HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-14, Page 8111.14; WI GJJAM TI
baa ttn.,iTAiaty for Bargains,
Special. for
.alc�:".WT,.'rc.rtY�,. :4 Kq;,yyi>•(-.kc�pW4yy.
;t�]0. pairs bathes' ;;•'ine Shoes -wt.,
el.25 and e' 1.4t) t',n dere.
10 doz. I� tdite.' ,tad tents' Cash-
mere base, rc>t, :lira end 40e for 25c.
1 (Oz. I.edie ' Cashmere Gloves,
reg. 252 f rr 15e.
11) dee,. fetrliee' and Cents' Linen
Collars, s, ret 15e and 2de far 13' e.
10 dee. Liners Towels, extra large,
reg. 15e tttr Ile.
Y <1,4:-. .Ltliee and (;eats' Under--
went , ;trig: nine (toe, fur 350.
15 p t des Farley and Plain Dress
Goods, new goods, :15c and 50e, for
10 Ladles' -1,st:'(telian Par Mantles,
reg. »:.'eaeirmela v:,s•.
10 Italie,' B Bek Capes. extra
large, etio roe SS,.
15 Mantles over fi pin last year,
re;; ; tete) for tee 00.
5 purees all -wool ti geed, reg. We,
busy t;ay eche
10 doz. Corsets, Crompton mak
reg. 75e for SOe.
6 pieces heavy Curl Mantle Good
in all the new shades, suitable for
long or short coats, reg. price $1.50
and $1.75, choice S Sitar dory for $1.20.
8 doz. Dents' Soft and Stuff Hats,
reg. tt2.00 for $1.25
The above prices are good for
Baturday only. Shop early.
ESS 00Q,,4,.
The largest and Inert denTp n•
sive array of Dress (roods ande i.ks
'Go be seen, An Extensive range of
lateen elatt; novelties, ineludin ilk
"Weaves en Silk and Wool grounds,
High Art Crepons and Brocaded in
ltaele Garel Colors, and a large range
�sf in,tterials for tailor-made costutnee.
3ea.:rtifnl range of Plaids and Checks.
See the display of new and beauti-
ful n. velt;es in Laces, Cbiffons, Ties
and Kidd (loves.
Spe .tat this month in Carpets, Lace
"vut•t:,lne and Ready-to-wear• Suits
and t?•-zreoat.
S::i's to order a specialty at
9 ip
a ki ra�rk wi`A +.1 +s
S.=r. i au:a—The P.aren farm, com-
prisie: ; rho north half of tot 40 in the 30th
,cone.:_ :+,tt, of 1:sat WM70.noah, was sold by
ptr:;'i.r :ti.:Gtiou at the Brunswick hours on
rfl1t:r;J,:.v afternoon to Mr Robt Coulter
for >>„a,117 . This is one o1 the best farms
31t ti;'- township and it is considered that
f'outtcs has secured a great bargain.
P Dt; try wiaiderl the auctioneer's hammer.
SC1.sOc7L T30.11.RD
1.11,: zeguiar monthly meeting of the
chr=rl i',ard was held on Tuesday even•
ing. Members present, Chairman Griffin
and dieser. Moore, Homuth, Barber Ab.
sabttn and Button. The minutes of last
:meeting were read and approved.
Tina Principal's report showing the
attendance for the month of September
was lead as follows :
Boys. Girls, Total. Average.
3...,20 26 46 40
2 28 27 50 45
3 22 26 48 40
4 14 32 46 41
s. 25 28 53 46
tf, 32 14 46 41
7 19 37 . 56 49
8'.....,,43 36 79 59 II
198 220 424 361
Vemttth--Abraham_Tlf9�t the Prinei.
pais report os read be adopted.—Carried.
Accounts were read from Young 86
Paulin, repairs. etc., $28.10; `Thos Moore,
'Work at school, $10.25.
Hornuth-13 rber—thea the accounts as
read he paid.—Carried.
Ap dlit;ations were received from the pre-
sent staff of teachers for re.eogagement
for the year 1899.
lits laxxTG HOGN.
SIONk:R. Or AOltara teal:,
It is intposetble to raise swine sac-
resefutly in large nittebers without
giving them skim milk for ,butter
milk, or ;t good ruts of clover p,tet
are when the young pigs.;tre grow
tog. Musing winter a quantity of
clover bay cut, steamed and soaked
for three hour; is an admirable ad.
dition to the fired or growing swine.
Where the pigs are put iu peas and
fed on grain ugly' fi'omn the time they
are weaned, a Targe proportion of
them will become sick stud go off
their feet before they are Deily fat.
Hoge should never be given more
teed at one time than they well c:tt
clean, and still have au appetite for
more. Overfeeding keeps the hogs
Croat being active in taking exec.
Ci a; and that causes then to
grow too fat and soft. It is a good
Pam to feed as touch as they win
consume and digest to advantage.
I'hat will keep them hungry fur
every meal. Experienced feeder:
eleim that regularity in the time
of feeding will cause were rapid
gain in weight than when there is
irregularity even to the extent of one
hour in the ,teal time.
.• The feed of swine should be reas-
onably clean. It should certainly
never be in a putrid eoudition.
Ir, does not seer, profitable to glee
good milking cows of the average
size and ordinary breeding More than
from seven to nine pounds of gratin
or mixed meal per day each, even
when they are giving their maximun
flow of mike;, for the season. Every l i
farmer roust compose the rations for 1
his cows out of the materials whieir he t
has available, but as asample ration, b
the follewtrg may be useful for gnid
mice. The bulkvfudder part of the ,
ration may be mixed in the follow-
ing proportions. If the roots can be
pulped and the hay and straw passed
through a cutting box, so much the 0
better' :
50 T.ounds of ensilage..
15 pounds of mangers, carrots - or
beets. •
5 pounds of haw.
5 a)onnda of straw.
As much of that as each cow will
eat up clean may be fed two ice a day,
and. wall it should be fed f; om three
to nine pounds o>: meal or ground
grain, according to the capacity of
the cow, which a good feeder will
soon be able to estimate. A feed of;
uncut hay or straw may be given
in the midd'.e of the day. When a
cow in fair condition of flesh has
passed the flash of her milking period,
- to
h tri
r to
n th
-. sit
e. no
r fla
cd `str
Voaaa,►tett Two imearcls,
. Per the last two rears the blends.
of Mr. John t,Oibhs, of ('ark Street,
have been alarmed at his i:ttllt: ;
timid). It was believed that can-
tniuption bad fastened its pangs upon
him, though ttil+physicans he consult,
tri, and they were toany, could find
no evidences of the disease whatever.
About ten days ago he began to lin
prove, and has cantinued, to do so.
Ae noon on Monday he felt a. choking
sensation in his throat, which caused
hit, to cough and theta to votnit,
The reit* was that he threw off his
stomach twit lizznrtls abuut two inches
MC STAINS AND soma:e as..
Scorches may be removed from
linen by spreading over them the
juice of two onions and half an ounce
of white soap. Leucon jaiee and
salt will roulette stains of rust and
ink. The articles should be exposed
to the sunlight after being well sat
orated in the niixttu'e,
Proceed exactly as it' you were
going to tie an ordinary bow knot :
but before drawing it up pass z
right-hand loop through the kn
thengivingg a steady and siulutti
eons pull ou both luop, and yo
:110estring will be tied fast. Wh
you wish to untie it pail the rig
hand suing and you will have
4+s, OCTOBER 14, 1898.
North of O. T. R. The undersigned
otters for sale 1`: aores of choice land in
the ell Town Plot of Wiogharu, beauti-
fully situated,overlooking the town, 0
tha property thero is a good frame yet)
with six rooms anti stone eel and
woodshed ; hard ant raft wt r, fratue
harp with entitling ; • ;raw s d and drive
shed ; good orehurc act cefrhit, Also
Aleve, nores more east of good land
,without bo Zings : well watered ; title
ttnnrl. For pnrtlenlnrs apply t.t
WM, XII, ttA,•11IPP,';IaL,T,, proprietor,
Wareham 13, 0, Ont..
r;'ry,I+y;1ICit WINO COMMIC1i
T. D. SM1'fil, SCiaicafie EYE SesoutuST
Gradueto New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto
Opti,.a1 Colleges.
Cell early and avail yourself of lir
valuable services, as this is arare
*opportunity to have your eyes proper-
ly tested, free of charge, No guess
work but a scientific certainty. Diffi-
cult cases accurately fitted. ALL
40 I Hover euIL at prevuto Douses.
Will be at
Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store
Wednesday, Oct, 26th.
MoCoot,—Is Winghani, on Tuesday,
he I October lithie wife of Mr. John Nic.
ot, ((.y�o1 ; a son,
tri_ iwYocvora—In
Est Wrrwaoosb, on Oct,
9 r, tho wile of Mr. Jaw. YoungA ; a son.
ni Hor,ulos--In Biuevale. on (jut, god,
en 1�e wife or Mr..Anrirew Holmes; a son.
ht 111TL1:,Art—In Morris, cal Oat, 2, the wife
no ' or Jas, bullar, \t hitewater, Man,, of a
Colored nu:w ins should bo washed
n a lather of cold water. Never
put them in warm water, not even
o rinse them. If the muslin should
e green, add a little vinegar to the
water; .if lilac, a little ammonia,
etnd if black, a little salt.
A lotion consisting. of equal parts
f lactic held and glycerite will re
move f'r'eckles.
It is generally admitted that th
best way to prevent decay of tb
teeth is to use a good antiseptic
lotion. The 'fallowing is a goo
formula : 'fake of carbolic acid fl
tees, grains ; thymol, eight grains,
boric acid, seven drachms; eescnee of
peppermint, twenty dt'op3; tincture
anise, two and a halt drachma, and
water two pints. Mix thoroughly,
and use every night and morning.
with ' a brae!), as you would any
other dentifrice.
the eiluwance of grain may be gra
dually reduced, until a cow whie
has been milking for eight months o
more will be receiving not more tha
three pounds of meal per clay in addt
tion to the bulky fodder part of the ra
tion. Meal may be obtained from( th
grinding of peas, oats, barley o
wheat, when that grain is sufficient)
cheap. When feed is to be bough
from any outside source, it is usually
profitable to feed two pounds pe
day cf oil cake or cotton seed meal
and two or 'three pounds per hes
per day of wheat bran. A mode
nixture of meal for milking cows
would be in the proportion of one
pate cotton seed meal, one part of
oil cake, two parts of bran and two
parts of mixed meal from such
grains as are available ott the farm.
Carrots, tnatigels and sugar beets
are more suitable roots for the feeding
of milking cows than turnips. Ttarnips
are admirably adapted for the feed-
ing of growing, fattening or dry stock.
All cattle seer, to be improved in
On motion of Messrs Homnth and Bar- health and vigor by some allowance
bee, Mr. A. 11. Mosgrove. was re-engaged as of roots per day in addition to the
principal for the ensuing year at the same feed in the form of ensiliage. -prof.
salary. The present staff of assistants Robertson.
Roe,—In Portage la Prairie, or. P'ridav
Sept. 30, Jarnes Roe, of Howiee, aged
59 years find seven months.
FlACKZNO—Tn Listowel, on Out. 10th,
1898, 'Margaret Tracy beloved wife of
W. H. Backing, postmaster, aged 86
years and 12 days.
The immigration department esti-
mate that 80,000 new settlers have
entered Manitoba and the Territories
during the first nine months of the
present year.
The largest shipment of dressed
e meat ever sent from Toronto was
e shipped to Sonthatnpton Monday by
e the Davies Company.., It consisted
d of 6,30.000 pounds of meat, valued at
f, $N,000.
Put two thirds of a pint of alcohol
a wide mouthed bottle, with one•
irex of a pint of ammonia and a
bllespoonfrl of whitening ; shake
oroughly. Wet a srnall sponge
th this mixture, and go over your
ver ar.d brass with it as quiekly as
sibte, rubbing it off with a soft
noel before it bas a chance to dry.
Common paper may be converted
to a substance resembling parch-
ent by means of sulphuric acid.
he acid should be of'an exaet
ength, and mixed with half its
eight of water. A sheet of paper
aeed in this solution beer mes hard,
ugh and fibrous, yet its weight is
t increased. anti it is far better for
tiring purposes than animal parch •
0 t,
Steam in a steamer over a kettle
strong saap•sads. This is a good
y to treat soiled lace.
One or two geranium leaves,
wised and applied to a cut or
wise will cause 1t to beal in a Abort
-Were re-engaged for the ensuing year:
Migses M Robertson, 111 Cornyn, B key.
molds, 0 rargeharson, H Reid, N Gray and
L trtthieson.
Quebec Province majority against
prohibition, 87,328.
According to a standing motion of the The Clinton 1`'ew Era Understands
that t
board, eaoh teacher is engaged for the first • the estate left by the t to Hon.
M. C. Cameron, amounts t
year at 1275 and as long as they are satis-
factory to the Board. receive an increase of $100,000, of Which v25,000 is in life
i15 emelt year until the salary readies insurance; a policy of X10,000 Ensor-
item. Those of the above who had pct ! anee in an American company was
;reaelied the e360 limit were granted the ( dropped by Mr. Cameron a few
rnmal increase in gaiety. jjj months since.
itomuth--Button--That Joe Coad be re-
•esgnged e,e je.sitor at the sante salary as
last year. --Carried.
Batton—Barber---That the tesehera and
♦f;i . a a>,rario.: p+.. the month of Sepiane
be•r i,.. j .•.V. •—(;,r, tdtt. 1
On motion the board then
Ts' sons is this state to mitnaire Our buslnos,, ih
their canon(' nearby counties Itis tafaioly mice
ywork conducted at home. salary straight $600 a
Jesse salarypemonthly. t 76. haerc nceto nncloo0
ecir-addressed stamii'd envelope, 'Torbert E. Hess,
Prost., Dept. M. Chloor;o,
Peter Marshall was acquitted at
the Orangeville -Assizes on the eharget
of setting fire to David Bullard's
n wolf
shi. was g d Town-
ship given a dose of carbolie acid
by bis mother in mistake for medicine,
with fatal results.
On Saturday, Oet. 1st, Catharit.e
H. Sawnson, wife of town clerk
Mitchell, or Goderteh, passed away
after a painful illness of several years'
duration, The deceased lady, who
was in het' 48th year, was the eldest
daughter of the late Geo. Sawnson,
and was favorably known throught
the county of Huron,
Why let your neighbors
know it?
And why give them a
chance to guess you are even
five or ten years more?
Better give them good
reasons for &ucssing- the
other way. It Is very catty;
for nothing tells of age so
quickly as gray hair.
Our Mantles are greatly admired by all who see th for
• their Excellence of Materials, Style, Fit and Finish, but above
all the marvellous ]ow prices at which we sell then, The sec-
ret of it all is we understand the markets of the Old and New
World, and buy only the best for aur trade that Inane a
secure, They range in rice fromyoulike
y � price $3.00 to $�.. oo. If � ou
to think of FURS NOW, ours are just in, and they should.
please every taste and every purse,
MEN'S & BOYS' CL9THING in Ordered and Ready-made is a:
growing trade at titis store, You can get. Men's Suits here frort
82.75 up, and Boys' from $1,00 up,
DRESS GOODS The largest stock, the greatest variety, the very Iet—,
est in all the new shades, patterns and materials, and prices always
in your favor,
SEASONABLE UNDERCLOTHING for Ladies and Gentlemen,--
quality right, prides right.
GROCE IES-•,TEAS—IIeadgnai•ters for everything in fresh, new
(iroe ries, 80e Tea for 25e ; 40c Tea for 30e ; 50e Tea for 42e ; 5r
lbs good Raisins for 25c.
If you want good fitters and good wearing Boots come here for
O ' ' ID 1", direct importer -
et8`r"e z Aa.'.P�' +m sQiFb'rdrt'�'h4&'C +'„
Soh eninp)'i
Come and Take Its With Ton.
On Names Are
Tack Tar.
Greet St. Bernard.
British Canadians.
Great 500 Page.
The Miner.
Moss Rose.
We are in all colere,:,a,nc ,.•,pptees. ,.;
Readers, Arithmetics, GramnTarsl'etti:' •Cti:l•:,e.nd. see us
your seh001 supplies.
t •
E X,
for fel
SS, Popu ar Book Store.
We have just pat into stock a crate of the
directly imported from one of the best makers in England,
which means the beet
�O�Y WW►'
We have a full a,seortment of this line, such as Pitehers, I3owls, Vege-
Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saueers,; Cups (only); Toilet Sets, ate,, &.,
whten we intend to sell quickly if low prices will do it 'These goods are
strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among thein.
Out' pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling' sex
quickly that we need not say anything about their merits.
r s . arson
” The China House," Winghanl.
uestion of Time
is a youth -renewer.
It hides the age under a
luxuriant growth of hair the
color of youth.
It never fails to restore
color to gray hair. It win'
stop the hair from earning
out also.
It feeds the hair bulbs,
Thin hair becomes th ick hair,
and short hair becomes long
moveseaallcsdandruff,p' nd
prevents its formation.
We have a book on the
'Hair which we will gladly
send you.
If you do not obtain alt the hbne-
fits you bttiected from rho WIG of rho
vigor. ,,rite tiff) doctor about' it.
p'at.Irebry thorn is some dimculttY
with pour gererat system which
may be /lastly removed. A.ddreos,
On, J. C.. Ayer. Mass.
41/6^sip, .
We are selling a good, accurate
8Day C
strikes hours and half hours, a1,,,
War declared on high prices«. ,