HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-28, Page 17TUESDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 9, 1979) ART -, 10 weeks FIRST AID - 8 weeks HAIRDRESSING - 10 weeks HUNTER SAFETY- 10 weeks INTRODUCTIOfi TO. ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES 'AND CANADIANA - 10 weeks SEWING, (Advanced Knit) - 10 weeks WOMEN'S FITNESS - •10 weeks WEDNESDAY NIGHT • (starting Jan. 10,1979" KNITTING - 10 'weeks MACRAME - 10 weeks SKIING - 10 weeks MONDAY NIGHT • (starting Mar. 5, 1979) CERAMICS - 8 weeks •• TUESDAY NIGHT (starting Feb. 15, 1979) GOLF lb weeks WEDNESDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 10, 1979), ALTERNATE ENERGY SOURCES - 9 weeks BASIC FARM WELDING - 8 weeks CERAMICS (Full) - 10 weeks LADIES FITNESS - 10 weeks MONDAY NIGHT (starting April 9, 1979) GOLF FOR BEGINNERS 8 Weeks STRETCH KNIT • FABRICS (Beginners) - 10 weeks THURSDAY NIGHT (starting April 12, 1979 STRETCH KNIT FABRICS vanced) - 10 weeks (Ad- SOUTH HURON'DISTRICT 'HIGH SCHOOL • EXETER .12110NE 235-08130 , (' MONDAY NIGHT • (starting Jan. 15, 1979) POTTERY - 10 weeks . TUESDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 16, 19,74)• SEWING *(Ladies Knit Pants and Tops) - 6 weeks WEAVING - 10 weeks „. WEDNESDAY NIGHT .. • (startittg.Jan. 17, 1979) "PERSONAL AND SMALL BUSINESS INCOME TAX - 10 weeks TAILORING - 10 weeks THURSDAY NIGHT tstarting"Jan. 18, 197,9). AUTO MECHANICS FOR WOMEN -• 5 ow eeks •FIRST A1D"(St. John's) - 10 weeks GOURMET COOKING - 10 weeks TUESDAY NIGHT. (starting March 6, 1979) SEWING "(Adv.anced Lingerie) 10 weeks MONDAY 14 IGH41. (starting Jan..6, 1974) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES - 8 weeks BADMINTON - 10 weeks CONVERSATIONAL ERENCH - 10 weeks GOLF 10 weeks. TYPEWRITING (Beginners) 19 weeks /PHONE 524-'353 TUESDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 9, 14,791 AUTO JOECHANICS, (Owner- DriVer) - 10 weeks • SEWING (Pattern Design) 10, weeks WE DN ESDAY NIGHT • (starting Jam 10; 1979) LADIES SPORT NIGHT - 10 Weeks 1VOLLEYBALL - 10. weeks (at Colborne Central P.S.) THURSDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 11, 1979) STRETCH SEWING (Advanced) - 10 weeks • GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GODERICH • ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 28, 1070.:,r • July 20 CUTTING THE CAKE — When Staffa WI marked its 75th anniversary last week life members and the current president had the honor of cutting the tOvely blue and white 75th birthday rake. .The dife members are (left to right): Mre.Roberla TernPlerpan, Mrs. Doris Miller;'Mri, Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Ruby,,Reed and' Miss Vera Harnbley with Staffa WI president Mrs.' Lillian Douglas. . •• .,.,.. , . October 19 . • BIG BARN LOST — A dejected Dave Tremeer of Seaforth looks at the ruins of his Tuckersmith township barn which burned to Its fouhdations ' early Friday morning. The cause ofthe fire, noticed by a neighbour who ' called. the .1-fensall Fire department about 4:25 a.m. hasn't , been . . determined. Mr. Tremeer,wouldn't give a dollar • estimate of loss_but the barn was full of hay arid straW and a tractor, planter, windrower, a wagon.. "•loaded• with; beani, •just put In a few days before, and other equipment were destroyed. (Expositor Photo) , Dublin Pee-Wee Girls win the W.O,A.A.. legue championship. Edwin • Gerald Bucck; formerly of Brodhagen. dies in Alberta construction ac- cident. Seaforth' council' still wary of police dispatch •system.. , OCTOBER 19,th, 1978 L.H. Gray and 'Son Ltd. egg grading plant in Seafokh closes, 13 unemployed. David Tremeer, Tucker- smith •Township, loses barn • in fire. . Cairn honoring early set- "I tiers unveiled in Harpurh cemetery. Teachers' team wiria 1978. Industrial League playoffs. S.D.H.S. students graduate with warning a poor job market - Del) Rose of R,R.4, Seaforth is Grade 13 Valedictorian: • OCTOBER 26th,1978 1Council acclaimed - in Staforth, but race for mayor's 'seat. lop John Michael Siierlock of•Loudoti conducts service at. St. - Columban Chtireh. Huren-Perth County • Roman Catholic Separate School Board draws up con- tigeney plan for winter storms. • Dr. Lotta Hitschrnariova of 'the Unitarian• Services. Com- mittee visits Seaforth District NOVEMBER 30,,1978 „Sale of 10.4 acres of land to Atris " Land Development • Corp. approved by.,. Seafprth Council. • . Bob Robinson elected president of IVfeKillop, Feder, ' ation of-,Agriculture. High School. NOVEMBER 2nd, 1978 Beechwood holdS it's own Inteinational Plowing Match. Joseph Mills resigris *as superintendent of Huron- , Perth County Roman Cath- olic Separate School board. Betty Gauthier of Vgrnond- ville writes songs and poetry, and hopes to publish a book. 21 per cent of Seaforth residents are over 65 years of age. NOVEMBER 16th, 1,978 Betty Cardne defeated by John • Sinnamon' in mayor's race. Jahn Henderson re-elected I to Huron County board of education. contract let for restoration of historic Van. Egmond house. AgneS Ann Moon, vtrell- known'artist, dies in Univer- sity Hospital. Mitchell District High SChool presents operette,;,: H. M.s.• Pinafore, ati a aria students are among stars. Larg e. turnout for annual Remembrancebay service in Victoria Park. Thei-lurpp Coupty Board Of E ducation verling.-Clossp.s August, 24 TUCKERED OUT --- Little Brad. Ebuerrhan Of, R.R.4, Walton takes a breather frorh the hectic mhtorcross action on mums knee. Joan Beuerman said she though the races were great and was surpeized at; the lack of accidents. It% your mortgage .„: ., Of one 4 ., one Percent ii on a 1st or 2ri / Mortgage doesn't sound 'like • ' much, but over the years it can . add up to thousands of dollars. Your dollars. That's why it'll pay you to talk to us before you take out a new mortgage. After all, it is your money and that's no small thing. 1 Ontario Street Stratford 271.2650 Meinberi Canada beposit Iristtralke Corporation VICTORIA. AND GREY - TRUST' Siric1844 Contact our branch manager: of. FOrni f tur0 • Chest fields • Bedroom • Pining room etarnps Table. . • Pictures etc. instock Merchandise from Dec. 27th to end of January • . , Free DecOrating Consultation & Service Robert L. Plunisteel ) • Interiors • . • NNE pomt,..5 ;CARPETS • PAINTS • wAttetIVertINGs, 6mXiN MEET SOUTH, SEAOORTH, ONTARIO NOK PHONE • BUSINESS (519) 527,0902 HOME (519) 527.0052 rIVN es< • (70P-AL.. MO Ak NIGHT (start Jan. •8, 1979) • BOQKKEEPIN (Introductory) - 10 • weeks . CROCHET - 10 w eks FURNITURE RE SHING AND ' REPAIR . (with Beginning Upholstery) - 10 weeks GYMNASTICS FOR BEGINNERS - 10 weeks • , INT'R'ODUCTION' TO PHOTOGRAP.HY ANDS DARKROOM TECHNIQUES - 10 weeks / ' SEWING (Basic) - 10 weeks - WELDING - 10 weekS SOME COURSES MAY-HAVE TO BE CANCELLED IF INSUFFICIENT INTEREST IS INDICATED BY ENROLMENT SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH'SCHOQL SEAFORTH 0 PHONE 527-0380 TUESDAY NIGHT .' (starting Jan. 9,, 1979)," CROSS COUNTRY SKIING - one class, on ,Tuesday, •Jan. 9, to be ' followed by 4 Sunday, afternoon' sessions DISCO DANCING (Adult coublee only) - 5 weeks (at Seaforth P.S.) MACRAME .- 10 weeks SEWING " AND TAILORING - 10 weeks • F.E. MADAL SECONDARY SCHOOL WINGHAM - PHONE 357-1800 TUESDAYNIGHT (starting Jan 9, 1979)• FIRST AID .- STANDARD -'e weeks LADIES AUTO MECHANICS - 10 weeks. -.MACRAME - 8 weeks POTTERY WITHOUT' A WHEEL - 10 weeks ' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. PHONE ,THE SCHOOL CENTRAL HURON -SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON r-APHONE 4824471 ''' MONDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. tit, 1979) FOLK DANCING - 10 vteeks •