HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-14, Page 5THE W MI HAM. TIMES, OCTOBER Ft, 1898,,
eeltreksWIlutesasiVosothAeAsieoWVerWtVesis/WiotitAsitellOWletlegailtt I TURNBERRY.
• "".
$ oefemWpojeotlelens foer fllaalivredemweinetfertbise ;$1
$!fle.t11.1r. John Nichol, sr., is on the sicit
Rev. Mr.ePeed'ergle,atofNWiriiraHmeihmeelsd,
' e cl $ We want to say that our stock
best and most stylish goods in $1:ePr TanYeesday evening, and. at Mr. Me
The trustees o . o. d
C10 10(1111 market in Kague's Thursielp8.711?(T called
a meeting a few weeks ago and re -
4,0 "Winter Underwear, Hats, Caps anti all kinds of Gents' Furnishiogs, i engaged their toilettes, Miss Orvis
-Waterproof Coats, Ready.niacle Pants and Overalls, • for next year, at a raise of 640 on
; last, year's salary,.
`05 • It is to your interest to inspect our stock before purchasing Clothing,
$4.11,420seSWOlii oilaefiAbotieWlytieo SUITINGS, OVERCOATINS
,sED 0 The Free Library has reecivc&v.
Opp, Queen's IIotel, Wingham. fresh stock of new 'souks.. Seventy.
I '
five dollars worth were received last
s.osisseseetessksesfigsWiseWit•Wses.ossAtesisetveetei IviNAVerilecteli/W3 week.
ManY .fikein this -vicinity were in
esteestabeo at the Brussels fahhist
• •
Mr. John Bretilauer took 23 prizes
• s at the Howiek fall lair,
G. E. Shoup, Who has been visiting
at Mr. S. C. Howlett's, left for his
home- 111 Guelph on Monday mornirg.
George is an amateur artist and by
the taste and skil: shown in his work
be is likely to take a first place
among those of his calling.
A public examination will he held.
in school section No. 9 on Monday
afternoon, October 24th, to whieh
the trustees, parents, ratepayeis,
schoeVvieitors and all others interest-
ed are cordially invited.
A thin oily fibre -food fluid, which (.(t . • Mr. W. A. Ruthertord and
sinks into the pores• leaving a .
(es gwere 'visiting with friends -at Elmer -
velvety burnishing i1m ou.tside. 0 Miss Giilss, of Windsor, is visiting
withher fiend,•Rose Ienedy.
Rub this friction: coat A k.lbs
. There is softie talk of forming at
• tI) '
:little, and lo !— '.brilliant dancing elit'es hero. Miss Houghton;
of Winghadt bus been asked t ) teach
;lasting,. lustre dawns . •
ts,es, thrOttgli . • Mr. R, 5, Gibsontas disposed...of
• his hardware btee toe Mr. John
Neither varnish, turpentine, Rutherford, of Gorrie.if •
Airs. A. McLean and Miss .Milly
nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, in--, Playford are visiting with friends iu
• • • •
On Sunday evening, shortly after yitticin
church time, the chimney of Dr.1 -•
Seeord's fine residence, was observed
to be on tire, and in a short time the
roof burst lin
o flames. The fire bri WHICH HAS MADE A sionr.nrul.
(rade was et -delay on the scene and
eiseceeded in putting or the blaze,
but not until the roof and attic had
been badly burned, and the lower
storey and contents damage consider-
ably by water. The loss will be -
partly covered by insurance.
The directors of i;rie now famous'
Kieloss Branch Agricultural Society
have every reason to congratulate
themselves on thesuceessaof.their fall
show Lucknow en Tuesday and
Wednesday of lust week The weath-
er was simply delightfulen Tuesday,
and the
a result the inside department
of ' Show never showed a larger
or better display of exhibits than on
this ocCasion. It was. not only a,
great credit - to the society butto
every one Who contributed ,towards
its sticeess.
On Wednesday- morning the pros-
pects for a fine day -looked anything
blit favorable, throughout the whole
forenoon' 'heavy clouds covered the
Sky, and about noon it commenced a
drizzling rain: This, no doubt, had
the etreet of keeping grany at home
especially ladies, but it as surpris-
ing -t� see the enormous erewds pre-
sent, &spite the dis.cgreeable weath
er, and the gate receipts, thouah not
quite as large as last year, were very
with her father, G•ofton. I satisfactory, and ahead of many for -
Messrs. D. J. Hazelwood and Wil- knee years. About two o'cluele, howliatn .
Montgomery have returned to; ever,the wind suddenly shifted to.
Toronto to resume their *tatty of the mesa); and the rain clouds pass -
Mr. Robt. Perkins occupied the
palpit' of the Episeopal church on
Sunday evenin.e. last.
Master Dan Munro, et Milverton,
is visiting with his untie, Mr. A. • •
1,7,,,,6s-Ev gel me. C. Knutson, of Boston, was sc., •
visiting with his uncle, Mr. John ., Ile aged wife of our postmaster, ;
Knutson. . Hacking, and mother of;
Mayor Haeking, passed away Sun
day morning at tho ripe age ot f
GORME. years and 12 days. Up to a :ew yearst
Rev. A. B. Torrey spent part °flag° Mrs, Hiking had been a sturdY.,
stetive. woman of more than ordinary,
last week in I. et unto..
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dane were intelligence and butte 0 characteft.,
visiting with Mends in tbe County She was one of the earliest settlers
otssex . ,-
her. She was laid away in her last,
' E
1-tev. M. Garbutt, of this place riresting place in Fairview temetry,
occupied the pulpit •of the Ford wieh Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hacking,
Methodist ehureh on Sunday last. Cite her aged husband, was nattu•al,by
He preached the, annual educational' kind-hearted unassuming. She lea -
sermon the evening.. vett quite a larffe. family of children
Mr. Geo. MeK.ein of the village has, to mourn their -loss. The eldest boy,
been engaged as prineipal of the, .loseph Hacking, went on before her
public school fur the, coining year..-sevet•al years ago, and the remaining
Miss McLaughlin has been re engag•-• ones are William, J. A. and Cyrus,
ed. as assistant. • - • • Mrs. Evans, Mrs. J. A. Halstead, Mrs.
Mr. W. 0. Strong:, C. 0. 1?. organ--; T. E Bay and Mrs. Donelly.
izer spent a few clays with his farni-; Miss Rothwell, who has been lead -
, Jennie Miller, -of :reroute, is
spending a few weeks at her IMMO
Mrs. Cooper, uf Toronto, is visiting
LOOICED in° AND OIVI$S ii.uw ii
PAETIciII.Aus usin Ok"
per will be dispensed in the Presbyei
teeian church next Sabbath. Pre- Prom the Advertiser, liattiane, ...•,..0
The Advertiser has come acroso
Thessaerainetit of the Lord' Sup-
paratery service will bo held on Fri. i stillailie aeneortahteirveinstance of the remark
day morning when Rev. W. T. Hall,1 powers of the tamale
qf Belgrave Will preach. !Canadian remedy, Dr. Williams' 1 Lik.
Rov. W. J. West, M. A„ will give' I Pills fur Pate l'euPie. ply,
a lecture, illustrated by lime-light1Tedlie, of Lower Brighton,. a proniine
views, on missiou work in India tn lent lumberman and farmer, came
the Presbyteria.n church on 7lleadAY i atism
4very near being a cripple froth rttru-
i • , Sr.the dread disease -so faevaleut
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and two iiieltnniugivtb,c_SJelin River.- Mr. Tedli
evening next,
children from. near Hamilton sire ego he t'wt2.5'cultir:en°iwitttgno,'th'eFielv,:i,Y;tura,
visiting at .Mr Win. 'Smith's. Si
Dennis is Mr. Smith's daughter; -..1.8. il p tutus of rheumatism—over exposai 0,
August cheese was shipped on , the stream drives alla ithe general
Tuesday. = -Ihard life of the lumbermen, paved.
M.'s. Joseph Pugh visited in Clin lthe way for the lodgement of the cx-
ton this week. . . 1 erubating disease. The symptoms
A car load of hogs and a ear Inad legs,iirstmanifest were painsothrough the
of scalar posts were shipped fromhere arms and hands. • Gradually
this week. ' I conditions grew worse. At intervals
' Miss Burdette McCracken., of 'thelmthaeiraedviy,,ould be an abatement of the
Bluevale road, has returned frotnbut for monthg-eath yea
visiting her brother,, 1he was very nearly helpless. The.
McCracken of Cheslesirt.ev. J.
Carlton pain was so agonizing that sleep wag
. out of the question, and to work. WaS,
bits. Kent and ehildren, of BrAnt-iimpt.0Able. The meted man had,
ford, were visiting at Mr. Andrew Ise (sten read of the wondeiful en-
Holmes last week. ht Dr. ,Williarne' pink Pills Itt
Miss Hattie McCracken is visitingleseY
her brother, Mr. Thomas McCracken !eases similar to his own, that he re -
1 tiO I V ed. to try them. Ile says, bows
Mr, ‘Villiam Ross and his daught, i .,evievr,,,,that he was nut hoptstui of re-
inneh benefit, be - sad ti ied
of London.
er, Miss Mary have gone to residd in 1 reauto'g
y medicines e hinny, ;ley geed.
Mrs. Stowe and son, Harry. have I resort following. lie begaii the use
oi the Pills and by tun tune a coo pie%
returned to their. home in the village
.titeiltie.r spending the summer in Goder-Iof boxes were uSed Le itund they
1 were tieiping him. Thus eecourage&
Brussels sbow was w.e'l attended 1:tilen,eitignittiiduiseeatitlytlie use of the medicine:
by the people IX this neighborhood. : lea hill,
be \vas able to shop sound -
the pains awl sureness.
I ly adkr epjuy an excellent, appetite,
BLYTH. `, In fact atter using De. Williams' Piuk
Blyth fair was held on Tuesday Wine for les.s than two months Mr.
and Wednesday of last week., and 1 'retitle says he found himstef in ine
although the exhibits and attendance I best et health. Lie. is now a warm.
were not as large as former years it friend of Leis gi cat natileine and. •
was a very successful fall fair. There urge. simian.. suneteis not to exper-
were several other fail fairs in the nitwit w Ica other medicines but at
neighborhood on. the same days as wile be,rin the use of De Williams'
Blv th fair which .aeeounts for the piio,.. 1.,,k,.
inside exhibits not being as large as Atietilnati.tn, Bidea, neuralgia,
formerly. During the greater part period. paralysis, ioesnioiLt.a. ataxia,
of 'Wednesday a eold drizzling rain nertutts beadaclio, ourvow prustra-
fell. and as cold rain does not make tion, aud disease depending' upon,
good show weather many people ple- humors i it me 'blood, suet' as seroft
ferred to stay at home. -The live uta, chronic erysipelas, etc , all dis-
stock exhibit was •eseeedingly good, appear &nti' e a fair trea,twent with
the horses espee.ially, and competi- 1)r. Wihiains' Pink Pills: .. They
tin in the live stoek line is becom give a healthy glow to sallow Qom-
ing larger and keener every year. plexions. Surd by all' dea;ers arid
There were many beautiful pieces of post paid at 3ue... it box ti.... ‘,.x. boxes.
work in the ladle' department and kr 0.5t) by addteseing the Dr,
what this department lacked in slum- Williams' Mediento Co., Bt•ockvilies
hers it made lip in quality. The Ont. 1)11 'tot be.persuaded to take
fruit, grain . and vegetable depart- Willit: baUSGILLI,e. • ..
wets also contained many good ex-
hibits. Alessi's. Baldwin and • Winn.'
A KanSa$ man has (uset•zvered Lite
evil h lit r. sin, the. trick bicycle ridere, tit" Sea -
Miss Eva Co„per, who has. spenttl f"th' g6" °Ot'' 4if their 111))116t) Lk t." l'4',7." tlitt"Ii '-`44.1"e"s'e3"ed she
a. few. weeks io town ,visitiog. her. lormaitees on anelevated stage in the au- his argument ie that, they wear a
brother, Rev WoCooper, on Alniiclav. open air on Yeedoesday afternoon. jacket,
,bVkb'ell;iirnd!ttlit:cet6i;; htobsee;
ukedt,•:gri a4Ptrrat._iiiii
• • their ' work was 'simply marvellous.
have a lap, neeci.guitie, ride Wheels ,
will not Writ 011D NI' pedeStl ains,
sometimes foam and tcrusefto work;
they al:LI'tte.t, Well, are ,ery .contrary,
and it alway4 takes a tpati. to man-
age tlieni.
For Sale Drily by HOWTH Se BOW.LES.
it •
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take
care of them for you. If you need
edway. and. a fine though cool;
afternoon wait theresult. The horse-
raees were keenly contested and
every cue peeiienll seemed to be de-
lighted with the difierent events,
buy them froin us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of
Jewelry. ' Repairing promptly attended to.
J 1o, MAI -RUIN!
Pketons, Spring Wagoneelload Wagons and Carts.
• Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes; Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs.
Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, -ElarneSs Oil and Soap.
on short notice, and
R. .. .,MA.O.M A T H. church on Sunday las., The teetor
•, occupied the pulpit in Si. Stephen's
. •------;---..—....,...,_. —.,..--e-,..,..,,,-,—.•......-....,...n..—....--,-----...—_, was at °mein( e op Alt bba th.
.1, Miss Susian • Hodgins and Mrs.
ly here this week. er of the Methodist Outsell choir here
.for some time. left this week tor Chat -
Mrs. W. H. Russell and her grand,
daughter, Miss Mii y Jardine, are, ilia on where she.bas accepted the lead -
visiting friends in Walkerville„ i‘ershIp of the Methodist chureh choir
Mrs. Hammond and family visited in that place. Miss Rethwell is lead,.
with:Atwood frieods last week, ' 'et and singer of .exceptional
at reasonable prices. • Mr. R. J. M. Perkins, divinity tend the Listowel people, and espee
• • • student of Wycliffe College, Toronto, billy the Methodists are sorry to, pant
ants decided to give his erstomers , -and the people in geno al. the grea test
' 1- chance of their life to save. Money by purchasing their -fall and Winter
. -goods from hinn His stock is complete in all up:to-dateDresiOGoods; limn.'
' prising Bouckle. Figured, Braided. Stripes. Cheeks and Plain,' from cheapest
to finest New York styles in Tailor-niade Mantles in Beaver, Fine Broad
Cloth, Heavy_ Curled Bouckle and Frieze in ail colors ranging from $3 00 up
to $10.00. ..
John *Scales, who have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Arden
returned to their homes in Clande-
; . Lrdies' FUR CAPES a.ncl' JACKETS.. These Jacket § are of the best
pelts .(no t•nder's:kine) and are guaranteed to wear. Every persoewho in-
tends purchasing a jacket, should see these goods and get prices. -
• . See our special lines of Ladies' Vests in Lamb Wool, Marino'? Natural
s Wool and Union from 15c tip. Men's. Boys' and Children's. Underwear in
Unions and All•Wools ; also Heavy Lined American inakes from 22.e each
garment to the finest Scotch wear. Men's largest sizes always kept in
• A fall line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats to clear,
out at special loW prioes. ,
. Men's Tweed Rain -proof Coats, Mandleberg's Sewed Seams. No giv-
lug way at the seam in these goods. Special from 55.00 up.
boye.last week.
Mr. Win. Doig, C. (PT. organizef
has gone on a thiee months' trip
through the Mat -Rine provinces.
Ladies' Tweed Circulars with 1, 2, 8 Capes in different colons, also
Ilandlcberg's sewn seams ; just the thing for this season at spcolal vice.
I ain the oily merchant in Wingbam who keeps a full range of Car-
pets in Brussels, Tapestry, All Wool, Unions and ilemps. Also Linoleum
i Tapestry Carpets from 35e to 75e. Unions from 27ge to
v t 2"e
60e. Ifiernps from „e,
The farm anti garden lands of the
London asylum yielded a net profit
last year of $14,000.
Thin in flesh? Perhaps it's
If perfectly • well, this is
xobably the case.
But many are suffering
'-"rom frequent colds, nervous
lebility, pallor, and a hun-
',red aches and pains, simply
)ecause they are not fleshy
esturned to her home at Melbourne.
li. Witter has purchased the D. D.' They performed ;many difficult and
all (if which greatly
Campbell property, corner W9.11see'14-1'ing feats.
and Penelope streets, and is having; pleased the hunalfeds of spectators.
them. Messrs.
the old frame Illoatle turn, down and' `vim stood walehing'
W. Taylor and John
Wilt build a fine• 'residence on the l'-• Melnda°,
corner . cif Wingham 'Gray were very sue,cess-
' J. F. Wilson has been Appointed All exhibitors at the above fair.
town constable for. the remainder of' ' . Rev. B. Clement, of Clinton wid
the year without sals.ry. preach a sermon to Children in the
John E. Allen returned to town Methodist church on Sunday morn-
After a visit to his old home ihNew iog- He will also deliver a 'muse
Brunswick. .. I in the afternoon.
On Sunday last tbe harvest thanks -1 Mr. William Wilson, of Cacsonville
giving services were- held in Christ , Mich. was called home this week,
chards, conducted by Rev. Jas. Lowing to the death of his mother.
Wardof Haysville, The church was! Mr. William Shane has returned
prettily decorated and Mr. Ward ftom Michigan.
preached thoughtful sermons. i Will. Sloan, of Nanaimo, B. C.,
Thomas. Norton, of this town, has' who has been twice at Dawson City.
been appointed teacher of the publie accompanied by his wife and sive] -
school in Wallace, jest east at Lis- , in law, Miss Glaholm, spent Monday
towel, for the coining year, t of this week with his uncle, Coml.
— ' 1 Sloan.
Steatford's oldest and earliest set s Mr. Jas. Mellerchie has returned
tier passed away in the person of from a, pleasant trip to Montreal,
John A. M(Carthy, sell., at the ripe Boston ard New York.
• r v W Risby was in Durgaft.
irmlight age of 87 years and mont s.
Scott' Emulsion of Cod-, was Stratford's elder ot police for non on Sunday preaehing Lay
Oil With Hypophos.. for a considerable period, being still sesmons and Rev. B. L. Hutton, of
Mites strengthens tne uiges- es she rnI1 of the force ,tip to the Dongannon took charge of the
time of his' death. , Methodist thumb here.
t .3*
gives new force to the
ANTED-snVEDAI. sTWOUTtilt PEP. One hundred and. sixteen prism
nerveS, and makes rich, red 1 ers were locked up at t
fes WcIi
Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by ex-
perienced pharmacists of today, who have
brought to the production of this great
medicine the best results ot medical re-
search. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a modern
medicine, containing just those *vegetable
ingredients which were seemingly in-
tended by Nature herself for tho allevia-
tion of human ills. It purifies and en-
riches the blood, tones the stomach and
digestive organs and creates an appetite;
it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions.
boils, pimples, sores, salt rheum, and
every form of skin disease cures liver
complaint, kidney troubles, strengthens
and builds up the nervous system. It en-
tirely overcomes that tired feeling, giving
strength and energy in place of weakness
and langpor. It wards off malaria, ty-
phoid fever, and by purifying the blood it
keeps the whole sytaern healthy.
Is the best—in fact the One True Purifier.
See the new Luie of rivelopes t --------
_ • 2 _ 111 stssss • 1 s ..,• sio 43X te, 1.011. I de, lie more. he CtnintY
I 014 • adoot,31 110 t3. arvi gra,
"°' 'ail durirics the year. The „, all druggists. $i ; Si% fora.).
It iq 100d
Cure all Liver IBS attit
- 1.‘rs lottly s7r, sett,r0„ors, Encloss co4t of maintenance 3.vtis eents ter
sTicie ri'INCES Offlos. scorr& DOWNS ni.omioto, Toronto.
soc. And 61.04, oll druggists, n.r.oli,ex.o.Ilontpp .1 vpv.c.1(.1)0, liss bort I:,
l'aat„ Dept. SI. (Alit:J.4o. piisoner per day. od's Pills
0 Sick Headache. TA.