HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 6THE \'INULUAM TIMES, 1698,
f feet of the Liberal
declaration u -----•-••-- j
the, d f tie eha stleil will It be to A DESIGNING DRID1aOROODI AND AN IN. !
the, IT c f tie I,E T 1 (1LYCOUS LITTLE BRIM
IT :diff rS ALL 1aLt�1TIRI'•DYI:NT9.
0 t)n enc s
thee !Any honest Uuvelnruent should ti,,nevulourtug ie the country when.
Frou:o;trottuO rrespundcpt. 1 the country recover from t p too open ono addressed �r 2e d -•—Amon"• the 1 imus effcete of artificial protection, a.Gertono hat," she sold firmly.
Ottawa, ()et. ., u ' and as the eenntry increase, and tie- i ',Cut, idly nos" he said
firrnitt. i
sal y a of torrent herecis i elops with the nater Lily result•1nt' "surely you are act going to have any
-controverny and criticism there it lug arit * more and more recluo
chaps none upon wlllell greater 1 b uns tiny be put into effect. TI)e secrets from me now that we tu•e
:perhaps � nl<irried ?
aandpp much honest znisunde of the atti „Needs of honest, economical and '•I shall not have secrets from ,you,
appears to exist than that the atti- government" will be less' Phyllis might," his -strife said.
It meets all po,alb16 e u le It is told how ahappy Couple were
be called upon to meet. As condi- the #list pocket of letters from hone:
Mons improve and the industries et
arrived, and the liulilland proposed
he ernie 'd to his wife,.
a ,.a . �_ - -,.• .,_:::.:..»...,�.,-•.--�,...' .r,.,.w...`w,.
f3A 3t31,�TLI SERVICF,f . 1 1 ,b s l • 11.4'1'141pg
1r1,'1'I3()f)TSrI'--lacy, Dr, T'hat'nr', pee '( -Cs 4
j o . tiler\'iniac at 11 a to aud'i p tn.
�1K PUi)taNlilsl)•-
1'IP:1'El'+Il'tiT413,1:at,1L tem. 1). Marie EVA P,Y 1''1111? ti MORNING
1>aittn% Kt+rvieon at 11 a m and 7 p tit,
1i1'l:lf'41i'.11r, St. r'eel's- .itev, Vvin. - AT aur:---
111t1Nest ri+t"ttt:'. ti1rrnice at. 11 a at at)t1 7
• Iz 11.>,PTIS'1`• 1. W. Jas. iTamilton, pas- 'S'IME5 0FFICF , JO a pi„,1Ne sTF er
tt)ri .tctrvit�'ht ut 11 t► lu an(l7 1)
j c Wlia ltEtlta'cit>Nz t -- e\', 'nit. E wl ret ]k[, ONTARIO. ,
LtTtetlU' lttk•tul`, littreieea at 11 ani and I
subscript Ion Vriee,$1Sx+ryFtlr,inµdva roe
I UtlitiSri'1:' N \Ct.)ltT I',U 4 -- irilqat's alt r.at s"n(1311
Nu Rs'rl.rl ^
i Out rani aria 1aotgt in t.'t.nifnttnd, ; ett•>;ice's `inu�� tT I yr, I t1no�t, 3 mo. I 1
1 nt caul E 11 Il'• - , .--Ci Kii +iii°--'— 04
I act l,lt �F Pitltit J I �i 0 0•, ftAO 0 , +�
�� 1'� `* t j^11`y�T'�"•>•••�Cl'111tlntb'IileO pnc column t
xt+ Ott 20 1'L 00 ,
I ansl \vif(i in eitlittin,nei, tial•v hies tit 11 tl, 1 Cy afrtrr ' •,r,U t i1I YZ Oa 7 00
I tit, :1 ti Ill anti 8 p !see doth 3 a?0 :S 00 '3 fall Y. 6a,
I 1 T the Reese entree) ceerelles Ltuultauti nag.): tl'ur.l adttlUantt , n
t _ _._ , ,it de -an tine=
, llN)tt+1U .
l Sabbath SP11 01 is held at e.30 p Ol. for Iles: h;sertuon ilei IS per linonpn,.
t reachsubsequent.
t insertion, and
ppe t, efficient govt but I is
�tv3dQ of file Liberal petty upon tilt, ' ' �':• ,��,f I . -r =�� „anal I1ot,ovs ion. per ltt,o for firs , .
r dependent upon the taritl as the hat
I � "That letter la lets,. not mine. I 5 per lino lotauuhenbst,yn -ut oats:
rile!. question of tariff reform. 'The Lib- i ural resources of file country devel shall probably let you read it atter 1 - Ad ti t nil Lost, Found >trt«)t4 SltuaT,ione
:.. cervi pard' in Canada, as m the Old j e tend the •`sound it sal pokey p DR ,), W. 4rrnsl: Ll:rrtn.txa xr Av r
cp have but not tell I am sure that
Phyllis las told me nothing but I
been thorough-
' d n
AitIOit,. Atlt;tc.
is •rile!
ver ashlar, a ,
),ire. ARM 'Mors �tocyS toat'ne and 13uotness Chanees srantr:El, not saeredh+x 8 liner
.P f nonpareil, SI int' first month, and 60e. for each •,
1114bSTO , q, oltd and English I.erlicby y"ilunaaatnnd knthus for Sulo, not exceeding 8 line.
SOld and recommended by all ,
1 Canada. Only veli- lY for
per aubs0gilent month
u• istA i t C ,.. ,,,
Country, has. always 1 11 d t itself to the improve eta
ly i.dcutified with the inalienable
principles of free trade, and th .kcal 1 nearer and nearer to to
lack , a guaranteed to chic alt t Lhuso telunt tali
a ap + I
til ions and will carry the country
what she would be willing for yuu r
its Winans
a 'PP
fltat mentL•, rt.
g 'x able rood:nine discovered, S1x Larger 11dtertt%entents ut y npn ,ia
'conditions that have eGmpe a l aC (Ai A W.Chases ♦ .:� . t: .t>acltupcs (/'tat he strictlyadhered to
Pal 1 Weakness, all'eiPeot9 of abuse 1 5peuiml roto:, for iergur advertisements, or of
�+ cods
a1 of free trade, I "Still doesn't it imply a1.OrolYltueilei, li; • ''
• n sense a wife
modtticatiou Hereof have been sub- t 7.hls 1S the comma po pion coufidellcf, wllLil 'f u't blew 4)i13t;Ylt�+ttt. tones cine 1 'Worry, I;xoesAivE, use of i lont(orpor
a matter of necessity, _ to take this la , husband ? svrltil^„ in t11e An1-
,fore a to its p government , r letters tc. her Dr. C. M. Titlrlan,
and never of choice. When there -1 1nCany
alwaysghas been the policy her
Its `ill 7.'10 lack of C011pl I cliea.n Jo'urn;:.l of Health, cf FebuaarY •
Windsor O j p
Yore Liberal speakers and \aritei s , • ,h has so materially an•
th tniter nolc
have declared their unshakenfidelity vvnlc f pe
xo free trade they have deelared de\ elopment, this policy will asslot This was unauswerab!e, void 6_, . l Ulrltlnent, , ,npcu Y
the ptillcip'_es anti fur their fealty in establishing thtlt prosperity as the Grant sank back in his chair with I fe °, N, Y�SI''',a B a;; anss,on, BateslCo, D, ruggia_ t.....�
thereto, both personally and ao party i ermanent and not the cies clonal f r mrd•! far
3epresadtatives, and When they have1 condi
u wo
qll eT0, Op DL011ta oily, ' .
bocce, Upinm ar $tilnulants, Dialled nn ^coeipt ! Adt•orti0outen'ce and Loral notr0ea w1 on ap •
of pride, ono p • age $t, six. $5. Oita aufir tease, , directions, will7e1Infl ted till forbid and clamed; •
s{xtOtiI care. Pamphlets free to nnv address. accordingly.
niM aid in ndvnnct.
the husband when 19, ;says :—
the present wave U pros
cemented l 7rllo Wood Company, ' I Uhani;as for contractadrertise)nectc must be IE'
iffy and aQOCe Is shown by „ „ Among the proprietary medicines ; the o roe by Wcduesah5 noon, In order to appear
be demands to see his wir'e's letters. deserving recognition is i)r. Chase's p that wank n pTTT,
ion i by TETE', 1)1.1• ! Sold in �i'ingham by Colin a Campbell,
y advertiaetoeute )nus be
amused delight in his wife s per set 1 Toronto, Ont., as a ,� ,
Which it'
unconsciousness of having said a • gores eruptions, and slctrl dis- �.�
tion of the courltrc,
deelared kt
for a modification of those NOV L ELECTION CHANGES.
irarineiples in the field of practical The counter charges filed by the i
recognize d
etlse9 of all kinds, far \v'1 c
has been used with marked success, f
politics, they have simply .
and submitted to, the
logic of the then prevailing condi-
There is nothiog inconsistent in
such a position; it is the atti,ude of
all practical men. Upon every live
issue, with scarcely an exception,
the policy of any man or any party,
if it is worth calling a policy at all,
is tentative and progressive, moving
as the world moves, progressing as
d ante
nt ur• cyto fairly close observer of
good thing."
Presently she added : "I told you d h effected rernftri.able cures
Liberal member -elect in East Myth—
r 1- so Here is something Phyllis would -
n uuid
umber land a aiust Dr. W. A. n't want you to know."
luughhy, the late Conservative mens 'I'bell why are you going to tell
bel', and defeated candidate of the me?„
went tit
Lrsw,, a
• •al you
last election contains sever p "I'm not going to tell
allegations against the Doctor as is. You are oils* to know is
startling and as serious as have ever something • sou can't know—atthere pre
been sworn to in an electionptrial,. seat'
It is alleged fur example that in i "Phyllis is engaged," 131. Grant re
tilers than one part of the const�tu mal ked,
ency, on the night beft•re the elec 1 "And what if she is you are not to
tion, there was a general round -L111 know to whom-"
of doubtful voters, and that liquor,."To • Radcliff," hazarded her hits -
which had been previously drugged •
under tie c \ndi ate s personaldidn't say so."
alY has
obstinate cases w�'liah seamed ' o
baffle The results were most fav C se - 1
proving d:ho value a '
�• nt
Ointment as iL curative sue
diseases named. The manufacturers
of the r
ex -
a 1H
in addition to which we have loss MAIM, OW. ltoaon, Nm Owes, 3I t , A.
o -
L fli the skilful medical attendant.
of I
W I N G I..
A H1
Capital, X1,250,000, Bost, 0776,000
P Dr, Chase's
Frealdunt—Jon 7
\'iue•Praeidant-•A. U. I1�xsA4•
remedy are well-known as el.- aDITt-ECTOrtis
h,ax-nutcists, careful I313'd ,
perienced rWOOD, A. B. •
made e ft llo beexamination, isclaimedforit.
" Tt is not the practice of the Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
medical profession to indorse ,lad's-
« div i
Liu (Toronto)
eriminately the l:se of prof)''
medicines, but while we condemn the
bail and worthless, we are still more
really to indorse .and recommend the
remedy deservin+g•the recognition,
conditions s s a V " Neither the physician nor the re-
It is scarcely cb sestud band, 1 epon eith Journal of Health nate re-
d super- I � fuses to acknowledge the claims of
: ,r such proprietary remedies as `Dr.
vision, was freely distributed. Fol- tT3ntshedon't say sheisn t. Chase's Ointment,' which prove their
evens will question this in theory, lowing the example of those Oppos!-1 „Rugg could I say she isn't when virtues by curing where other agen-
but many fail to apply the principles j havee fAcuri i7 n�, i4 af;prl,
r las 1 tic,» papers, who (tutted that " 610,' 'elle"^ ' We know that `Dr. 'Chase's clot- 1 1fIC1%t3*' G4r 7 ,QLa
practically, For instance, i,000 bribery fund" fatly story in the
"Is I really think, my dear, \'ou I rnent' meets it requisitions of the
d f worth that it will
yatrinc:s k'•ctllic—Boors, loco 8; Saturday., To to
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of is .,test.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
1�• CORBOTjLD, AaronE. L. ')ICK NSON, Solicitor.
Do 'oafvi of 'a and upwards received and interest
teen declared weekly and almost Ii to scan Wel, as proof positive of
daily during the past two years that g • might as rye!l have let me read that highest standar o
Lire Liberal o party has gone back i the hitt-tel..] corruption in the Lib -
,letter." --Pact and Fic\ivn. usea�ly ;,�00‘11V esteem
t �i R e 3ndcrt�e it to
Pr zl camp this Sad story from East
upon file position it took prior to the
cum! election in 1896, when it is
r every reader,
I Northtirnbe11 zrd lllnt,t Le acceptc,11
C. 1oI. 1•IA.TILAN, M. D.
: eter,,�t.
such I ON A FRIENDS RE ONf- oma. ., = - _ �.,,� .�_ ' _
on sigh, and tense guilty of I ATiCZ1, ^-.�
trod . a that terrible misdeed:;driven I�ET9D time
D A v's
Notes DAwij iE . M .eti'i.
mossy ndva„Oed on kinrtga,.e= at 0 gel ceomph
lies, nt t ev,r; at Lha end of any Scar. Nen,
D. ,�
PItOPPIA'toa A13) 1'OALrsn'lt •
T�lt, F. Il. 1i:.1L13E'1.F,tSC[I, PnYSICIAN,
YYJJ ur •N, ANl) iu0ulit;ul Cit.
Successor to Lr. W. Graham 11RUSS OA ONT.
Universities a of
tat Class Honor fitadu0to of the L uivarsiti
Trinity (Toro to) queen 8 (liingatcn), anti of Trin-
ity .Medical College ; Fellow mi 'Trinity Medical
College Mod 111 a -her of the College 1.1 pr,vstoiunie
Mud Sltr1e01;s of untarin. Post Q+edunta 1Onr1113 iIV
Detroit and Chicago 1806 Spucl.rl attention .pa)EF
to dlaea8e of L>u Etr NONon,u,d Throat pan rB
Diseases of SV.iOn+. Consultation in knxlish'an&
(lemma t13j Uata1•tIt treated suo to alully in alk
its (units.
it declared for free with execrR Dt:rto, fl•1 , , acid
Agnew's and acr..anr-ts culluotul,
'eineThe Premier and other pin tions from publieslife. But in spite Mrs. Gamption 'Uses r. noir. reel:�:aoel•
'einem; members of Life Government) of tee precedent by the Opposi i Cure' for the Heart and Receives Prescott, Miele, Oct, 21.—Donald B. 1. Heaver Block wtn,rham, ant
salvo been quoted and misquoted In • tion there are not set few Liberals who ! Instant Lasting Relief—Immediate McDonald, of Menu, aged. 08 years,
thinSupof this contention, the post• know and respect Dr. Willoughby t Relief is what the Sufferer Wants was united ins matrimony re,�any yesterday
£un of the Critics being a by pies ly 1 as a man and a brothel', who sin- I —and Gets when Dr. Agnew's II to Mrs dreg n
smutted up in a sentence, Profcs I osiers hope that there may be just I Cure for the Heart is Used, i'!'he ancient bri let ruc)nt was married
1 111 a u three in Canada anti. -was the
UYl tion ; „ long time a groat r
article a few days ago
f' the slot for these personal charges than from heart roe Wild married twice—ant's in Ireland
fund and smothering accompanied by great)
stir uuldwin Smit)
p bll;l ed I at suli'eret 1 e
when he I as much, and no mo, fu d I was for a i
therebra 1 had palpitation 1 fathl•'r o 14 ct,l Erten. 1-hc;"la11dV
we liar a great • i yarn.
gory little relief from rentedLes, a
..and very little about necessary [Nether of ten •children. oln
TETE ]JEST O I RECORD. � Itoreris failed i pie me real benefit, A t McDonald officiated in tying the knot
caution and y • friend of mine had used Dr. Apnew's
DOWN IN LLACit AND WRITE. i The well known mercantile , in the pr's': e g
,Cure for rho Heart, and it had poen a � nt:e of the teat greed -
their isnot an accurate stl,tement j agency of R. G. Dun:: & Co. open ! creat relief tc her. I procured a 1)ottit' I children and great -great -grandchild -
la last trade review with the fol +and It has prayed heart cit re and to
j regi of both gr•oom.and bride, ..
• :tsaetts that "at the
time o was fur the „10000 terra tion unr
dun beard detil about free p ; weakness end painful spasms. i dot! and once in New Yc.rl.--and is the
• and duo
Joh h
of the facts, as may be seen by re
fermate to the proceedings of the
Liberal Convention in Ottawa which
formulated the platform upon which
that election was fought. There is
ria mention t;t free trade there, the
fact being recognized that such an
' 'bre under
, ideal condition was impossible
circumstances in Canada;
7+ut what was declared for was, "the
adoption of a sound fiscal policy
synch, while not doing injustice to
any class would promote domestic
and foreign trade and hasten the re
retail). of prosperity to our people,
and to that end, the tariff should be
reduced to the needs of honest, econ-
omical and efficient government."
Such was the declaration of faith,
reduced to black and white in June,1 branches the failures in September others rs are likely to get more
ABJ:I upon which the election tarn -j or August were the smallest in ail e than they will use to advantage.
lolling sentences : "It has never i l think 3t a gre__
possible to make a more satis- `'. fie recottlmetldd't0it to alt like
k su Torun-
hese pos i Mrs. Gttmpton,
t of failures durioe the • t S ld by A L Hamilton.
f t r v repot >^ •- o {
t;it'., 1i F.. 41 ti.ir y, for
lac •Ct ,
st t ''tea r =I^j ' i rq
rive years whish are covered by the jsee, tee
returns Iuede ex;lusively by this 1 indlvldu•ality of Cows.
all bo made for the
paper, than e few j Major Henry 1•, Alvord,
heavy save artment of agriculture, says In a cancel
h real p
estate, broiterage or speculation q you
than 11% ! tastes and in their re nirementsbin
cent. of the agg'reg'ate, with r 5
much more in operutiuns not at all j fn's do although perhaps not to the
reflecting the general state- of bus)• t
ness, the aggregate was nevertheless in the herd alike day after day and
smaller than in any other month I d oneth is after
an month, urd as nil 80 often
Covered by our returns for many radtice. Some are sure not to get)
branches of business, In some I c ouoh for the greatest profit, and
chief of
past quarter While a very
failures ll the aggregate' the dairy division, United States Th - -Gyr1
for the last quarter, those )n Daily Herd that cows differ in their sale
perrone countttlg tor more ith .3 the way of food just as human e-
G11a.ND 1I JNE Rd1LWi .
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
3 30p m 10 21)p m
855wul ',O:,pm
1) 53 e, m 11 10 tL nl
a31'pIn 80Opm
11 10a in G 49a m
330pn1 330pin
1029pp1 830am
BA it itl5'tFit, byLiCIT0ft, 1rto.,
1 a . lowest rates
Private 1,nd 4ou:pany [tends to .can t
.o noniwulam ehara.e 1. Morl.g++5ee, town!.
and form proper'} bought 10,111 amid
OFFICE—Heaver Slot
11•tRRiSTEn, Stn.,
winghan., (tot.
Office—Mover Blonk. Wingbam
.AGEP1 Ta.
We p•1y straight wet•1:1y salaries n( trona 310 to $2n
neenrdlu[ to abl)it-3', to+ c8nTvi e,s on "life and
ty 1 r f Dtr ,, -., n,. " The .1110,01,11 for .hie i wINanAH.
0, cntiur.ruly,
Oliire--Corner namtlten and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne Mote).
Gonjo uCu, ONTARIO.
DE'VrISTRY.—J.S.JF.ROi1F, L. 0. S.,wuron m.. .
�lyf )n mamlfactur Arst-cissa sets or
teeth as ahuap an they can he Heade,
in' the Dominion. Teeth extractet
absolutely without pain, by hie now
process, guaranteed perte.tly safe.
OFFICE: In the Baaver P,loek, opposite ther-
Brnraawiek Unarm. ,
o,. r ,
• 9 •Pal t•nlurua is l:avl)ing 11!1 h aura wnrlal"'
early end lea ,c 011) DEANS, Jit., Vr1he+;AM,
work published'. 'twinned. itis the Royal Family I 1) DEAN
bRAP EV- purl n �t
S1tA0L5Y•G+tRn)✓TSf1V C•OF1PA5i', LlulToronto• LICENSED AUCT1ONREft FOtt, ..riE COUNT
Salina attended In any part of the Co. 0 B
g'1,'y�, I earl et Yi i' 'aladlao and lit'ti.h 1
Rod t . 1 r men. P 1)‘!:. rh' np honk
ten I loan asks you fur, your
rt opinion. of 111111 look out, • Fie
r wants to pick a quarrel with
or teat your voracity..
1Ir, Invert Piosoant \V,.rrn Syrup De -
vs the ()mks Pear.'Iy Dud tat tile � I WORKS time its: 0ft)11srlic Action dr-
eln out of the statism. Price. 25o.
`b + ` , e'l'l),
same extent. To feed all the coves same
gntigu in the spring of 1896 was ,nontle and also in many others,
conducted, upon which the election failures for the quarter were the
Id June, 1896 was fought, and by { smallest in any quarter."
*which the policy of the Government I Bradstreet's, the other great financ-
sinee its accession to power has been ia.l agency reports upon almost ident-
d d and governed • such is the icor lines. 1 that commercial dises-
'gti11 c> ' pbyp P
ter and financial eatastro h rr) le-
- flied 1)v 1liessrs. Tupi:�er, Foster &
Co. is tU materialize within a reason•
able period, it is surely time is
j started.
Murray Sz
PERF•iliftiES POR Tu
tiiiiitiKEfleiIlEPI TOILET On Wit
This 18 as to quantity only, but
differences in kind of 'food may be
equally desirable.In a
1 rf u e�!
study and comprehension
question of feeding lies the greatest
opportunity for the exercise of real
ecunolny in the management of the
dairy herd. Each animal ought to
be watched and its habits, appetite
and condition known at all times.
If it leaves its feed its the trough
though lack of taste ft;r it or rest -
13y the nee%pee terl and tlniversal,r ready throws it about, at once short-
ly regretted death of Rev. William j en the supply of that partieular feed
Cochrane D. of Brantford, Canada
try to find as a substitute some -
loses a most ei l hcitizen, and thing; the cow will relish. 1
the Presbyterian Church a valued taste for the food that it has long
and much beloved leader. Dr Coch- been accustomed to is an evidence
rano was known from Halifax to that the system is demanding sotne
Victoria,and in fact far beyond the change of diet rather than that the
canes of the Dominion bright
t and whet' cow has Lest its appetite to a hurtful
ever he went, his right cheery per- extent. Give her something she will
sodality, and keen business aeulnen, like, and the appetite will be found
made his reputatioi, among those all right.
with whom be was 1 rought in con-
Only Seventy-five Cents
Ill MONTS {1E i IMERS AIM tact. II•is busy life 1 as been f stt•
a '� hman ora slur''-', a pleaeller
�� � �ji. �� chart
or ;c teacher, hQ has fur longer than
tth° natural renin term
irl�ht one generation,
s cl,tlreh and in
ti a 1'atrd of !I option.
ful of good works, and whether .
0.1' , :t.S:
January id, 1900.
Now is the time to suhseribe for
the beet Weekly Piper published In
Write fol our low clubbing offers,
Pains in the n5'tentaehr
John Hawke, Coldwater, Ont.e va•ti•tes t .
"1)r. h'owler's% L3trhot et Nee Strew -1
burry is a wonderful cure for Dlarnc�ien.
Pains in the 5lo,naeb., etc/. I was a{
grsrit sufferer, but, it baa given. sie per
fact oemiort."`
Having purchased the entire business
frolo J11r. Daniel Showers, I am now
prepared to supply the public with
WEto ii la.Ril Ali? Eo>o N tragi
O11N CUM -LIE, NV1NokAa1, ONT.,
Sates of Farm Stock and Parch Impiemonts
A11 orders lstt at the Touts odleo promptly atten1
ad tu. Tete.. reasonable.
Comp Caledonia, No. 4S), meet
1.9,, a the Nrst nuJ third )1onday tr
ert.ry mown. 10 hu odd Fellows MIL Visitinir,
tit el been waken' J, Slurr1S, Chief. D.Stow-
art, kr•:.•tivr �.
1 am just ctartht% the hest thing for nloney.mak-
iuyt )on have seen f0 any a day. Your name and)
address will baiug the golden tnfovnta ivn,
'1. 11LINYUUTT, Tarontp._
Wood and Ir('lr 1F'`tia'4'C 8114)!
Lift Pumps, Wass aid
bon Cylinders, GMalvalti re
ell Iron 'i'nbing. l::islte3t')2a,
Qjrarter Troviti rim, `rsiivakui",
IdCattllta,$t'3V' .111'i i �j Tl!„''„a 'tl'w�e1E
Digging; and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
CGalVanized Stool Windmills for power
end pn)mpinif wat,tr,
Deep. well pultion r) R;)l+cil)i10.
Repairing Promptly httondltrl to.
1'trtrt• It•wtrt1111��shuur lhlr,fa1w )pion trait
flyderiugl ,�
1 deport of well.
f ;k'13 vrt 1 guaranteed or 110 11,11
Oodles Cotton Boot CompoAacl
Is successfully used monthly by over
iyoa r druggist for'I sok 1 C Ston k of Ce d
pound. Take no other, as all IdIstares, plllk and
imitattonS are dangerous. i'rrca, Nth 1, $i per
box,No.is,]0dogreeletrntIpier,$8per box. > o.
1 or 2, mailed en receipt of grie,^ and two 8•cent.
stumt~NM.'1 The
2 n d Dna reon tiWindsor.,
ras d to Ont.
rtespollsrbia Druggists to Canada.
Net I Dud lie. 2 fir 8-0113 by Collo A. C1',npbSIl,
no0 311y h00i41 nnav ready , one 1Nrospeetas re-
presentune four boots ' ran.. In pure from ono dol -
1.,r up. thu.,pest and heat holiday honks published:
eh,•epest hooks hound in ontuel +:Inti)' while other
publishtr13 uae,ittto (loth We pay freight, givoprC-
whims, sou p.•y Us after you make del:very.. Capi-
tal and cep-•rlen e, net neee1atry, so don't 'let this.
131tAnLhY•oAR1tE•rSON CO11PrtNY, LIM TCD,Toroth,
Indnetr:nit8 mall of citarncter to trat•ol and
pl,int agents, Small, inti expenses ,raid.
131tADr.i'NY•0A1t,lLTSUJ: IJOMI ANY, Liarrt ionto;
'INCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets. Posters, rs
A. Ileitis, Chatters, S[0., &a., executed In the.bew
style of the art, tit moderate prices, and on shot*.
notice. Apply or address
11, B. tt.LIOTT-
T utas Office, W1egharp,
Decks nes
j We are gloried to announce• that any Boo
•�•� • ••. �.t .JCb Mttgazinea lefgtvith lag for Wailing. will Imre on'
C� N►Ir Jc Prices for ))1 u111,,t 1„ May stye
M. ,. •-b.).�.1�, prompt attention,
•1a,,,t 141) V int;llam, Ont.' s0) be {final ea application o the Tots. 0.1'348