HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-28, Page 1`VOL. 1384. eo pfft tedeeieieemealeSee -awe, 6s1 UR Fall and Winter Stock is now complete, and we must say that we are satisfied with the quality and value of it, and think that when our Friends and Customers S(` sen it they will be satisfied also. Our last importation of Dress Goods has just arrived,and added to what we already had it makes an assortment that would be hard to • beat anywhere- It is no use trying r --to partteularize—it is sufficient to " say that we have an eridltte variety t Y of patteri1 in just as great a variety •of prices. Chill and let us show you these goods. The ;Millinery Dept. is • booming and we rate turning out the prettiest and most stylish hats it has yet been our pleasure to sell, in fact this fell our Millinery is Mere than ,giving, satisfaction. We have jilt opened oat a lame . consignment of Ladies' and Child- ren's Underwear, in which we aro giving great values. These goods .are seasonable uu,v j do not miss See- ing them. We - have also just re- =ceived tt Splendid lint of Flannelettes, Whish we oiler at very attractive p>`ice,s, 'L'oore ere lot, of other new • dry good) that we have nut sp tett to mention this w.euk, but we plight say that we nave everything that is seasonable. Oar Tailoring Dept. is very busy just now, an e,iueuce that -we are giving SW:brat:tion in this line. We . satin that we can give better tii.tiug, better bade and better p • quality ulutlurl„ at a lower price than any Ogler establishment in the -county. Coale and let us convince you of that fact. in gents' Furnish- ings we are showing choice :elections in ail 1itc,5, something to please -every variety of taste and prices 3'ig t. L 41. it TH & Bo WLES •A L41.rTe School; in a Small City REPU:CA'PION for b'.rst•Class work is possessed by the .CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE tSTRATFORD, - ONT. -Nlt.ittL1 ao ern oevT. of the students ...enrolled annually (from outside our own city) come tram nearer other business collegesMenu cute, }'anter any time. Moderato rates. Board ()heap. Beautiful Catalogue Free. WINGTIAM, ONTARIO. PERFUMES elece Just arrived, a large as- sortment of fine Perfumes at prices from 95c to' 75c per ounce. Our odors at 2 5 c per ounce are Meg- nonette, Cashmere, Crab- apple, Musk, May Flow- er, Violette, White Lilac, Heliotrope. Call for a sample bottle free at HAMILTON'S DRUG STOKE Successor to Oeisholm. CHEAP READINGI Our Clubbing List. In order to sn,to our suh+eribers the trouble of making two or more remittances wu hare merle spacial arrangement,. with the pnblishars by which we are ennbied to offer the fullnwirer publications in connection with the WINOSIAhl TIM Ed et special low rates from glow nuSil U.e, 31st, 1800. .7. 26 ,sel3, 2%) fiesta'Ting a and Weekly Globs, - Times and Western Advertiser, • • 1 40 it total of 77 fit Times and Faintly Herald and Weekly Star for lige three f9,i and Mauro175 Times and Farriers' Advocate, • 1 00 Tunes and l•'armin_. Weekly. - - 1 75 Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1 1 60 Tunes and Farmers' Sun, Times ani! Daily Globe • h 23 Tirnos and Darla World - 3 0o Weekly Star Times and Country Gentleman, •2 70 Time�s and Weekly Man and Empire 1 25 seeme they bay Tinfes and D.ily Montreal Herald, 3 00 battle pietnre " MAY, OCTOBER 28, 1898. \VAi,ricu--Two reliable we and twq Y yauni, ivolneu to solicit me vers for the Yo, k °minty Lean an S ups Co.. Good sa•.ury and steady pi it t to right parties, Ap iiy to R. iVc Inspector, Bruns- wio t House, ;Monday, Oct. 31, at 7.80 p. m. C I' !t I3nr. Gds I Bridge repair ors err' and have ecm,ntence New bleepers will be a number of new pin is tete intention of t the bridge perncotly s in. • DON'T BuliN. Le. burning leaves is at h leas and offensive leaves into your back them lightly with ea compose dnrlog th hove t4 rnound of tl post in the spring. ConnssroNDLNTe to secure a few mo for the Tams in th We 'laves uutuher would like to acid t for particelars. 1 ente ate ant of sup ed to hear front tl will be forwarded Tune Wrote Sue derson & Son, of very encoessful p tlio fall fairs th they took 24 firs ham, 2U fnreta an record for Mess Thtivo 1 Hoorn annoutwin ent Special rinhl')et rate app all ikm els and as a Premium or their tscribers this in mashies quoted onap lication The balance of1 RrinM—The 0 P R ed in town this week work nu the bridge. kneed in position and r will le nriveu. It o company to make le before winter sets es --The sermon •of ncl. Thiele a eense- aractiee. Take the yard or garden, cover tit, and at these dr - winter. l chi will richest soil or corn - GOT A 1'ntoalc:i' has been operator a T R station here fo ceived a promotion. ed station agent at T he is well qualified tr late Mr Sutton on hi wish him every suece Iicenox Swsoi —7 h soon be upon us and w auv movement being in ganiz.ttlon of the ohs plenty of good muter' this troason. Other to and we are surely not g back number. What a meeting? Mr Wm Sutton wino ,d assistant at the. G many years Inas ro- e has been appoiut- a, a sition which fi1l.VVe oongratu- advancement and in his new home. hcokey seasen will have not 1•eard of de towards the or- . NI/Ingham has 1 for a good club tat are on the move "ng to be one of the late will we fix for r)nDrrnzowst J0UIINA of the Independent Od the Dominion Oddfell Gazette was received eeenne -«e would like week. The new she good correspondents p'ge paper and will b surrounding districts. the IOW far the Do of good ouee now, but few more. Write us any of unrcorrespond- lies, oresend- r p lite, we would he pleas - in and a fresh supply once. 'CssFur=—:liessrs C, Flen• the Bluevale road were ze winners at three of season. At Teeswater and 10 seconds; Wing 19 seconds, and at Brus. nd 21 seconds, making t and 59 soriotid prizes s. This is it pretty good Ilendereon & Son. AND LADDI>rs !—Tho ann • el ,f the Family IIeral• ova Speared last week tnd it really seem• d tl t famous 'Hid TBIt U LINE" s th;n yearwl' Ise raven free to now subson•ibors of year. This is Cie pinto • the.t is causing the above weeklies. except the Family herald and such a furore to Ureal Britain. No plc - setaestar. The Tones alone will be sent to new suhvc ribers until lnnnary let. 18110. twill mus. tare ever created ;o much excitement. It aer:cinrnuy ail orders, Subscribers should reni,w their snbsariptinns as ed,r ,te possible as the im: touches tho hear, of every I3titish subject position of postigo after January tat, will likely and makes the feel like crying out compel tis to main; an :Wyatt •e in the abort) rater.. Address all eiders to or call at the "BP ANC 1 RIG LAND LADDIES I" TIMES OFFICE, It should be for nd in every Canadian h INGHIAM. Ilpme. It is sent soription to that FAMILY PIER S`VAR," of Mont LOCAL NEWS. Weenie—Choice Butter, 17c dried price ispat yea apples and poultry. G E nee•,•F \(' tf \Vin ham. 1VINOII.ta1's Hosei.rs nounced last week th established in Wing four patients reoeiv since our last issue. doubt be appreciate fevers in the counti We wish the pro their enterprise in ' Fan STOCK Show iii fat stock and da Brantford, en Nave ber lot and 2n0. are offered in tbe&':1 ve stock and dairy de- itfarch the bridal p partments. Publi each evening of tl notable speakers Reduced rates on t and entry forms in to 10 W Hodson, Toronto. • free with the year's sub- lagnificentTaper '•THI>.'. LD AND WEEKLY al. The subscription ,Johnston & Co, of T ers and the subscript annum. EGOS BY TUB TIM and Messrs Armour ping their season's week. The two fir twenty car loads of in this vicinity du will total up nearit A. considerable o distributed by th and butter. I41 noVINe ENGItia the C 1' It worku pulling down the e to Teeswater to re at that place las made by a number company make :et pique of Teeswater, seen the matter in the removal of the —Volume I, No 1, fellow, successor to w and Oddfellows' at this office last t is a neat sixteen the official organ of Anion. Messrs W 5 onto are the publish on price is $1.00 per SAND—Mr 0 Gillespie McAllister are ship • a,theriug of eggs this s have gathered' over eggs from the tanners ing the season, which 200,000 dozen of eggs. n of motley has been se gentlemen for eggs lima "A nnmber of tie are hero this ;week gine Neuse, fon rernovai lace the one burnt down week. An effort was, of trainmen to have the ghum the terminus in. but the ofticiate have different fight, hence utlding. HIdII Pnloas-311 auctioneer for nitro us that stook are At the sales of At, Henry Hawking, he at romarkably'high tog's sale a brood nn at 4102 and front th the price of horses 'It always pays to e 011ti t.'1II 11111)05 the fact of the imp newspapers, we are e ally the same clnbb scribers as we have Our clubbing list will column on this page for anything in the should look it over, well to nuke their possible es we may the rates given e Subscribe now. J Currie,' the people's 1 and Brace, informs• elling high this year. sees R Sterling and 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE s•—Nofwithstanding sitiotl of postage on abled to glee praotic- rIg rates to our bub• done in the past. be found in another and anyone looking ay of reading mutter subscribers would do t enewala as early as be compelled to raise ewhere at any time. SMALL LOCALS. --Campbell's Headache Wafers teed to cure headache. —Next Monday kill be Nabob Tea at Hut —Bread has dro some of the neighb ran - I °weren. n & McGawin's. ed to 9 cents a loaf in Ing towns. —We want cor�epondonts in the sur- rounding districts Write us. A good second-hand coat stove for sales cheap. Apply at TIDIES office. tf. —Freightis on th these days. Every --Court Whitten regular meeting th' —Mr Win Cas cattle to the Toro move at the station rain is loaded. will hold its UFwi ,C (Friday) evening. pore shipped a oar of o market o r Thursday. Royal Carriage 051 Top Polish makes buggy tops like new. Sold at MAACMlrn'a kiarness Shop. —Mr D Robertso cattle for stockers tq day. --lir Jas l\IcGuir new office, opposit week. shipped a car of Aylmer on Wednes- will remove to his the post office this • } HEALTH EtlaSITESI The whole plan of having and keep.- i nig health is not ono of drugs for every , ill nr to avoid ills. `There are many con- venient and necessary things which are, priceless in an enecgeney at home and which will helpyou to trines ) r health at all times. Mot -water bathe, s syringes and other essentials to a heathy home are possible now at closer prices and you can't afford to be without thein. '1' A. A. MOR.>_' it kr'UGIS Choice buses son & McGavi ' —Mr Harry Dais residence is being re-;) shingled. General Servant Girl wanted. Apply alt the TIaras office.. It Tanning Co recetyecli his week. ••. cl cook has taken a situs.' - wick Ilonse: 'ampbell shipped .a car di effete on Tuesday. brides of flour, cared meats,. gds, sett, ter d, etc., cull nue. Youxo, next Town 25 {Donald elnpped tt car of- 3nffalo on Tuesday. ts, 11 las for 25c at Hutchf- Fresh oysters arriving daily at 111oKe1- —The Win`gh vie's Star restaurant, We serve them iu two cars of bark any style.—Jes. itioKrmvre. tf —A new color —Mitchell ratep iy re have declared by a tion at the Bru majority of 22 to !low cows to run at —P,fr reser large. • lambso, to hast of the season fell on . We are limn ver y —The first snot For the best' Wednesday evenin meale of all ei disagreeable weat telephone 40.- Hall,. Wiughan —df D Id k lambs to Bast. r. Leon & Mc - d recently, stunk sold, ' Nice, fresh groceries at Hp_ gores. Al Mr Hawk- Gotten'e, I�err's old stand, f you want good butter, try us. re was knocked down ,commenced on the re- t one may judge that must he on the rise. a_'e a first-class sno- —Work bas been pairing of the Th recently damaged —An exchange a slick fellow, driv sells oats that bd acre. —We nndersta tlemen were in t tioneer when good p •ties ill be obtained.. K • n urrn nLF i nonan—Toronto Satur- Cnusa.:D .BzrWExx 'plc From \Vtdnes•• day Night of last i .eek gives the following day's Ulobe we learn hat LonduoLer J uth- -Althoughtah only been m account of the a •riage of Mr Sextus E. Orford, employed out ne new Southeastern t w hospital had beeen Kent, of this town to Miss .,nils Isabel Berlaysy, was crushe between the oars tit are, there have been Belyca, Of Smarm. rpton ; ' On .Wednes• St. Anue'e station, ha: itoba, on Tuesday Thoday Nightoutside will no day evening, Octobe 13th, at 9 o'clook, St and died of hie iu Walter Rutherford Paul's church, Soutl rnptou, entatic, was. • . 1 of many who are Bsuf-ruce. tho scene of a very fashionable wedding,. in. Wingham s eve' and Bruoo. when Mies Stella Ila el. daughter of Mr Ii: Union factory eters every success in A Belyca of that to n, and Mr Sextus E. here will be grieved is line. K nt of Wingham •ere married. Tiro death. He "v" a W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. IY.larr1ago Licenses Issued by F1tArlx PATS nsorr, No 23, Vic- +{° Coria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. e The Ontario Provino- caremouy was per£o coed by tine rentor, Row", Out. ry show will be held in Itey It J Seton -Adan on, in the present News neon DAua Ther 30th and Deeem- of a large number o• friends and gee§§t' ornierly of this roc ver e4,000 cash To the strains of Me delosohn's Weddl:ug in as follows : Da rty entered. Tho fast•`;, We have f dna Belye.e, sister of !souse and it grist in buttercup silk, The crops are goo e overdress trimmed 26 to 40 bushels to go white picture hat some places, Ve bouquet of yellow' There .aro three the :harming. and now, two of thein Miss Berta leelyea The coatreot has Jerson, of Toronto, school house to wiled respectively in o silk, with white dress trimmed with aring white picture epherd's crooks en- d roses, acrd looped atin ribbon. '1 bey e flower girl, ltliss e sister of tho bride, silk and carrying a ie fair and graceful exquisite creation of n train, entered the father's arm. The was veiled in chiffon with pearl buttons The tulle veil caught to jessamine, and the er bouquet of bride r fern. The grooms - Bell of Wingham, 11, Johns, MoNamara s ushers. The bride's lly gowned in green ck velvet picture hat After the ceremony at Pinehurst, the pia - e bride's parents. The ride wee a handsome to the bridesmaids togs. The bride went hie cloth, tailor-made, n their return Mr and o their home in Wing. Tun Klin—A que to agitate the min the smaller towns netts at the munici be be made to acco persons. Of conrs some ward legisl1 upon the retired li thinks that busines meetings will be held mulct of honor, tense allow and the most I •the bride, was gown ill deliver addresses. with mousseline de so e railways. Prize lists Atli bebe ribbon, ala y be had on application and carried a large Parliament Buildulgo, roses. Next cams Ipretty bridesmaids, tion which is beginning i and Mies Belle He s of many persons in I cousin of the bride, g of Ontario is how six 'I Nile green' and seri .al council board are to j mousseline de sole ov= module ten or twelve I. white bebe ribbon, w hats, and carrying s twined with smilax a with green and cerise were -follower! by 0 without Brown, Jo Wedclin'; Stationery. could not possibly There's the rub -- me. can print wedding Invitations in the 5at,,yt style. We have the type, work CANADIAN SOCIAL hm011 mei kOop a complete assortment of 'WCddtng Ctat1 fl0ty. No ordering from given by the choir a samples. T,^tt can have your work on Presbyterian churcl short notice. ` was in every way a it can't be done, and ors will have to go t; but each naturally might bo carried on es or Robinson, etc., it Olive Betyea, the pet' be done without ME. gowned in white Indi 1 basket of roses. T bride, gowned in an The Canadian social , , d young people of the ivory duchess satin, on Tuesday evening t church, leaning on h. nocess. The Rey. D. 1 and bodice of the gow ohandsomely trinnme an Sh d. the ntchuir and I' and passementerie. first the adventures of with a coronet of wh hest Dome to Canada with carried a she hie career. tin 1935.al roses and maiden•h of practical informal man was 1klr Harr d to with interest by rliesers Cam The programt>1e wast vvuuandle Mesons acted abed of readings, solos, mother was tasted rtettee, oto, by J12ies I shot silk, with bl towelled with cerise a reception was hen turesque home of t. gr'oom's gift to the pearl pendant, al amethyst and opal away in a gown of with blue toque. Mrs Tient will ma Visitiwr Cards.Perris, the pastor, gave a brief address The correct styles will be found here and Champlain, when h find a complete stock. in 100�a and traced The address was fai 'Mica Stationery. tion and was listen t 1 tine Envelopes, Trill Steads State. tho large audience. en always and 1110 printing is always neat. we print them neatly. You will always ne uc nyeal, ays Wads, Lottor lin thi etc. a good one and cons 1 have a tttlt stork in this line Nellie blacdonalcl, Miss Roxbury, Skeates and the cl oir. Sandwiohes, oake and coffee were set ed during the evening.1 The proceeds of t e evening amounted tot used -n sin for will be paying 4 �2G00, which p anthem books for 5 e choir and the balance! applied on the ohu ch debt, We are of the; opinion that the y ung people could very socials every abl have o of the sec I refit y W1; mall, month or six week; moral. Job Printing. We coo do anything in this line, meted. ing Posters, Sale Circulars, illsland n130 8. Shikipingg Tags. . work, Tickets, or anything it the print• Melina. No job tan large. and none too sntalt ter us. Give us a call alien qua oro in head of anything in the printing lite. Our vines are as lea, as 4ti,era. TIMES OFFICE, clarionet solos, qu Mr0 p ' haul. uries. The deceased,.II,ititentiun of putj Hided for many years•lbakery. vas erulloyed at the i+ If your lounge is rattily old friends. to hear of his sudden nfe and child at Port Iv---iilr R 0 Speeli.ug e, writes front Lattph- plein is nmprovtug,very ur elevators, a store ill to handle the graiu. , wheat lunnili .from the a.re,,aud more in titbits are a, good crop. T hutches building here nson-Aineley building fire. warns farmers. against ng a dandy team who r sixty bushels to the d that a couple of gen- vn this week, with the basing the north end want re covering take them to Ireland & Button, their prices are right. —The Trsli:s will in Canada or the l:J to :the end of 11 advance. —Mr Wm Ole of wheat and 1 hero this ,week shipped two cars —A gentleman said he had seen ham streets than rams and another brick. travels this fall. • his does not speak well I town. teat been let for a X5,000 for the eco a completed, this fall- I If you have any mattresses to refill. or There has been a tot of building all sum -makeover 1 17eoyouwant cala gat stressit made at mer. ittr Sparlit g says he le likely to be 1 Y be sent to any address nited States from now 99 for one dollar in g shipped three cars car of peas from for export. He also f wheat from Belgrave. in town• on Thursday, more mud on the Wing - be had seen in all hes Ireland °& Button's, opposite Macdonald there all winter. i block, Wingharn. tf Fonmen Wove lowing account o Adams, who fora R Belden in the is taken from la • itaformer : 9 lq wda that 01 Xis ter of the late nil married to Mr Al and artist, Carso place today at was performed The bride look of cream Ind ashower bonne Her bridesmaid who looked ch organdie, and oa pink carnations. Alex ltttebie, of Gerrie McKay, c ly played the "W delssohn. The spend a few days spend Sunday going as far a stay a few day at their home The presents re and handsome, teem of many In tones wa:1DEisi; -The fol- —Mr Hugh Rieke the marriage of Mr A A who visits Wingha:, erly worked with Mr W Bristol, of FIamiltor photograph gallery here, on Ambitious City 5 Wednesday's Daily Galt Miss Kate city nty� tint and pretty wedding MoKn if you syncs somethi Martha Godiray, laugh- and tea setts; also a (i:eo txadfrey, who was cues and earlcers go t. ers Adams, photographer Gavin's. City.. the wedding taking —Mr' R,obt Nimm o'clock. The ceremony Sons of Scotland, w .y Rev 11 1' Whidden d haudsowo in a gown t week bhe Is work - t will visi an sills;, and carried week but week. Camp Caled t of white carnations, several new member as her sister, Miie Ethel stay here. te ted idg, a llgownydbou bouquetin ofThe Guo Bros Mit ovely q town hall on Mond The groomsman was Mr good. sized 'audienc eeIngham, Ont, :Hiss sin of the bride, skillful• very good one of t dding 'March" by men. jokes Wore new. \ appy couple expect to performance by+ th in Toronto, and return to given this year, i Galt, and then intend --We have recei Detroit, where they will lent piutnre. "The previous to their arrival as a premium to a in Carson City, Mich. real Family Her ived were yery numerous The Timms and Ft lowing the regatdrud es- Stet, with ,pian id friends. , the popular traveller for Lucas, Steele was married i 1 e ednesday mo .tog to e in dinner line of fanny Hdtchison & Mo —Large cot ignments of e It is being shipped from t e Witigitain It block this " week. Gond brooms, 3 ..sic ; swimon, 10c a. I can, anal cath pa', for good butter and eggs at, Hutchisen & hturlav-u's. t —Messrs 'Welke. &Clegg have had the sinoltestaek at tl it factory raised this week. i —\'de underst td that Mrs John ye' e Walker, of the B 1)110, of Turnborry, has fallen Heir to quit a snug estate.. . • We can furnish you a competenteman to cut, tit and lay any kind of carpets. Prices reasonable.—Ireland & Button. —Are you in uee of bill heads, envelopes; or wtitiug paper' The Tress office is thee y Mace to leave y it order. Our work is i neat vied prices as ow as the lowest. —\V)ngham m reheats aro preparing' for a lame Chri. setas trade this year. ,i Buy your goods f om the merchants that sot-ak through th advertising columns of the Treur ats. —1 first-cta s tailoring and cheap, -•e' 'lents' furnielni s try Webster & Co.',. Remember the pl ce, in Queen's block. 1 —0 it loaders ill be pleased to learn'' that Mr Thee 33 1 who has been ill for some trine is uow ble to be up and around -" the 1 Ouse. Ile w I be ahie to be out in are short time it we h ve favorable weather. Dr. Tt'lacdonal !snow permanently' at donne and cart be consulted by.3 ne, of the Wingham.;. s. leen turning out a.1 al ;monuments during Le Inas received an order; be placed in the oeme i, organizer for the 3 expected here this ;.t, in Kincardine this Winlh..rn all next tis eo pects to add during Mr Nimmo'a strels appeared in the y evou..ig to a very The sl ow was a o kin!. Some of the o have seen .5 letter company than was ed a copy of the excel - 'bin Bed Line," offered Ibsorrbers to the Mont. Id and Weekly Star, lily lderald and Weekly will be sent to any address for one one year for 0l.766. his patrons. —Mr W Vanst Marble Wtr•ti li number of beaut the past week. for a monument tery at St Marys —Conductor 'tzgerakl, tvhn runs on the London, Flu to and Bruce, has remcv- ed his family 111 m Kincardine to Lonlon. Mr .Fitzgerald n, d family were very point.- . lar with the le pie of Kincardine, whet they had reside for many years. CAR 1 . OF '1 HANKS. To the officers a donia, No. 4:1, I desire to exp you, as a body, f of one thousand of insurance held your Orden I ills the members of yo nese and attention husband, especial Long may your be of good tohoose Si Mn Wingiiani, Octobet 20tb,1808. d members of Catnp Cale- . 0. S., Wingham ss my sincere thanks tea r your prompt payment. Mars, being the amounts ' by my late Husband in wish to sincerely thank r Camp for their kintl- uring the illness of my : to Me 'Chas Blliott.1 ble Order prosper' Matt in aftlietion. ,` 3A\Ik0 hia)•t.tL"Clliitik,