent tete use of a:1:3 z:r ti's s t:earc acid fleas fi-titsat+ twice. 1) • '.'':•;t . strong, steady, re alar pulse i'r3F..l:y expect T; ige u:, health. f a. te i 4- ateyd.. V:::7: a 'Testi`, in -ca 1:1-, i:1ter!laa.:.--tt guise we can tett at once the • 'sta::ty is Ion.----tl:atDizzy and Faint•S;Ir ,.Smet'i- cr:rt r:r.ri:::nkIn ; ;:: a:t,..::i, and a. -,.:lar can fV,.0 n are b-olind to eS1 lie ti"ir action in str.:awihcair. the hea..1 tuning, the n=ry •s one. i • ric':ting tin: tuning, IIenrt ani Nerve .'i:' e. and ,•.tire fill til.. ed ,.res:.fig co.' ices just cast ; •i.li';, 13. Croft, residing On Waterloo Str' .t. St. John, N.B., sat'',: " !kr sstme.time past I have sutured from :I,.iior, wealsiv,Lei and nerve:u'a pros- • tr ' ', I had , a p ct;on and it r,44 -alar beaila; of the heart so severe as to the great ala.rrn. I was treated • by i'?,y;,icians, but got no permanent ,rel,et. "I am glad to say that frem Milbura's • Ticart and Nerve Pills I derived the first real benefit that I ever got from .any medicine. My appetite is improved, arty entire system toned up, and I can do ria h' s than cheerfully recommend these bilis to all requiring a reliable heart and her ve tonic."- Ilts;s Ma_y e. hicks, South Ray, Ont , says • Laxc4.,Ive. Pitts cured her of Stctt headache, -from which. sbe h.td suffered for a year. Pyziy-Peetora1 A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in alt affections of the Large Bottles, 25e. LIACIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lttnitcd Pro .'s. of Perry Davis' Pa:n-Killer The Db & L. EMULSION The D. it L. :'2MULSION 1i the beet and most palatable preparation of Cod Liver( all,agreeing.withthe most delicate stomachs.yy The 0. 4t L. EMULSION Ta prescribed by ,that leading physicians of Canada. The D. fc L. EMULSION . * x mar,etto a flesh products and will give you an appetite. SOc. L Si pep Bettt°. lot - v , ••.t ne tee, eAner: 'Orrin. the,: 'i,ii„ ^ t u., .• e..l, U.—areal �r•4+wwrwrr•,we.,..+.. Good Planners P'roclalm the fix entia1nam Good manners • r e s al e a social obliga- tion, and a young man should never make light of them nor pass them over as unworthy of notice. The extreme manners of the fop are silly and unnecessary, but the way a well , bred man deports himself is always worth a young man's closest study. Good -manners lnea„ comfort for others and the recognii.tou of little social rights, which to pass over is to degenerate. hatiquitte books cannot il gut d maannurs. Otte's deport' hent cones from, within. Few glen are burn without an intuitive know- led,;e cif what is •wrong or i-i,;ht do pertrlent. It is simply experience that dev elup, the quality. To be good mar net ed generally me=ans to • have consideration for women of , every rank in life, and that is it quality which young men cannot l)ussess too stongiy. — Nuveznbet' Ladies' IIorue Journal. write to alit, norEx(Tz, be is HE DOCTOR WFil CITES ( cvea',:ars, of gran. lisp rt sere:tiac tr•;at'n:int. Inatrie•tit. eo0b t•,an,: Address G. 11. IP,fti•:ItTZ, M. L. t•;;L Woodward Asa., Detroit, Mien. L CCKN CIW. Seven new iron stringers are being plaeed under the bridge in the centre • of the village. The work when costr.- p,leted, including the iron work, etc., will cost about $70, of which sum the county council pays aftts Messrs. Hunter Bros., of Kincardine.. have the contract. ' i A Hallowe'en supper was field in x • the Methodist church on Sir,.,rlay evening. After supper had he* t -t served, a first-class progranit ne was rendered. Dr. John McIntyre and MIA . Goutan were married by toe Rey. Sfr. Itic;Lennan, South Kinloss, Tuesday • evening • at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. R. Gotten, one of the oldest and most :•espeeted pioneers of Kinloss. Promptly at 6.30, p,in. the solemn ceremony was announced by Miss Lees, of Lueknow, rendering' the sweet strains of Beethoven's wed- ding march. The bride leaning on the arm of her father, and supported by her sister Miss 13. Golaan, the bridegroom supported by his brother Mr, D. McIntyre, proceeded to the parlor where the happy couple were made one. The bride was most CAST0'.•; 1 For Infanta and Children. G The fan- ,�/ , oig2atarered_ ��.y: �% -t ©tty 0I �, ®'"vfiv "° ;,y''� Wry ?PM Hovrick Council. Gorrie, Oct. 19th, 18013. Council met to day in the t lwnship hall, Gerrie, pursuant to atcdjn trn ment, all members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meet- ing met.•ing read and adopted. Mr. William Jacques wanted (nall council with reference to his road di i;ion as it is in a dangerousdconditio by parties taking out sand. Moved by Mesrs Doig and i"inle that the pathmaster notify those parr• ties who took Band off tae road to have the hole property filled op an•f left in a, safe condition or the council wilt be obiiuefl to take •td ion. --•:`agar Moved by Messrs. Finley and D',iir that Tay -Law No. d to the 'ear 1.8J8 be read the third time and pissed.— CCar. it:lseid.— ar. ACCOUNTS �.,}C_iT. I . 4 t''at% C. Rodgers ;17.20 far nravelitu -r. - sv e,.:.:,..,.ytr'"..r ne.... ro' a".m ,..>..q.^:• 0 fl wn,.nW.y..Mr, 0 • 'e✓at.titaa lsr. ':cil'i'a rlaa�:ml';:?: '„(elier'a °.:? *'�' '••m. are Infants 'CaS<;'i;..,CG'_. '�'(�.. al:ctbh't,f3 end C�1t i(.r 9. �i cttiataftts neither Opium, 1' a:::ph43.o nor otherdYaa.re z sec , b t ,IiCC Et I0 a, ”:�a. r lea ' . � ,.I.' -II .,., OLLl1'4viii`.I•aRl t'er ) °ar e for le, Drops, Seething Syzaps zips w £l Castor On. It iy line r`.,tnn'.i. �t:t guarantee is thirty years' tette by 1l! 1:iort:t t itlitetlleer. Calk toric, destroys `�t�1 otaanr, and allays( etea x' lenes:i. Cns toriai, prevents vomiting Sour Curd, ev,:°.''.;i ria:'rhea.`.$ and sled Colic. Castotht relieves AE;e`.idatg treatises, CI"arsto Conantltaatio:i and . hate lexicy. CI-an:st °ia'u a'ii:tiinilat.tes the Food, regulates the Stomach Mint, l3 nvebs., giving'healthy aand.:natural sleep. Custc'ria is the CL.1.1 ,.rev's Panacea—alae :Mother's Friend. Ora ato ia, 1 Castoria. "Caatoria is cat e;:cello t irct:icinn for "Castorim in so well adapted to children children. mothers have rep: tta:1y 1015 are that I recommend it as superior to any pre - of its good eficet upon their cl.iidre,,." seription :mown to Ine." Dn. G. C. Os00on, Lotus,,, Ii�a.s. II. A. ,Serax 11f. D. Rroaki v, N.. 1: 1 3 , THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERYWRAPPER. �; a N" rrerA,"1 Ct1MPnMY. :T r,u Fnav .r,rtez'r. New Yontt cIrY. %r•`3f7g::::gZ:'`s.rti 'i..'12w4.�.`.`fs.aTe.114 n$MT�ir�t1i "�•i �'J'.- �! 4a1:4E :ti. • . Try breathing the fumes of tur- pentine or carbolic acid to relieve whooping cough. ORLIal:ED XIDr3. YS, Refuse to Work—Foreign Matters Collect and Disease Follows—South American Kidney Cure Relieves its Erb( Hours, • • A remedy that has the critical testa I that South Americana Kidney' Cure has: had—a remedy wlrlob has tent cases of; kidney disease whose vi-titna were atl death's door anti has 1('d them back GI • ELTO 'S MPS Fill stand wear and tear fear s ears., No better proof can bo given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 2., years ago are perfent hearth --a remedy ernimountietl i, still woi'iiing. — - c for the kidneys aliens• --:a herein i•p^c}lfc— i ,, iL remedy ,fiat has 'Iry :away (aided e n i Ia:.,ON axic3 FORCE PTTiti(Pla" ti testimony given 11 asd,i;Pit,'d by these who 1 S F 7 D l;at'e teen curet, --thus& ba a 7eniedy of I.1ipi33iL'C1 O Order. wondr,rful:ri(•rit. ;'e"ith Araetiva,r Kid -I I-cpafri y 1lot 10 eon 10; John Ilvnittta 82.75 I for gravel; John Stewart $1.50 for i gravel; S. Johnston $3.90 for gravel; R. Russell 75cts. for repairing wool shed"`sat Tp. Hall; R. Peel .•,11 for butidirlg culvert lot 17 con. 8; 0 Itogers x;;1.7& for repairing culvert at lot 10 and 11 can; 13; A. Drummond gravelling and gravel 11 and C boundary; John Gowdy $2 for repairing culvert lot 10 con.. 17; T. D. Edgar $12.60 for sewer pita• culverts; Angus Stewart $2,80 for gravel; I)'mid Campbell $6.85 for gravel; J Bayliss $6 85 for ditching; A. L' ngley t34.70 for gravel ; Waite c+, for culvert let 27 eon 5 ; Jai Lee 25 fer «tial '+.1 v it t '.:'i :::., 2; O. Icegera $1.75 for a'ol'k anti material fin hill and bridge I"orct. siert; R.- Jamieson $7 for frame work for apprc ash to bridge lot 10 con 3 ; Jas. Mitchell :,'2.0 for digging ditch tot 4 con t; ; Mrs. Potter $4.80 for gravel ; Jrrry McKinney $13 for gravelling lot 16 eon 1.4; Edward James $t; for wood for ap. hall, Moved by siessrs, Doig and Finley that this eoutrell do now adjourn to meet again or, the third Wednesday in November in the Albion hotel, Nordwieti. ' Carried. LIz7,Ir Waiatat a, Tp. Clerk. What Oho Believes. at believe Hood's Sarsana'Hila is a good nedioine, because 1 have seen its goad efleets in the case. at my another. She has taken it when she was Wank and her health was poor and she says she knows ofnothing better to build her up and make her feel Strong." 13':ssni M, Krioivr,Ims, U1 per Wood Harbor, N.13, HOOD'S PILLS cure all live ' Marled for 250, by C. I. Hoed & Co, Luwcl1, View, A. CT(VF;SOLICITORS w.tNTiciEV81tYwirSRE 1).. for ••The story of the i'tilipi mos" by Murat lhalstead, commissioned by the Government (01051 - clot 1Iistorian to the war Department. The hook was written in artily camps at San 1•`ransisuo, on the Perift:;with (iouerat Merritt, in the hospitals at lie. noluiu, in ties„ Kong, 10 the Atnvirt e n troncbcs at Manila', cktrofnthe Oltt pfa with Dewey, uaoilin'tho tear of battle at the nit of Manila. Ilonanes tot agents, Brimful of original pictures taken by gov_. ernate:it photographers on the spat, t.argo book, Low prices. Die profits, Freight paid. Credit gn err. Drop ail trashy unoflieral war hooks. °oath frac, Address, Ie. T. Herber, Sce'y., Star rnsnrance Aldi(•, Chicago. , Children Ory for S fl > Try walking with y ant' n:trrcts b hind yon if you find yourself bent forward, 'WANTED _.' . SVrlt( t t ,i01;WORTt'Y flirt, 1'' VV aon a In tbi r ,.E.tto Lo m tu.0 o our huaincaa in their own anal nearby mutinies 1 t is nt diniy „ileo work conducted of home, Salary straight rt(O0 n tearand crpenoeg--dednitn, (Mr1.Liitte no more, 10 less salary. Monthly S13. It •Peronw•', rsnclnac self-addressed stamped etn.!lopo, Dolma E. floe, Prost., Dap:. M. Chien°. no:: tin re 1'F•0 Bright 'a 11i0*4 (?, rltnl lett 43, ! c+rupsy , aro (•). Roue in t -o l,It:deer, in. SHOP —Dia 'ortaal St. opposite Bcatties flarereatinn. It ea:u he '%our li;'e pre- server. Sold by A. 1,. Hamilton. Lively. pals* atter ctcd to. Tr.' a cloth Wrong' (,art in co water, put aboix the neck at nigh for a sore tlhro'lt. Id t, I1EiLI Tim Lc2ttfilj Specialists of America ". 20 YEARS i111 DETROIT, 250,000 CURED, WE' CURE EMISSIONS :L,• Er Nothing can be more demoralizing, to young or middle-aged men than the pres- ence of these "nightly losses." They Produce weakness nervousness, a feeling of disgust and a whole train of symptoms. '.They unfit 5 mag for business, mSrricd lits and social happrnc,n No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual ececsses, our a4, New youltiethod Treatment will positively euro . y NO CURE—NO PAY Reader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakenedou. Exposure may have diseased you. Yon aro not safe till cured, Our New Method wiiuro lllll eyou.. Yon run no rick. t' 250,000 CURED NI ,rroung Man—You are pato, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. Yon become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. sl WECUREVARICOCELE No matter how serious your case may be, or how long you may have bad it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT' will euro it. The "wormy veins" return to thcfr normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and marl powers return. No temporary bone5yt, but aermanent cure assured. NO CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION PROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED We GLEET, EMISSSIONS,oIMPOTENCY, STItIf 11URE VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLAD13EIt AND KID- NEY diseases, CONSUL'T'ATION FREE. BOOKS EREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write fora (QUESTION BLANK for 130MIS TREATMENT. ti?t 70,145,. KENNEDY& KE,RGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DE.:``tkoi-i', RI/110 •i. JOHN N PELTON, W ingham. cixtt:,: Caveats and Trnde•Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE Hilts. Mir office ism the immediate vicinity of the Patentoffice. nrd my facilities for secu-int; patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit4.. descalption and statement as to advantages ciaime& . x »1 r, cli a,• ev`97t rf S trCfe or an S f opinion, asto�-,ntenttrSBZit;i1 and my fee for prosecuting the application rt,li'Z not ilio called for until She ,7'efeltt •r.zrlowerY. "Dives -tons, Coma," con. raining fu(f information sent free. All eonnnuns. canons Considered es Strictly Confidential. i i+°'RAB° K .114 H. HOUGH ' h s. xem8n Vtt.11inrg 1470.1'oN. sa. a,.'. CO 9 •,,EXPe �!ENCE •'J-F,Ata MARaS DEstcaNG CoaN:RiOH'rn &c. Anvontamending a aketeh end de ertntinn entO gninkly aaeertain our opinion free whether ell invention to probably DDate' tcble.. Commnnie0ua.. tlonastrictly enutldentiel 1rn dbookonPatents a,ent free. 1,1 -lest 000007 for securingp>atenta. Patents taken through Munn R; (,y', reaet*o *cacti notice, without charge, lathe Merinod A linnds5mely ilin;•tratsd Ivenldr. Largest cir cuiatimt of any arientiao ,lonrmtl. Terms, $3 at veru : 5 *i months, $1. Sold ty tall ne%ved�opatern4. 1111E1 & 0�,01SC1nroadway, Jew York • Branch OL1oe. 026 11 St.. \7asliingtwu. b. G IT PAYS 1' a• ..,.r, ......o.+weri ..w 4, • TO ADVERTISE IN TIIE TIMES... • ..1t