HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 5THE YY .4..N G HAM TIMES, OCTOBER 230 tSs98. r< eenten . r ,stoat aseivesiesab , yQ I CULROSS. hens, solicitor, to draft a by law fur ! JAMESTOWN. A special meeting of council was the proper survey of that portion of: l Wes Jollnstot ieft on Wednee la• We a want to say that our stock held in •the town hall, Teeswater, the village of Formosa ly tag in the' , tPvv ft of Woollens for fall and winter is cTownship of Culross for registration !eel. I'ut'dwvich, here he wilt arra Seat, 24th, 1838, at the call of the p g operating at the C. P. R. depot Ilia complete, V4 e have some of the reeve as bridges on the 4th and also purposes. Carried. ' friends iri .Jamestown wish him a'1 10 thip g best and most stylish goods in ' Johnston--Jarvis—That Y o, 15 market in 1 on the 2nd con were found to be un bmf n a b 1 , the success he desires, but feel pleased a.,,.. safe. The following is the report of g yaw fur the serve of the' to knots that his trip north will be inapectioil. ii,' ejlvillage of I, ormosa be given the usual •grey tiv shortened. aseat encs. ^rQelletaaa. +sees•n SI IMM , OVEOCuAunst We, the undersigned, inspected readings and passed, signed and g P Mr. D Richardson is busily em• ee the two Urid es as instructed by scaled, By-law was then reed and Winter Underwear, 'late, Caps and all kinds of Gents' Furnishings, I g assed in open courteil ployed getting his barn ready for re• i Waterproof Coats, heady -made Pants and Overalls, $ ; motion No. 4 of last meeting and P' P inoval to his farm. He bought it rs , found that both bridges were unsafe '14:. -- Johnson —Tha.t James from Mr, McAllister of (grey , It is to your interest to inspect our stock before purchasing Clothing, ra ;for travel, as ttto abutment of one on Mittrshall, Provincial Land Surveyor, , C.1 be and is herebyappointed MITI. S. Shine is on the sick list e"- ' ,the 4th con was washed out and ther Pp 'rated. to survev this week. We hope she will soon r a .. e i tun ers in the one on the 2nd con that portion a the village of I±ormosa , be all right again, was decayed and unsafe. We aro comprised in the TownsYip of Culross Mr. S. Fralielc, o: East 1Vawanosb Opp. Queen's hotel, Wingham, of the opinion that the both bridges in accordance with the instructions , y , ®y , ®® .. 0, ,® y m Inas. be shortened and filled up with given in by-law No, 15 of 1898 and i this wee1 calling on his brother, William, earth at the abutments. Wen II. JARVIS, HY. MACKAY '.-• - ` Reid—Scott—That the report of -.r-± 1,. `• t lq r qty • Jravis & MacKay, re bridges on the • • `` ,` .. • r•. 2nd and 4th be adopted and that 11' I ii(`1 jg, Messrs. Jarvis & MacKay have them 11) i ttti i rebuilt by public completion. Car - 1 rr !, f 111IIIl1!P ried. ii fir' I i'1!!'nn Johnston — Scott— That as the ij er ,11% i(i!/i, bridge on• the 25th side road has ?llllfi' been injured by the fire, that Mr. ,', I`lliid Reid have it made safe as soon as : \` 51\`t ; 8 I`:' '-it\A IT • LSA. = `. Orclere "What's a shoe for?" "To cover the foot?"' ,cV:.Lsli?„ "Nod ftrr a moment," se.ys Painy Foot, "Well I guess not," slavers Cold Peet. "To sell," chuckles Dealer under his breath. - TO PIT }'•)a1:T,"Slater Shoe bluntly puts r•''ii• •` 3•ou ha ine," cries Corny Toe. "Just my size," sings ole J . Bunion Joint. "Who'd a thought r.P it," whined Bunch -o -toes. Are you hit, --shoe wearer. Peet fitters are the genuine, Gooiyear welted, stamped on the sole $3,00, , 4,0o and its.oa per pair. CArAl06lite "The Slater Shoe." Fare, • 1!pq, wiee rer`—= For Sale Only by IO TH & 3OWLES. EMEMBER any statute bearing on such survey A Jamestown young man was out and that the clerk sends copy of this coon hunting one night and lie says motion and of by -lay No. 15 to James! he saw a "dear" Marshall, engineerand also to clerk . of Carrick. Carried, Johnston—Jarvis.--That the reeve i t:;OBRIE, and treasurer borrow from the Gillies I Rev. A. B. Farney will prach an Banking Co. the sum of two hundred I anniversar;v sermon on Sunday, Oct. dollars for current expenses and that 130th, being the Sunday be began a bylaw be formed for that purpose.' bis work in this parish one year ago. Carried. Mr. Win. Elliott, of the firm of A bs-law was then drawn up and Elliott & Welsh, marble dealers, passed fur that purpose, signed and Harriston, was in town last week, sealed. erecting a monument to the mencry possible. Carried. Theunancecominittee recommend. of the late Wm. Green. Jarvis—Johnston—that as the ed the .payment Rev. T,A.Wright, ofSt. ad's culvert and diteh on the 12th con 'counts. a3 mens of a number of ac-g' Jud's (The list being too long to Chureh. Brantford, a former ineum- lots 7 requires cleaning out that Gra- I bo inserted). bent of this church, preached in ham Scott have the same dc'ne, Car • Jarvis—Johnston—That the fin I'ordwich, Gorrie end Wroxeter on Car- ried, - • ante report as first read be adopted Sunday last. Report of Jarvis & MacKay re the and cheques issued in payment. Miss Carrie James is visiting with ditch 011 the 14 con :—We, the under- Carried. . friends iu Hibbert township. signed beg leave to report that in Suott—Johnston—That this eeun- Mr. C. T. Wilmot, of Appin, was letting the ihaki,..g of a ditch on the til do now adjourn to meet again onvisiting with bis parents, Mr. and 14 con the money granted for the Monday, Nuv. `?1st at IO o'clock, a. Mrs. John Evans. purpose was not sufficient to caul- m. Cakried. Mrs. R. G. McLaughlin is visiting plete the • work, and, as there was CMAs. BUTTON, Tp. Clerk. with friends in Perth. . only a few rods. to hard laud, we Mrs: R. F. White spent last week ' thought it would be better to finish LONDESB01 o. with friends in Palmerston, it, and so let it accordingly. -•-W. H. Death of a Pioneer—Mrs McVettie, • Jarvis, Hy. MacKay. sr, who has been in failing health for I3ELGItAVE. Johnston—Scott—That the report soine time, died on Sunday evening lieasrs. Armour and McAllister, of of Jarvis & MacKay re ditch cn the at the age ot 88 years, at the resid- Win ham shipped a car. of apples to 14 and 15 cin be accepted as we 1' mice of het• daughter, Mrs Thomas England, P think they acted in the best interests g ' Manchester, England, last week, of the township in connection with Moon. Her remains were interred Miss Mabel ,Levens, of London, the contract Carriecl. in the•Londesboro eemetry on Tues. \\'ho has been visiting Miss Lillie' Council then adjourned to meet day at 2 P. M. A very large num- Scandrett returned to her borne last Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take care of them for you. If you need ECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES buy them from us. Also a fall line of Watches, Clocks, and all: kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. OPTICIAN AIiD JEWELER. UG I S 1 Pbintons, Spring Wagons, St) RIES I Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, -TC. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Carry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness 011 and Soap. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE on short notice, and apet p reasonable prices. //p '/gyp-- yyy 1- 'i. a J. M A- e/ M J. . A e ID leas decided to give his customers and the people in general the greatest ,e„ chance of their life to save money by purchasing their fall and *inter goods from him His stock is complete in all. up-to•date Dress Goods, corn- , Vrising Bnuckle, Figured, Braided, Stripes. Checks and Plain, from cheapest ao finest New York styles in Tailor-made Mantles in Beaver, ]Fine Broad Cloth, Heavy Curled Bouckleand Frieze in all colors ranging from $3,00 up • oo$10.00. ber attended the funeral, showing the\geek, i again on Saturday, Oct. 15th as per esteem in which she was held. • She ►nutii n uf last meeting. was one of the oldest members of the MZr. , F. J. Colvin shipped a D. D. Council met hi the town hall, Tees- car of hags last \veek to Toronto. water, Oct- 15tH, 1898. Members s- Londesboro Mlethodist church. Six Mliss Mlary Vannorman spent a few visiting her brother reeve present, the in the chair, of. her grand sons acted as pailbea.c alldays last weer: all minutes of la et?ng and also ers. She was an aunt to Mrs Robert Mr. Frank Vannorman of Blyth. Warwick, Wingham, Mr. E. Sackrider, our popular Removal—Mr. Fred Liersch, who station agent, is enjoying a trip in has • been running a harness shop Muskoka,• at present, hunting deer, of special meeting were then read_ and adopted. Jarvis—Reid—That its the bridge here for thepastyear hasgiven u relieving con 12 at ,lot 21 and the bride P Mr. McBride, of London, is relieving business and gone to Hensall where him, on the 14 con, lot zl are not safe tar he has secured a situation, This is public travel that J. J. Johnstun and Most of the farmers commenced (anthem Scott have them ut iru . a good opening fur an industrious u P harvesting their turnips this week, er repair•. Carried, 1? : P harness maker. Mr. Robt. Gallagher is putting a Scott —Johnstun — That as the wedding.—A quiet, but appro- priate ppro- t the stone foundation under his store. bridge on can 4 at lot 27 is reported 1piomceaf a dsllHowsuln itook nthece village WWIZOiiLt'TE12. to be in need of supports or stringers on Wednesday of last week in the that Me. Reid examine and repair if presence of only the immediate re- Miss Jennie Vogt is visiting with he thinks necessary. Carried, latives of the family. The bride was her friend, Miss W. 11. Ker, at Ford Jai vis—Scott—That tale road at Miss Carrie Howson, a.niost popular with. lots 22 and `L5, eon 14 and 15 is not Messrs. T. Hemphill & Son have and estimate young lady, who has in proper condition for travel that' been a zealous church worker and had their oatmeal mill thoroughly Mir. ell be instructed to repair member of the league and choir. eve! hauled and repaired. They the sameame as i,greed upon by Mackay The groom, James McClay, being have retained the services of M i'. and Jarvis. Carried. a web known, steady and industri• John A. Barnard, and are able to Scutt—Jarvis—Haat the clerk no Our young man. Mlis Mina Hunking turn nut first-class meals in any tify Andrew Adamson, poundkeeper, ` \vast' bridesmaid, George McClure, quantities. that his accepted as 321,poundkeeperdlgroomsmen, while Rev. Mr. Andrews Miss Jean Davidson has gone to is not ter 22 R S. . 1897as tion states thatlap- d I performed the ceremony. A+tel• re ationyas ,rrwhere lnet site secured a tate- officers appuinted by the Council calving the congratulations u_ theirMr. Allan Rae has secured a situ shall hold office until removed, by ,the friends they partook of a wedding council. Carried. d. dinner and in the evening drove to talon in Mr. J. W. Sanderson's Blyth, where they took the train for cert' sale at Toronto. Johnston—Jarvis—That the ti lleetois—That the clerk Kincardine. We wish them long ne of`' '01d and respected resi• notify the collector. that the collect life and happiness. After a short entelej,ii the person of Mr. David ogle roll is now reedy, and his bond honey•moon they have taken up their Scott, passed over to the silent ma - at 1YIr. Steplieu s office waiting the ' 'ony on Sunda Oct 16th, De- com completion of the endorsement -and :residence in the house lately vacat-J yr P ed byMr. Riddell. I Ceased came to this country from request that ha attend to the same, ' Ntes.—Hiss Annie MeQuarrie, of Scotland in his early manhood, and and also sign the drularation of' office Blyth, is the guest of Miss Eva settled in the vicinity of talevillage. at the clerk's office. Carried' but for the past twenty years he has - Johnston--Reid—That the reeve Adams this week. procure the services of J. J. Step -I Miss Mary Agnew, of Belgrave, is resided within the corporation. His . visiting her brother, Dr. Agnew, wife and one dauslter, Mrs. D. i Work on the new church is being Mitres, survive flim. • • pushed forward as rapidly as pos Mrs. Thos. Sage has returned sihle Mr. Dens,ead, of Blyth, has home from her visit with friends in the contract of lighting and heating. Michigan. 'The two furnaces arrived on Mon- Mrs. Geo. E. Dane and daughter, day. Margaret, of Hamilton, are visiting The regular literary meeting ;n with her mother, Mrs. William the league was held on Monday Sanderson. evening. There was a large attend- ance. A very pleasant and prolit- able evening was spent. Lrdies' FUR CAPES and JACKETS. These Jackets are of the best '---- • Volts (no t-nder skins): and are guaranteed to wear. Every person who in- stends purchasing a jacket, should see these goods and get prices. • See our special lines of Ladies' Vests in Larnb Wool, Marino, Natural 'Wool and Union, from 15e up. Men's, Boys' and Children's Underwear in 'Unions and aril -Woos : also- Heavy Lined American makes from 22 'e'each garment to the finest Scotch wear, Men's largest sizes always kept in stoek. A full line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats to clear out at special low prioes. Men's Tweed Rain -proof Coats, Mandleberg's Sewed Seams. No giv- ing g way at the seam in these goods. Special from $5.00 up. Ladies'. Tweed Circulars with 1, 2, 3 Capes in different colors, also Igtandlebei•g's sewn seams; just the thing for this season at speeial price. I am. the oily merchant in Winghini who keeps 'a full range of Car fete in. Brussels, Tapestry, All Wool, Unions and Kemps. Also Linoleum oilcloths. Tapestry Carpets from 35e to 75e.i7iiione from 271>e to • ec. lrtleiiiapw from 1234'e to 25e. bit• See the new line of n,velopes at ', TIMES S Office. If y9U cannot get beef, mutton will answer. You may choose between milk, water, coffee or tca. But there is no second choice for Scott's Emulsion. It is Scott's Emulsion or nothing. When you need the best cod-liver oil, the best hypo - phosphites, and the best glycerine, all combined in• the best possible manner, you have only one choice. It brings prompt results ill all cases of wasting, or loss in weight. All druggist; ses,, d $1.e0. SCO'r'l' St 5OWN1. Chemists,.intortor r The Kincardine Orangemen will celebrate gunpowder plot anniversary by a supper at the Royal hotel, on Monday, 7th Novetnber. z will guarantee' that rriy _theumatisfm Cure 1 relieve lum- bar sciatica and all rh • matte pains in t e er three lamas d cure in a few: days, MTiNYON; At all druggists.. 25c. a vial. Gruide- to Health and reedi cal advice free. 1505 Arch at„ Phila.' BRUSSELS. Wednesday of last week Judge Masson held Voters' List Colirt in the Town flail, Brussels. The Lib- erals appealed to add 7 names and succeeded and asked to strike 8 off, succeeding in 7. There were 11 A CMVSOLiCITi)t18WAATKU1Vl1,0/tvriitts. Conservative appeals to add, d of to f• r "Iihe wary of the Philippines' iry nturnt q`h1Ch ivet'E );ranted and nut of (i ap• itnlstenri. scni%sstonori by the G irtetntuout uv 3 . tai tl 111 t gran to tho War ito smment, Tho peals to strike oil' were gt anted. ht .•k was tt rilten h, nrmv esn,p to 4 n Nrana';i o; , oil the ['cultic) with 0i'.oral Merritt, ritt, in the hospitals l l.1tss Mattie 1JO\ nillg` has gone to at tlonnhtln, in Unix ItIng, in thn Alnoriaan trrneh 1(iodCll t'1 at,elid the i n+ rat Molls, in tile hisurt;t:nteamps wit t Auulnal- l 116, air the f•.x•k of the i)ivne'la with newsy, and in Tnatiterlute. \V'e world be pleased tO thy rear t•r bottle at "he fall t,t Manila, norian7+ t see hei'tieenre het' 2nd class certificate. i,n• ni;c.rts. Uricotitt et uari liril pictures takrn by ev,•intuont t'lt+ tekrnpixi°s ro the retie ',ogeei A snatched race is talked of between sink Low rr tel Dia groats,, al .pail, , stallion t•teilit urrni, 1)rnp an trashy unofficial War honks, • SGl"f„ttiJti I`(19 jl,'amt) pacing 9 .itii t>rsw, Aalrit+ nal P`, 'r. Soho, 'Sea'y.v Sur ,•• rrt tilos ^ ± e'1' all • r o it D " lesura ntn Ittt* . CkiQar ok• mit fi1i ',rt of Wingham, who was here on fall fair day. The Winghain man wi'tits mile heats while Stretton Bros., owing - to their horse being very fat, asks half mile. The horses are closely matched hut on the half mile it is quite likely "Guy" would show the mare his heels, The "catchy" weath- er will probably forbid' any testing this Fall. Organizer Allan, of Aliieton, was here last week giving the local A. O. U. W. lodge a lift. Treasurer Stewart, rA•l the East heron fall fats prize tnoi es. at the town hall on Saturday hist. Mr. Jas. Irwin, late of the Lucan Sun, and formerly of this place, has moved to town 'and will a.itin put; the Brussels Herald in motion, A. second paper in Brussels has alwats been a difficult undertaking.Mr, Richard Roche, t+ho lieu been in Austria for the pest summer is expected home in a few days. Mr. James Ballantyne is opening a new bakery, Mrs. E Melsem and Miss Gertie: intend removing to Brom end r:ekt. week. Mr. Melsom h t•inpl"yed in.. that.city with tate \\'aterou4'Com- pany. They have Iive d jn Brussels: for the past 10 or 12 ; ears. Cre.: wish them success. GODI?UF'11. At St. Peter's, ou Wedii slay, at 9 a. 10., by the Rev, Father \?'t:st, Mary, only sister id the lietsrs Farr, of this town, awl Flint, .Mich , to Joss Fellows, of Niagiti. Falls, eon- tracter. The bride was tastefully arrayed in a tsilveliing• costume of brown broadcloth, H•ttlt vert (-i hale blue crinkled velvet; picture bat of brown to meter+, ti hewed with blown and pale blue. The bridesnu id, Muse titin v Campbell, Bruck sn mer, was pi ettily dressc d in pale blue cash toe) e, w, it Ll hilt to match The gi oc,rh-nr•itt vas lir. .Jas. Reynolds, of Clinton. %111en the biidal party utas leaving the chard), itis; Jori0 Shei.neoi, organist of St. Peter's, Ila) ed t tic; wed -1 ng march. The brutal party dr•,r r, to the residence ofMr, Win.1':irr, Cambria. street., wItt-1 tllt'taate f'i•iends tit the hi irie .ut oov. n ,a an excellent wedding breiikifast. and left on the 2 30 p. m. train for Lon- don, wtail 0 they intend to reside. Two hundred and sixty -fuer pa- tients were t'r'ti'r•i in rail i:aspital the Matt year, or Nvlicun ttAt-lt e died. The Farmers' Snn, ih0 organ of the Patrons, until la tel‘ issue's from. the Saturday Night „tli.ae, is now issued front the, Globe r'fiice. Two rie'W instated Ravi' arrived at the House of Refuge, Clinton. They arebroeieis, initeeiles, 3otiatli•iti and Wm. Storm, fruity tit.; township of Stephen. FACTS ABOUT HEALTH It is Easy to Keep Welt tf We Know • How -Some of the Conditions Neces- sary to Perfect Health. The importance ot maintaining good health is easily understood, and it is really a simple matter if we take a cor- rect view of the conditions required. In perfect health the stomach promptly digests food, and thus prepares nourish» MIA. The blood is employed to carry this nourishment to the organs, nerves, muscles and tissues which need it. The first great essential for good health, there- fore, is pure, rich blood. Now it is cer- tainly a fact that no medicine has such a record of cures as hood's Sarsaparilla. It is literally true that there aro hundreds of people alive and well today who would have been in their graves had they not taken hood's Sarsaparilla. It is depended upon as a family medicine and general regulator of the system by tens ot thou.. Bands of people. This is beano. hood's Sarsaparilla snakes the brood tame; 'Dais is the secret •ot its great au tai es your system in good health by. ;ol;,: your blood pure with hoods Sar which absolutely curds when roe cines feibl to do any goia1 w1rstrev r „ r, u o o .-i(S a1Pb dtibh7 tnbi s't