HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-28, Page 19•
Walkerton Clinton Seaforth
and appliances
NeW Year
bells sound our
gratitude and our
sincere. wishes for 4;
many happy
Brodhagen, Ontario
Tel. 345-2941
After hours, '345-2243
*Barn washing -
„and disinfecting•
Spray ipg with carbola
whitejis and disinfects
as it dries.
*Cattle spraying
far lice and
warble control.
Robert L. Plumsteel
TINE PUtigitURE • c•aas FS gi PAINTS • VALECOVE1111445'4
414/111S gitat ill la Artiont. Phme ••••...•• 50,115,1
(• '
anor residents
• .
WE WISH. YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS *- Kilbarchan Nursing Home to with residents a
These are some of the carolers who dropped by Merry Christmas: • (Expositor photo)
Davies gave
recitation and so Doris -
Wills recited, ' T e Night
Before Christmas . -Santa
Claus arrived with• a cheery
greeting to all and with his
helper Anne Made Maloney .
' bad gifts for everyone.
(Many, hanks Joanne) After ,c2
" which refreshments were
serve . .
Several visitors IN; de-
also,in attendance and it Was
a real joy IR see and" hear
thes, charming young -girl':
who ar so versatile and
aster Adam •
Seaforth Manor resi-
dents held ,tieir, annual
(bristmas, party on 'Friday,
al moon with entertainment
provided . by Mrs. W.
McQuaid and daughters
Anne Marie, •Madonna and
Carol,Anne accomp.pnied by
Mr. Nelson Howe on the
• •
Oil Wednesday. afterpoon
Pastor ' 'Yielding and
Members of Bethel Bible•
Church .visited and Pastor •
Yielding had! a Christmas
message for all. SpeCial
music was again given by
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn' Lobb
of Clinton and also Mrs.
Lobb accompaniecf at the
Flaw for the singing of
Christmas Cat:ols.
Many visitors were in over
the Christmas holidays and'
several residents enjoyed
Christmas at home with
- Mr. Art NichOlson was out.
to Allan Nicholson's " with
s. N icholson On Sunday'
for supper and on Monday
.they went to Ross "Nichol-
son's •for. supper.
Mri Erle-Dow was Out with
Mrs. Mabel Clark and family
on Sunday afternoon and on
Monday afternoon with Mrs.
Amy Gethice. He was also
' visited by his daughter from
Wallaceburg. ,
Ivirs.,Jantes Shortreed bad .
Chilstntas dinner with James.
Slortreed and in - the
afternoon virAS ,yisited by Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Shortreed and
Mr. Frank Case out with
Jack, Case to his hOrne for
Christmas Day.
• Mr. Charles Ross spent
..Christmas bay in ,Godeffel
with members of his 'family.
Robert Lefmeski spene
Chtittmas_in Guelph at the,
hope of his biother.,,-
Miss, Bessie Davidson to
Edith Dunlop's on Christmas
Mrs. Bill Scott and Miss.:
Eili.,abeth „Scott visited with
bill Scott on Sunday.'
Mr. Phill Bissett and son
tf.Cioderich visited 'with Mrs.
Ella Bissett.
Mrs. Bessie Sourbutts was
visited by. her daughter.
I*, • 'and Mrs. Rbbert
McMillan visited'with Wilber
Keyes and -Miss P4.00
MiSa,,Anne DOWney,litSited
1Vrihr9ther: Joseph,
Mr;,- James• Nolan Wu!
'visited by IVIrS. Nolan and
also went borne with family
for-Christmas dinner.
Mrs. Mary Carter was but
dinner•with Mi. and Mrs:
Don Shropshall of Clinton
and ^ Doug Fry to, ,Tnqk
Miss Mae Smith visited
with Isobel Lamble. •
Mr: Frank Case was out to
the Legion. - •
Mrs. Edna Weber and
Itenna Restemeyer of Dash-
wood visited with "Bimmie
I'm spending the week between
Christmas and NeW Years the same way I
spend it every year - rolling'from one meal
to the next and from one box of goodies to
another. When I use the word roll, I'm
serious; I feel almost as stuffed as the
turkey, but that doesn't • stop the from
eating more.
It's easy to forget last year's resolution
about not eating so much this Chrislinas,
and I try not to think "about the pounds I'll
have to lose in the New Year. Will power is
not in my make-up at this time of year,
I might • take a little time out for
travelling, visiting, entertaining, giving
and receiving gifts and maybe even
working, but the main emphasis is on'food.
• Gift giving is another important part of
the holiday in our family, and it requires,
weeks of hinting and shopping.
In early. December, I suggested that the
family could pool their resources , and give
me an unforgettable Christmas present -
round-trip all-expense-paid visit to Hawaii
to commence on January 1, 1979 and to
continue for the duration of the Canadian'
winter* 4 c
None oithelamily'seeed t think i rn t was
a good idea, but one of them offered a
compromise - a one-way ticket to
• ,,Timbuktu: , • y
I took my plea to a higher courtimikl
guess even Santa has to tighten his purSe
strings now and again. Oh, •well, I'll try
again next year.
My six-year old nephew: gave me the
next best thing to a trip - a Road. Runner air
freshener to hang in my (car.
A few weekS ago, when I asked him, what
he' wanted for Christmas,,1 was surpriseu
to learn how quickly he was growing up.
He wanted, a record, but ,not one' from
The week between
A quiet Christmas
wedding stook place" at
Wmthrop United Church on
Saturday, December 23rd• at
'7 p.m. when Dyke William
Little and Nicol Hilda Mary
Gaudreault were married by
Rev. J. Vanslyke.
The bride's attendant Was
Mrs. Faye Ellioteof Caledon
Sesame Street or one of Funny Favourites. East. The flower girl was Ida
He wanted Saturday Night Fever.
"It's decent!" he explained. •
I tried to surprise people ..with my gifts
this year, but my teen-aged nephew
wouldn't believe his parcel was a stiffly'
starched shirt instead of a record.
Even , though I • packed •my niece's
earrings in a, large box' and added extra
weight,.she still guessed correctly. Ivlaybe,
it's because for the last three months she's
been telling me to' give' her nothing but
silver earrings for Christmas.
4'1 shocked my brotheit-in-law by not
giving him socks. Buying for him took a
combined effort thiS time. He wanted a tall
plant for his office, and my sister and
Idecided Mom was the logical one togive it
to, him, because she was the only one who
,could keep it alive until Chritmas.
I gave him a planter to hold his plant.
Logical; right? Unfortunately he unwrap-
ped my gift first. •
My sister wouldn't let me see . my
present before Christmas Day. I have this
.habit of shaking and weighing the parcel
and„ ,thinking ,:abqiit it, until; „I figure Out,.
what's inside.'
My family and • friends gave me lovely
gifts again this year. (I forgive them for not
coming up With the ticket to Hawaii', and SINGING VISITORS - Spittal and wife
I'll give' them another• chance next year,)
Meanwhile I'm spending this week
between Christms 'and• New Years amid'
discarded wrapping paper and too much
food 'but also Many wishes for a. jaPpy
ropy-cheeked Christmas carolers laSt week. The
groops of carolers sang a Christmas medley to a
numt?er of local residentS and then r'eturned to
1979 - ' Seaforth' Public School for some welcome hot
chocolate. • (Expositor photo)
of Seaforth Were Serena'.ded by a gropp of
Jane 'Elliott. The best man
was Allan Koehler of R.R.4,
Walton, The wedding music
was played by Mrs. Virginii
little of Brantford •accom-
.panied- by the organist
Marjorie Papple.
.A wedding reception was
held at the Legion Hall and
the happy -couple )vill reside
. at 48 Main St.,' Kirkland
• we Wave a
largo soiection of...
*2,•3, 4 piece Chesterfields
*Corner slid SideWall
China Cabinets
*3 pc. coffee table sets
*Bunk Beds-Lamps-
*Bedroom & Kitchen Suites
and Howard Hack* jell and —rntfdren of
Orttsstl,s/' visited with Mr,
Mrs, Hazel ,MeOonigle
visited with Mr, and Mrs,,'
Robert, McClure,
Mrs. • Marion Rose of
Rebecca Lodge visited Mr,
Earl Watt and presented him
' with a gift.
Mr. and Mrs.' Robert
,McClure were out to Win-,
throe ,on Tuesday with Mrs.
Lillian, Bernard.
"Happy' New- Year"
Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Ex-
positor Want Ad. Dial
'LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans '
Income Tax Deduable Registered .
Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities.(
Income Averaging Annuities
Ask for our new Flexible.
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Sun Life ASsurance.
Company of Canada GODERICH ST. EAST
S'EAFORTH for 19 years.
let OA '`. '
I 0 ht .. eniteed _... L,.. . - ..../
in' Area Churches .
59 GinkrIch St., W. Seaforth
Minister: Rev. T.A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs,, D. Carter „ .
DECEMBER 31, 1978 • •
11:15 Worship 'Service and Church School
Nursery provided
Sermon "A New Year or a New Life"
Anglican Church
Reverend James R. Broadfou'
Sunday After Christmas
- 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon
NORTHSIDE United Church .
54 Goderich St. Wesi, Seaforth.
DECEMBER 31; 1978
10 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday 'Schools
'11 a.m. Church 'Service '
. We wish you a Blessed New Year '•,14.
r f o. r Vanslyke, Minister
Organist-Choir -Dv;e
Jr. Choir Leader
Margaret Whitmore , Audrey Malwain '
Area congregations are invited to,,take adVantage of
, the church directorytd announce their churCh services
each week. Church directory announcements are
available for a•7minimum of '26 consecutive weeks in
units of two column inchei at $2 per Unit. Changes in
copy" may be made each Week but must be received'
'before noon• on Tuesdar• ---
Christmas wed' ing$
Odds n' ends
by Elaine Townshend
"the store with your everyday bargains"
aking a special delivery
to wish you everything
beautiful in the New Yeai
//and always.
Seaforth. 527-1.140
For, this special draw, your regular Wintario tidet
qualifies you for all 5 regular $100,000 prizes ,
Special prizes of $50,000- $20,000- $10,060
• 101 Special• prizes of $5,000
Mt Special prizes of $2,900
101 prizes of $10,000.
, . - and thousands of other special prizes ..• •
..:for a total of more than 123,00,0 prizes Wortli. 0*e thati•$5 million! a •. c.t- , N...„
Your regular tt'intario ticket number-gives you , Thethvill be over 27,000 $25 prizesfor the lasi
thousands Of chances to win in this First Special 'three digits Mille 'three Special draws."Prizes •
Draw of 1979. les goo ,for all regular taN-free • shown aresliatcd on issnanceOf 102 series'of ticketsi
• prizesipLUS THREE SPECIAL BONUS'' •,, The claimifig pet:io0 on all prizes is one year. . •
'DRAWS featuring one draw for $50,000, one for . . Live on Global from Uxbridge! Tune,in at 9 p.m. . -
11..a. .41W
Reaching out
to deirOted friends with thanks
and sincere wishes for
lasting joy hi the New Ifear.
$20,000 and one for $10,000. •
Get your ticket now!
O.* 0.0- • 0 .0- • 40 II