HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 8m H, O Or SATURDAY AA Cgllitull zvur e. The annual district Ilpworth League Convention,. of Wingbam Drstriet, will be bead in the Methodist church, Ktacardine, on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov 16t3 and 17th. The 33rd annual oenventicn of the Pro- vincial Sabbath tee, Jut Association is being held in 1'•'"1+luno this week. The • del,g.ttee in :..-,;fanoe from Huron County are It Holmes and I Taylor, of Clinton, both of whom are members of the Executive, and J P ;toes, Exeter. The Church of the Sacred Heart will be Txc`. ':Il tytnl;hai;i,-enllldii t do re -opened on Sunday next. lligit mase less with rash veluee, high class twin be d to ^a n and V as goods, at Bargain Prices. We dent ask you to take our statement on faith, but come and see" the best goods yon ever saw for the money, whether you wish to purchase or not. 25 piecei Fancy Dress Braids a nd services. The lli,Mop will celebrate TIMES Trimmings, reg. 10 and 15 for 5e. and administer the saurau)ent of cunhfrm 20 pieces Fancy Ribbons, all anion at 8 o'clock m. celebrate at.a a I , eep- ers in the evening at 7 o'clock. :Miss Don- ovan and Mr John \y Duncan, of Seaforth will bo present and take the solo parts in the singing. ltt Rev 1) D O'Connor. Bishop of London will preach et both `.t HE \V]MAIM" TIMES, OCTOBER 28, tS)8, MURDER NEAR GODERICH TRAGIC ENDING OF FAMILY FRED BEATTY SHOT AND KILLED BY HIS FATHER IN. :LAW---- TUl: MURDERER GIVES HIM.- SELF UP. shades, reg. 10, S tt lCday !a 11APTI9•I' 01111 'tI, .TWX'7 Wi 1U -3.i . 30 pairs Black and Colored Kid The attenduuc,) at the regular meeting of ()r'lO4e?, reg. `ire and Il1,00 for 5°°' the B Y p.0 last Tuesday evening was 10 dsz. IJtdiee' a)t'1 Genet' Beene, very large, and the first lessen b! the pus• Cash,uMre Huse, re;.; :)O, fat' 23e. for in Bible study was meal) en.ioyett 10 doz. L•tdiee' anrd (3e11t8' Linen Printed slips containing toe eleven lessons Collars, reg. 15 and 20 for 12te, of the emits can be had from Rue member 25 Stiff and ;loft Hats, Meek and of the society or from the pastor for the Colored, reg. 01,50. Saturday 95e. asking. 20 odd ends of Fancy Dress Goods The topic for next Wednesday evening, _reg. 40, 53 and 75, choice for 35e. Nov :Ind, at the prayer meeting is "Elie 10 pieces Heavy Dress Goods, Parable of the Mustard Seed," 'tieing the :Fancy, worth 25, ehaiee for 15e. third of the parables taken up so far in re - 5 pieces D trk HIe.tvy Tweed Suit- gular course. :able for Boys' Salts, rem. 50 and GOC The public are made to feel at home in .for 35c.1 the services of the church. W . Puma), 50 pair Women's Vin.e and heavy pastor. Shoes, very special, reg. $1.50 ; 98e.1 Beata 10 Ladies' Astrachan Fur Mantles GRAC.1Y-In Nina h, (n, not tl.:t • 1rd,, reg. $i:l, Saturday special *14. .be wife of Mr, ; s21 30 Ladies' just opened, the V.- ani \vie. *I y,u, on C) d tock, Mantles,lthe wife Daniel McKay, of Woodstock, about halt' an hunt after being scut. Cox then Came to Goderich and gave himself ug). He eves remanded by Police Magiatrate Seeger tilt Sat- urday, when he will come Up before the county judge. . An inquest will be bold tomorrow be:ore Coroner Holmes. Crown Attorney Lewis will prosecute and Philip holt has been retained to de- fend the prisoner. Mr. Cox is highly respected by everybody and has the sympathy of of all who know bine. Goderieh, Ont„ Oet. `.'.G. ---Freder- ick Beatty was shot this morning by Wm. Cox in a quarrel. Dr. Whitely was immediately seat for, but Beatty died within Halt an hour after the shooting* occurred. This morning about ten o'clock Wm, Cox left his home and proceed- ed to the home of Ms sun -in -la w, Frederick Beatty. On his arrival he :seised Mrs. Beatty fur his daught- er Lillie s clothing. She told Mtn her huttband might beat her if she deli% ered it i,.p. Cox then asked where Beatty was, and on being told down in the orchard, he itnmedia'ely went there. The first thing Beatty said was; -----"\V hat in the d— are you doing here ?" and on being told, said :-"Now, I have you where I want you," and Struck him (Cox) two oe three tunes in the face.' Wheu Cox managed to get away he said :- "If you strike me egain, I'll shoot." Beatty said ;--'That's what 1 want" and pulled out his knife and made a jump at Cox. Cox shut Itiin through the eye. When Mrs. Beatty heard the report she tan out and Cox told her to go for idr. Tnontpson, a neigi'- bor, while he went to Goderich for a doctor. Dr. Whitely immediately tecompanied Cox to Beatty's house, but was too late, he Itjawing died 1 INGIIAM HOSPITAL, For the ITO:4n1ent of 10 I:-\s1 S f,t' W(J11:1 and til'itt:Ie_'L uaal;>1 of ea kinds, 1')r particulars tadrros Pit J. P. lir•.NI41sn1, • Medical Soperintendrut, n•iugham, Ont. 3,000 OORDS WOOD WANTED ;,000 cords of wood wanted at the Wingham Salt Block. Highest cash price paid for sante on delivery. F, O, SPARLING. bought at - less than reg. price, 1n , of a son. Q 331ack, Blue and Green, very stylish, icy Poon, -In Mnrrin, on O:it•. 20tn, the Ire $1`2, for M8, • wife or Joseph Robb of a daughter:if J? • •• Daze) 20 - Men's Ulster Overcoats, very re. special at $7.00,Saturday $4.90. eeWsr,soiv-In Etat Wawa nosh, on Det. 10 pairs all wool Blankets, extra lxtf MymL\Jtlsonri agodr)85 years andn, roma or )8 large and fine. reg. $3.25, for „_.f I ontha. We purchased for cash an ex. i u" Scoee-In Wroxeter, on (got. 15, 'D„avid tremety large stock of high class uotr, a ec1 79 yours and :, tt,outhe :rt:Lr-[n Lacknurv, on ";:itur lsy, Oat. goods at a special price bringing the 22nd 180d Juhn SYIi, f;tiller ref ilea. Jtss. Tetait price down on Saturday to I Bryan, or Lnekouw, aged 79 y'eare, 11 little more than half what is usually , inontbs and 3.1 Jays.'e$ asked. and the quality is excellent, i terAavosne o z=a.fn• i:7. the quantity large, the regular vaal Thousands of welt -fed children are stai•v- nes are exactly as stated above, ling, simply because their feed is not of the ;right kind. '1 hey ale thin, pale, and deli• cite. Scott's Eninlsoa will chaii a eil 90,8 , this. It gives vhn and vigor, flesh and ytt- force. l iv AWANOSIT. ST P„.eeoeiALS. — l , EAST • L Mrs Elia taste: ' ils')n, relict of the 1IIse Alba Chisholm was in Toronto for late Win. Wilsonetdieti at the resi- gn few trays this week. : dense of her d,;tfghter, Mrs. James Mr Art 'Stuart, of Kincardine spent San- Rath, on Friday, 7th ins., having Clay at his home in town.• i reached lite acre of 83 ye'trs and six Mrs (Dr) Macdonald visited with her `rnontlis• Deceased's maiden name /other at Brucefield over Sunday. ; was Corley and she was born near Mai 1•I B Elliott spent a fe'v days this' Castlebar, County Mayor, Ireland, on iveel, x•ishing with Ingersoll friends. !June, 12th 1813. She was married, i1ri ,kelo McIlardy, of Clinton was vis- in Ireland in 1831. and came to Can• itiug t illi friends a few days this week. lade the same year, settling in Fitzroy Mr taco Allen, of London spent a few • township, Carleton county.. After ciaye etching with old Wingham friends. 1 residing the"e a number of years she 1tt,'' reskey, of Mt Forest was visiting ' removed with her husband and fa'nl- with N': ingham frienes during the week. • fly to Huron Cuiinty in 1353 and Mr if Ilarelyn, of London visited at Mr; settled in Morris tuwnsbip. They mit els and airs C Dallas' on Sunday and • next removed to Blyth where they Aionday. ' resided until the death of 11r. Wilson ilson LAIC FOR SALE. North of G. T. R. The unclernigned offers tor sale 12 acres of choice land in the c11 Town Plot of Wingham, beauti- fully situated, overlooking the town. On the property there is it wind fra1nc4 house with six rooms and stone cellar and woodshed ; h'ard and soft water, frame barn with stabling ; straw shed and drive shed ; good orchard of choice f relit. Also eleven acres more or less, of good land without buildings I well watered ; title i?oncl. For particulars apply t..) WM. H. CAMPBELL, , proprietor, Willeham P. 0, Out. Btuldiug and Loan Co , Steed. ik Our Mantles are greatly admired by all who see them for their Excellence of Materials, Style, Fit and Finish, but above all the marvellous low prices at which we sell then. The sec- ret of it all is we understand the markets of the Old and New World, and buy only the best for our trade that money can secure. They range in price from $•3.00 to $ 12.00. If you like to think of FURS NOW, ours are just in, and they should please every taste and every purse. MEN'S 8: BOYS' CLOTHING in Ordered and Ready-made is a ,growing trade at this store. You can get Men's Suits here front. $2,75 up, and Boys' from $1.00 up. DRESS GOODS -Tho largestdes,atterns anthe d materials,reatest and prices always the very lat- est in all the new shades, p in your favor, SEASONABLE UNDERCLOTHING for Ladies and Gentlemen,— quality right, prices right. GROCE=RIES---TEAS-headquarters for everything in fresh, new Groceries. 30e Tea for 25e ; 40e Tea for 30e ; 50c Tea for 42c ; 5 lbs good Raisins for 25c. If you want good fitters and good wearing Boots come here for them. There are a number of stockhold- ers in this vicinity in various build- ing and loan associations. The fact that H. Gunner, of Guelph, has sued the Dominion association for. $950, will be of Interest. This suit is br Ought to compell the Building So- ciety to pay the fall amount of the shares taken out eight years ago, and which were aaaranteed by the Association to mature on the 1st of August, 1898. Sotne months before the date at which the shares matured the Association undertook to cancel the shares and offered to pay there• for what they called the book value, which was a deduction of 880 per share, and offered Mr. Gummer $658 in November last instead of $1,000 on the 1st of August last, as called for by the certificate. LUCKNOW. There died in this place on Satur- day Net, Mr. John Sell. after a pro longed illness from heart trouble and the infirmities of old age. Deceased was frit merge a resident of Exeter and St. Marys, and had resided here for and earth. some time. He was father of MrsIfeathers, Jas. Bryan, of town, and was 71 .`store than 8,003 varities of post - years of age. His remains were cards have been issued in the world taken to Exeter on Tuesday morn- within the past 35 years. ing. Pet dogs in London wear chamois shoes when in the house to protect polished ihors from scratches. s D. M DON, Direct Imparter WIN GAM AP LES .1 WANTED W MIL On and after August 30th, we will be prepared to buy any quantity of apples delivered at our Evaporating Factory on Alfred Street, Wingham. Parties having apples to sell will do well to see us be- fore selling as we contract for the whole orebard-shaken off -suitable for drying; purposes. IEAHL11R BROS., Wingbam. .et ews Notes., London assessors report that the population of the city is 38,575. There are nearly 2,000 appeals against the St. Thomas voters' list. . The Tibetans have a week of five days, named after iron, wood, water, Wiito to DR. nOBsrtTZ, ha is THE DOCTOR WO ~,AURES weakncs' of men. Export scientific trestm nt• Instructit,. nook )+,tint Address G. H. BIM SltTZ, M. D. 28« Woodward Ave., Detroit, Bich. The Postage Stamp Fakirs. The article in The World the other day,dealing with the fakirs in the State of Maine, vi ho live on pos- tage stamps taken from children all over the country by well -baited ad - Order your = --- -FROM THE- HOLSTIEN DAIRY. The Deumbe Banner has suspend- ed publication. Ayr is also without u paper, the News having succumbed a few months ago. . It is reported that one-half of the wheat crop of Manitoba has been damaged er distroyed by the recent rains. Prices have taken a decidedly upward turn. Mr Wm ItAd, of Seaforth was in town i in 18J0, when :firs Wilaon went to o- extensively The number of suicides throught (vertisements is besot; Wednesday,alling on his friend sir ; reside with her danglrter 't s J net s d ' te'1 on It scenics the world is 180,000 yearly, and is on calling r al " copied an. commented Thos Bell. 1 Rath, where she lived until her death. I on the Increase. The greatest num- guest fakirs have same of them Miss Roxberry, of Norwich has been a . Of a family of 12, eight survive her located in Canada , and are promis; her happen in June, the fewest in guest at the home of Dr Macdonald for a 1 -four sons and four daughters, September and nearly one-half be- Mies of weeks. 1 Eighteen grand -children and 17 great 1 nwillto se give so many sof •their cuff but tween G a, m, and noon. Sheriff Bowles and wife, of Orangeville 1 grand•ehildren are also left to mourn t toll or other niek•naclis. The child There were G5 murders and 433 wore visiting their son, Mr=T E Bowles for' the less of a loving mother and inn:i s o t P rl to sui4l4e4 in New Fork Oa.ty Inst year, few days this week. i t sEmie Cat; slam , j?.E• . r 1,.. 1.'• neighbor, r hay l,t)ti litittulis muds the fakir 111 TtibefIIUlthis eaUsed Ei,7 i1 hi a total Editor A E I3radwin and babe, of Blyth Mr. Joseph Atonally lost two! a ` were the guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs an two dollars in stamps or money, of 35,Ai17, rorty per cent, of the Jos the gun over Sunay. valuable cows on Saturday Inst fecal , for 20 cents' worth of. buttons, and total deaths reported were of child Mr and Mrs Alex MndFederan from bear an overfeed of chop, and a horse on I gets a 50 cent watch in return. The ren below five years of age. on Sunday from inliamation, fakir makes a clear dollar out of the The following, glurnn students are Guelph were visiting with their nephew, Mr. Duncan Robertson is having , Alas Gollev, V 5, this week, child. Parents should' be on their attending the Normal College, Ilam his house repaired and made Com= uard against children sendinglr Nath Purcell, sr, of Wingham, has t g ilton :-Misses L. Johnstone, ilei forlable for the winter,J. 'Theca visiting friends in town during the Rev. Dr. Moffat delivered an ad- stamps any n these fakirs. In grave; Mabel Doherty, Clinton; e - last veeit. Listowel Banner, one town of Indiana recently, a Robertson, Exeter II. Skelton, Godo- 11tr 3iitton Baemer returned home from dress on Home Mission Work in Cal fakir sent out advertisements eallIng rich ; Messrs. W. M. Martin, I:xcter; 'Teeswater on Monday, He had been re- vin church on Tuesday evening, his for stamps for some wonderful W. J. Elder, Hensel' J. 11Z..McIin• ;having the operator at that place fora subjectbeingbeing "What would Christ article that he offered to ehi'dren, ley, Seaforth. week. and the stamps came in so fast that Miss Edith Davison, of Wingham spent Mr. L. 13. Duff's examination and thirty other fakirs started up in the Few housekeepers know how valu- tgetttrday and Sunday in town, the guest entertainment on Monday were most same line in the same town within a able ammonia is in cleaning lamps., .of bee cousin, Miss Ilhetta Davison.- decidely satisfactory and benefie al, few days. At last the postal author. It should be done as follows, says the .Lueknow Sentinel. The teachers present were Misses ities shut down and refused to deliv- Table: -Take the brass work out, Conductor Quirk, of Wing hanc was in Irwin and Johnston, 1Ir, McEwen, of hobnobbing ..,_ his old Bluevale and .. _.. er the letters, -Toronto World. removing the wicks, and put'about ODD desertspoonful of liquid ammonia The employees of the London Street -or more if necessary -to a s .uee- Railway Co. threaten to strike unless panful of water. Boil the brass por certain demands they have made on tion of the lamp for an hour or more, the company are granted. taking care that the water covers The population of Ontario is report. the brasswork. ,All the dirt and p grease ed from the Provincial Register's off- well ccme out and the lamp ice at 2,262,492, and the number of be as good as new. This is the best way to clean a lamp thoroughly. ttriende. Be has still a soft place in his iheart for Kincardine,---Kincardine.Review. .141r 0 8 Forrest, of Waterloo, Loan In- iepeetor for the Ontario Mutual Life Aseur. .anoeiCo, spent d. few days in this vicinity itivecting some; of the company's loans. Mr John Mitchell, who bas been visit. Ing with his mother, tire Alex Mitchell and sieter, Mrs A. J Nicholls, returned to his home in Bozeman City, , Montana, on 'Wednesday. Mr. Melvin Kerr, of Detroit, lately of this town, lies been visiting friends in ,13c,1ia.'1` eenta esel Ono! lecke Ontario. We bit ,51 • . 11,.. .. to ..+U...,.y' with ene• ili6 J in Ltt.ttott. who .occupied the chair durinn the program which eonsisted of r- dings and recitations by the pu ' is and singing by others who wer present. A C'ttvi•; SOLICITORS wa*71Iti .vtmywliatui ta. tot "The Story of the PM,pines" by Murat lialstnad, %)itiw stoned by the ,ovornment as 001 - dal Iriatorian to the wa D artment, The book was written in army cams San Pransisco, en the PaCifte with f:cneral Me i , in tho hospitals at he ho Amt•rb:ari trCn rims at , G+ Kan n f i Hoag s. st, Manila, in the mutton camps with Aeninallo,on the deck of the Oltmpia with Deaey, and In the tear or 1„ttls nt the fall of Manila. ilotunza for agents, Brimful of original pictures token by eo -- ernment photo rappers ou lite spot targe book, Lcw pries, itig prof[ts, Tech ht patd. Credit at) en. Deep all trashy unofficial war Soaks. Outfit }vie, A•f,trota, Li: T, Dube:, eec'y., Starinsnranec Chicago,. municipalities at 745. Russel Cook, a 9.year-old Bramp- ton boy, died on Sunday from hemor- rhage of the brain resulting from a blow on the head from a herfie•chest. nut thrown by a companion, ' 117AttT'BD-•si:VLltAL Tltus?wOaTFtr PER. VI' suns in this state to mana o our business in their oe-n and nearby counties Itis mainly ogled work conducted at home, salary straight 8900 a Nene and ecponses--definite, bonafcno no more no less salary. Monthly $776, References, Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Iferhert 1;. Bess, Prost., Dept. 11, Chicago. II/pa/WEAN & SQ14N, Lmpe. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Lath, Shiogies, Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs .Also a large quantity of dry bard . wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders promptly at- tended to. . MoI.:EAN 8., SON. ()pular kst e THIS .OFFERS us the chance of making one big CLEARANCE of this season's The holiday time is coming and we want the space. 1E4 f. goes the price of WALL PAPER. The whole stock goes -- Wall Paper, Window Shades, ete., at greatly reduced prices. WE AVEW`AVE A FULL STOCK OF HL SUPPLIES. Agent Dominion Express Co., and office of C. P. R. Tel. Co. ALEX, ROSS, [ opl lar Booit Store. H1E PLATES, CUPS ANO SAUCERS We have just pat into stock a crate of the BEST IRON STONE CHINA directly imported from one of the best 1Lake'ra hi _i nklan&, Which means the })est IN THE WORLD We bane a full assortment of this line, Mich as Pitchers, howls, Vege- table Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saucers; Caps• (only); Toilet Sets, &e., &e., which we intend to sell quiekly if lew prices will do it. These goods are! strictly first. selection. No seconds or eulis among them. •x Oar pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are soiling sc quiekly that we need not say anything aboux.,their merits, N. f 4r, F-arquliarsoii r «The China Huse," Wingham r; Al,