HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-11-04, Page 1VOL.`X .•VII. ---BTU. 1385. 4: : r4s- ..Viva. Ll ti Fall. and Winter Stock is now complete, and we mast say that we are satisfied with the quality and value of it, and think that when our Friends and Customers see it they will be satisfied also. Our last importation of Dress Uootle has jest arrived,and added to what we already had it makes an assorttneut that would be hard to beat anywhere. It 1s no use trying to particularize --it 'is sufficient to ,say that we have au endiees variety sof patterns in just as great a variety of prices. Cali and let us show you. -these goods. The Millinery Dept. is booming and we are turning out the irettiest and most stylish fiats it has yet been oiir pleasure to sell, in fact this fell our Millinery is more than giving satisfaetion. We have ,just opened oat a large onsignrnent of Ladies' and Ohild- Iren's .Underwear, in which we are .giving great values: These goods .are seasonable now ;. d0 not miss see- ing them. We have also just re- eeived a splendid line of Flannelettes, which we offer at very attractive varices, 'There are lots of 'other new 4dry goods that we have not since to mention this week, but we might say that we have everything that is .seasonable. Our Tailoring Dept. is vet'y busy justno.w, an evidence that giving lire, stttisfaccion in this line. We claim that We can give: better fitting, better made and batter •€luatity aiuthing at a lower price than any other establishment in the •aci'unty. Colne and let us convince ,poli of that fact. In Gents' Furnish- ings we are showing choice selections an all lines, something to please ,every variety of taste and prices tight, BO MUTH i EOW1r S :A Lapp School in a Small City REPUTATION for First -Class work is possessed by the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, .. ONT. NulaatY 54 vast;eNr. of the students .enrolled annually (from outside our awn lofty) come from nearer other business •ao[legos than ours. Enter any time. sllroderate rntee. Board cheap. Beautiful Catalogue Free, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. —~ Marriage Licenses tseued by Fortin PArERsoN, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No wibnesees %"'rj required. CHEAP READING fi Our Clubbing List. in order to sae° our snh'eribers the trouble of *risking two or mere remittances we have made -special arrangetnenta with the publishers riy which -we aro enabled to offer the foilowintr publications in .connection with the WIMMIAdM TIMES at special `low rates from now until Deo. 31st, 18J9. '4Ximes and Weekly Globe, • - ft 26 'Times and western Advertiser, 140 'Times. and Family Herald and Weekly Star • and Picture •• 176 "Thum and Farmers* Advocate, - 190 'Times and Farming, weekly. • 'Times and Montreal Weekly lvitnoss, * 1 ee 'Tittles and Farmers' gun, 130 ''Times and Daily Globe, 4 25 `Times and Daily World • • 8 00 Times and Country Gentleman. . 2 ry0 "Times and Woeklv,Mali and tin Ire 1 25 ''Tines and Daily,iloutrnal Ileralrl, - 2 00' Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and +n eetteines quoted on application. The wnlaneem' this J'eae will be given free to new subscribers of the above weeklies, except the Family Herald and Weekly Star. 'Tho T:mai atone will be Sent to new aubacrihers until Januar 1st 1809 January , , Cash must aieeem env all orders. Subscribers should reno • +their subscriptions as Dairy en pnenible an the Inn pesition of postage attar Jannnry 1st, wilt likely .,compel ]ts to maim an advance in the above rates. 4ddrese all orders to or call at the TXIYi1S oP kotCR, w1NGSAle. • WTNGIHA . , ONTARIO. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1898. 'Y /Q it$1 .v'11,':1 •C►r' '1Y'tv'6/+1 CREAM WITCH HAZEL cures Chapped Hands and Face or Rough Skin, Removes Sun Burn, Tan and Freck- les. Excellent to use of. ter Shaving. 25c a bottle, For sale only at HAMILTON'S . $gia CORNER DRUG STORE 11001311. Tte SUDS RIDERS. This week we re sending out 110 - counts e.counts to a nu ber of s1b40rihere who are in ar cars for the Tines and tenet th we will Imo ' hearty respo .et from the same, Wo need th money during the next few weel and feel sere that our subsarib: s will- help us out. If you are in rrears and have not received your account, we would like to hear ft •m you, We do not like duuning nd trust this notice will be suffiei it. LOC ' L NE S. Tann NOTICE—That the " ider and Jelly Mill will close on Tu sd y, the 15th Nov. After that date we f1 be in readiness to coop all kinds of gr HAsT rte s & xcxr rRI . t, W]xer:ti— „lb oleo flutter, 17c.; dried apples and poultry. G.' 7. Xv o, tf 'Wingh 1'zizovsn—The st am laundry . being retrieved thin wre'.c r, near the It block. The office will be Mr oh' Carr's feed store, am all lar dry at the above mentioned place viii receive immediate attention. Fconura. Its, rxt n - A. meeting will be held at Dr A J Irkvin'e office on Friday, Nov, llth at 3 m. All ryiembers and officers are req ested tb he present as the finances of th : team must be straightened up for the sea Gurnee Ran r -,-.Tho store to be sampl- ed by Me Joh Lr Davis, druggist and (-hamlet in the Jac:donald block is being neatly furnishe and when completed will make one of the nicest drug stores to be found enywher: Mr Davis expects to open up in the c arse"o a few weeks. Tairawn STaA' titin# ' ar Waiter Taylor was engaged in fixing up his strawberry patch for the inter on Tuesday of last week, when h Game morose a number of ripe berries, i/i fere were also a number of blossoms on tit vines. This is pretty late m the reason t• have rips strawberries in this northern a 'mate. Sorts or Scoxr NO —The regular meeting of Camp Oeiedr uia, No. 49, 'S. O. Be will be held on Mot day evening next. Grand Organizer Nim no, of Toronto, will be present and wil 'also spend a week or so in town, Every ember of the Camp is urgently reeve : ed to be at the meeting next IYtondav ev ni AWAY. Fon Dei ':"'A• party of deer Bunt ers consisting of john Clegg, G B Roe, Chits Rneehtel, t ohn Gillespie, .T 0 Beit and T)r J R Mao onald left Wingliara an aturday last f• • Muskoka, where Vey, ill spend ton d ,*s in hunting deerWe' ieh the party n enjoyable outing and eturn home with any quantity of game. 'Trs A MISTurw The Lucknow Sentinel of last week said that grain was from 20 o 3e higher on ti . Lucknow market than n any other tot n. This is amistake, rather Sentinel. The Wingham: buyers re payiug tbo hi • hest market prices for aI1 kinds of grain , nd our market quota - loos were as high , rad in some cases high - r than Lucknow • uotations, Ronan ON VIE ors.—The Myth Stan and of last wee , very properly scores ome of our 'r wo d-be•spo]•ta" in the fol - wing manner: -- large consignment of to would-be spor ug gentry of Wingham ads themselves conspicnoud by their resencein Blyth u Sunday, Blyth seems to be obtaining a ante for itself in a per- tain .line." RuxAwAr—What ,, igbt have been a seri-' ous runaway occur d at the GTRstation Monday afteruo. . Messrs Armour & °Allister were bus, unloading egg boxes ith team and wage from a oar, When the load had been bout eotnpleted, the horses became frigh cued and ran away, scattering the egg bo es all around the stn, tion yard. Will Ar our wee on the load at the time and by j roping, saved himself from serious injuries A GENciioes Ace While the employees the Union farni u e factory were wait g for the whistle to blow one day at on Last week, on of the number said at a widow lady, a eighbor of his was in stitute circuit/steno a and was baaly in od of help, In fe • minutes it fund of 2 was raised and landed to her that 5 ening. This is a enemies act on the rt of the workmen of this factory and ewe them to be v ry kind hearted to youe in need. S w r i b I4Trrtoen or C. C. '.—Mr Walter Belau •a erford, whose surlde, death was recorded in these columns la week was a member t of Court Maitland, anadian Order of For- e esters, of this town Ris remains were in- terred in the come ery at Port Rowan Iast wok. h , SEVERE AOOIE Olen was workin T Boll & Son's ft day morning a p ripping flew heel hands. Iris rigt ca tem and the le badly," Itook se the euts'. act Dir work fee Burne.tim $1,500 isdu. AiwL Lucknow, the app was in town 00 W 1 this week, ship apples. ' id r Holme for apples here on shipped thirteen ca. this season. He T!oraw iob, Mild ma Thursday and will s Wroxeter on Satur handled the bulk of trict this season. d s i Wbile Mr Josh Van- 10 at the Hp saw in Meseta ti rniture factory on Mon- ,m roe of the board he was p and struck both of hie hand was pretty badly t thumb suffered pretty •eral stitches to bind up nallan will be laid off ea s—M.r W 5 Holmes, of w e .king for this diatrict deesday and Thursday ing three carloads of paid out over 161,500 Wednesday. Re bas : of apples from here hipped apples from and Luoknow on of ip five carloads from iu y. Mr Holmes has no he apples in this dis• th de r•ATO Pe.]LaL\T I — N The foIlowiug from the ne Stratford Herald 'ref, rs to a son of Mr 81 Thos Irwin of this tot n : William Irwin, ev Inspector of Public ' (pools, removes his pa family from Liatow:1 to Stratford this sh week, where he will r •side in future. On en Monday night the o the Methodist Sunda visited Mr Irwin at him an address testi which his services t• Mr Irwin acknawle. itt a few graceful r. °ere and teachers of School in Listowel Ins house and read yinr to the valne in the school were held, ged ;the compliment narks. rt t'ornnau VERDICT—The verdict of all who have Been the new picture "TUB TITIN 13,ED LINE," which is given to "Family Herald and Weekly Star" sub• scribers this season, is that it is by far the beat premium picture ever issued by that magnificent paper. "The Fancily Retold and Weekly Star," of Montreal, has cer• tainly surpassed all previous efforts and deserves all the praise it is being accorded. Sueh e. magnificent paper and etch a beautiful picture—all for One Dollar—is an offer Canadians will not be slow to take of, Renewal subseriptians, it is said, are pouring in mantas ahead of time, so anal. ous aro Subscribers to get an early copy of cture, p e r the picture. t New subacrib s ate also joining the great army of "ratnily ITeratd and Weekly Star" reodcra by the thous. ands. The verdict of all is that the equal of these two combined for One Doiler'is nob to be found anywhere. FINE Woitttitatisnie Trues made a visit to Mr Thos Henderson of examine the work in fitting up of a bath recently placed therein frim of Young & T'anlin of the best arrauged The water passes from tank in the bath room the kitchen stove, wirer forced again up to the b a hot water tap over kitchen. Should the dry, a large wooden to itt the cellar and the upstairs by means of fnrha0e is also one of put in by the above fir improvements. Messrs making business boo and have fitted np a b Ross' new residence a fn a furnacefo. rMr and Mr John Leggatt Anyone in need of an firm's line cannot do bet order as theirwerktnans every partieutar. A. reporter of the he new residence f e they this wee to nnertion wit the oom au rnaoe y the a rpristng The tit is one e have ever seen. e roof to a large nd from there to it is heated and th. There is also the sink in the ank upstairs run k has been placed ater can be forced force pump. The he latest and was c, with all the latest -Dung & Paulin are in their line and btoomitthtrTIT are also putting L King, of town, , at Whiteoliureh. hing in the above r than leave their ip its flrst•class in Seams—Alter t Rebecca Lodge, I00 on Tuesday evening was spent by the m of invited Oddfellow and cake were prov we understand tha very enjoyable eveui lit regular business of 3 , had been concluded ant, a sociable time e nbers and a nunal.er . Coffee, sandwiches ed by'the ladies and t alt present spent a illnNxcarax, T tacTio trent in town will Ii elections. 4s there members to elect th bte in selecting 'good several names me who are likely to mayoralty. Time govern our town fo TJataewo'rrN PEA in their Hallowe'e (trey evening we serious damage h ber of "boys" n themselves in pia buggy on the to butcher ebop. moved in differen AN IurnovsMEa express -freight tr been arriving pre past week. .A. car mit stations along Palmerston now, t sity of holding the placesfor unloadi makes matters a there is still room a. --The next excite- ely be the municipal will only be seven o should be no tram. en. We have heard tinned of gentleman be candidates for the lone will tell who will the coming year. xs.--Tho boys of town celebrations on Mon - very reasonable, No bee* reported. A nnmt- ede a heap of work for ing Mr. L, J, Williams' of Mr. H, O. Foster's few gates were also re - parts of the town. .—The afternoon mail - in on the G. T. B. bas y near on time for ,the f freight for the differ - the line is made up at reby saving the ewes - train ,at the different g. This arrangement nab deal better, but f r improvement. ADDRESS .A.•ND P.EDS.GIV'IATION. A number of th friends of Rev. Jas. Hamilton, formerly pastor of the Baptist ahuroh here n:et a the residence of Mr John Pelton on .1% o .day evening to bid farewell to hien prey ons to his departure for Palmerston, his n w field of labor, Mr. W..1. Chapman read •he freatisasiem address and Miss Maud Car made o presenta- tion of a wt t ell filled pi se ; Tattle Rev. Mr. Ham 1ton Duan Bitot ixa ,--S• a members of th Wingbam Baptist rob, andd co u g r e , tiara, have met here his evening for th purpose `01 showing or appreciation of your labors amanget no for the last roar veers, and our Iove au respect for you and your family. We thought this, t : eve of your depart• ure for another field f labor, in the Mas ter's cause, it fitting r pportunity to mani- fest our feelings town d yon. Your successful p torate here is :suffic- ient proof that yoncall to this field of labor has been approv d of by God. As you change your sphere .f labor to another field, we have no dou God is guiding you kr that action also, and will bless your labors tbere, as Ile h : done here. We ask yon to kin r ly accept this small gift, as a further tok:, of the respect and esteem in which yon re held amongst us, and our prayer is, th t God will bless you wherever yt'u may be and continue to bless your good work in Hi cense, and that you may be long spared t your noble wife and family, and for the cause you have at heart, to which we b lieve you have been divinely called. Signed in behalf of your friends in the Wingham Baptist Oh reh. • W. J. CHAPMAN, Chairman Cotn. Wingham, Oct. 81st, 898. $1. A YEAu IN ADVANCE SMALL LOCALS. -•-Campbeil's headache Wafers guaran- teed to erre headache. —11nesday was Al Saints' Day. •—To•tnorrow is G Fawkes Day. —November. Ch isttnas will soon be hero. Nabob Tea at Hut lean & 11TcGavires. —Sebool Board i meting next Tuesday evening, —Ur Peter Cam ell is shipping a car- load of cattle, —Mr J Ramie i packing and shipping his etock of wool. A good second -band coal stove for sale cheap. Apply at Trait s ce. tf. --The new roof Its beenoffipiaeed on the Thompson-Anisley ending. —Mr Jas R1cGmi 18 now to be found in his now office, oppo its the post office. --Mr D Murphy of Me Forest wilt ship two carloads of cat le from here to -day. Choice bisonits, lbs for25e et Hutchi- son & McGavin's, ---Messrs MoDo ald & Walker shipped a carload of hogs. to CoIlingwoed on Monday. --Tho photogr Ger who has been doing basiness at the regory block has left town. The regular m ntbly meeting of the .town council will be held on. Monday even. TVeingcan furnish you a oompetent roan to cut, fit and lay any kind of carpets. Prices reasonable. -.--Ireland & Batton. —We will not of take your'money. Read N A Farquha on's advertisement in another column, —Mr J' B Cumm ngs bas had the brick work completed on Ids new residence on Vietoria street i‘'2 —Orillia defeat championship in Thursday last by We don't blow, but o r 'mas stock is d see our new Dweller, 2m o(i License Commission- er the license of Mr. rd tox441r Hugh John - d Oraugeville i the uh' of the C A on a score of 1 to 1. o all right this year. Caf a, goods.—M. PATTERSON, West e —Tho W Zlur els refnsed to trans Ben Mason, of S.slf sten, • —Mr John Kerr will again occupy his usual eurner on t e fourth page of the Tures, Look out or hie announcement next week. —A. number of ew advertisements will be found itt thio i ile of the Tutee. Oar readers will profit y carefully reading the advertisements in very issue. Fresh oysters arriving daily at MoKel• vie's Star restaurant.. We serve them in any style. --Jas, MaKLnvit. • tf —From the 0 sley Free Press we Learn that Mr John McKinnon, of the G T R station there as been transferred to Wingham Junctio —We are please to hear that allies Atba Chisholm, of Wit ghatn has succeeded in winning one half f the Reynolds scholar- ship at Toronto onservatory of Music. —For first-class tailoring and cheap tents' furnishings try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. —The fort Alb t correspondent of the Clinton News -lie rd says : Mrs King leaves shortly for Ingham where she will reopen again her eneeal store after being four years in this village. Good brooms; for 25o ; salmon, 10c a can, and gash aid for good butter and eggs at Hutchis & McGavin's. S. GBACE3'S LOCAL COLUMN. ]Remember, we take no back seat on prices for Furniture. Mattresses, wool two sides, for ;2.28. Spring beds, 2 ceptre supports, for $1.50. A bedstead complete with pastors $1.40. For nice weddiue or birthday peep in et S. Gracey's window, Picture frames as low as a eta. We make a specialty of tratnt pictures and wreaths. Before you buy, and see our new styles in bedroom suites, parlor suites and couches, The prices will speak for them- selves. Our new 2 and 3 ply allwool carpets are the finest in quality and patterns we have ever yet shown, and our folded carpet Paper and stair pads will astonish you, Before you boy just take a look at what we have. . A 85.00 parlor chair er extension table FEEEE to anyone who can find in Wingham a furniture store having as nice a variety of ap.to date goods and of as good quality and make, in medium lines, and at as low prices as can be foetid at S. G1tACEY'S FURNITURE STORE. 4t STARVING C1iI1.,7J1tZ/st Thousands of well-fe dcl i' zldre n are state- ing, simply torying,•simply beeouse their food is not of the right kind. They are thin, pale, and deli - sate. Seott's natation will change all this, It gives visit and vigor, tesh and force.. --The plant Review of whir( erly of the Advs etors, was destr week. f the Portage la Prairie Mr John Cornyn, farm- ice, was one of the propel- yed by fire one night last If you have any mattresses to refill or make over or if you want a, mattress made any special size you can get it done at Ireland & Button's, opposite Macdonald bioek, Wingharn. tf ---'Che auditors' report for the past three months. wbi has just been issued shows that the nadiau Order Foresters had et surplus i the insurance fond of 8669,706.47, after aying out over 430,000 doting the quarte —Send in yo r eubacriptions to the Tines and be th the crowd. We are adding new nate to our list every week. Only $1 tilt the r d of 1809 for the `3,'tbnae, er $1,25 for the tatas and Weekly Globe till the end of 180 HEALTH REQUISITES. The who.e pion of having and keep - ng health is not one of drugs for every iii no to avoid ills. There are many con- venient, and necessary things which are►;: priestess in an emergency at home land' which will help you to perfect health at, all times. Hot-water bathtma'• syringes and other eesentiais to a healthy home are pose llle now at closet;, prices and you can't afford to be without:. them, A. A. MORROW .` 'riltrcGGlsT, GOOD BUSINESS i Good business chance for ere small means. An old establish • in live town of 5,005 inhabit first"els§-,and paying tr is an experienced but above bust boss for tw bny same. This is an 0 AGE; etio pian itt butcher bueinesia is doing a strictlyr r sale. The subseribegf and has niana.ed the rs and want. partner tok seesame one to get into a goodpayinging busd iness, Mnce a. txperien:,, necessary, but world prefer it an with( some experience. 1ircestigstion invited. For par. ticuiars inquire at Ten Tuls+oniee, Winghane. —The Ttnt.•ts clubs with all the leading newspapers and magazines. —mr 'Wm Oleg loads of oats for —Sir Sohn It ; agent after it a ter his r is shipping several car. »port this week.. ;later is able to be amend cent severe illness. If your lonrsjes want re-covering take them to Ireltttg .8• Buttun, their peaces ari4, .i right, —Mr•T H Boas' completed and he —Ur A Bur[thol peas and It car week. --A Guelph t cabbages which iiip the•scales at one head - red poande. Nice, fresh gr Gavin's,. Kerr'a good butter, try new residence has bees las moved into it. dor shipped a carload o€ i of oats for export this' arket gardener has four I°erica at Hutchison & 111c c:id stand. If you want',' us. —The weather for the past week has been favorable 'or the farmers to harvest . their root crop -=-The new Mr Geo Mcl and krill soon —;Messrs the 'bus bust 'bus will now —The Ma gave cnterta[ day and %Ve r If you wan' and tea setts cups and eau Gavin's —The Tian: B in Canada or ti to the end c adv ace. Mr Thos I Blnevale road 1 buildings being erected by , some are about complet: oe ready for occupancy. eattie Bros have pureitase . ess of Mr Geo Sha*, Orbe lu the business as of yore. d Henderson Dramatic Cor' meats in the town hall Tues 4 sday evenings of this week. •v something nice in dinner"' also a nice line of fancy r ere go to Hutchison & 311c i be sent to any address;' ''e nited States horn now, 1 u bJ0 forn ono dollar al a r in'f enderson and family, of the r ave moved into their new i residence on th (tomer of John and Cattle. erine streets.9, d —The Fenti: ,y Herald and Weekly Star and the Tines will be sent to any address for one year, including the pictare, "The, Thin Red Line" for 811..75. --The Banker/' Association in session. at Toronto last deciding that 1 orders should nc veek passed a resolution future express money be cashed et par, I)r. Macdonri.Id is now permanently at home and eau be consulted by his patrons. --The Fordwich Record has passed th e second year of its aistence, The Record is a noway sheet d the residents of Ford- wich x rad vicinity can well feel prond of it. Ensign Orchard , of the Salvation Army here, detievred lecture in the 5 A Bar- racks at Palmerston, on Thursday evening Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish maims entitled, "My ifo and '.Training Home b'igsv tors* like new. Sold tet Mentieelt's Experience." Harness Shop. —The 141aud Henderson Dramatic 'Cat tertainmen s t in town Balt - i t 1:r J A iCe ly. bisra diver to 1+ 8 Yr horn on Tuesday. the first prises in fall shows in this d' we understand, Reporter. tnptemont agent, sold will give two e r JSwarts ofW Wing- this Friday a c he home - 'True o ecru lured a Trish i3 U all oleos at the various' ;Friday overfill strict. The price paid, i Saturday even ata $1 di,---1'alrubrstan! and will. no Ihouses. Popo Saturday 0vemu ge r lke ," by special request ora and " Ttappy Pair" for g., The Co its a good tepee , edit he greeted by facts r priors.