HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 44 TIIE WIN'U I TJ1 IE;S, OCTOBBE It 28, i `4:'1, 1Ii1tli.ET REPORTS. wiAordn2l. �» Nouse Q5' e.)1 l)1 to Giii, 100arg _T-- � tJ crr , • .t r , t a. ct t. a as r. s �i I MORRIS, ! fi•�etreettls L'.;eet" retelea."` este este regal ZO1Z _fa (;; • a Th 'l Gaccordingt 1; 1 Ot" 169 C;? The cOtlnel ole a ac - t t tq+t rbm, e . 2 r ,. Tho undersigned (Item ; fnr sale of to ourinuertt o11 Oct. 17, 189t3, Mem- Corrected by P. Do.,ux, £'ratic:ce smite. rent a;;'tr.d two &.tarty fr fo Rause, oma- ars all present, the reeve in the Flour per 1.0U the 1 75 to ti li0 t' utry and fruit It 11 WI tt ib 16ViIwiY THE 13LOOA IS d't7Rl AHD chair. Minutes of last meeting; read Blaring Wito.•tt . anti passed, J- , -+, 5,11 IiICfi IT WILL HEAL RAPIDLY. The t,olte Gl! • (lets, item ctor presented his band I3a.ricy ` 1 ass �y ,�� r and on !elution ot Isbister• seconded t;.nrkey, .1., .e fl TRIG F IOT DRNIONST1tAT'Ei) IN TUR C.tSR r wed take 1i Path by Code that the clerk be iristructcd' (At Co, " ��t i t)1' (tuRST E R GAWLEY, AVID) R U) !Ducks, nt•r pair .. 0 Ifl to it fill about t111 ILS stttlat'itCtory. 1 BERN TROUBLED 1) 1PIT1I A it[rNN- - r . . , T4ntt'+r al 1) to (1 15 a l Gardifi—Code---.Ghat the clerk be , , LNG SOUK FOR MORD 7.'1IA2v' A1• Y.ttAR. • . .e.,tgs par cit-•- •ti l) 1.1 to 0 14 til ! inset acted to notify engineer heel to .• tete A pt•r ., eel.... i ee t� 1 es !proceed his examination and estimate I fray ttJl• tU,i, t .'1, • to :) 00 From the Times, Owen Sound, p , • 1'otataen, per bushel, ' In the township of Sarawak, Grey of Garniss dealt! e.3 soon as he receives' 1 f_ county, there is probably .no better the petition with the necessary midi- t,1.auow ,tu+r 1b. I>rte.i :l,t:ub, l,,•r lie known or respected farmer than Thos. , ttunal names attached, --Carried. wool rig, G:awley, of Etst Lintan P. 0. Learn- i Isblster--Cardiff—`1'Ire following Dressed hoe, 1, g at:wants were ordered to b'e paid, ;, inthat his nephew, ae young ltd now > • . namely •—C W. Ltawrence digging b' t t ye - of •i rd h td been 0 70 to 0 72 talcum, beech rooms. ct 0 70 to 0 7w closet; summer (kitchen and woodshed; Brill Your Wife illlf� t�li�liwQli« 0 20 tc, n •;,7 good atabk•, bald futon soft water, together i7 0 1(1) to t) 35 n(10to1)00 to tl OH t) 04 to (t 05 '1.'1 ONCE A YEAR • �� r , LI tl e h:tae the largest stock of Sponges in town from Pei 5i'.tt)SI.00at iEt—li 1 tfft o Sn to o lit) 0 3ta0 4 t1 '2 to 0 4 19 to 21. 5 l.0 to 0 0(1 0 25 to () 25 1 '+ 1 ' rt came, of ,t disease of his leg wheel ditch, ti 12 ; Johu Casemate, spikes, cattle, choice per cwt, $3.75 to ,•4 ; �ft�5�t�it��L.,�. � �r ! butcher's ne iruni cattle per etvt d not ue,ly the limb but p :� + � 1 also of the life of tate little fellow, a Garniste spikes and culvert, 83 ea ; ! x°3.50 to 8.1.611; stockers, per 0W1, DRUG nom r u t' and repairing culvert 8:2.•25 • Wm. t c , l: thl eatene 1t, • • 3 ,25 to l 51 Sheep, per cwt kJ _ _....._...___.�— _- ---- . —_— •Duff ie. Stewart, cedar•, X11.45 ; t_reo. ( "^��[n reporter of the Time: made enquiry, `Saunb gravelling, $9.03 ; P. Scott, $2.50 to �$",'3 :t5 ; lambs, per cwt, �i•i, --90�'74�.ei'��t.`•�a•-•1:•.�•'• - t47..5 and we are convinced that the, y,., ;•, �,. ...... -y Owers of Dr. Will- gravel, t 1.45 i John 13roadfoot, tile, to $1.:35 ; calves, per head, �:3 to $10; ! ,_ re _e _, . „ __ _ wonder working phogs, best selec;two a :w•1,25 ; li+rhe TO ADVERT/ISE.DS. lams' Pink Pills for Pale People have 82.20; Wm. Ward, ditches, $7.; T. , light, not exhausted themselves. Meeting • 1lealy, ditch, ; 2 50; M. Healy, cul- per cwt, $1 ; thick fat, pet• Cwt, ?-; Notice of changes must be left at this lir. Dawley in one of the drag stores ! vert, $5 ; John Phalen, dttoh, $e ;so Ls.spe ewe 3 toN$ ).25.Oet. ?;�. office not later than Saturday ; of the town, he was asked if the 1 e- Jas. Snell, culvert and repairing side-1Buffalo, Tho co m for changes ft H fce road, $11 ; J. McElroy, repairing Receipts of sato and through cattle,' noun p1 pot teal cute was a aca mint be left not a er . lighted n � with a smile as a said, � + + " day evening. Casual advertise- r•Inclead it is sir. I was afraid we ;cleaning ditch, �'� ;John Bell brush. 'ended at noon to -day were as follow: g t F""�''9 � SALE menta accepted up to noon were going to lose the lad, but he is log, putting in culvert, $15.4J ; ,las. Cattle, 47 cars; sheep sad lambs, 12 ' r, G� SALE The administ"tttri'; of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for sale the Two Stores in Windham now occupied by Messrs N .A. 1+'nrquhar- soh and Miss Boyd. Offers for the some should be adrlres: ed to J A MORTON, Vinghnm, Solicitor for the Estate. f later than Tues g, d ditch and culverts • D Armstrong ;sheep and hogs during the _ 1 !tours l . with half All acre, or twenty acmes of laud if required. For partinulars apply to GEO. Mol ENZIE, 1t' Ingham. PUBLIC NOTICE. Having moved to t"u'n to the resi- dence lately' occupied by Geo 1' Wells, corner Cen1.re and ,'clued streets, near the G TR, 1 ant prepared to P1ty the h ig hest dash prima for all kinds of Rugs, Rubbers, Copper, Iforee (lair, Wool Pickings, !run and IVIF'to1 of all kinds, delivered tett my reytdenee, or if word be left, 1 will cut; for biline. _._G'• GOODMAN. E O t:EY TO LOAN :any amount of money to loan no good farm pr'o;('I y e.1. ,,per eent per annum. StraiyAltt Ltu,us- Pu. Us ntH made to silt borrower. atit.f,,ntlon gua. anteed C:hlargestoe+, tltufllat 1� ilih y afternoon and all day Saturday, Biot!;, litiogham Thiel! •• vel $2 20 Geol. e John- ears; hogs, 20 cars, Shipments— strung." Asked fur particulars, lir stun, culvert, 89.75; John Sample, Cattle, 47 cars; sheep and lambs. 4 Thursday of each week, now as well as ever, hearty and! , gra , , g n ) Gawlev did them mast tratur<tl thing int digging; award drain, $5.25 ; R Bone, ..)1 - (..tUg a1fl IMI.5 the world, referred the reporter to his I Cleaning drain, 1 ; S. McCracken, J;wife, who in telling the case said:— brushing out road, $8.46 ; Jas. Mar - h itIDP Y, OCTOBER —_ "In the month of Sep:ember 897 :shall, engineers expenses, 101 50 ; 28, 1898. ' my nephew, Chester Gawl lives with us, became elite EDITORIAL NOTES. !severe paid in his left lee THE North West election campaign days the limb became b • is in full sway. The nominations and pait,ful, and the fa - tpkin•; place to day (Prides), and vitas called in, , T polling on Friday, November 4th. I plefew ind g• one, but few days to ian+ It has ween decided to transfer the `done, but the trial of the North Bruce election pro -'not heal up, b t became a iuunine, test against Mr. C. M. Bowman, Lib- 'sore. The little fellow soon was re- S. Vanuorman, gigging drain, $1.25; eral to Toronto on November 14th, ' duced to al must a skeleton. This selectors of jurors each 4 ; Thos. when the protest will be dismissed. continued through the winter months Russell, nails, Svi ; John 'Watson, Mr. Bowman had a majority of , and we thought he never would get . equalizing school sections, 88 ; W. J. shout 400. :off his bed again.. In April two. of -Nicholson, tilt', 7.03 ; Jas. lltillar, :the best physicians of Owecr S)und repairing,= washout, 81• Tia. bye elections in East Welling ;operated on tris leg fordisease of Wei Oli 111ution of Isbister see'd by ton and South Ontario have been at • bone, resorting, to scraping the bone.: Kirkby, the council then adjourned • fever heat during the past week. ' In spite of this treatment the wound ' to meet agate: tin the 28th of Nov. non, J. ill. Gibson and Dr. Coughlin continued to run, and we were in de- . nest* • have been holding very successful spair. In August a friend residing ! Wee CLARK, Tp Clerk. eneetings in East Wellington. The' iii hlauitortelManitoba, advised us to 1 The following report gives the re- potting in this ridene took place try Dr, Wiiliatns' Pink Pills. Wel suit 'of .the promotion examinations • yesterday. Hon, John Dryden and commenced to use them at once, and ; held in S. S. No. 8, and determines n Dr. Lackner in South Ontario will in a short, time several pieces of the, pupils position in class for November: know who is the successful candidate • bone came oat of the sore, and before; Promoted from Jr. IV to Sr. 1V, next Tuesday, when the polling will the boy had taken four boxes the leg • total 850-- Gordon Embury 741.1 take place in that riding. i was coiuplete:y cured. This was 'Lorne Knox 695. Mgt. JOSEPH BECK, the Conserve- lover a year sago, and Chester is now I . From Sr. III to Jr. IV, total 800 ; 'five candidate in the late provincial I well and strong in the left leg, which to pass, 400—Ruby Forbes 742, Ettie W t II t 1 rt caused the trouble, as in the other. Agar 684, Vena Knox 662, Peale Embury 615, Martha Ingram 520, Charlie Garniss 437, Alice Paul ; re maining in class, none. From Jr. III to Sr. III, total 685; to pass 345—Eva M. Souch 556, e e y, who i John ro Coiclough, repairing Dick's e. with a' hili, $b ; John Richmond, work on In a few � south boundary, 86 ; John Kirkby, dly stwollen I work or{ saute b•rundary, $2.50; Jos. fly physician ; Nolan, work on South boundary, 81 ; se was a per- ; Wm. McCall, cleaning ditch, $1 ; P. decided after a Cantelon, repairing culvert, $2 ; T. o leg. T1iis was ; Russell, repairing culvert, 81.50 ; ud inflicted would ; Judge Masson, court expenses under • ,, . ditches and water courses act, $5 ; teleetton in es aeon, w , Of course I recommended highly the the seat because Mr. J. T. Garrow, ,use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." M P. P., had been elected by the ! r casting vote of the returning officer, such is the story of the fourth cure re• which it has, has abandoned his claim to the seat, i , been our pleasure tc, ce of the with•' port ATM. Owen Seund. Chester ane. gas given not ' Gawley is growing up into a strong Xarifa Fraser 5135, Johnny Garniss drawal of the petition. The counter : healthy lad, and is but adding an- 424 ; retnaining, none. petition will itho be withdrawn, and p it is understood Mr. Garrow will re- other tribute to Dr. Willians' Pink Froin Jr. II to Sr. II, total 600 ; t Pills to say that the;, were the inst- to pass, 300—Euinra Jermyn 441, sign and a new election will be held.; rument in his restoration to bodily Anuie Garniss 369 ; remaining, nurse. vigor. From Sr. •Pt. II to Jr. II, total LIQUID AIR AND IT'S USES. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create 400; to pass, 200—Hazel Embury Since the discovery of the uses of new blood, and in tbis way drive 327, Charlie Agar 271 ; remaining, diseases from the system. A fair none. :steam, nothing, not even excluding trial will convince the most skeptiai. 'Pt. II C1ase Exams, total ;400— electricity, has prorni,ed to be of Sold only in boxes the wrapper Willie Forbes 364, Iiarvie Knox 851, more econimie importance than the around which bears the full trade Wm. H. Jeck:fn 31.2, Tommy Jer nnnanufacture of liquid air. A cone- mark "Dr. Williams' fink Pills for 1 rnyn 297. pany is now installing a $20,000 plant Pale People." If' your dealer does Sr. I. Total 200.—Vonnie Rut- in New York, which is expected to not have them they will be sent post ledge 187, Lizzie Knox 17.2, Huldah produce 720 gallons a day, at a cost paid at 50 cents a bax or six boxes Rutledge 158, Sarah Agar 121, Fted of ten cents a gallon, The retail for 82.50, by addressing the Dr. Agar 87, Stanley Rutledge 81. price to the oonstlmer is to be, for the Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Jr I—Neli.on Agar, Norman Souch, present, $2 a gallon, but even at this Ont. Hazel Stamper, figure it wilt be one third as dear as! D. L. S ruACHAN,Teaehtr. ice at 86 a ton, the average price of CLINTON'. ice in New York. Wednesday at high noon, a quiet '.lve btoolc hiarnette. Three gallons of liquid air are said : and pretty wedding took place at Toronto, Oet. 25.—The receipts of to equal three tons of ice; to be,safe'the borne. of Mr. Godfrey McGugart, cattle at the western yards today and convient, And to have untold' Poplar Hill, near St"athroy, when were represented by 48, and business possibilities of usefulness. Aeeotd•,Laura, his eldest daughter, became was fairly active. The offerings ing er 'refrio one gerating erating cheaply residences, ice' the wife of J.)o e Doherty, the genial ! more ere of fa favorable quality, rl would g hson of W. Doherty, the well•ltnown chests, breweries, packing houses, !organ manufacturer. MI Miss Vine. have commanded higher prices. Deal- 1iospitals, cars, ships, cellars, etc., 1 McGug:.n, sister of the bride, acted el's are quoting from 4e to 41c per supplant powder and dynatnite as' as bridesmaid, a.ni A. T, Cooper, of lb for the best stook ; extra bulls are An explosive, take the place of steam' town, as groomsman. Only the im- i quoted at from 83.50 to 3.60 per as a motive power, do away with • mediate relatives of the families . cwt. The market tor butcher's cat electriciry in the propulsion of bi-' were present, and after the usual : tle is steady, the limit is about 4c cycles and horseless carriages, and ! congratulations and luncheon the i per lb, and this price is given only. forever destroy the usefelness of prey-: party left on the evening train ,fort for the choicest pick. Medium cattle Sure blowers a:.d fans as ventilators. Detroit, Chicago, and other American I sell at Sae to Inc per lb. The sheep One volume or liquid air produces' Cities. At the present time Mr; trade is off a little, but still there is 748 volumes of gas. So far no vessel,Doherty is the youngest alderman of 1 a good demand for lambs. Sheep has been made so stand the tensions the town, and secretary of the Liberal sold at frog! $2.76 to 0,25 per cwt. on changing ing the air from a liquid to i Conservative Association, and other ;and lambs at from 4c to 41e per lb. ig'asenous state, but they will come organizations, and has always taken i Calves are quoted at from 83 to 810 in time. Liquid air will be used in ' a leading part in the various enter-' per head. The hog market was firm, reducing any refractory ores. flub 'prises of the town, I under a light run—about 800 head. tber and iron are made so brittle bar! The prospeets are for a. higher range contract with it that they Can be ' %ANTJ O.8EV1.1tAO x1)tTSrttotltfiY PF.tt.' of prices. The best selections sold at 1 bons in thio Arnie t 1 mantyto our .horim st in • 4 r,. lb and light hogs at 4e per brcken like glass and a fiowet expos• their own anti nearby ea entice. rt to ntni,tiy oaNae •t � per >� g l - ' ed to its awful temperature, while re- work conducted nt hmr..,. Nnrnry ettaaxbt 1t a� n lb. Milch cows, t+:.'0 to x345 ; export I= atxi ex.,enst�t--dcfinirr, b'nnW1o, nn enur, etre ttatitattrg its perfect form, crumbles to ie,fe ,fatary. 3anntify KA Hof+•rrnres. 5fMofr) cattle, per Cwt, ° to 30; expo t at the slightest touch," eelf-addr ed eterni+ec�rrtrotoire, Iferbt,tt 10,11 O1), bulls per cwt, t0• ' .G0 t butChcr s auto + Pray Da t W. Chffea tri cars; hags, 40 ears. Cattle—There were no fresh sale cattle, but a few loads left over sold at about steady prices. Calves were in light supply, fair demands, unchanged, choice to extra were quotable at $6 75 to 87.25 good to choice 6 to 86.75. Sheep and lambs—Tho oti'eiiegs were principally Canada lambs and n few bunches left over; the market was unchanged; there was a gnt.d demand at the pricer; choice to extra lambs wet e quotable at 85.50 to 85.55 ; good to choice, t$,'5.25 to 85 50; sheep. choice to extra, 84 40 to «4.05; gond to choice, $4 to $1.40. Hoge --The of eriugs were liberal ---80 loads, 10 of wheel) were fresh sale and the balance left over frtnu' } estr'rdav ; the bulk of the good weiy;lat Yorkers sold at 83.00 to $3.65; light Yorkers, $3.45 to 83.55 ; pigs, $3 35 to e3.45. • One of the most horrible crimes ever recorded in Toronto was'cumit• ted Saturday afternoon, when Mrs. Burrell, of 559 Logan avenue, strap• gled her three children. Although the woman may have been insane at ttie time of the triple mender, she soon recovered her senses, and calm- ly discussed the af,'ir with Per [lorri- fietl husband and the neighbors. • W BSTE OOa Do you get up with a headache? Is there a bad taste in your mouth? Then you hove a poor appetite a. d a weak d:::,es- tion. You are frequea:ly dizzy, always feel dull and drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from. yotr food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia dart through goer body. Cil:at is the cause of all tilt trouble? Constipated bowels. have secured the services of three first-class coat Makers, and are in a posi- tion to execute orders in workmanlike manner on the shortest notice. Style and fit goes for a good deal these days— both are combined in the clothes we make. Our goods are all new and the prices are low. • Webster & Go., Queen's Block. ptAERICnk WATCHCASZC9 rOrtON'to. a 'sh�!y,r••,, ,,-u:war..,<.. .�:w.; t�< ? `.?rl will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Xccp :Iona DIocet PIiz'c. If you have neglected your case a long time, you had better take Ager's Sa'3mparinll also It will remove all impurities that have been accumulating in your blood and will grcat:y c::cn,thcn yoer nerve,.. V430 ito.tS Z" §..2eCloa Tllete may bo acmot -'15 rt,c+tt your earn aani do not gait& t:nc:^.r- atand. Write the doctorfroe!y: tett biro how rot aro a:actin% Yon Will promptly reran* Cm best recticeituvlcn. Adams!, D.J. C. dyer, iott'en, Mee. • e We? carry a very fine line at low prices. " Call and see the11]. GOLD RINGS An elegant^]C stock and best value ever shown in \'r'S(inghani. SILVERWARE The best assortment in town." HALEY PARK. $ o.co reward for a watch we Can't fix. iitlild E11110191110111' We Lave opened Variety of a Iarq;o atosk et oottweete. fall voile, and are. ,pl't+p•tr ed to (der to the public) an a54•)rta)ent of Boots and Shoes such as have newer before. been ehuwn in the town of 4t ingham_ 'We eau suit the f11:1Ht fashionable Ladies and gentlemen, for we h live+ all lands ot toes, all the newest shatle-1 ren l uolors, and we can 1tlsu suit Lilt+oltl medics ands Chlutlemen with our wide, nom 0100 sense. shoes Ay;re.tt vari.,tj in Ladies' But- toned Hoots and Lela and Gaiters. We have a splendel stent of Bays' Girls'' and Ohilclren's School Shoos. Gots of Farmers' Long 13t,•)is, bath ready-made, aid huu,o-made. Also a groat variety- of arietyof all kinds of Pelt Goods. See our 'trunks anti Valises, they are extra. cheap. O'ill and examine our stuck anal prices and he eonviuced that our goods are the best and cl,c•at:Cst in town. Na.. tr90hl0 to 0)0 57 golds. `tt4pttirihk prompt!) „ttea'lecl to:• ej. J.G. KARG ES. IT PAYS TO frf�� The UII1NA A BUSINESS GGLL G C1fATFIAISi, ONT. still leads its contemporaries in lilac -- ,•r in pupils. 134 of our pupils were placed!' be, choice positions in the ten montbse ending July the 1st, an average oft' nearly 4 per week. What do' I'•ott.' think of it ? It Pays to Attend the Best: a College reopens on Tuesd4,,Oepte 13111 for the fall term. Write for catalogue of eiter ,ldee partment to D. McLACI3LAN & do. RETURNEE ON T/N1E. Carefully washed, properly ironed,. correctly finished and fairly priced— • that's the history of your linen wheat brought here. Not a thing in our washing preparations to. injure the fibre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms. J. D. LONG Opp. Union Factory. Times from now till January` 1St, 1900. $ L3 5 for the TIMES and Toronto EEKLY GLOBE from o ] 1]ow till halt uary ist, 1900. This offer is to New Subscribers only. t 1'