HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 3S'AVES
'resery a tion, o> F gd, I Keep Young Stock Thrifty,
A fresh In id egg is never improved I Young and growing stock should
�O;d� fR16VR�S
by age, but it's good qualities maybe kept in good, thrifty condition at.
be preserved, if not wholly, almost I this time. If for any cause they are. And Serious Losses from Use
wholly, by suitable handling. Eggs allotveci to ran down, it will reclitire
0 1 %1 should bo gache'cd front rho nests extra good feed Saricare to got theta of Common and Adulter-
�•+ may deteriorate fur foodpurpc i fele to make up lost growth saving
'aine's Celery Canipouod Ban-
ishes All Their 1 roubles.
Fully Restores Every
Womanly Function.
Fortifies the Entire Female
at least once every day. An egg i gaining Wan). It always costs dou ated Dyes.
rapt, n I
Yt ru than e ;nothing of the risk of so stunting the
ono or two wet �s may g
unfavorably for food purposes by 'animals that they never completely DIAMOND DYES
d 'tl through f cases a very little reeding in con -
shell, Any moisture; on the shell be necessary to keep them thrifty.' The only pure, harmless and sucoaes-
hasreus the beginning of decay in It is the omission to supply this in fui
the beginning. of the proems of hatch-! recover from the effects. In most
Aro Used
Ing' ; and l may fleetly ler- ornlcal Women,
mentation started at the pores of the nectioit with the pasturage is all wi 1
t' good season that causes them to fail , package dyes for bonne dyeing aro
that way. An. egg may look well i;' the Diamond Dyes,
when eXtuniaed by etindle lightin in condition. Whenever young; tn The alum
ttation paolcage1 yuci!ismal the
the usual way, and still be slightly stock are not growing, the food given
stale inside Smut) egg merchants theta is practically lost, as food of ,nrgtily adulterates! with foreign sub.
that brings no return. Profit fn values her garments and wnterials will
feeding is secured only when the care to ries the coloring powers of these
t?uimal isgiven enough what is adulterated dyestuffs. Suffice it to say,
g the colors are dull, muddy and lifeless,
required to sustain life and make up and cannot stand the most ordinary
stances that they are positively danger
detect whether they are quite freshly sup port is much added to the cost nus to use and handle. No lady who
iJfTxzcs & tLfc}IARnsON (o., flavored by breaking some, empty
Gentlemen :—It affords rre much plea- ing the contents out and stnelling
sure to testify to the wonderful goo.l the inside of the shells.
that I have derived from Paine's Celery if only a few eggs in the lot are
Compound. ( was run down and great- discovered to be stele that will east for the daily waste to secure a steady washing.
lytroubled with indigestion, and after 'afn, If there is some cru that can' The Diamond Dyes have a long record
uing scleral bottles of your mailtoine i discredit on the whole, and very gpof triumphs and well-done work that
was completely cured, and can say that greatly reduce the .selling price. be cut off and fed fresh and green as has never been equalled in the history of
1 feel like a new person. 1 trust i his Immediately after the eggs are cul- needed, this will always be found home dyes. In every part of the world
array be of some use to others who suffer looted from the nests and cleaned best. A feed of this kind can be they give delight and satisfaction, and
as 1 did• they should be put in a cool place
Yours truly,
ELTZ9. CRUISE, they ean be despatched to
391 Pine Ave., Montreal, marketuntil.
Great caro should be taken in
given in the pastures, but if it is are balled as true money savers. '
necessary to feed dry feed in most Elnsy, pleasant tun le none
cases it will be best to put the stock dyeing is only possible with tete tested
and popular Diamond Dyes.
into feed lofts, in which are convert- As there are still storekeepers who
Bo'v Betsy Got Her Nickname. packing eggs not to use any sub• tent racks where the feed may be sell
ll Inferiior pack{ and soap grease
Betsy's mother was unusuallybusy
mance which has in itself a disagree-
• y able odor or flavor, ae that evil likely
one mornib . She and Hannah were be imparted to the eggs, The keep -
placed so that there will be as little t yes for esti e u long pro ' ssee ,
that your (loaf(+r gives you aha Diamond
whoa you ask fur then.. Every
be fed later, commencing with a genuine package has the name "Dia -
en the kitchen making pies, cakes, in of eg rs •paekea in •Mlle straw small quantity and g.;radnally in- mond.”
waste as possible. Some grain should i ayes
;, poor judgement to pay ten cents
puddings and tarts, for company was ur musty bran will impart that dis- creasing as their needs may require.' for adulterated dyes when you can buy
expected that afternoon.at*reeiibie m.i; to thein,- It is touch easier as well as cheaper the guaranteed Diamond Dyes for Abe
Betsy ran into the kitchen, and was to keep animals thrifty now, and same price.
so botherson]e that her mother gave_, after they are put on dry feed, than Send to Wells s Richardson 0o., Mon-
ier a bowl of muyt:ttdand told her to No Cocaine in Dr. &. W. C'tiase s to let thein run clown now and then treat, for book of (rireetione and sample
Catarrh Cure.
Away ran Betsy, and after finding tindil'har eot su Os y s uho(,l of
fve Chemistry
I later. '1'o get the most profit stock
out that her dolls refused to eat she exanttuatiun of Dr. Obese's. Catarrh C u re lot •ell kinds rust make a steady I Literary Notes.
feed her pour dolls in the attic , try to put theft, in thrifty condition •card of 48 colors ;free to any address.
sat down on a little stool and tasted it for Cocaine and in t l l , growth trent birth to maturity. Go d
Full figs. Outinty Coveter. lI:*::a:x:cttroal Cil
It Is only by fcFding anti, carfng`"��
for theta so that a steady growth is The two-;'(3•tr testa (I t' the ptretieplt
maintained that fall pigs can he tnenihers of the county council Matas -
made valuabi', In order to keep tis with this ekes; (f ti.iti year, anti,
them thrifty during' the winter it is wn era clerk Unit.)stet week mailednot only es cunei to provide there the necessary pupils to this t,'fiieet&
with warm, dry quarters and to feed apt ttinte s by the rift t , e.efilit td
them well through the winter', but if r;c(•ivo ncnnfnrtrt'ttc:, tt,t• :i1:. Heel;t tent{.
the best results are obtained, they Thetbtl"tvirg, ytlet aeitall rnunieipaI
must be, well started to growleg and c;el•ic:s, ate dirt id'il,:tl; fur tile dilftlrenG
accustomed to eating before cull distrieis; ;r, l(e- el'aol'.i, Colborne,.
weather sets in. By feeding the towtt of txc•dat'iert) ',V.:`.(Gthers, 1;e1 -
sows liberally on good slops, maid) feet; No, 2(tutwleati1' ..:f tv ederieb,
Ings and twilit, which ]Hakes ore of iltt'lett, Miltull), ,lntia+ ; Citiipfeell,
the best rations that can he supplied, Lundesburu'; Ner it) Hay., U3el,sall,
not only will they he enabled to sup.Btaulev, i3.ivf'.e.d), Vied !lees, Zurich;
ply their pigs. with plenty of milk,
but the pigs will learn to eat earlier.
Cool roomy troughs should be sup
plied and plenty of fecal given, so
that the pigs will have plenty of op-
portunity to learn to eat. lner+-a=e
the ration as may be rcgnir(:d.
About the only safe rule at this tints:
in f'eeclinh {;o givehm tii'tx,xett.r), .I„?,
fee ie:tn' Wroxeter.
that ti:ev 1+piills eaist upteft antatee:tentill hese gettee:t n wall feet -lye wain,.
metal. Pigs will thrive better and • atious on the late {{buddy hut one in
keep healthier if they can have the December—wl:ie;t will Le December”
run t.f a good pa tore. Even in .
19th—and Uho electieee, will take
winter they will do Letter if allowed. ; place fwu weeks later, uti January
to inn. out th to it' kept closely eon_ ! and, along with the t'ther a nicipai
fined. A litt•lc care ralten in g(,ttd ! elections.
season to get them well sr
luted will I
help materially is maint.,ining a ; A ]Stave Noe.good growth throngs the winter. i
Provide warm, dry shelter. It is I Feet v rendcis are sit- +a+te that Dose
easier to maintain anintat heat in I t„lraitips carry l,uil�r nl raced, whir
this way thin by feedinu grain. Itare often called npn,n to peiforte per.
Provide a tight feeding floor, with i {loos reptiles anti, iia eft usri' euxerg--
good troughs for slap, to order to lent,, these r•en get inside of trite•
lessen the waste in feeding' as much I --tier or furnace, whie x but a for
as possible.—St. Louis Republic. minutes betee had 1•ctn tilled with
— boiling water or red Int teeth Theta
You Should. Know is nv task too dnngerona for these- Whet Houd':r f Rrsapnrilla has power to men to do. Out; of turn ut.doubted-
No. .{(Stephen, u: tt+ane, Exeter),
Cheeter Prouty, Hee; No, b)'lcK.illop,
Tttckerstuith, `aeat�trth), .. t.ir. Smillie,.
IJeusell; No. (1(t, icy, Merle, Brussele)
F, S. Scott, lirnesiat; Ni. 7(Weee
\Vawanosh, Eeet \Y aeanuah, ltlytb,
'<'4ringhaat), Peter 1',t:•• erilital. liiar-
nnclt; No. Pall&vvie•t:. 'i'urnberry,
all Its tom ,Swat R v , do for those who have impure anal int- 1v saved the "Gastine" ft (,rn dE iLruc-
fr•oto samples purchased in the open t care in feed is necessary if this •is ; The November number of the overiehed blood. ft mrtkeR test r,In r1
$erseli.i rove and ,ore, anal c 1 tion • the htirbour (.f i<in Juatr�
Meanwhile the company had Seri,- rnarkbt, and tinct nose present." We done to the best advanta e: —St. Delineator is called the L+'arly Winter p 1 ern•R ecrut+iia, exalt . (� ,
ed and amongthen] was Betsy's fav-
eller a charitable
of nstitu, to Ui a y d devoted to 1 g ! Nuuaber, :sod contains a variety of rheum, dve:t,epe(a, catarrh. rheuraettietn, The Oastine' went into action under,
rimy cho-uto le institntien it any drug. Louis Republic. nervousnrsy, if ye+i are t.ronbla%, with Full speed. ]he- itinsictb were.
orite, uncle Jack. Suddenly they gist, or doctor can lind the {Pact trace of I matter of unsurpassed freshness and
e any ailment caused y or re tr o til by
heated to the The. highest at. aegis forcer .
¢ beard something "bump, thump, hattideadly drug +Uoeaine cr�talnted in �O T HER JC YS: 1 fashions 1, e exhaustively and
Ivprtnc eetiv i 0000. blued, take Hood's nrnoteSarsaparilla at draught being used. AVitin int warn..
-in•� n(,f,e ,' :'3 hear
bang, wring," and what should they
see but Betsy rolling down the stairs,
' the bowl and spoon following.
After Bets, had recovered from her
• fright she told tinted Jack that a ter-
rible animal had chased her.
Uncle Jack told .her that he would
Catarrh Cure, recommended by all deal- A Dimpled Dot in Her Arms and a and the Literary and household lea- foe', a tierce tit_.. .,
ors at '2F> emits i)ox. blower included free. i3ody Wit:hunt a Pain—Here's a tures are of the usual high degree .of' BOOD'S FILLS are prompt and fa- ittvtie one of the fut•n:'e('-, A socket
Case of Bother Cured of Torment-, merit, Made of Earth, a story by tient, easy to tarts, easy w operate. belt in a hack cotit(lati;gin at the
Divorce in Alaska._---.--.. furthest interior exereatity of rhe.
ing Piles by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. ; Cornelia Atwood Pratt, typifies the 1springing'
A novel scene here a few rlayelove treat wooled cherish fora home Snuffles. canines had aecoroe 1 •ore,
"After baht' was born I suffered great , --- a leak. The strewn] 1+'sty pouring itt
since was a divorce ease between a , torment froze, :piles. Nothing gave •me they can call then. own. The Col disP'a .o r>f t ,,un Pigs some trio .
g f h fire teres t'tin in a few
ti unto I use(.{
V' t 1Lc-A r Pa ' upon the
chase it away, and Betsy cautiously white man and his Indian squaw,.!?,ny lasting eerier or 1 r lege `Jturteb, uy lvancy rosea ,
llr. Agnew s O.intutent. Ones , ,lteatfnr' ° es land, the stettc.s of which are De`e'r we'd' and 1,y some celled rite minutes to put it out anti stop the
.. showed the Ivey, clinging t0 Uncle who had lived with him fin• several Ior ft gave tea airmen Instant: eerier, and l.g utninf, disease, nt+the snaffles it ll i
years. t)nc,e in a while he had a; ti =.• scored we. Mrs. M.K. , not ver, will nndetsKood. J'he iia e I progress of t e veetst , it' -it did not
Jack's hand all the time. a few a „tit;((ion laid at Vassar, reveal much of the ,
' At last they came to the attic, and habit et' getting drunk on " hooteb," Collates•, :lel Fated° Ave., Toronto. Sold . bignitieanCe of college bpttet and cause a terrible t,al,l el•,n. All in
a drink distilled by the Indians, and by ii. L. 1lamiltuu• and nasal passages Sat a the part;. in the boiler roost knew • that, uuleis
(student ties. Iu the series on the „
l what should Uncia Jack see hot an volved. '>.he pig bas difficulty in the hole was stopped, elf.•at-:ct• was at
beating his wife, unn]ereifully when 1 Common. Ilia of Life, by Dr. u1rrsce pp`
�ndt]stl ions spider spinning away :]t >^ i breathing—acts -t;, though tiro tr^;e hand. One of the ii, 't,,,• makers,
Ns web, a tumbled stool and a good in that condition. At »ooh the da, Ventilation In the horse Stable. 1'sa:ktiatn lyfarraa, appears a paper was 3toptred tri—there is more or less reamed Huntley, ordered ret; forced
rite t• his hast spree tt written notice , 00 Obesity that will prove u# g.ren tai r , and evenCal f'' tied the flees
�: deal of'cust:Led. - Not only should every kind o.f Of a catarrhal dischtk ge, draught turned u l
Uncle 'Tack laughed heartily and v`'trs posted on. the, door r'f the srure t, zLbrveil as particular iutere st, he
• ii horse Stable he Cleaned every thorn 1, nitwit dt�fortntrc, of the n0<e. It banked and then ti 'ii ,til tar back
'p aid Ch -1t L'ers • would he his "Little (there beim; only one in camp) tsar, i : a and night, but there should be 'article in the popular series on Aunt
1- to rte lace where tee bit r•am was
„ • a "miner's meeting" would be called. fro„ . t.teua Photography, by avtiarlot M. turn' to one side or tarns u, In p
• s• "Vliss Nini;ett as lana; as she lived.— 1 1 b lq I++, I lee night especially thorough ventila- t te 1J d •els:; ecifical►v wftli 'T.]rttu very young pige the disease is fetid rushing from the Ln, i•ntasl socket.
Grace Bernstein in New York Herald. at 8 p. tn. ,on t. tat, ray y a rs. • 'mon and fine powdered gypsum to
to plead for a diverse' keepall sweet and clean. The
KIDNEYS CLOGGED. - When the utinere as,embied in (sit, +r smell deet gmonia that foetid
front of the store, 0 chairmen and I Y,
Reny Victims of Bright's Disease— in most horse stables in summer is
secretary of the meeting were
Diabetes, Dropsy and Distressing elected and the pl:tintifi'Chtuged the very iujnriotas to horses and also
Urinary Troubles Have Been defendant, with cruelty and asked harnesses. {Horses are often made
Saved by she Timely Use of South blind by an,nlonia, especially it to
for a cliswoe.' he demurrer of the
keepthe flies UUL the rtom is dark -
defendant Kidney Cure. defendant was that she was the best,
, The kidneys are nature's filters in ex- treated and best dressed squaw in erred, so that time pupil of the eye has
• pelting from the body all impurities. If to be expanded so, as to see in the
the kidneys are oat of sorts the whole the camp, but a vote of the miners ditu light Tfi•is is the reason why
system becomes impaired and disease was called for within ten minutes the eyes should not be strai n d by
. follows nssureas fate. Bright's disease, from the opening of the court, and a to read in a dim light. The
diabetes, dropsy and distressing urinary divorce was granted, and .a coin- trying
-troubles infest four fifths of the' nee. owl and bat are blind in daytime be-
; It need not be so, for South American mince was appointed to divide their cause they use their eves only at
-,.I3idney Cure is a power in dispelling all household goods. — Rampart City night.The bele probably uses its
iendetsey to the seating of disease. It Latter in Troy Press.
bas cured cases that have been long and e. es at any time very little. The
stubborn and that have baffled medical fine membranes of its wings are so
skill. SuId by A. L. Hamilton. For Over FiftjYears.. 'sensitive to air that it instinctively ;
An Old and Well --Tried i:Temedy—Mrs ntents ; Soeiat Observances conducted
dodges one side when in flying by Mre. C;adwalader Jones, the Tea
", Paper floors for dwelling houses Wioalow's Soothing Syrup hire been the air it comes near to some ,
used fur over iffy years Uy mtllrons of through'Table by cars. Witherspoon, Fancy
are coming into. use in Germany. rnotherafor theirohildren while teeth object which oflersobstruetion•to the Stitches and Embroidery by Emma
They are formed of several thick• ing, with perfect success. It soothes the free passage of air made by its wings Haywood, The Dressmaker, Millin
rives of stout paper, dampened child, softeo5 the gums, allays • ll pain, in tiiotion,—Boston Caltivator.
pasted and rolled. They have eurr+y wind cola,, and is the best remedy ery, Lace -Making:, Croebeting, Knit.
o crevices or joints to 'harbor dust
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. ting, Tatting, the Latest Bouks, etc.,
Sold by druggists in every part of the •,
or vermin ' and are yielding to the world. Twenty-five tents a bottle. Its A. Quebecers Confidence in Dr. are as complete and varied as the
value is inoaluable. Be sure you ask for Chase's Catarrh Cure — Gives most fastidious could desire. Order
Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and Relief at Once, Be Says. from the local ageut for Butteriek
take no other kind, Danville, P. (l.,April 9th, 18 08. P,.tterns, or address the Delineator
EOMANsor, Barea & Co.,'I'oronto. 1'ttblishiug' Co., Limited, 33 Rich.
Flow to bo Successful. Dear Sire.—Enclosed tind $t for i eoz- mond St. Weer, Toronto, Ont. Sub•
cs - en boxes Dr. Chase's UAtarrh Cure. set•iptiuu price of the Delineator,
The successfuul man grows up Please send them t Every
Eleanor tieurgen contributes ,Soothe • in a. large per cent. of eases. an old For three ntiun:Ns he' t anrninrrt inside
scholarly chapter of practical exer- er ones it runs snore of a lingering the: furnace. His f'rtt•t,(1, grew him
coarse and the pig tixa, recover, out of the door ; the for wed draught
cines for the Cultivation ui alae Voice. Tres•ttlient ie. not satisfactory, an'1
A Festal Bunting Party, by iiathdr- was turned ou, and in a few minutes
me E. ,Maxwell, outlines a delightful it is considered. advisable its destroy all the ship was proceeding on l:er way
entertaii]meut. The Women's aflteterl p ,5•Prevention is the as though nothing sed happened.;
Press .Assoctatione of the country remedy. T'nts trouble is -infectinus' lit view of such i!e(.tl ltd this there is
toroist material for the regular and clean, dry quarters on high and little. wonder that the engineering
article on Club Women and Club day ground will insure an immunity e.irps in our navy is receiving th%
Life, by' Helen M. Wiusdow. In against disease. ' Wettest praise on, every side,
Girls' Interests and Occupations, by --
Lafayette iiicLaws, will be found a
number of attractive 3uggeatiu ns. An
exist -Aleut group of Household Sub.
. jeete is ei:]IUudicd in Rolls and Fence
Bread. A 'Thanksgiving Menu,
;Maio Salt, and Waste in the
Kitchen ; and the regular depart,
w: Children Cry for
Corsets must not be worn by Rus-
sian young women attending high
elseboo1s, universities and musie and
art schools, tteeordfng to a recent de,
tree of the new minister of ednaa-
't on. They are to be encouraged
no wear the national costume.
e ,uses fully hall tae sici.uess In the world. 11
Itstatus the dtgestcd food too long in the bowels
rod produeos otiousuess, torpid ilver, lnab
5t.,eir, had taiiw, Cu;iLed
,apo0$n8. skk hcadaelie, ln-
etc. ]food's P185 l'in
gr ureectist;p;ttlon and all Os t
malts, easily told thoroughly. 25c..tdl drungist4.
pared by 0. 1. tion„ 1 .0 t' i.. Lowell. 'Mass.
the en:y Villa to Vigo with 'feed's :aarsaparala:
once. ,eery pa -
alt is an escellonc 4/1,00 a year single copies. Ifie.
i boyC tt is—every-tient using it says
frons the whose
mg n tui°, gives railer at ones " Mrs. Ballington Booth, of " The
•thing in place against the time of d„g, Df nssoN, Gen'l forchnnt, American Volunteers," is writing out
her experiences in American prisons,
The TJnolaunish Sooteh, toad in the slums ut New York, fits
The Ltidies' Home Journal, Mrs.
Booth has peritap, come closer to the
need. Whether in the school room
with the lesson prepared hours in
advance; in the workshop, with all
the tools in order, no matter if he
knows they will not be required for
days to Come ; in the warehouse
where a thousand and one things ean
be found to occupy the spare mom -
eats, or in the world of tnittd, where
,the importance of storing the brain
with uafut fhets is taken into consid
oration, the successful career of the
future is being told with a firm
foundation,-•- New York Ledger.
Why Suffer Agony•
No flet+d for any one to suffer from
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Nettrairin, Lam -
baso or (lout. Milburn's ltlteumatio
Pills are a prompt and positive onto for
these diseases. Price 50o., all druggists.
Saville, P. (11.
Seotchtren are called clannish, but
this is a mistake. In Amoriea the lives and confidences ut'the ]nen and
train is almost entirely absent, In women in prisons, and to know the
the largo cities of tho United Sttttrls poor better than any woman livirig. ,
you will always find a quarter most, She will not only tell what she has
! lv settled by Irish, German,1+'tench, seen, but she will point out what her
Bohemian or •Polish, but never a expel fences has shown her to be the
Scotch quarter. In Detroit they etre mute effective way in dealing with
in all.11tsses of society, from the the people of the prisons and the
ited States senator an 1 millionaire slums.
1. to the humblest mechaniu, but eelcloni .._...__ ...
found an unskilled l {borer or tin
wtr 1':e-:1tiw1':itlar xituel.'Wottridv Pl•:a•
s,nw t ems e�taL� to manage oar
illiterate.—Detroit T'rib'a'ie.
--y % OA c u+ tat It a t
tion, reduces t;weiltug., piomotrn healing sol.--a(rdle3 et, t. Tut 1,141000, it ethltt i.. lita8,
like Hagyard's Yellow Oil, Price `.'axes ?teat., Dept. it.0140,o.
their Ant a tied urarut ei turire9 it 14 ,i,&idy *100 (flet
luny(• salary straight
1uir a, d ,:.pmt+es-dettait, h •uafide oto tunre,to
l�ritl,lnty takee out pain nl,(1 iuflaln ma .l(•as s±I-,i +ttuuthit h;rtavt,,(e . t:ne!O•:FJ
Nature's Own
yspepsP a .,
Nature's remedies are not lilo man's—they never
fail. Of the many remedies intended to cure dyspepsia, t,
sour stomach, distress after eating, weight in the stomach, i('
wind on the stomach, loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, int- I,t
poverished blood, catarrh of the stomach, sick headache, and
similar results of indifestion, only one is uniformly and un t•1- • ,
ingly successful—that lat is nature's . owe remedy, found °thy in
The pineapple cotttains a large amount of Vegetable I- si+t•-•-
nature's most potent aid in digesting food. Mix meat and p n)0.pplC
and agitate the mixture at a temperature of :o3°, add the pina:tpl+la
will completely digest the moat, ,
Take two of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets after y sur rte. !s
and they will digest your food without ail from the stomach. T1s
<,; course rests, strengthens ar d heals the stomach. The tablats
will cure the most chronic case of dyspepsia. They g.ve
mediate relief. Take them for a short time and youiµatcriaeh t;
will be as strong and hearty as that of a farmer's- boy. 1�+
They are as pleasant to the palate as c=ndy.
y r, At all druggists.—•358. a box—or diroot from .
L kt
Toronto, Gan., and Buffalo, N.Y. I ..
SO1,D BY A. L. HAMILTON, lltriNL,tfI k2,