HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-10-14, Page 3Etnt roa s1cR Mei PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND MAKES THEM WELL AND STRONG. The One Reliable Medicine for Young and Old. Mr. Brown says: "I give your medicine all the credit for my restor- ation." l'HE WING1IAM TIMES, OCTOBER 14, 1898. Buying In Toronto, The fraud and deception practised in the departmental stores of Toronto were revealed in the courts the other day. • One of the largest of these enterprises was called upon to defend itself against a charge of defrauding its customers. It had exposed fur sale teasets, representing them to be made of hard white metal, quadruple plated, and stamped with the name I two were settled without going to of a firm which, it is said has no ex trial and three were settled in court istance. Expert examination has by counsel. The court was opened proved that the goods are made of I at 2 o'clock on Monday and closed the cheapest kind of metal, and that about 1 o'clock cn Tuesday, 1Ii. there is only a few cents' worm of I Lordship leaving, on the 3.35 train. silver in then, Their value was re- I T11. lust case was Webster et at. presented to be 612, and they were j vs. Baer et al., an action for con - "marked tuurked down" to G. A true bill struction of a wail. E. L. Dickinson, fur fraud has been brought in against W Ingham, for plaintiffs ; J. T. Gar- rote., firm selling those trashy goods row, Q. C,, for adult defendants; and the case will soon come up for Philip Bolt for infants. Judgment trial. I in terms of consent minutes. HUILON .ASSIZES, THE AUTUMN SITTING OF TAI; THIGH COURT OF J US'VIOE — A LIGHT POCi{ET, The autumn assizes for the county of Huron were held by Mr, •Tuatiee R. M. Meredith on Monday and Tuesday last, There were seven , civil eases on the docket, and one criminal case. 01 the civil cases 3 -WELLS & RICII Al2DSON Co. Gentlemen :—I am truly thankful fur the goon results I have obtained from the use of your Paine's Celery Com- liquad. For u long time I have been a sufferer from general debility and indi- gestion and have made Ube of many :medicines, but none have given me the grand results as far WI improved health As concerned, as bus your Paine's Celery Compound. It bus done wonders for Sue, and though I am 65 years old, I have ben able to do light work for the past six months, and have not lost a day. I give your medicine all the credit for any restoration. JOHN H. BROWN, Truro, N. S. METHODIST MISSIONS. TtoNDON CONFERENCE W. M. s. MEE•+:s AT UODIGIIICII. Notwithstanding. the many striking Green et al, vs. Green et al.—By lessons afforded thein, people from consent of counsel judgment was Guelph and other reliable business aside the tax deed centres will rush to 'Toronto to snap luau setting ttaeked by plaintiffs. intitfGarrow & up these bargain day treacle. The aProudfoot for plaintiffs; E. L. Dick business man in Guelph who would I neon for defendant U. Green; It. ticket a quadruple plate tea Tset at I Vanstoue, Wiugham, for other de twice the price asked by the fondants. Stewart et al. vs. Molson's Bank. —This was' an interesting case from Exeter. Stewart & Williams, mill- ers of that place, had overdrawn concern, would be regarded by the bargain counter patron as 'a robber. "1 can get a nicer one in Toronto for half the price," the good berry Pcct has been for sixty years the: popular medicine heta and $ronch>.tiisr colds, coughs, aaand. allnd soiseases of the throat and lungs. It cures soothes the irritated tissues that a refreshingosleep oo- invariably Cou;hliforsits her use. No mother fears an attack of Croup P children, with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the ants Pneumonia, and eltas` fre- quently modern malady, La Grippe. It p all the symptoms cured sever' cases of lung trouble marked byymP of Consumption. It is lady would say, and off she would ! their account at- the Molson's Bank post, cut railway rate, to the Queen to the amount of 6663.15. Mr. Stew - City, and pay her good six dollars for j art took to tee bank a cheque fur a few pieces of common metal, wash $1,000, the whole of which amount ed with silver. he claimed to have deposited with The other day the Herald had the bank. The teller alleged that `occasion to discuss the subject with a Ithe balance—$336—after covering dealGuelph lady, who has had a good the overdraft was given back. The deal of experience a i in the business. ••1 am throuhrough with Toronto stores,"'plaintiffs did not notice the dtserep army until checking their bank book this lady declared. `'1!'or over three' at the close of the month, when the years now I have been patronizing iattention of the bank officials was thetcn at intervals, and 1 nave come i drawn to it; and, their claim beingto the conclusion it dose -'t pay• i disputed by the bank, action was Nine out of ten of their alleged bar. taken. J. P. Mabee, Stratford, and gains are frauds. Two weeks ago, l L H. Dickson, Exeter, for plaintiffs ; 1 wars caught on lace curtains reduc 11F. lielitnuth, Landon, for defend- ed from 5 to` $5 per, pair. I can ants. After the hearing of the avid• buy the same curtains in Guelph to- day o cute the jury brought in a verdict day for .50. fur plaintiffs for $3336. His Lordship Do these women ever stop to think ! ordered judgment to be entered for where they would be if everyone plaintiffs, also costs for the action. followed their example. You are Proceeedings are stayed fur 30 days the wife of a blacksmith, or carpenter, to give defendants an opportunity to or shoemaker, or law,yer, or doctor. i appeal. Suppose the people of Guelph gave pealwsley vse Rose.—An action all the work or business that they :for damages fur lass sustained by Goderich, Ost. 7.—The fourth annual meeting of the London Con- 'rierence Woman's 1lissionary Society •assembled in the North Street Church There on Tuesday afternoon, about 70 delegates being present. Mrs. Burns, of St. Thomas, president, oc• acupied the chair. The president declined to make ;any formal address, but called on the three vice-presidents to glee a message of greeting. Mesdames ., Yowler, Eccles and Dickson spoke ;feelingly of the importance of the 7. work and its consequent blessing. -urging greater zeal and enthusiasm, 'which can only come through know- • sledge and the power of the Holy ptrit, Fraternal delegates were received -Seem the W C T. U. and the fres• The Sta for Colds, Coughs, and Lu e, b ;byterian Church W. 1+. M. S. Their i have in those lines to outide., , the iiuudu,g of piainttlis laud y cordial words of greeting were re -1 suppose they looked for bargain day i clraimag•e t'ruln detendaut'a land. .r. :eived with enthusiasm, and replied reduction in the trade that your i,I Garruw, O. C., tor puff.; 1,'. C. o by one of the delegates of the eon Oren y tion h t The memorial service w as a tender husband is engaged in .and become Hit s fur deft. J udhiueut in terms the dupes of outside fakirs; w et a of consent minutes. 1 would you he ? It strikes the Herald Jarvis et al vS. . Blake et al. s. — and solemn tribute to the lives of our thttt two out of three of the womenen i Thi was wlaction for . the promoted netnbers. Eighteen names i were presented and many testimonies to at brew - their given to their devotion of the W. F. S. and other departments of work. Ascending vote of sympathy their example.—Guelph Herald. `was passed to Mrs. W. E., Russ, of Montreal, president of the general board, who has recently been be- . weaved of her husband. The seere tary was ordered to convey the • message to her by letter. Prayer was also asked for a member of une ,of the London auxiliaries, who has just passed through a serious opera- tion in the hospital. The commun- e ion service closed the afternoon ses *ion. A 'reception from 6 to 8 in the 3ecture room[ gave an opportunity for` social intercourse between the delegates and their, hostesses. Pee . evening session was well attended. The choir of the church ;assisted with eeveral delightful nuts :hers, and the young people sustained nes their reputation in two appropriate recitations.• -,tit's. Turner, in behalf of the Gnderioh ladies, gave a cordial welcome to the convention, which was gracefully replied to by Mrs. *ferment, of London. who go to Toronto to make pure Steer value of certain appurtenances in wouldn't have money enoughpay eunmectiun witu the Stratfurd, their rail vay,' fair, it other peal • to ' cry. On account of the disability any considerable extent, followed through illness of witness Jaryis the ease was adjourned to the Nov- ember court, the defendants to pay the costs occasioned by adjournment. J. T. t,Farruw, R. C., for plaintiffs; E Campion, Q. C., fur the defendants. In the criminal case, Mrs Postleth- For Over Fift7 Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been pians of used for over 'arty years by mothers for their children I while tetha ►,aite, sr., of Uoderieh, was arraign- cures wind taus k d • d colic. and is the, best comedy articles—curtains and other o se - ani, with perfect success. soothes t theutne, all,ys t+11 pain, ed rut' the theft of a number notes Win c . ` fordiarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. gays—said to belong to Mrs. Tun- 8otd by druggists in every part of the i tate and Mrs. Stenholm. J. se aseso "At the age of twenty, after a severe sickness, I -was left with weak lunge, d terrible cough, and nearly, all the symptoms of consumption. My doctor had no hope of my recover:: ; but having read the advertisements of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I determined to try that preparation. I did so, and since that time, I have used no other cough medicine. I am now seventy-two years old, and I know that at least fifty years have been added to A. W. S1'ERRY, Plainfield, N. J. my life by this incomparable preparation." "I have -used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for nearly fifty years and found it to be an excellent remedy for. all bronchial and throat diseases." L. 1I. MATHE\YS, Editor Net'vs-,Dispaten, Oneonta, Ala. "My first remembrance of Ayer's Cherry 1 sot Pectoral rtaroat dates bache thirty-six h used y si oilier r , when my mother used it for colds, coughs, croup, attacks of that sort among her children., and it never failed to bring prompt relief and cure. I always keep this medicine in the house, and a few doses ;luickly checkELL, all Seattle, Wash. or any inflammation of the throat and lungs. J. " I have sold Ayer's Medicines for forty five tiears. never know, of to no pregivp aration prompt that tef equal:. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for the cure of bronchitis. SIIERWOOD, Druggist,Do wag;ac, 1'lich. " i save used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral both in my family and practice, and consider it one of the best of its class for la grippe, colds, coughs, bronchitis, 1,,M consumption , ptionviile,,its Garly stages:' W. " Some years ago Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of the asthma after the best medical. skillhad failed to give me relief." E. 5. 1IASSLER, Editor Argus, Table Rock, Neb. c. 6 0Frec CCe f'%cdIc.1 We have organized a Medical Department, inviwith sick physician -of the highest standing at its head, to write, and receive the best medical. advice, absolutely without charge .or cost. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its , g . , . •-,,•- _ ,...omaa l bl 11e sure you ask for iiegler, of Ingersoll, prosecuted, ; • take no other kind. value w incl ua e, d Mrs. Winslow':; Soothing Syrup and and E. Campion, Q C., appease _— •-- drinking While it is a subject for fur the prisoner. '1'hb theft was j Scab on Potatoes. A CEASELESS TORMENT. 'drinking. alleged • to haveheen committed i deep ren ret G and Irritation ton is so rap Baby Superstitions. in 1896. A daughter -[n -law ut see i er that our insane populat- Eczematie nawing Have a Short Stay After One Ap• 'prisoner swore that she often PotC1°nsc nth wh chf fungous soil p►icatinn of Dr. Agn•ew's Ointment An infant born with its fingers i the articles 15 question in the prison- ,the p --It helps Immediately Agnn ly andOiCures spread will be generous. Ier's house the year previous, 1895, tivith the seed and ,thetre multi lY Lily. If a child under a year old is rain- I and in lie absence of any strong and grow until ttp a tubers quality.re rin'- i C is Howard, Peak's Island, Me., I ed upon, it ptl get freckles. levddendi: againstthetjury to return a condition of thesoit in whieh potatoesiwrites: -•Euciosed find 35 cents, for If the baptismal eyes it water gets into verdict directs Ot 7 t fungus new's Ointment. I have been afflicted of guil`ty," which they ere planted has a great deal to do which kindly send me a box of Dr. g - Ithe child's eyes it can see spirits, I did•v+nth the growth of the sea) rut g !for long tune with eczema, and it has . Inspector that additfnna.l accommoda- A baby that opens its eyes hum- and it is known that air•sdalce8. lithe r clone rue so mach good I want to try i titin is still required which io is hoped, t►tely after its birth will grow up helps it along. Land plaster is the! another Mus. The first application gave i d' the Province will soon be able to wise and intelligent. KIDNEY POISONS. one form of hme that fails to promote' tried, noL sr(rin6tlet tto than men utright" j provide. If a song hni)k is pits ander the Sap the Life Spring and Make Put the growth of the scab, i$artiyarcf I Sold by A. L. Hamilton. baptiu+al pillow, the child_ will be rid the Health Foundation—South manure, woad ashes and soda xslt' Ainerican KidneyCare Cleanses will also increase the scab. The soil 1 merry and c;hee'•ful• r The fascial of of If at being baptized the water end Purifies. once affected with the fungus must is s sprinkled on the baby's fore- if the kidneys fail to do their work not be used for patatoes or any toot' Ontario yearn Sept.fthe asylums and I f that p sector endednee is now busy closing head be wiped off, it will bring it generate organs late through. involved violate In crop until hsolt, favopableadtoa the ; tilts books, He reports each month e When a baby has deep 'nes on ,t,•e „s Fore as Fucose t t rid of it system er its predecessor in idly on the increase, it must be a source of gratification to every person, that in this province such ample provision has been made for the scientific treatment and care, of these Unfortunate people. But efficient as our institutions for the in- sane now are, it is evident from the Cucumbers, Melons, Beware ! Yoe may have an attack of Cramps a and Diarrhuoa atter eating them. Test Ireep on hand ii bottle of Dr. howler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and \ou'r'• Dysenterysafe. It uand all res ttbowel complaints. 1 .usiitn railroad trains have stook yng cars for ladies. ' O to :•Yss" St s.. Iseaused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- t., ;[tori and permits food to ferment and 'nitrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, O anaomina, nervousness, and, &1 not relieved, bilious fever ,or blood polsoninq hood's Tills stimulate the stomach, " 1 Make you well enc Dr. Chase a I atntly itiamtr it ec ' ease , Dept. 11. t a, as e, ist ,rouse the liver, Imre beadaelie dizziness, ow...Make lurly 1)r. Ckttas©a Ointment. 2heeonly Zits to tato witSold lIoo 's Sarsaparilla.. t by A. Lt fla n ilon positive. :la gents. Sul y;eu bad luck. the whole systen►. Diana and disasctl- growth of the scab it is rather thine of the present year has witnessed an A of the its palms, so that it is difficult to South I + ► „quid ration brtnrmg in potatoe I mbar of inmttes m the ass keep them clean, it its a sign be or h l parte quickly th a or four years r Th ober of roma she will be a wumcy gatherer. drives bl to the l was v If you fetch the godmothers and the .godfathers from three different parishes, your baby will live to he 100 years old, ---Exchange. (Foods Ferment and Indigestion fol- night follows the day. 180,000 pounds of butter for Dawson e, if oe ec e , American Kidney Cure acts ou cult o getincrease over s once lams, t lien by Hood s Soret+part►la. Lha kidneys like n.agic. it's a 1 rotation, • l nn and attacks the ailing in reand fertilizins a Hui les in August i HOOD'S PILLS our nausea, sick Stupe the spreading of dieeaeo, with materials unfavorable e was 5 08'3, while that of Ju y 5,-1 headache, biliousness, inuiAestion. Price out the foreign substances, and brings healthygrowth of the scab, would probably i 101 1. There are only 35 vacancies in `? i teats, a. Exeter plan has a contract for t.,L;te.---O' ange Judd Farmer, r,ry re loon is given be tried p are How it Hurts ! Rheumatism, with its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the accumu- latedcauSe in your ijoi jin oints. bloodThcure has s found in Hood's Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have been completely cured of rheuma- this important organ bank to a normal state. It's k' lass spemsiu hole to not rid of the Lrnuble. 'irhere (all the "tsylums and JO former Sold by1 ate. u t r, L. Hamilton. potatoes are liable a get this disease, i Preston, charged With implication the aced should ne rorroaire subli•! mates are out on probation, while 7 In the Nennti t; hunk raht,ery. will confined in gaols. No satisfact lows as auto as (try. Nature bus supplied in the pineapple a wonderful supply e f vegetable pepsin. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets non• 11 tutu all Lhe elements 11)at i afar allrforn8s i of stone euisord of s omach uisnrders in quick time. l ltec+p Y for the increase, at Na Slice, a change of but it is thought to be due to the face vcitu having been fouled. that mentally affected are tnore 4NTt4n--scut afar, TttUSTit•O8•rire rt r- , closely looked after, as',unc use, bnY,111Ca3 til r . ass 1 { i , r. rt,,u been advanced 'n 'Doctor's Teatity. r r mil to this rby of tle4 l odr but , Children 4 b vt a their o\\u and u.l\rby cunntie t itis Inn;utY ,tu i) st tl t f01' last year Show that R:y r .x', the starts e OOt) he There's Strong testimony by eminent i\ONrllnll ei t1011i1'4-rk rotaiueted t j Iitlte, iilni.'+tlltUt ')letinll7'e, nu •• tea G:nrl.l.0 tirll+' ;3:i Out Of rnOt•e Llt +il )r . !j Z F""1 r s itr ns of wonderful eared made by • tees Nnt;lr+ stontitiv )r l..tu lethurt L, laces, ` t\hysteltt \ ,g. >ar°3cu• l. -addressed stamped a,valope, I Came insane x15 a result of excesiv 's essej d