HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 2•
11.1.1\VJIGJ1AM TIMES, ouroBER 28, 8V8.
The average number of horses ;.liC;l>sNOW.
Billed its Spanteh bull tights every
yeas e
5 5.000, Qa• sv:hile front 1000
to 1200 bulls are saorificed.
Seine nim has, Fa/ ''that eour•tirg
ss. g'iel is like starting :a nt w-ll;tiler.
t PttrtS oat weeitty, then h'e•atil.'-a a
*rl weekly, thea int.r ;'es int) a dans
:and it' is has :in etit 'revise e:init+ti
.out. 5S't1L stn ext.,a th .i?,t, Uinta' rt !tWr.
Positively et.red Iffy ttleso
Little Pills.
TI_ey alto relieve Distress from 1,',"._)epzfa.
tndi;;cstioa and Too Hearty Bating, A per -
r ct remedy for Dizziness, Nau_ca., Dre sf-
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongu3
Pair. in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
1<:eg..+c.te the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Sriltall PEEL, Sra_'s: DesreN
3A IRI PrEcc o
era u bS titutiOn
the fraud of the day.
Seg you get Carter's,
As,;. for Carter's,
insi3t and demand
Ca:-.:zr's Littlee Liver Pills.
trann9iiie jeweller's Wife
IIii?.,! eiT inti SffilOTHERING SPELLS
le°7 i'illLi3urog'S ilE titre AHD
Mrs. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn-
el:r Ont., whose .1!usba
jewri''ry shore, and s ohne of keeps the best
(Is •par=' gaselfee
•g ,,y., repast was partaken of. A pleasing
During the past tour tsc>eke no
less thin 911 bogs were shipped
from the Lucknow station t the
Toronto markets. They were all
pnrehrtsed b,y two ot our local buy -
ere. Mr. UCO. Robinson and Mr. lad.
Mclean, and as the animals weighed.
over 180 pounds each, the aggregate
price paid for them tulale nearly
A very pretty wedding took pine`”
at Firpark Farm, tii' residence of
Mr. and. 11Ir;. John Johnstone, on
when their daughter Annie was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr, John Ferrite',
of Lanes. At 7 o'clock the bride
entered the parlor, followed by the
groom. The eerenleny was per-
formed by the Rev. S. M. "Whaley, of
St, Ileleus. The usual congratcla-
tions followed, The bride was pret-
tily attired in blue drab and white
satin, and carried a bouquet of
fiotiers. The hearty responses of
the groom and bride, accompanied
by their calm, modest bearing was
el:arnring. A rich repast next re-
ceived the closest attention of the
guests, and merriment, jest and
music filled in the °venture most
pleasantly. Many beautiful gifts
were made to the contracting parties
which went to testify to the greatest
extent, the esteem which was held
for the young couple. At a seemly
hour the company bade the host and
hostess farewell, wishing the happy
couple a prosperous and peaceful
voyage on the matrimonial sea.
A very pleasing and happy event
occurred en tee evening c,t Wednes-
day, Oct. 12th at the residence of
Mr, Alex. McKay, being the mnrri
of his second daughter Mary Jane,
to Mr. William Walters, of Liver.
pool, England. While Mr. 1-larry
McCharles played the weddidg
march, the bride leaning upon the
artn of her father, walked slowly
into the parlor, looking charming in
a d'es of white silk with lace and
chiffon trimming. They were mar
ried at halt past seven o'cloek by the
Rev. Mr. McKay. Intmediately
after the marriage ceremonj was
performed and congratulations over,
the guests wended their way into
the dining room where a sumptuous
Another Swindles
It would seem that people are al-
. ways to be humbugged. Scarcely
a month passes. without the record
el' some swindle being perpetrated
among intelligent people. \'4'e aro
informed, that another cloth swindle
1)06 been worked in this vieitiity,
The operations of the priucipnl in
this latest was largely confined to
the vicinity of Cheaiey.. A person
representing that he was under the
Dominion Government tried to inter-
s est the farmers of that section in the
t ••.: • .',i:at.,t: f.,t lis",ter•,
1 etc. Ile Also represented a large
1 business in Montreal; whuih proposed
I to deal directly w%th thein in dry
Igoods. He sold them consignments
I of goods amounting to less than
I twenty dollars and toolt their notes
for the amount, He refused to take
cash, his instraetioes being to take
nothing but their notes, Since his
departure nothing; further has been
beard of him. In a few cases he is
1 said to have bought dairy produce
from the parties and they have re -
I ceived no remittance from him. The
victims ot the swindle are said to in -
elude some of the best farmers in the
_, r;,7} rrr, 51llthrp
j fix.- t. IA. it/i-c1
knc:ve and gest progressive citizens of
; ; Dun:: ille, Ont., gives the following do-
;scri;';'••n of her recent experience in the
;use ti* 3 ifbut n's Heart and Nerve Pills.
it " I look Milburn's Heart and Nerve
11 Pills for weak nerves, dizziness, palpita-
1tion of the heart, smothering spells at
, slight nod sleeplessness. Before I used
01.Otem I could not get re:,.tftil sleep and
'rny ner..es wee. often ;is.) unstrung that I
1,, istecesiel start in alarm at the least noise,
:and easily worried.
;j "Last February I commenced tarring
,'"'this valuable medicine, and it proved the
right r "enedy for my weak and shattered
: terv: ,t: system. Milburn's Heart and
1, Vert•., rills restored my nerves to a
,y stron'; and healthy condition, gave regu-
to lar :01.1 normal action of the heart.
"1 itep well now, and am better in
ever_- way, and I recommend them
heartily to all who suffer as I did."
MI:;;;;;, -ti's I•Ieart and Nerve Pills, goo.
a bn . or 3 for €r.ay, at all druggists.
t'..'. -i rm.,/ Co..Toronto. Ont.
e r'; l '
Lazu• .i: 4 cure Constipation, Sick:
•Headache, a rtlos nass, dsypepsia. Every
ptit eo. rztiterd percect, anu to work whit-
, i a ?j;e or pain. Price 25 OH druggists.
feature which added much to the en-
joyment of the evening wits the ser-
enading of the (happy couple by the
brass band. *The guests spent a
very colorable time ; those. who
chose to, tripped the light etntastie,
the music being Tarnished by Pro-
fessor MnMorran and our highlaed
laddie, Dave McKay with his inspir-
ing music, the bagpipes, The bride
was the recipient of many valuable
and useful. presents, showing the
high esteem in which she was held.
The happy couple left on Thursday
afternoon, Oct, 13th, for their future
home ill Rat Portage, amid a shower
of rice, -flowers and old slippers. All
join in wishing; them bon voyage.
Severe Cough Cured.
"I had a seyore colt] which settled on
lny lungs and made me so weak I had to
give up work. Two bottlessof Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup completely cured
me," J. H. Danthwright, (lowland, Mt.,
N. B.
Pullets As" Layers.
T T e C
1 Detlw
Pl;51,11 t — Art P
"Rat* PRIce. tae
bL;'iL'e!•,G U,4RSu , Mtt411tiAL.
There is no doubt that pullets are
much inore profitable as layers than
old fowl. It i, often wise to keep old
ens because of their good qualities
es breeding stock, when they are fine I
in color, shape, size, ect., but they are
hardly ever profitable from the stand-
point of the egg basket for market
purposes. It is often well also to
keep some matronly old "biddies"
that aro reliable as mothers for chicks, !
for the pullets are apt to be "young
'and thoughtless" and will have a dis-
position to neglect maternal duties,
but as layers a pen of pullets is not
far from twice as productive as the
same number of old hens, and on the
farm where egg production is sought
for no hen should be kept longer
than two years unless for some other
I use than her egg production. An-
other point in connection with egg
production should also be borne in
mind, and that iso"
only winter product-
ion pays. The time may come as it
appears to be coming in dairying,
when the prices for winter and sum -
met will be more equallized, but just
now it is the winter egg that brings'
i a price, while the summer egg does
not repay the cost of production, ,
even though the Cost of production
in summer be small. Observance of
!these two points—pullets as layers, I
and more attention to winter product-
lain—will go far to make egg pro-
' duction profitable. --•-homestead.
Fatten;ng Turkeys.
Too much stock reaches the mar-
ket only half fattened. A lean car-
cass is satisfactory neither to grower,
marksman] nor consumer. A well.
fattened bird not only weighs more
but brings more per pound. Turkeys 1
must be fed all they can eat after the
middle:of October if intended for the
the Thanksgiving market. Cern
should be the basis of fattening food
both in tno kernel and ground'
Cornmeal nixed up with boiled pot-
atoes is a great fitttening food. Milk
is a great help. Tweed- in troughs
numerous enough for all to
get a chance at the food. Do not feed
much sour food of any kind. If their
bowels get out of order give them
scalded milk. The birds which are
not full. ,.::own at Thatlksgiving
should be kept for the Christmas and
New Year's market.—plass. Plough-
How to Prevent Coughing.
The following is frorn a doctor
connected with all institution in which
there are many children : There is
nothing; more irritable to a' cough'
than coughing. For some time I
had been so fully assured of this
that I determined for one minute at
Least to lessen the number of coughs
heard in a certain ward in an hos-
pital of the institution., 13y the pro-
mise of rewards and punishments I
succeeded in inducing them to sim-
ply hold their breath when tempted
to cough, and in a little while I was
myself surprised to see how some of
the children entirely recovered from
the disease. Constant coughing is'
precisely like scratching a wound on j
the outside of the body ; so long as
it is done the wound will not heal,
Let a person when tempted to cough s
draw a long breath and hold it until
it warms and soothes every air cell
and some benefit will snort be receiv-
ed from this process. The nitrogen
which is thus refined acts as an ano- t
dyne to the mucous membrane allay-
ing the desire to cough and giving
the throat and lungs a chance to
heal. At the same thne a suitable
medicine will aid nature in ter
efforts to recuperate.
A Cana 'tan Youth..
_ ct
As a striking instance of the lack
at' re4opeet and geed manners which
leading hal acre 's is of the
• atit
PS c
youth of the present day, we give
the following incident, which was
witnessed by the writer the other
day, A local clergyman was pass•
ing a couple of well dressed setlool•
boys, when a lad of about twelve
yearn, addressing the reverend gentle.
plan. said, "Good day, 1It'. ---- ,
how are you?" The minister ac-
knowledged the kindly salutation by
i"el. inse "Yale }ft's i, tietllh e ;
told how are you ?" Tho boy atl-
swered, "Oe 1 not too rotten," The
lad did not els this offensively, nor
did it cause any surprise to his eotn-
panion. It was bis usual answer to
su,eh- an enquiry. rale was not a
street arab, pat the stn of a well -to•
do citizen, and his `intention was
simply to give the clergyman a.cord-
lal greeting. "What the latter thought
aoout it can only be conjectured -
but he has possibly become. aecustonr,
ed to the Canadian boy and bis pe.
culiar ways.—Wallaesburrg 'Herald •
Pertinent Rules.
When entering a printing office
keep these rules: Enter softly, sit
down duietly, subscribe for the
paper in advance, keep: six feet away
from the devil, hands eft the mann•
script, don't carry away the exchang,
es nor read the type on the galleys.
When you ask the editor to sup-
press an item of news because it dues
not suit you then g) ar.d ask your
grocer to exclude pickles from his
store because you can'tieat them, or
your butcher to stop making uologna
because it goes against. your stom
ach. There is just as much fairness
in one as in the other. News is the
editor's stock in . trade. So are
pickles to the grocer and bologna to
the bate her•—las.
The Plebiscite.
The complete returns of the prohi-
bition vote in the Province of Ontario
were given out Thursday afternoon
by Mr. F. S. Spence, secretary of the
Dominion Alliance Association, of
Canada. - The vote in Muskoka,
which was the only constituency not
heard from, gave a majority of 1,-
133 in favor of prohibition. •The
total number of votes polled in On-
tario was 269,776, -with 154,503 fur
and 115,273 against, giving a tna-
jority of 39,230 its favor of nrohibi•
Ottawa, Oct. 21.—The official pleb-
iscite returns for Novi Ssotia and
Manitoba are now in. They show
that in the former, 39 per cent. of
those entitled to vote recorded their
votes ; in the latter, a little over 25
per cent voted. In Nova &otia the
vote:was :—For, 28,67.2 ; against, 28
—majority for, 28,641. In Manitoba
—For, 12,567 ; against, 2,955—tn t-
ority for, 9,412. The total entitled
to vote in Manitoba is 4910.18. There
are still two places in Onrari and
ix in Quebec outstanding.
Relief in a Day.—The rod letter pro-
mise that never fails in cases of the so-
verest and most chronic stomach trou•
hies in using Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple
Tablets. Nature decreed the pineapple
as one of humanity's great panaceas—
medical science bas searched it out and
now it's at, the door of every sufferer.
A pleasant and positive cure. 33 cents,
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. '
Pointed Paragraphs.
The office never has to seek the
man on pay day.
Some dogs are pointers and some
are disappointers.
More people have the gift of
speech than the gift ot silence.
The older er f e , t ousers, the better
they are prepared for the fray,
When passenger trains are teles-
coped the passengers are apt to see
It is easier to read about love iri a
cottage than it is to bring it about.
A. stitch in time saves nine bat
nine can be taken in no#time on a
sewing machine.
The man who tells you that all
men are anal really bei1eves that
he is a Ilittle more so. ---Chicago
Too W ilI>:ng.
"Dear Sue;" be whisperel, do you
hink if I married you your father
would ever forgive us ?"
"I'm sure he would, dear," she
asserted, softly.
"And would he give us a house of
our own ?"
"I know he would, dearest,"
"And would he give us enough to
live sumptuously on?"
- "I am sure of it, Harry."
"And vtould ho take rue into the
firm ?"
"Certainly he would."
"And ran the business to suit my-
self ?"
Of course he would, darling."
She snuggled to his bosom, but he
put her aside coldly. , "I can never
marry you," he said hoarsely.
"Your father is too eager to get you
off his hands."
Between May 1st and September
80th the death rate among the
United States soldiers was very
large. Malarial and enteric fevers
are charged with o,>er 2003 deaths,
or a rate of 6 per annum in 10,000.
A Sicilian forger has just been sen -
fenced to 189 years l.tnprisoliment.
Ile forged 63 documents, stealing
the seal of the chancellor of the court
to give his forgery effect,
"VVANTtso—srvatttr. TOUSTWoittTtnY grans
daily 1n this state to ni4a.t;re our business to
their own and ncaiht c0untiea. It 14 matidy mflco
work aouduoted nt ile'ra, S•tlary strat:iht I5to a
year acid exsensos—rleflnite, bonattjte, no 010,0, no
ie•s snlaty, Monrhis . 7fi- Rote enc"s, TnrI000
self-addro•,sed ataropnd envelope, Itorbort E, I1esg,
"'rest„ Dept. it. Chicago.
!•.t•W!•+.••„M.••'.•'.'•.•!ti1'••.MMRh.-1•h•W•lM!•.w.nfuM4 •ewMf MIW
rbci'sl b ! to y5 7 ^V °
a .xr K'tt'•71.''el:tU4:W't6YL:itWli.d,,
• 1,1'll1111.y0,,,111N,1!rallIplUIin'011i'lllUllrl,l,11•.,'-" ,y`:aii
sitllild'iil liteTocldandpegtea-
ting the Stctutacl s arid Dowels of I
Promotes Digeslio:t,Cheerful-
nes sandRes t.Contai ns neither
Opiutn,Morp hind nor Mineral.
r?JoT l cOTIC.
JeraeofOld TrS"JJ'?.1ELP/ R
Fws Zin Sea
Ilyd,crlaSa-dein Saa
Tb -•
J7ypsnuat -
D G.•rbono* Jor'z •
7 reed -
//'rnitlud Jizgar •
A perfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion , Sour Stontach,l)iarrhoea,
'Worm ,Cortvulsions,Feverish-
ai' ss o.ralLoss OF Shirr.
The Simile Signature of
'''k ,t.v °:; a".e'
n^,Pt•.Y ttrit rc
OF ---
s. ago • ' tad.
ee 'Ws
Castoria is put up in one -sine bottles caiy. YE
M not sold in kiln Don't alloys anyone .:o sell
7t. you anything olso on the ulna or promise that it
is "just as good" and "will answer every p4r-
pose " See that you got C-A-tI-T-O-It-I-A.
The las- -9
cimilo yf
is ca
..-&Z.-cot era? vrrappo.
Items Of zntero at.
The finest shops in a Chinese city
are those devoted to the sale of
Australian rabbit skins are being
converted into sealskins for the
American market.
No other remedy can present such a
rout permanent cu
rett c is B. lis L'
It noecordt; only gives every sei'ilersr t,rumt)t
relict to such diseases as arise from 1.)is•
ordure Of the Stomach, Liver, Blond au'1
Bowels, but .makes cora tau lasting thus
even after ton or twelve years there has
btiea no.-retiurh of tho trouble.
When -packing. aany light
g.)svrs, do not use white tissue paper,
for it is hleaehel by chloride of lune
and will spoil the color of the silk.
crrtiveiteS have stood "on the
site of St. Paul's cathedral, London.
The first one was built in the year
ia.l til
Will stand wear and tear for
3 ears. No better proof cam
be given of their 'durability
than is shown by the facts
that some of these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago aro
still working.
Sun lied to
_ p Order.
Repairing promptly attended to.
SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattiest
--- Wingham. Ont.
The Leming Specialists of America
20 Years In Detroit.
p + a 250,000 Cored. g
Thousands of young and middle-aged
menage troubled with this disease—many
unconsciously. They may have a smart-
ing sensation, amall, twisting stream,
sharp nutting pains at times, slight dis-
charge, difficulty in commencing, weak
organs, emisaions and all tho oym,l toms
of nervous debility—they Baro STRIC-
TURE. Don't lot doctors experiment on
you, by cutting, stretching, or, tearing
you. This will not Duro yon, as it will re-
MENT absorbs the stricture tisane;
hence removes the stricture permanently.
It can never return. No pain, no suffer-
ing. no detention from business by our
method. The sexual organsarostrength-
cned. The nerves are invigorated, and
the bliss of manhood returns.
Thousands of young and middlo-aged
men aro having their sexual vigor and
vitalit continually sapped by this dis-
ease. They are frequently unconscious
of the cause Of those symptoms. General
Weakness, Unnatural DisohargeS, fail
ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem-
ory, Irritability nt times Smarting Sen-
sation, Sunken Eyes with dark etrcles,
Weak Back, General Depression, Look
of Ambition. Varieoaolo Shrunken
Parts, etc. GLEET and STRICTURE
maybe the oaueo. Don't consult family
doctors, as they have no experience in
these. special diseases—don't allow
quacks to experiment on you. Consult
bpecialists whit have made a life study of
Discasese MenandWomen. OtirNEW
tively cure you. Ono thousand dollars
for a case we accept Mr treatment and
cannot cure. Tormsmodoratefor emire.
We treat and cure' EMISSIONS.
ES. RIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases.
QUESTION N{or write
Cor, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St.
Caveats and Trade-Marki obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATi: FEES, Mx
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,,
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of Invention witt,.
description and statement as to advantages claimed_
.1Q -Yo charge is made for an opinion as to
patcntabiCtty, and my fee for prosecuting the
appiicatton avilb not b'e called for until the
paten 't forallowed. "INVSPTOF3' Coins," cos*
taming full information coat frec. All Cettamutt.
cations Considered us 6trictiy Confdent:mi.
02n 10 531 Ante ASIZIITGTor.. A1. C.. ".
COFYRIG,:$TS .ftc.
Anyone sending a sketch Mid description mag
quickly ascertain our opinion free 'whether am
invention is probably patentable. Communica.
tions strictly corn, dentin'. Handbook= k atentx
.sent free. Oldest agency for sorurmg patents.
Patents taken through Munn Fs Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
A handsomely tllurCrateci weekly, Lrrgeat err.
coition of any scientific journal. Term, Sk ac.
year; tour tnentbs3, 561.16Erooatddwahyyn
MUN &Co Ataotcnk
Branch Omec. 13
1" St. Washington. D. O.
IN T1Iz..
E la