HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-14, Page 4CAMPBELL'S jLEt4DMflE iNAFERt guaranteed to cure head- aches. For sale only by W IN TIA)M 'TIMES, OCTOBER 14, 1898. MARKET REPORTS. PARCEL 7 I'��iiTG�1 I'J. i Vil$01LAM. Don, in Toronto SaturdayNight ll'i ighatn, O. 13,1892. has the following sensible remarks trlvnx° er0 ills �pl��.�kcdt 7 x touts 00 i to matte in eonnectioxr with the Post,; Fall Wheat „ ,,... 0,00 to 0 01 ,j"llrin g �j` heats ........ • . • U OU Goll Ul Department �.n attack is ti G qw .. 0 22 :to• 0 '25.' . 05QGo. . 0 07 to 0, OS office epartmen ;---. ... 0 30 to 0. 05 s made upon the Poston:lee Departtuent i 1arley 0 51 DRUGGIST. TO A.DVERi/1'SNF4S.�..•, r eas twenties "in Canada we have to pity, • Turkey, lcawu 0 04 to c105 , six coats for four unlaces, or forty' Ducky ger pair 0 04 to 0: 05; eight cents Jur two pounds, when Olt �� p d package through the par- 'Du ,spot dozen 0 !/V e 00 jf;4le .. 0 Sending a pan �h 13 to 0 131 1QOtoX�3 eel post, while •if the same parcel is weed per card '1 00 to 3 oQ directed to Hong -long or to any I flay t,er to,a,. ••• .... 4 as to Q 0Q part of Great •Britain the °barge is, Ltti�, p ppb us `e , . 0 a,tQ 0 a urtgd : 1 los, pct lb 0 to •0 3 aiateen cents for the first pound and 1 , t„ it ;• s] d tw tr �� t .• lfotice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes ma - It be left not later tha.n Tues - Casual advertise - twelve t cots for the second, ur Thus D essed lions � . 5 CO to R: 00 , • t3�-eight cents altogether." , i �....:.a•---cam it i5 ul'med ''it costs twenty cents. . _ --T • more to forward such a parcel from Toronto to Ilamiltun than it costs to send it across the continent and the M'Po .StoCln navactts. Toronto, Ont., ()et: i1.. -•Thirty, " And four loeds of cattle were Welded at Pacific Ocean to Hour -Kong• the western yards this tnorning iclten why not ? Canada is trying to build the im rket o ened. Cables reported .� up a trade within the Empire and fn a . weak Marken •for. Catuaaiuns an foreign fields, and it is necessary t0 Loudon, and prices here were lower'; l"' • Eenthe samples and ;;steels by post at addle dealers are quoting as high as , the lowest possible rate. The coin- 3•1c per pound for exceptionally good mercial travelers of Canada do 'this lots Sales of gond strippers were re- ported at ' e per pound. Export bulls were qu!•ted at front 3c. to J e per bound, The market for buteh- ers' cattle was quiet ; several drovers were afskin'a 4e per pound for picked lots, while buyers bid Bic to 3--c per 1 pound. ' Goad cattle sold at dee per • • • pound. For stockers there ,was a • • very fair inquiry. Dealrrs Tire grim- ing' from Sic: to 33e per pound. The supply of sheep and 1ambe was suffi- cient for the demmnd. Sheep were quoted at from 3 c to *per per pound, and. lambs at* 31c to 4e per .pound. Tues- day ev ening. ments accepted up to noon work within the Domietou, and a Thursday of each week. 1 very low parcel post rate would be A�- of small advantage to our wholesale 4 )C (101. � ��c tinICS while it would tend to still further 5 increase tht, P • - - - - merchants or our private citizens: • , business of de artment- .a all stores. Does the Mail and umpire, E'.1:IDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1892. in making their complaint, desire ,,.,, sere. that our postal cars shall become the EDITORIAL 'NOTES. delivery wagons of the big depart- mental stores which are killing the THE bye elections in South On -smaller retail traders, not only in ,Zane and East Wellington will take 'Toronto, but all over the country '? Vac() on Thursday. October 27th. Hoar. J �I. Gibson, Commissioner ;of Crown lands, bas been nominated tAty the Liberals of East Wellington, rte fill the vacancy caused by the fdeath.of Mr. Craig. Mr. B. E. AyleSwnrth M. P. P. for Are the people of• Canada to be tax- ed fur a deficit in the postal depart- t Cal c: es were goofed at from 3 to � •neat in order that big corporations' • per head. `rhes a was a fair run of m !,.'Lennox, has resigned the seat, the npetition against his election being withdrawn and the petitioner paying :.the costs.• In an interview in London, Sir Charles Tupper deprecated the idea - of an Anglo-American alliance, say,- ing that friendship and co operation foe the common good would be pre. ferable. IT may be of interest to knew that the Scott Aet is to day in' force in one city and twenty-eight counties of Can- aria. The act is in force in eleven counties each in New Brunswick and Teva Scotia, three in Prince Edward island,. two in Quebec and two in ,Manitoba. It is in force nowhere in Ontario. THE Statistical Year Book of Ciin- .da for 1897 has been issued, and contains a vast amount of very valu- able cora shall kill the stores at tbe. doors o the taxpayer, destroy the business of the villiages and smallplaces, little fish make it impossible to escape being eaten up by the big ones? If it were possible for the Postuffiec Department to diserimin ate between individual senders of parcels and the big stores which are using the postofilee officials as pedd- lers of their samples and delivery wagons for their goods, it might be wise to do so, but unless this can be done it is well that the parcel postage rate should, • remain a.s bib as it is, if not increased. Can- ada believes in a certain amount ofprotectionas against outside coun- tries, and if popular opinion were to be consulted it would be found tbat there is very well ;rounded belief hogs ; prices steady: '1 he best ba con bogs were quoted at from $4.40 to $4,50 per cwt. The market is heavy and the prospects are for lows er prices. Milch cows, $25 to $45 ; export cattle, per cwt., $4 to $4.50; export bulls, per'cwt., `•x3.50 to$3.76; butchers' choice, per cwt , $3.75 to $4 ; butchers' medium cattle; per est., $3.50 to to $3.60 ; stoekers,'per cwt., $3.25 to $3.50; sheep, per ewt., $2.50 to $3 ; latnbs, per cwt., $3.50' to $4 ; calves per head, $3 to $10 ; hogs, best selections, x,4.40 tow 4.50 ; light, per cwt., $4.15 to $4.25 ; thick fat, per cwt.. $4,15 to $4.25; sows, per cwt, $3 to $3 25. Oct. East Buffalo, N. Y., 11.- Cat- tle -There were no offerings to -day. 'The preepects. of cooler weather has steadied the situation, and with mo - that some protection should be af- Aerate' receipts for the week,- the forded rho smaller towns as against market • will be strong. Calves in the immense departmental stores in light supply.; fair demand and steady; the centres of population While it choice to extra, $7.75 to $8.25 ; good is impossible to afford any such pen- to choice, $7 to $735. Sheep and tection by tariff enactment, yet it is lambs -The market was stronger -6n certainly nut the Government's 'duty lambs find steady on sheep ; the offer - to so arrange the pr.stal tariff as to hags were light at only 9 loads ; chpice' lead thoughtless people to kill their to extra lambs were quotable--. at own localities in order to be hung- $.5.80 to $6 ; good to choice, $5.50 to $5.75'; sheep, choice to extra, $4.50 to $4,75. good to choice, $4.25 to $4.50. Hogs -The offe •ings were' prine'ipally what were left over from yesterday -17 loads •total; it••was fairly active, and not much different from yesterday;• there were no weight bogs -Yorkers. of .'175 lbs., average were quotable at X3..85 to $3.90 ; fair Michigatri Yorkers, $3 S0 ; light York- ers, $3.75, and the basis i,f big prices was $3.50;' roughs, $3,25 to $3.45 ; stags, $2.75 to $3." srble information in exceedingly bugged by the catalogues sent out Ines form. It is none less valuable from people at a distance and who because the figures are, for the most deliver their at goods by parcel pwt.o Fart , allowed to speak for themselves, and there is no effort made to convert ;what Should be an impartial record of the country's progress into a missionary enterprise for a particular trade policy: : An inspection of ballots for the The Vote rn Huron. • Every municipality in East Huron gave a majority for prohibition, as is shown by the following summary of the vote; atirpose of scenting et idence to bet For Again used at the West Huron Election Blyth 76 52 33russels ...-.. ,. 94 b7 trial at Gcderieh, on Oct..,27,was OTey 3cJ0 • loo tirade at Osgoode Hall Tuesday by ,Bewick ••• 4.65 - -i9'l. • ,.23(i 14iJ the lawyers interested. The exatn, Morns 2 J7 49 'r'urnberty •, 297 15 atrtination was field by Messrs. E. L•• wingbem• -. ....•.. 11 Dickenson Wintrham ,' and R. 1'• I Wroxeter 66 ', 25 ' (?igen, Toronto, on behalf of the pc majority for prohibitfon.....104 st G ' Toner, Major Beck, and by Mr. Dou, BUR= GAVE A r prohibit Ur~ 3, .10 ;;las Armottr for the respondent, Mr. To get the total vote of Huron Garrow,201. Q. C., Al. P. P. I countb to the figures for the three 1 • • i IT PAYS ti OOD •1/ ALf �l..l .i:1. 1•t"O. 3, TO YOUR MONEY I Just received a splendid line Or ___.„-,y-::..1,.,- I Gents' and Ladies' The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CbIATUAM, ONT. still leads its conccmpot•aries in plan-, lin pupils. pnpi S, ,, i.i4•,gf our pupils were placed in 1 choice positions•i;<l the ten months•! ending July the 1st,. an average ''of I' nearly 4,per week. What do you' all s-.v1('s, widths and sites, and all ° thin r of it ? tootle of the best mutt t ial, txrtQci It Pays to Attend the Best i ifitcrit, f'ootl stearers and well made; ' nilly Tina line. College p • • l Also a fine litre of 1 song 1 1 p rs• Write for �eatOlogltie of elter • de•; All classes ai' partment to • D. McLACI•ILAN 8t GO. House -For Salt or to Dent, . AND a . i..0�? S, • e re•o ons on Tuesday, Sept. an exceptionally i i e 6th for the fat! term. Tho undersigned. offers for sale or to rent a frame house, con- I rind'"fi Urt I Y closet; summer 1 F ' tlIo save d soft water,together l with half au acre„o y,�1 oft titin;;' apply to ' Custom �f)�.ey by -doing GIIO p G. t,,� --� a�wr PUBLIC HIVE. \ J. with us we ' Raving moved to town to the regi, I deme lately occupied by Geo P.`1ells, •1 invite you to corner Centre and Alfred irtreets, near • ,.. the GTR. I am prepared' to pay the ; .--- call and inspect. hip hest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, 1 -•~ Rubbers, Copper, florae Hair, ' Pickings, Iron and Metal of, 1111 loose,1 our• stock and • deliverer] at my residence, or if word be' • left, I will pall for same. get our prices, C. GOOIIMAN• • Repairing FELT GOODS and Staple lines. of all hinds. A splendid line of 'HOME MADE • I,ONC,� BOOTS, good in quality and. hod- two storey low in price. are satisfied that taruing' seven rooms, pantry r kttaheu and wooasNred; ! T1tTi'� IiS 1i` D VALISES. good stable, hard .O w 1. tiwqut : ng• eii - land , • r and • ' if required. For particulars • , . Ir.oI�ENZIE, promptly attended to. Wingham. so. ' if you are. not dealing WE PAY GASH FOR EGGS and will sell you MONEY TO LOAN • Any amount of mousy to loan:on good , farm property at 5 per cent perannuin. Straight Loans Payments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction gum anteed Charges low . ` Atoflicei,riday afternoon and all day ABIEBB, COSE1r.S, 1 Saturday. Carefully washed, properly ironac7,. 4 ,.iaedonald Block. Wine;haur. a correctly finished and fairly priced -i- 1 that's the history of your linen whi3t1 brought here, lot a. thing in o washing preparations to injure the fibre of the goods and not ai thing unhealthy about our work rooms. J RETURNED ON TWE;)E • House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house.and lot on Alice street for stile. The house is a nine room frame one, with kitchen and there is a number of good fruit trees on the .ot. For full particulars apply to ' JAS.' W IIJSON, Wrngham. • STORES FOR SALE Good Baking • Powder at 100 a, lb.: Good Mustard at 15c alb. • •• • • Dark Sugar, 30 lbs. for $1.00. Light • Sugar, 25 lbs. A. Good. Pewter. for .$1.00..... The.man who'yvrote the following lBest Granulated, 20 lbs. had a level head :.-'fire best way to for $1.00.• Coffee, • • - •• build np a town is to stand•Iw every Green Co 'ee,2 lbs. for man in town. Whenever 'a an is doing well do not tear Mtn down. 25c: . - •Ali residents should he partners, not The, 'administratrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for sale the • Two Stores in Wingham now occupied by Messrs N A. Farquhar - sob and Miss Boyd. Offers for the same elould be addressed to J A MORTON, Wingham. Solicitor for the Estate. The latest Government report ridings, must be added the opponents... In all level shows that there *ate 14,465,371 vote of Usborne (which is in the I• mare business your rival does, the children in the public schools of the! riding of South Perth), Exeter and more you. will do. Every, business i[3nited States, but the average daily P � 4 Ste hen • which are in North Mid- man who treats his customers honest- 4 attendance is only 9,717,015• These dlescx). Doing this, the total ma- ly, courteously and' fairly, will•get require an army of 400,325 teachers, i jority for prohibition in Huron is • his share, and the more business that found to be 0,201. can be secured by united effort, the ti.f whom .G9,959 are women and, For Against better it will be for all: When a I We are sole agents for g 0,z6(i men. There are 240,965' west Il.nron 1038 823 town ceases tr.grow it begins to die, houses valued itt $455,948,164.1 h B lr,`l0 81rJ ore people try to kill each ccs (�'%�,r �'ca. The school t1lcoCla leg 1 lb, ,pail.Coffee, reg. 30c for 20c. Best Tooth Picks 50 a box. APPLES ANTED Oa and after August `�330t t,y a will e prepared to buyy any q apples delivered at our Evaporating Factory on Alfred Street, Wingham. Parties 'raving apples to sell will do well to see us be. fore selling as we contract. for the whole oral) ard--shaken off -suitable for drying purposes. 'MAHLER BROS., _ Wingham. Order your • -AND- owl • t Sant Ston •....-...• and the m The annual cost of the schools is rust Huron ..., ...- 1860 814 S181,453,870. 2t 4 ¢� in Usborne ........ < ' othertheir business the more ' Exeter .... 171 107 readily will utter ruin come to all. A tribute to the Canadian respect Stephen ........ • . ;343 Stand together for'he advancement for law that order is furnished vbTotal majority for prohibition....3,201 i of every citizen. If a man shows the fact five murderer's have been sentenced to die according to law in the Yukon district. 'Cinder Amerieatt mine methods these con. ^vlets would have had a chance for i lives implied in the reference their of their sentences to executive c lens t *Amy. They would not have been con. ,demmed witho'' trial and strung lap withi,ut stfrWby itIttfill. In the ,case of the Yukon murderers they -were arrested by the mounted police sad had a fair trial, which resulted la their condemnation to death. , ability to pr osp er do not pull him back through jealousy or weigh hitt down through a cold indifference. Hugh Xing and John Boyle, jr., of West Wawattosh have exchanged farms,so as to be tnnre conveniently situated to the owner's residences; they ,'• are both good Wine and of abotli egtt:tl value. A short time ! since Ilobt. Plunkett purchased front his breather, William Plunkett 80 acres of choice land for $3,600. I Wm Plunkett has stone bought from 1 the exeeutor of the estate of tto late i Ilettry Farrow 127 -acres. Three months ago a one legged tramp shot dead Policeman Pwohcy, in London. The other day the mar - `dew, named. Mudie Brown, was arrested in, Washington State. Ile will be brought back to London. i Drown is the forty-third one -legged , tramp that has boon arrested before the right Luau was rAt;txrka. very best packages. Mixed at 50c a lb. it to give satisfaction. 1.Ino.Kerr Tea put up in Black and 25c, 40c, and W e guarantee Macdonald dock, Wingham. Pt WI -FROM ' THE- HOLSTIEN DAIRY. WHAT WE. SHALL WEAR j. D. ING Opp. Union Factory. °tJX" 5. ri.71-H.•. S IlleIrtnEt►IY Ze SON, F'roI►s. • All kinds of rough and dressed bomber, Lath, Shingles, hole Barrels, Hard.& Soft Slabs • Also a large quantity of dry hard- wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders promptly at- tended to. McLEAN & SON. Is a question answered by each man for bimself, We show this fall a range of material to snit all fancies. Shakes of Olives and brown and Blueish Effects will be worn by young men, while more conservative dressers prefer the dark mixtures. 'Whip Cords and Cheviots in rough finish with Clay Diagonals are nor. rent Cloths this season. We are per titin to please you as to the materials and price, and we will certainly make a strong endeavor to give you a perfect fitting of clothes th es if you will favor us with your orders. Webster & Qo., Queen's I3loek. he ides • ). from now till January i st, 1900. 1.35 for the TIMES and Toronto WEEKLY GLOBE: from now till j an•' nary tst, 1900, This offer is to New Subscribers only.