HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-14, Page 6p �>J �� nt oven know of it, until it t11ey stumbled - Messrs. Lawry ei Son have issued �a (act•oss it during the proct�edius I the ft;lluwing circular : "We had an Not only was the case satisfaLt�•Y ; bl last spring with soft, THE WINGIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 14,1SJt I ,t ' ancc that the prosecution did not 1 't as endless trouble as FRIDAY, is boodle fund account of rough Feeding Pork. IDA1 OCTU73ER 7, 78`x8. t to Mr. Malty and his friends; i fed and bruised bogs The former of widespread importance as it des• ! . for by the feeding of I posed of the monstrous allegation !s accounted b• t corn and grass, and the latter on OUR OTTAWA LEITER. that the entire Provincial ea the handling and poke lhad conspired to raise a oo e i In the hogs with sticks, whips, etc, Ottawa, October $th'--Matters in of $10,000 for the expressed purpose I Now these s with sticks, are more seri, Connection with the Yukon Admin- 0f debauching the coustituency.INo thane cmers thick, and will re- ' eon , I I'he counsel fol the petitioner, on be {vert back to detriment in the finite, shape,tBand. the eafforts its O thdee half of the Conservative party, ad. I longrun and theirwe wish to appeal to Dep hm ash the efforts arriveve Department of the Interior to witted that Chore was not one word 'their judgment have thein see thettilof truth in, er even suspicion of just -'the 'toter in the andight light. It e ch and remedy suactually h evils of ; an adults Canada's �.t•the Crulhcatioli for this charge, quality that. is wanted, and AS Iced are proved rapidlyto have brought u gh beis g siorl which drew from the court a i'qe reputation sustained on the bacua info p beingrm face of 1 stern and richly deserved castiga- i rn putati of the persistentpl form, In the fico of tion be done of the world.e thanThis cannot most the rsQelagainst ; that nes Though knowing full well that 1 approved methods. We can assure Purity of the tlluutl ie mmended by till I ;louses and learnt); t, 1 , t Been going ort present the Ain thert- this atrocious cargo was without the , ahs roved echo it is to their benefit 'Their 41err,ra- snetit and its representatives in the , druggists In Canada, ere . re)t• i ti slightest foundation 111r Whitney, I very way as the beater quality r � able medicine discovered. st: - . aranteed to cure all I Largeradvertisements terms will b • strictly adhered atom of actual evidence has yet been moit nths past it is i e as t) 'Liver rill-.', hat They bacao, k se six, ES One witl ,•'lour our own Correspondent. 01 1: 9 P #� 1 Du. A. W. CitAsl IN UnNSULT.1TION. I SABtjATRVIOES.I I��,�i r Zl I�i�i J M '1'IIUDIS'1'- ltev. Dr. P laces, pals 'i _ts rvuL S1Ll;D- BYER): y'IIIDAY MORNINte 1 u1. ' or. Services at 11 a tt) and 7 p PRL SaYTERIaN-Rev. 1). Perrin itor. Services tit 11 a in tlnd T p ut. pa EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's -I:ev, Wm. Lown, rector. Services at 110 to and 7 p in, BAPTIST-Rev. or• Sery CONGREGAT ION AL'-I`e v. Ii. Mason, pastor. Services at it a m and 7pnn. CHRISTIAN WORKERS -- Misses Outram and Lock fu ewnmand, Servieee at S p m and 8 p m. btiles SALVriTION ARMY -Adjutant and wife in cotntnand• Services at 11 a. to, 3nin and 8Dm• Sa10 bbeathlSchool is heldatt1101.1 2,90 phfnruhed TSTTHE E KIBNEYS -AT Tula - gas. Hamilton, pas•I MMES OF FICE, JOSKPHHINI SIRE ' fuss at 17 a nit and i p w E 4 'INCII,111I, ONTAILIO. �►a"• J • Wood's Phosphodiae, trey Are the Great Feeders 11 of Out The Goat English Rernrdy. DotDee-ihe ur y gold and leen Dependent ou rc taws PowerS. Subscription price, $1 per year, in advaltee ADVERTISING RATES b}ucu� 11 -yr, ! 0 me, 1 3 too. 1 1 rias One Coluuut 940 00 1 1140 00 $90 90 i 418'00: Halt 40 00 20 12 00 quarter " 20 no 12 no 7 00 1 t,,,a. .. ,vc 1 nn o nn 1 nip; Legal and WWI' 4.100131 advertisement, t o per tins.• for firs: insertieu,and 3.: per lira or cactisuboequenlu in,ertlnu. ilc.»used by immoral smile. „ocal notices 10:. per line for drat insertion, Ind 6c. per line for each subsequent n serticr. Advertisements of Lost, Mound, Strayed, Situation, and Business Mauves 1Vanted, not exceeding 9 line nonpareil, 91 for first month, and 60o, for eaob subsequent utonth, r r Sala, not exceeding 8 licit - el for 'list month, 60e. per subsequent mont)s . Largnr ad,rortlaunle11tts n propnr on, to fax north, the cold hat ilnpartant paoRagea publ t forgotten that not one with his chief supporters and leading !the turn out the better price they fact is of en n has worked supporters all it was . y alit Call only he �' ClrnNe'1n IClnibine ivcr Pills are . forms of 1Sexual weaknes9, all offsets of abuse Special rates for larger advertisements, or or papers, i will . get. This qualitythe Only ConrUinet, ICUlney and or ezcess, Dleatal Worry. Exeesslve use of To- longer periods. worth for some Have Ao- Opium or stlmulaats. Mailed nn r7oelpt' directions, witlilGI iris reed till lforbii riathodntoshpeoI b educed, several officials, and 1sueli means that they i obtained by much carof price, • e pr rot by anybreeding and handling, n,o'rtplir,Ired t. unit a Guarantee of t $amphleta fre to anq address. I accordingly, Transitory' advortisemnuts tnustbe with mea in not way connected !feeding. cony •rhe? Will B Do. The '♦Food Cerup0 Y, O nndsor, Oat. it'recti advance dv ertlsemant, must ha Era clan expect to obtain the confidence; Now in the first place, as to feeding. with the administration, (in some' and support of the country. We 'would advise farmers a use1 There's a time to all, old and young, Sold in Win Elam byColin a Campbell, cases by a means friendly thereto) DOING THE SQUARE THING, but to farm corn and 'Man or lvomau, whet' poor health i; i brings trt�uble, anzterty, and b00urdens Druggist. have corse, out, not one is able to '*fives one more than ordinal !Peas, etc., t of a single It b1 in'grass. Secondly, as tO brcedin,- f t tto grid dhimself d or herselfo seem submit proof in suppor a ,satisfaction to hate an editOilrl The Yorkshire and Tanlwcrth .only to be battled at every turn, and definite charge, while some very de •the Ottawa Citizen this week upon b ds are acknowledged the exact we are prone to grc•v discouraged. linitely deny the greater part of the allegations. The Minister himself has .stated snecinetly that no eharge has ro ect was made public, it was pro-1experience o been laid before him but that the p d • 1 We might here say that jrellted gets guarding against mistakes in the trcat- nesred in these letters that the •t , ands or about strictest investigation shall at once Pullers which bad with such evident 10 shilling per 11':, pounds,meat adopted for your particular ail - hand. made when material conies to pl ore patsistently maligned the cents per pound forbacon coni more I Hent. hand. Majrlr Walsh, whose appoint- P than. Canada. Why . p : READ WHAT AMOS CARTER, tialieians would quickly turn their cause they follow out these p1 inciples I MCLDOURNE, ONT., SAYS 1 went as �1nr,lis3isa is was hailed mud batteries upon the new comers, • mention lllowe. Canadaesei can get with universal satisfaction has and the prophecy has been amply there if sne above. and each farmer spasms Lasted for Bourn at a Time -Lett Great Achin}r and Sorenena- • . salted that every effort part verified, for within 24 hours the individually should make a strong . t, Dr. Chaste Bourn er Time ie failed pr est fy a g assault began. Further information �Yhe would testify to %wrong doing. effort. If hogs were right in this I Proved ilia Deliverer• n�+ ordinary injustice the more than COnnLCV they would be worth ii was pains months nhslr troubled just Victoria P i.•e up - the Doukhobortsis, the Russian colo- lee nisi, that it is proposed to beets in 1 thing by all experts, as they do not 1 both theistime for not e action, the time to the North Weet. When toe the sal'l'y numb fat and are long and ` $eek out the seat of the trouble, and lean even at `300 pounds weight. Art IIS your best judgment dna the f others will help You, The correspondent of the oronta _ region • ordinary igjustice t,f this course, 1e. per pound more, as they aro in i eft Y and World, who has ria reached ` e d theCitizen is manfully striving I h principle The :lrtire in question admits penny wise and pound foolish as the „te no good. I commenced to rte E. L. I)ICECINSON, Solicitor. here is excellent reason to be- directions. had not much hese people are moral, intellig-.United States has a'readv found out Dr. Chase's kidney -Liver Pills accoru- - r 1 m kidneys, the spasms lasted for half an hour at a time, and left :Ile 'dv O who wrflla certainly nut be sus an a .Ireland. Take the is with. great aching soreness and pain. b -ve been; to aTih ne ser its error. "and %vetch results. Feeding corn is I tried many ki fI l2t'.ert fyS remedies, but they rli cored of favoring the state; that no charges ave that a formulated and so on. The de- Neve BANK ofHAMILTON WINGHAM. - .000 t7 5 St r nr 0 ,� R r Capital, 91,..,0,000. Preeidunt-,Tour SWARM. 1110e-Credldcnt-A. G. RAItsAl. DIB.ICCTOIt5 JO11N PROCTOR. t;so. ROACH, WM GISMOS, 11 P, A. T. WOOD, A. B. Lux (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNEULL. Savings Bank -Hours, 10 to 8; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of SI and upwards received and interest allowed. special Deposits also received at current rates of it .0 -est. Drafts CI Great Britain told tho United Stator bought and cold W. COItB0ULD, AGENT spatches further declare that Com- elite tlir:fly and indnstricns, that t0 1, a0 after talrtnl; one box I noGlced a 3IliosioneC Ogilvie is ready L33 begin a, - thein •Ca,:li:lamed existence in Russia V1eW 1 change for the better. It may seam thorough investigation. lreetty as been sicca well nigh unbearable l i . Bible but After takin the second 1 box the Paine, all left me entirely, and .opme ;lie charges are made to flim. +�';t4u111t of well nig p n e arabl , t I have no .a . THE THr: a 1 and tl�sf they, are. akin in From — 1 M1ty� jr 1 2ii cents per box, all dealers. appearance of the last few gilts 13 -tee .l?rieeds than whom there is not P` oma appearance of the report pnbilsbeh. abetter sect in the C aris.iln Church. in the London t. ug its gives publicity o1v —Canada Trade Re- i ins• tott , faith that they would cure me, but d• l titan bl role 1 d d l 1 ¢n yy�religionsA PITIABLE CRIPPLE. 1 t had them ince -Amos the niot T • tales A HAND. de their re -Rheumatism Blistered by Cartel, Melbourne. Perhaps most important i<e:t �, beliefs to the Society of Doctors Till He Didn't Know Price Himself—South America tae - ,,.—•-------_ ---- -•� i tic Cure Performs a Wonderous ____ sanetele Peterboro'. writes : Mr. Albert Coates, placed his left eye 'q{• .a� --- a "Por months I was unable to work, had to the muzzle rf a glen, when the gun raption to the Dawson and distinctly charges star- have sufficient means to establish : rheumatism in every part of my body. went c8' and blew the side of his officials, though still different 1 the. essential detail=_ themselves. without assistal:ce from times. d an -, to the 1� Times, in which. It fat titer „ Ph Cure. U De At B:•adford Fred Coates, a son of its correspondent cot severely erltletsea statement, before suppressed, that all' she muoieipal atiil'inisrratian at blouse: t0 Canada will' without giving the sate and tl,aa there tae ! ho els were distorted, Following the lead of the Canadian Y shape, my K reason to believe that they will i my wrists and forearm were double very strongly papers, the necessity sulpha isp'. make good citizens. 1 their natural size. My leg was encased very stractio filonthessity of pomp'.e{ It is to be hoped that the Citizen's 1 in a plaster case for four months. I nfiiciat action to the end that the contemporaries will show like cam +tried South Atnerican Rheumatic Cure truth may be arrived at, and pointsi p° I took two bottles. Twenty-four hours t that the sending of Mr. Ogilvie mendable desire to be fair in their i after firec °seal felt likeYa new man. O k after I was able to tro to work. i ft I was blistered by doctors at ton head all's•, roes. My hands were drawn out ofSy. Doan Cures w Manitoba Man. Mr. Alexandria Fraser, Miami, Man., writes : "1 cannot refrain from recom• mending Doan's Kidney Pills to any person troubled kith kidney disorder, for I believe it they could cure me they could cure any case.' di Cu into the country as TELE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. evidence of the determination but the 1 The Mail -Empire has discovered Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Government to shield no one, to that the present era of prosperity is get at the facts at all costs ; adding 1 fl retold by Solomon, when he de -1 Hints For Dairymen. -there " treatment of this matter, One wee Colnmis3ioner is i Nov I am as hearty and strong as ever. is a general conviction, fully clared "that the Liberal scul shall be' The calf ought to be fed three shared by elle people of the Mother I made fat." The Mail -Empire and 1 country, that the Canadian Govern• times a clay. znent have neither any sympathy its friends might learn a greater I Uhless the dam was a good one, economic truih in the previous verse don't try to raise a heifer calf. eli such practises nor the slightest • to that in which their quotation 1 The sepel rail dispositiOR to shield the guilty per n t ted that `thele sons. There is not in Canada any is that seattereth and yet inereaseth, ' ,more than here any organized sys- ; I Rapid chaste from new to skim and there is that withholdeth more milk may injure the delicate stomach saves labor in sett- occurs. where it is stated ino• milk saves room and waste. • Mian " The A i'In ceee m tens of cot ru 1 i than is int at but it tendeth to pt v common with all other unbiased ob- of the calf. servers thoroughly appreciates the erty," Solomon propounded many a I ca i> highly recommended as difff.ulties of the situation. i truth that might be studied advent- ',food for cattle, ranking neatly as I ageonsly even in this latter days, and. high as wheat. A MONSTROUS CHARGE DROPPED. D• and this that `expenditure' and The Ontario election trials areff Unless the person and his clothes going on apace and so far have, "extravagance"are nut sy nonimous 1 are clean it will taint the milk if he proved just as satisfactory to the terms in not the least of thein. The milks the cows. Government as was to be expected. i Conservative organ is to be comet if a heifer is fed upon fat forming ' mended for its study of the Script i food constantly you will spoil her as The most notable event of the week i urea. 1 a milker, She will learn to take on "las been the dismissing of the peri- A JOURNALISTIC @iP VAN WIS1iL]✓. La Minerve, the resuscitated Con- 1fat. Ilion against the Commissioner of I 'ublic Works, after failure on the servative paper of Montreal appears tl Is. singleari of the prosecution to prove a to have been doing the Rip Van 1 What Scrofula alleged. out of the 287a origin- Winkle act during the time of its Scrofula is a disease as old as antiquity. ally alleged. The nilly charge that�non appearance. A few days ago it' It has been handed down for gener- Changes orcontract A the othee by Wednesday noon, in order to apj eaa, that week II. 11. ELLIOTT, Piu?$ISTOR AS . Punrsesic TNR, F. H. ICALBFLEISOII, POYSICIAN, SUR. GEON, AND ICCutlet'EUlt. Sneeessor to Dr. W. Crab un BRt'SS ELS ONT. r Honor Graduate of the Universities oi'. 1st Class t Trinity (Toro •to) gotten a (Eiig1tan), aid of Trin- ity 114dteal Collette t Fellow of Trinity Medicate College and ylru her of Lite College ,1 ).'hvsiciane,• and Surgeons of Ontario. Post Gntdnata Course be Detroit and Chicago 1)110 apoeial attentiont,pald tO disease• 01 Nye Ear Nuse and Throat and 'Diseases of Women Cunanita 1,11 11, English and;• German d%tr0'w,rrl seated secee.efillly in,altt its forws. Money to Loan on. Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE. RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet contwi h privilege of paying at the and of any year. Note and accounts coileoted. R O$IT.. hMeII4DOG. Seaver Block Windham, Ont For stealing three cigars a boy named Thomas was sentenced by Police Magiserate Spencer, of 0 wen Sound, to the reformatory at I'one- tanguishine for three yei►rs. To all who find them -elves with health gradually slipping away, Kidneys and Liver so dis.)rgaoizeu that they are keen- ing the system free from poisonous waste material, Stumat:h DtsorJered, Bowels Constipaed, Head Actium, Back Pain- ing, take eDr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pill j. The quicit way they help you back tin health will surprise you. There are 350 men at work in the Massey•Ilarris shops, Brantfatd. was proven was of so little implort- reproduced that old eharge, that Sir Wilfrid Laurier destroyed any possi- ! rd �`�� i bility of reciprocal preferential trade I ��,/�with the Mother land, "which was • of imperial federation ,�� • • a ,,raa� .. ;..gra.- - �- . N MAN'S FLORIDA. WATER It! `' THE • ' OVICE asT J •1 M33'r F1tAGRAVT J mos•r REFRESHING. AND UNDURINO OP ALL PCI'.FUMi a FOR THE fth,NOi R0OHIEF, To11.aT I, t '. op,l. 9. ((t'y33 '�1�t p��± �r�"g��•.n1r1!i A �tIS 1 i7' PERFOMGRf11 IA Lt GERM 111, atious and is the sane today as in early times. It is emphatically a disease of the blood, and the only Ilio isbypurifying ' wayt• e it Lur 0 blood. That is just what Hood's the undoing p I Sarsaparilla does in every ?.use where humiliating tin es an Now is the time to subscribe for would only look up the Pyles of some! fella taints k di ) d t i will find that r----parfl' has won the grateful Outline. `voile it has been asleep, this fallacy it is Riven 0 faithful trial. It eradi- and put the Colonial Secretary in a cares all impurities from the blood, and GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DrLART ARRIVE 649i.m.305p.m 3 30p m 10 2llp m 8 55 w in 3 05p to ii53am 111011. u 33epm 800pIn 11 10 a, In 0 40a m Toronto and East • Palmerston mixed London and South INESTERN QDYET1SER I Iposition."If La Minerve 1 cures the sores,bolls, pimples d 'Kincardine R. VANSTONE, 33 BAARLt1STER, SVLICITOR, Etc., Private and Conlpany funds to loan at lowest rata - interest. No CO,iin1163101/ charred. Mortgages; town:, and !urn; prcperty bought and sold •. OFFICE -Beaver Block 111attna i. J. A. MORTON 1311t1lhSTNR, Ste., 11 Ingham, Ont. • E. L. DICti1NSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLIOITOR TO BARK Or NAITM.TO5. MONEY TV - LOAN. Office -Meyer Block. 1) int ham M. 0. CAMERON,, OARILISTF:P., SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, dtrr,. 011ice-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew street* opposite Colborne cocci. GCDxn,Cil, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. -J. S. J F:RAMlt, L. D. S.,WINGEA,1a 1. ,uanuiactur first-class sets oft' �77-'y,.4�' y�' teeth las 011eap an they Can be made," in the Dominion. Tenth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new 4 30 p in 3 30 p m process, guaranteed perle. tly safe. 11) rJ p pr 8 30 a m l OFFICE: In the 'Seaver Block, opposite the- IIrunew•iek House. AGENT$,. We pay straight, weekly salaries of front 510 to 520 according to ability, for cantarsers on "Life and work of Mr. Gladstone," The demand for this wonderful Vollune i9 keeping all hands working early and late 1 he only anadi.ul and Br;tisll work published. Enflamed iy the lineal Fatally :nal leading publlo men. A leg, ehrnp enol: ULADLEV-GAitI4ETSON COMPANY, LierrnD,Toronto. 1899 Only Seventy-five Cents -TO- January 1st, 1900. all forms of skin faeces due o sem- the in blood. Hood's the best Weekly Paper published in of its contemporaries it IJour: unee 11s 1VINa11AN G,ENERAL INS1114ANCE AGENT ONTAn/ef• WINGHAM STEAM PUVP VORKS praise of vn t numbers of people by I Write tot our low dabbing offers. has been entirely exploded, and that its grand and couplets cures. Dont! 11 Lary himself down, are very fully retitle to develop in your' imperialists, from the Colonial Seem uw sc blood, Cure it at once by taking FDbRE3S3- - alive to the immense practical of the Canadian Premier's policy in he death is chronicled of ;11r. C. Helping f`urwLr.l and developing pre -1 Tit he Egtnond, in mooed rills. ferential trade and imperialism gen, 1 erally. value Ilan 's nisaparl a. I WESTERII ADVERTISER, : 1 endorsing file proposal to teach dc)- Says ti hire. Selina 1•.. Cort. Amherst, N. V ! mestic seienee in the Pnblle Schools. At times I suffered intensely Mrs. Boomer, the lady member of the London School Board, has sue-' eeedcd in having a resolution passed atria to .EIClr. Trouble. from from palpitation and Fluttering of my l heart. I was weatt end my nerves shaft- I 1 ered, Milburn's heart and Nerve Pilis 1 have regulated my heart, toned my tier -1 vies alta built up troy health: Children Cry for ST RIA. IP. 1 LICENSED AUCTIONI3ER FOE ,x11;, COUNT uF Il URON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with LONDON, ONT, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is nuccesstnllg used monthly by over i0,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drnstgyst for Conics Folies Root Cora - round. Take moot ler• as all :ttixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. 1'rle o,Net. I, neer box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger.s3 per box. No. and two 8 -cent sti m'_s a1 Tie on 1 C(nips 1t' \%'Sndser, Ont. t sib1e t pests ex cantles,. deg y all No.1 anti No." In 1444 b.' Colin A. t'ranphe1l, Druggist • TeEltiLW AWAY 4 UtV(U- EEL Q «L 1s t�z1"nv Force a t MroY:vrlel and iron At0 Fe T6df "' '- "'•t"tILLIS Rifand Lift Pnnips, Brass - and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water 'Troughs, Sinks. Rathw,l.'IPC Fitting, 'Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality, Repairing promptly intended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. DEANS, JN., 11(NGnAM, 1 OHti CUP.Itlh, 1if1NG RAM, ONT., J LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Palm Implements apeci:dty. All orders lett at the TOMS Office promptly stead:' ed'to. Terror reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S. O. S.—the Caledm,ia, N0. 49. meet --`-the first and third Monday iv,. ev,.ry merits, in .he "dd Fellows Hall. Visiting brethren welcci, • J. Murray. Chief. D Stens- r"` art R,'n,-S4l• AGENTS. - I Am just "tartimt the best thing for money -nook - tog you have seen fo wet y a guy. I•uur name anll add44114ail! bring the golden nfurma'Lo,l, T. 11. LINSU'TT, Toronto AGENTS: Iloliday books now r..ady , ono prospectus rev - n • • no dol. presenting' foci' blulyd' rvutlu m price ao from o lar lip. Cheapest and hest windily hooks published; ch,:apest honks bound in actual 410411' while Otheir - publishtrs line litho t loth IVe pay freight, diva pro. nuttnln, Volt pay Its after you crake delivery. Capt• tai and exprti4nce not neeess try, It, don't 'lot thief - e"Hutu co be. 11R.IDLEY•GAI1IUETSON C 1311' ANY, I.1Mirito. • Toronto. W A.NTlaID. lneestrious mon et eharactut• to travel and sip. point agents. Salat,1 and cxpensen (raid. IIRADLEY•t,.1itit1115U Loll PANY, LIMITan, Toronto; JOB PHINTING INieiDolts,0,Posters, needs, Crca arS10, 410.. executed te bee style of the art, at tnoderate prices, And on ehorIb notice. Apply or a411191s II, B. ELLIOTT. T 4111801110e, Windham. 14 BOOKBINDING. cR „,,. .` �y STA We are }sf'ased to announce that and 13o0ka Sir r� I1� '. q i witht In ling still hays sari° • ljr•x 19() Wini,llnm, Ont. twill be gh en on application Otho Ti til,. /filet a prouni nos left us tor w u st3 pronq,t attention. ''rices 1e'- )3nd)n!r 1.1 5111' t {;11 let st `ld xl jj li ire 11