HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-28, Page 21We're in a spin'
'with thoughts of
our many• faithful
friends. You're
tops with us...
hive a -good year
and thanks.
• • 4. •
iteltehhigi 'out
'to delroted .friendkwitik titanic.*
and sincere n4slies for
lasting joy`in the New rear.
262-2527 Ora ntori
Plowmen in Huron' elected
McKilloP Reeve Allan
Campbell as president the
Huron Plowmen's 4'SSocia-
dal at the annual meeting in
Whithiop on Monday of last
week. He. succeeds William
Leeming of McKillop' who
had served' for three years.
The.:.meeting, in the
-IvIcKillop Township ,
attracted a capadity crowd.
Vice' president is
Duncan of Usborne- and t
second vice president is Ross
Egdy, R.R.#1, Dungannon.
Russel Bolton, McKillop,
longtime secretary-treasurer
and assistant secretary-trea-
surer Graeme Craig also of
McKillop were returned' to
office as was Janie Aria-
-strong of Wingham,'-ai OPA
• representative.
Members. reviewed the
1978 Match held on the
Campbell farms in IsIcKillop
which was regarded as one of
the most successful in the
long history of the associa-
While no decision was
taken regarding a site for -the
1979 Match, the meeting
expressed appreciation for
an invitation from Huron
Warden John Tinney of Hay
Toirnship to hold the Match
in that township,
The association reviewed
details of the Internitioitai
held, in September on the
Armstrong and area farms at
Wingham which was-
referred to as the' most
successful ever held by the
Ontario ' • Plowmen's
. Association.
Federation asked to
Third and final reading has
now been given to the
controversial bill • on health
and safety in the workplace.
This legislation had been
delayed by the government
for ,Some months; following
debate in committee, when
re ee;,„,pared• failed to
agre&tipon Whieh categories
of workers should be
covered. Six essential wind-
pies were proposed by us: •(1)
coverage of all non-agricul-
tural workers; (2) fimitation,
on the right to refuse work by:
.policemen, firemen and
others where life or'safety of
the public is in jeopardy; (3)
mandatory' health and 'safety
committees for all indestrial
work •places and mines with
more than 20 employees, aiid
health and safety represen-
) tatives for construction sites;
(4) Pre-testing~ of all new
substances introduced into•
the workplace; (5) reci)$.-,
nitidn that employers and.
supervisorS.may, advance the
• taking of every. reasonable
' precaution as A •defence 'in
appropriate. situations; (6)
'assessment of contractors on #
an equal basis with other
employers. .
Workers • are given grille
right to refuse to, .perform
unsafe work but: the
following exceptions . are
specified: policemen,
firemen, workers • in correc-
tional institutions and
training schools and
employees in health or health'
related jobs. Provision is
made for health and safety
committees to• be established
in all workplaces wherever a
dangerkus substance subject
to confiel ordera is present.
Committees are also pro-
Vided for where there are 20
or more employees, except in
offices, stores, apartment
buildings, libraries,
museums, theatres, private
clubs, restaurants and
hotels. Under - the bill' the
Minister of Labour;. Dr.
Robert Elgie has the. Author-
ity to create health and safety
committees •at any work-
Liberal Leader Stuart
Smith haS warned the
government that, unless
there is an 'established policy
with respectto cash grants to
eompanies as an incentive to
locate in this province, such •
grants 'may well • create
chaos. ffile Charged that the
government has engaged in'
an "ad hoe scramble'` to
provide grants' to companies
who might wish to locate
here,- without providing
guidelines to government
officials who have to decide
whether the Money is legit-
imately required'.• Stuart
Smith cited the case of the
Cdps-tooco. -
Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Preszcator, Christine, Lisa,
Christopher and Grey visited
last Sunday,.with Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Crediton,
At time of writing • Mr.
Hugh Dimaline is a patient in
Seaforth Hospital, where he
has been a patients for the
past week. We hope he will
soon be home and• feeling
better. ' •
Weekend visitors` with Mr.
and Mrs.' Carl Merner,
Sandy. Julie, Michael and
Shelley were Mr.' and Mrs.
Allan Merner of Waterloc
Mrs. J. Merrier and Stan of
Mt. and Mrs. Bill Steven-
son of Beigrave visited on
Monday evening with his
brother Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Stevenson, David, Darren.
Congratulations are ex-
tended to Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Arderson on the birth of a,
son on Thursday December
14th and •Mr.ti nd Mrs. Steve
Lee of Strathroy (the former
biane -Preszcator) on the
birth .;,f a daughter.
court ConstariPar L1842
held their met,. g on
Thursday evening December
were made to several
a ising a happy hullabaloo
of holiday cheer and good
- fortune as the NeW Year
arrives! Enjoy it totfullest!
SEAFORTN,ONT.'-- R.Ft. 4 -" Pft. 52/-0608
• •,111 il 1111.111 ' ativaim
al • • • . •
Jack's. Jottings
Health and safety bill is coming
As you celebrate' the arrival of
the New Year w'e hope• it will
strike o chord of happiness
for you and those you love.
Thanks for your• patronage.
- • 7- - 7 77,7•7777
oppote lakeside restaurantmoi,,m,,,,,,..
• Members of the Huron corner of Harbour and Beach'
CountY Federation of Streets in • Goderich, was
Agriculture are going to be initially raised at the
asked to oppose a proposed Federation 's Mon thly
'Goderich restaurant which meeting in IDecember.
one of their committees feels ' Bob Gibbons, a Goderich
could interfere with farniers'• husinessman, want's to
livelihood. build a $300,000s restaurant
The federation's land use on the Beach Street site.
Committee, chaired by
Gordon Hill of Varna, is
going to recomend that the .
federation executive. 'oppose
the 'resaurant. The, issue of"
the proposed restaurant, '
which would be built at, the
• •
Howeverrbefore he,can get a"*., the dederich elevators pro- would give all my children a hefts-gift, as much as-the
building Permit, Goderibh • vide a service to farmers both . law allowS, and then sit hack and watch the' est of the
council' mast approve the
rezoning of the land from
industrial to commercial.
The • proposed restaurant
site abuts Goderich Elevator Huron, 13ruce, Grey, Middle-
sex and Perth counties
'The Chairman added, "We
are . not opposed 'to a re-
staurant. We are, opposed to
a: restaurant in - this
and Transit Co. Limited and
their grain handling
facilities. This company has .
already indicated then will
oppose the restaurant. on
grounds it would be in-
compatible to the area.
Gordon Hill, chairman of
the land use committee, said
as a source of livestock feed world go
and as a place to store their Sound go
grain for fut
He said the
ipment. such usele. s.
Goderichr wasted energy spent in daydreaming.
elevators serve farmers in The new year is almost here: so let us think, of others
fo.r4vhange. Herewith is my list of wisheS for the agri•
roll Ural mint-nun*
To Eugene Whelan, since 'he is the biggest Mail ,. on
the -list. more recognition from his cabinet colleagues
so that he ,can carry out his plans 'for more security for
fa rmers .
organization and schools
again this year. .Christmas"
gift eycahnge was held 'and'
. lunch was served.
Most people are chained to vain, regrets. We liven a To the Consumers Association of Canada, the realiza- past t hat' never was and a future that never can. be, I'm • lion that food prices increase even less than the cost of no dilletent: 1 bus a couple of lottery tic„ ets every
month anct waste a precious hour or two spending the
I dream of the day' when PH be independent enough
to tell the boss to 'take his job and,stick it. When—not
sPu'll notice—I win that $1 million. I tell myself
give 10 per centio charity.
Don't ask me the name of the charity but I have an
idea it would he given to deprived children.
Sip? I've even got it figured out that far.
I 'would pay off all my debts,. of course, to be even
more. independent. Invest the balance after a good boll,
whe're the sun'shines 'daily. on-the mountain top, I
"To Wail. I he; old with a burst of song.' . To Sill Newman, success in putting through some "To recallIbe right and forgive the wrong: • ' binding legislation to preserve farmland in Ontario. - ."To forget the thing that .binds you fast .. , ' To Peter Hannam, president ,of the Ontario ,Federa- " "To the vain regrets of the year that's past." - .tion of Agriculture, some less restless, less. Vociferous 1:liat is the way, to a happy. new year• said poet Robert neighbors who will. encourage him to keep his van, Bt'ill l iv a .few deeades, ago. . dryers going instead of .calling wince to complain, If
. It seems a good idea to end the year with a song but it alanlY urbanites could realize that the noise, Ltte oddr and takes an .old soul to be the optiMist, to .forgive the r the elust helps keep food in their bellies! • * ' ' wrong anil remember the right. If we could all set this So. a new year's, wish that city people 'should try resolution in our hearts, as the year winds doWn, we . harder .to understand the plight of the farmers in this would all-be better people. The world would be-a better . -eottritry. No other sector of the economy contributes place in which to live. . ' more to•Canada than agriculture
New wishes f6r farmers
much time haVe you wasted in
es! Worse. still.- think of ,the
Hayes-Dana Parts Co. Ltd.
an auto- parts maker, which
has been given a $1 million
loan interest free for •five
years toward construction of
an $8 million plant in Pantie.
Abbutr9jobs-are expected
to be created by the plant,
which is scheduled to open
artiog in 1983,
..,ir e ear. The loan 'which is
to ' repaid at 11,75 per cent
provided by the Ontario
Development Corporation '
tinder the Ontario Business.,
.,Incentives Program. .p
Replying in .the Legis-
lature, the Minister of Indus-
try. and Tourism, Larry
Grossman, said that chaos
will not be prevented by,
losing thousands of jobs to
U.S. states vying for indus-
trial develcipment and
offeriag cash incentives. His
MiniStry, is now trying to
develop some ground. rules
for giving grants to industry.
Providing cash grants to
large profitable companies
first became' a political issue'.
when Ford Motor Co.
received $68 million from the
province and the federal
' government to build an
engine plant in Windsor after , , the Company lia said the
plant woulds4,bidlt• in the
United States-if no assistance
were received. In addition to
the engine plant, Ford is also
thinking of bhilding a casting
plan't in Windsor. •
Dr. Smith believes that the
government must develop a
basis':'for determining
whether companies are
eligible for cash incentives.
living and that'CariadianS are paying less for food than
any other country in the world,
Alsd to the CAC, some. manna from heaVen tO'keeti
them going to attack, other sectors of the economy that
may really be ripping off the consumer.
To the Christian Farmers 'Federation, continued suc-
"ess in their intelligent; often brilliant, methods of br-
inging the plight of farmers to the proper attention. Es,
pecially, more strength to Elbert Van Donkersgoed, the
articulate executive secretary of -the Christian farmers.
To the farm wive( and children of farmers, good
Wishes in their constant fight to keep the family farms •
going .in this province. These people are the unsung
heroes and heroines of the agricultural community:
I. could continue but I'm sure you, get the idea. •
Last of all, of course; hearty good wishes to, those
wise arid right-thinking editors who have the sense to
include this column in their pages.
Most important: A happy new year to those many
readers who. indicate they'en joy this deathless prose.
May your worst day' in the new year be as good as
yoUr happiest day of the old year.
1:31essings to you and yours in.1979.
Planning accounted for more He wants assurances that
money will not automatically than $50,000 of $81,00 'in
'be forked" over just personal expenses spent by
because A qempany comes to the commission members,,
the province for aid claiming 'The Premier told MPPs 'that -
it wants tobcate here. What • royal' commissions fall into
will prevent• exis ting-wo categories - those that
companies from going to the study certain things • and
government and ,threatening • those that investigate alle-
tot leave the • province if gations of wrong'-doing: He
• offered to them, he asked •
similar assistance is not • rseaviidewthsepegnodyinegrninveindtelinweils1:
and wanted to know for the former category of
' • whether cash grants will be broad-issue royal
limited to the auto industry. commissions. These have
:Everyone should knOw "the included some of the highest
rules of the game. spending bodieS in' Ontalio,
. GUIDELINES. among them the LaMarsh
The Ontario government is. Commission into 'Media
to review its spending,guide- Violenae, which spent more
lines for royal commissions, than $2.2 million.
This Week the Liberal In the year• ending laSt
March 31st, there had been,
' Premier about the,
members qUestioned latthser
16 royal commissions in
provincial auditor's repcirS, operation and the •amount of
which sh'iiwed 'that one 'money they had spent to that
member of the royal Corn- point was over $11 million
mission on Electria Power about half 'of it in that year.
11111111 1111111111iillumulm
Raising our voices in
praise of our many
delightful patrons and ,
wishing them all a full
year of happiness and
F'hone 527-0770 Seaforth
Hope you41 be snowed
underwitti happiness
as you coast into the
New Year! Thanks all.
R.R. I bublin, Ont.