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The Wingham Times, 1898-10-14, Page 2
2 Mr. E. lI, Mor (i' Blenheim was examining an acety It t e fide genera- tor with a lighted match when an explosion took place Ile wasterrib :1yr burned. and it is feared illy louse i is eyesight, or ever his lite. In every million of people in the 'world there are 800 wuu ale blind, C U L1:OSS. In this township the majorites for the prohibition plebiscite at the differ- ent pelts. were as fellows.:YesNo, !a 1'011N"o, l„. •„ •,•3a 4i 6; 3, i, 4..+. ,,,4014 44 '21 67 t i, 46 ti.,,..,.,. 7 4. 7 . 10 111 74 Majority for $7' t On Tuesday evening, Sept, 26th, 1 Mr. Alex. ll.eGregor, of Culross and Miss Dottie, daughter of Mr. George 1 Armstrong, were united in marriage i at the residence of the bride's father, i Isabella St., Teeswa:ler. heve cerie- mony Was performed by IA. i Linton, brother -in. law of the groom, Iassisted by Rev, M. Malcolm, only relatives of the contracting parties positively curets 707 th 50 ' Little Pills. They also relieve DI tress from. D sp2psia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausca, Drowsi- ness, BadTasteinthe Mouth, Coated Tongue fain in the Side, TORPID LIVER.. They Iteg:aate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Bain! Small Dcze. Small Freed. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. , `1 1 5, OCr OI EI1 14, 5J8. 1 ILE VII XN GHAM - F t,ts: APRETTY IIn loving memory of Murton Saunby, SOI -100L DRESS. I tw ho died Sept. 24th, 18o8, aged 2l. years, ll months and a tow days, 1N 1 BMMMOP..L&] , TOBACCO tiEP T3 New Creations from Discarded I Burton, dearest, thou haat left us, Materials. • Hare to weep and mourn for thee, But we know that up iii heaven From pain and sorrow thou art tree. In every young girl there is a natural Thy stay it was not long amongst us, and tnh.ereut desire to look pretty trod , ,, Father tools thee home, attractive, and nothing gives greater In youth thy delight to the ordinary school miss than But in heaven thou art waiting an o eastonal new dreBS, • Before the advent of Diamond Dyes For thy friends each one to come. the large majority of our school girls Tily illness was not of long duration, had to content thetnaelves with tato dresses a year— one each for sututuer Death came quick and sure apnea, and winter, Now, with the Magical But it found thee, dearest Bnrton, virtues of Diamond Dyes, mothers in Trusting in the Saviour's titans, even very moderate circumstances are enabled to send their girls to school as Wo know that up in that bright mansion neatly and stylishly dressed us the 'Prom pain and sorrow thou art free, daughters of well-to•clo families' And when we all meet there in glory, A littlemfeminine tract thead skid that )Happy will the meeting bo. all women possess, wi h aid o. a ten cent package of Diam, nil Dyes, will do As a sou, thou wort faithful, wonders for our school girls. D,•©r ready to obey. being present. The, bride was mar Every mother has pot aside one or As a friend thou wort gentle vied in a dark ateIrby her cos-esmelf dresses daughters.d y ttisf,t mistake aded for her - to As Elle lovely flowers of May. Lnc duel was attended by her sister i 9 ilp worthless. With coloring and ro May each member of tho household, 1r•-1AVE you r •. "' ' been smok- , -- // ing a good deal .t• ati! lately and feel tit In rt, an occasional twinge of pain roundyourheart Aro you short of V•:-.) breath, nerves yy4 'Miss Jennie. The duties of grooms - by \1 'Arch imagine that these a a little simple work making you can hay really artistic cf• To grace's full perfection rise, aerie were pe'fui tctl y h t•, 11cGregor, brother of the grounl, feyour s yts and results. one of the old dresses and tri That when they E•ross,death's dark, cold Take ; a large number i kill. First remove all grease spots river, The bride received They may `nest then=in the skies. (if beautiful and valuable presents. `ind stains, then ,,; ^.re your bath of The 'TI\LL5 extends best wishes and lliamond D •e --the o:+lor most becoming May we each live really n Christians, - congratulations.I to rho falba who fs t' wear it—and Ye Till this life on earth is o'er, The directors of the Culross )tart according to the sil',hple nod you have a creation in directions on Then we shall meet thee, dearest Burton azo entelupo,Oa the bright celesti4l shore. hil)menoe I'IlilIWemelei IntiotIIeu IIIlllne4i' ” • ..Y ty 4'' :°t,y,.Yk111"o..'.,k',, bF lv' `+.'• AVegetablepreparationforAs- simitatilty' theTeod und.eguta- ting the stomachs nndl3oWels of pit ,N , e llE iilr N"' 4 ' SEE • 'SHAT THE FAC --SIMILE SIGNATURE OF promotes Digestion,Cheerful- rtess audRest,Gontains neither Oplutn,1 orphine .nor Mineral. NOT NACOTIC. al Fire Insurance Co. met at Tees• water on Sept. 24th. Members all present except A. 111cliague. Mr. Allison, E.ti. in the chair. The minutees of last meeting were read and on motion of J. McKague, seconded by J. E., Scott, ware adept ed. t4 Scott—McKagut--T,iat all appli- cations for insui•ttnce taken by the different agents b laid on the table Ifor inspection. C4rried. McKague—Scott — That having examined the applications for icsur- aace taken by the pagents of this Co. carefully and fouiid the same satis- factory the secretary and president are authorized to 'prepare and issue policies for the same. Carried. MeKague—Mofl;tat—That the re- quest of A. Adamson and D. Paisley to build additions and make alterna duns on their buildings be granted. Ca.rrit.d. Moffat—Scott— That the following accounts be paid :— Wtu. Yeo, colt killed.,., ........$ 10 00 Wm. Mitchell, two sheep 88 00 0 J. Uoltey, V. 8...... , ..... Carried, 1 ▪ unhinged, sensa- st of pins and needles going through your arra and fingers? IJ Better r tart" a boxer two of ' Milburn's •STeart and Nerve Pills„ and t;el: cured before bac ilea too .crious. Here's what Mr. John James, of Caledonia. Ont., Ft.i has to say about them : "I have I.° had serious heart trouble for four years, paused by excessivelnso of tobacco. At !times my heart wculd beset very rapidly `:and then seemed to's:top boating only to `commence again with, unnatural rapidity. "Lite unhealthy .action of my heart cause:: shortness of breath, weakness and debility, I tried many medicines and 'spent a great deal of n:aney but could riot get any help. Last Tiovem'er, however, I read of a • man, afflicted like myself, being cured by • 'I11ilburn's Heart and Dlerve Pills. I went ° ;to Roper's drug stoma and bought a box. ,'When I had finished; taking it I was SO •muerte better I bought another box and ;this completed the cure. My heart has ..plot bothered me since, and I strongly ,recommend all sufferers from heart and lseerve trouble, caused by exe 0eive use of and Milburn's3 Heart .i•tobacco, to give P +3. INerve Pills a fair and faithful trial." Price 50c. a bux or 3 boxes for $1.25, all `druggists. T. Milburn ct Co., Toronto, Ont. LA-LIVL'R PILLS cure Constipation y Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Price 25c. new material, which, when made up, your daughter can wear with pride and satisfaction. A new and prett• dress at a cost of from ten to twenty •tuts is always your reward when you tialto use of the Dia- mond Dyes, arantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in \We zacyar.d tinr9bozos dna $I.00 1Is. The latter allows you to cut the D R L Plaster any size. Every family should have one ` reedy for ala emer- lo geacy. • DAVIS a LAWRENCE CO., LIMlrtD, UONi0EAt Beware of imitations t Moffat—Reid--Tlla.t the see'y-tr ear. order 1000 policy farms. Carried. Scott—.lila ague --That this board do now adjourn to meet -again on the last Saturday of October at 2 o'clock p. m. in the Town• Halt, Teeswater, ot the call of the president. Car - HO TyliWK. Word was received from Portage La Prairie, Man., on Friday Sept. 30th, announein;g, the death of 11'ir. James Roe, a re$ident of the 4th wick. Deceased yer, went to Man a carload of horses. ago be was taken concession of Id who was a horse b itoba in July with About three week ill and the doctorfs pronounced his disease appendicitis, An operation was performed, bit to no avail. He gradually sank and passed away on Friday, Septi 30th, in the Goth year of his a;e, The ..body was brought home via. the C P. R..on Monday night and the furteral took piaci on Wednesday from, his late residence and was under the management of the A. 0. U. W. of which society de- ceased was member, I -Ie leaves a widow and family of eight—three sons a.url five da4ters to mourn his d n ise. Wednesday evening, Sept. 28th, was the oecast' ii of a very interest- ing dna pleasing scene at the home IIenrl d OrleanG, the snake is more tt of sir. and Mrs. !Andrew Barnett of fatal scourge in la ud, than the ben Mayne Corners, t about 125 invited bonic plague. Every year thous- ried. a guests having assembled to witness ' y ,:Trees. the marriage o their daughter, D. IIcINTosx, SecMiss •Jennie . to Itil Marshall Jaques of the 2nd concession of Howick The eeretnony ws performed on the capacious lawn i front of the house, Rev. R. I. Hoskh of Fordwich tv- CURE : ALL YO1iR PAINS WITH pain®KllIeCi a A Madroltio Cheat in Itself. Simple, Sado and Quick Cure for C -RAMPS, MPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, FIUEU ATiSIA, td =.`'RALGlL 26 and BU cant 13ottlet3. BEWARE OF Iti1TATIONS• CUV OOLYr14a GENUINE. ;1I+EgO.:.?'y:`-".: t.'tRiti lii"a I —IA. P. E. Soren iiea le3• Sorge and ulcers of the worst kind are rapidly healed byil3urdock Blood Bitters. Take it internally anal apply it externally according to directions and sen how quickly a cure 4111 be rnade. Dont's For The Housewife. Never omit a vote of thanks to any person who hasisent you a gift great or trifling. Shouid you do so you are self confessed ignorant of all rules of etiquette and gratitude. You can never become a success- ful hostess if you do;pnot keep inform- ed upon the principal topics • of the day. Read the best' newspapers and good literature. Never arrive at aluncheon or din- ner earlier than five minutes before the time set and inion an account a momen later. When one has aS elergyman as a guest, it is customary to ask him to "ask a blessing" upon the food, even if you are an unbeliever. It is cortrteous to do soj fir;oeofOldXrSiir 117 41511 j1107,47cin Saw' 4L Stan • n„u,Sdu - .‘fcriae Sean Jtppc'rrri"° - r £h Carnm+at^,rc • 745rm Seed G(er! & Sugar . triohorna flame A crfect Remedy f or Constipa- tion, Sour Stotuach,Diarrhoea, Nror;,Cortvutsions,Feverislt- ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Z c tulle Signature of ile7,1r/ 1' ES"r "YORK. IS ON THE WRAP ER 01' EVERY BOTTLE Or EXACT COPY 07 WRAPPE=R. q,x AMR Castor's is pat up in oto -size bottles only. it Is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone o sell you anything the omise that i ist "Just angood"a "will answerr every pr- poae," 'Z See that you get 0 -A -S -T -O -R -I -A. The fao- rlmilo y aignate:a of SUBJECTS This his dread malady lar}', behind the most in - ds, wizen the areaent sots t stealsead laway the beauty blooms of disease and makes life pleasures a drudgery. POWDER'. ,>.c„1Ew's C A•rarsl AIL will cure the incipient cold and the most stub - According to a report an Indian born and chronic Catarrh sunshine tarts truts ail. h distres- exploration, published by Prince I the beauty purl:and sheds troubled wit rh " ''t° Ory for ti S d.;J1 +rll «Y ORM r, I the h nuptialknot. lilies Victoria The reports of the treasurer and corresponding secretary were full of encouragement and progress. Mrs. Crothers, St. Thomas, stated the an- nual incoroe to be 5,843.60—an in - Holt of Wallaee played the wedding march. The brid-` was handsomely attired in a l eauti ut gown of cream mere and bidal veil. Miss cash Clara Barnett, sifter of the bride, who acted as bridesinaid, was also ands of unfortunate natives perish II My wife and were ring Catarrh, but we have enjoyed of freedom from distresses since the first applicationr—it acts •_ gives grateful relief tineto minutest, nn d we believe there is no case too deeply seated to baffle it la -1iev. D, Lor`+aor, Buffalo, N.Y.-3z cure• f bites, A cording to I from crese of 307.69 ; ,remitted to the attired in a beautiful gown ofthe general treasurer, X5,778.78. Mrs. same material. The groom - Cunningham repotted five new aux- supported by his brother, Mr. Oliver diaries—Bayfield, Stratford, Water- Jaques, After the ceremony and were •all repair- ed L t'- — •t°vet. p tta.congratulationsate ov< e ' bury and TLe 1 loo Shetland ed to the dinning—room and did ample justice to the excellent supper which had been prepared, by hostess, The remainder of the even- ing was spent in playing games, . anxlllaries, 2,004 annual members, 97 life auxiliaries, 23 mission bands. (Many auxiliaries havle sent boxes of clothing to needy stations, and the orssanization is doing faithful work snake c rustworthy statistics, published by Sold at fiamilton'a'Drng Store. the French Acadmy of Sciences, 433,300 persons perished in this way between 1876 and 1898. This proves that the snt-e is a more dead- ly adversary of ,the Hindu than • in forming auxiliarie3. The watch 1 music, social conversation, ete., an tower, an exercise taken part in by I some of the guests indulged in a three delegates, illustrated. the work I mock charivari: The presents were either the lion oa the tiger. Fol during the same per' iod these beasts only devoured 64,11 natives. ]for the last five years the average num 1 ber of deaths resu`• ting from snake bites has been over 90,000, and • the number is on the in rease. In 1875 there were 21,266 eaths ; in 1806 the rate reacb.ed 4,335. In the Bengal district snag bit's are more ofteu fatal than anywhere else in India. Domestic animals, too, stif fer from the serpent pest, but more from the lion and tqe tiger. Sinee 1875 1,500,000 ddmestie animal; have been killed by snakes and wild animals. Of this nulinber nine•teutlhs were slain by wird animals. In 1896, for example, 7143 head of cattle fell victims a to snake bites, while 81,397 were devoured. by wild beasts. ELTON'S UPS 'Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put: in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON anct FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. ' . Repairing promptly attended to. Sao? —Diagonal St. opposite Beattie' Livery. JOHN PELTON, ,Mingham. Opt; MEM l ,11 done in China, Japan and among the Indians. Rev. J. Wilson closed the session with prayer. At Wednesday morning's session a letter from Dr. Detloir, a life mem- ber, was read, and thecxecutive hav- ing decided no action would be taken1 upon it, this decision vr!as confirmed. The following resolution was CURIOUS CALENDAR, FACTS. passed: "That we heartily appree- There are some curious faets about the calendar. No century can begin on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday. The same calendar can be used et ery twenty years. October always begins on the same day of the week as January, April and July; September as December, Feb- ruary, March and November begin on the sande days. May, June and craticn of women shall meet with, August always begin on different the full recognition they deserve." days from each other and every other month intthe year, The first 1 v TRUSTWORTHY PER. and last days of the ,year are always is work conducted at horns, Salrcry straight $000 a to leap year, when comparison numerous, costly and useful, and go to show the high )esteem in which the young couple re held by their many friends. The TIMES joins in wishing them a happy and prosper- ous voyage down the stream of lite. late the effort made at the genert.l conference by Judge; Che?ley and others for the enfranchisement of women, and also foto, the liberal views oft expressed with regard to their position as lay delegates to the quarterly boards and annual confer- ences ; and we recogaiie that time is drawing near—indeed. it is riot far distant when the ability and cons°• ANTED—SEV1 1tL TR gond in this State to manlike out busfnele in the same These rules do ant.apply It is mainly oDica their own end nearby counties 1 Monthly 9,6 References, Enclose madeys before and after i February 29th. Sold at Hamilton's .`)rug Store. 1 rest„ Dept. year and arouses--doDnite, bnnatId0, no more, 00 between da lees salary. e llLLaddreased etnmpped envelope, Ilorbsd if. lines, > t DS Cizicngo. Catarrh Shackles Brokers its 60 Minutos It's an alarming fact, hut statistics bear it out, that at least 8o in every hun- dred persons in this country are tainted in 0 lesser or greater degree by that disgusting, offen- sive and dangerous dis- ease—Catarrh. If symn- toms appear 'such as cold iii the beard dizziness, • 5' pains In the forehead, ..cam_ - headache, dropping 1n the throat, offensive b cath, loss of taste end smell, the Catarrh shackles lay be tightening about yon-- IDIt. A ;NEW'' O 'CA.RDIIA.T" POWDER is the most potent Catarrh cure known to-day— Reccrmmende<i by et ncnt nose andthroatspeCial• tats—gives relief in fr m to to 66 minutes. r n A fro in years I was A victim of chronic Catarrh; the first application of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal pot. der gave me instant relief, and in an Headley, increditlys H' Dundee, N. V,-- permanently CpUy cared." l tne M Wit; The Leading Specialists of Amine 20 YEARS lir DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS in can be more demoralizing to Nothing g pres- enceor middle-aged men than the They of those "nightly losses." 1 produce weakness nervousness, a, feeling of disgust and a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business, married life and somal happiness.No matter t in evil habitsyouth, used b ` er ca Y wh e h natural weakness or sexual excesses, our New Method Treat:neat will positively cure you. NO CURE- NO PAY Roader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakenedou. Exposure may have diseased you. You aro not safe till eared. Our New Method will euro you. You run uo risk. 250,000 pCgUp ,Young lit an—You are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful. morose, and' despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, wrinkled face, stooping the blight of your existence. reveal WECURE.\RICOCELE No matter how serious your case may be. or how long you may have bad it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure it. The `wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalised, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary benefit, but a permanent euro assured. NO CURE. 1i0 PAY. NO OPERA TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. ' CURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and care SYPHILIS, GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, ST1tIC'l1URE VARICOCELE SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AICD KID- NI+IY diseases. 00NSULTATION • FREE. BOOKS. FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write for QUESTION BLANK for JIOME TREATMENT. •Z meati). KENNEDY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. ^s Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE NEEM. hf7 once is in the irntttediatc vicinity of the Patent Ofice and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed. Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. -116rNo eharo o iv made for an opinion, aster patentabiitcrr, and my fee for prosecuting the. application uiiiL not cue caned for until `fie patent 1 allowed. "INVESTORS. Guinn," COM. taming full information sent free. Ali command. cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. t t A Koc UWASSIINI HOUGH' 4 4. 50 YEARS''`. r EXPERIENCE ii TRADE MARKS IDESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description me? quickly ascertain our opinion free whether art invention is probably patertable. Commnuica' • tions strictly confidential. IIandbookon Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securing atonts. Latents taken through Munn k reeolvft special notice, withont charge, in the Scientific trkca .. - A handsomely tllurtrnted weekly. Faintest dr. ciliation of any nclentife innrtutl. Terms, $3 & Year ; ffnnuur months, $1. Sold by all gnewstdealer'. MUNN & (tt.3Sttlroadwat, New York Branch Oi1ee. 625 P 5L.Washington.D.0. IT' PAYS. TO ADVEIwTiS IN THE ,1 i :4 TIMES ;:"1 • 1