HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-28, Page 8• ,,
• ;.
Em,BE,R, 28, • 1970
. • ''hvelVeprivate..honies and
th4 Agricultural Society's'
Nose deSignated: as
akehitectarally.' important .by
town gunnel.
Stilden react to' ichoOl
v."4-'''''Orge and Esther lan1P-
lbell al jvIcKilIOp i'Tovinship
celebrate .50 years of mar-
, . Robert Franklin,' former
SPaforthlown clerk, dies' in
Port Rpwill. •
- St. 'Patriek's • Sch901,
Dubtiin niakes plans for
, Centennial on :July
Seafitrt4 Dumpers are
Wc4tern 'Ontario. Champ4.
APRIL 6th, 1978
Pileup .n fog closes high-
way:east'of Seaforth for one
Trapnell, Bake4 op.-, on
Main Street closes after 16
ears In
Eugene. Whelan' speaks to
area, growers at 'the 'annual
of. the Perth County
White Bean OroWers As
Vciatiori. • ,
Tuck-erstnith •telephone
System to expend services('
oi6r the next 'three years.
• APRIL 130,1978
Teaeher'S4strilw exietted
'in T. rocitito art gallery show.
Dumpers fail in their bid to
win Ontario brOomOall
out Fltron Distriet
Womens' Institute: Celebrate
75th birthday With nine local
groups 'taking part,.
Carmen • Dale. Li( 4
. `!. . • •
to end toclAy after 'SI day
strike,' " • .
PrehenMarcussen, former
Seaforth iesitient, featured
Seaforth, dies as the resUlt of
a house demolition accident.
44t978 K P'le1.'t robbery attempttiwar d
Council approves
pas hfof0th: •
S1114116 are ,'back Pio
- ,dassroOrn as 31 4i teachers
n. strike is' ended.•
Incorporgeo famyy,faritis
receive,tax break under new
'federal ' •
'Kaufman, Footwear. Plant
ililianastra to close. .
Huron Cotinty's fainous
jcxirrialists recalled: ,
Seaforth Worrien's Iri-
residents, diseusS •
village!LsftIioturn.eatcontrannity. ninim
'Ivan. Rapier's. welding
shop burns in Slabtown. •
e .
".CMig.•to'vun for Liberals'-in '
• . , Walton farmer Graem
federal election. ,, ,
_... County, boardbowarthd,,,Ti9w7oi, issUes,. sick leave credits and
te-,v ,- :-../,v.,-
Eugene Todd hired as new Helen • McKereper .' 'is
aTs:..LamntanfoargeSreafaonr4th.Ar.eli ' Cultural Hall OrFame. •
named to the Canadian Agri.
: Morris TOwnShii) faces '' .Tuckeninith councn.heto4
's20,909 defidit; : cbjection ',,to :$5,000. dr ftfti-
. Nf.A,T-1.1.#ho 1978.— - 'Hensairs AgTiPter., i',A-.:41i '
Taxes s cl i thutnlyc
seetrs -atrpild • JUNE, 14,1978 ..,
ul---lture's ad Aver.,••
$25,000 reserve fubd. Norman and it,iiiiii 'baires
Huron •F of A -votes down': •: if Bi•ucefield b--',,ored for
OFA tai reform proposal,. their weather.,:reportinsg,
.Seaforth Atoms,
b;Semaetbtlierbsilioldf illthges PS roaciisey et 4 W.O.A.A. champs, honored' •
at 'banquet. ' . for.the Study of Architecture:
Hensall taxes• up 2.8 ' per Ray Contols named princi-
cent.- '• ± • pal at St: Columban School.
MAY 1.8th; 1978 St. Aforth Lions win two
Huron County Health Unit- awards at annual converitioni
-rePbrts no maternal deaths', juNg 8th, •.1978
for the past. five years.
Taxes. n Hibbert TpwnsnP area
Freak storm hits Winthrop
and• damages crops,
up seven mills. Johnny Nielsen is Ontario
Resolution to ban books in Junior boy's shot put champ.,
Huron, County -schools , is Debbie Robinet of Seaforth
turned down by Seaforth • killed •in single car accident.
Feb 2.3 „
• ON P I CKET LINE---Seaforth-'thiStrict THE_,
High '§Cliool- teachers. wa lked' a picket fine; -.
, outside4 the sOfifol Priday.'and, agalli on:Tuesday .
and Wedneiday 7 liltheir strike againsellle .:Huron ,
pu,Pil load, divide,tbe two Sides, Picket ing here
are, frern:.left, .teaohers,, ,George Ring, •Jeanette
• tjarris.,"Iskarianpe, 1AiejleF.,•:•Eric :Judge, Ed Petsg. '
Feb.'2 ,
....; .
LOCisie. ESCAPE --.., Ivan Skemon of Mitchelf..W6s
driving this Perth County, snow pkiVir on Saturday
when it slipped off the icyc(oacl 'but ,he managed .to;
get., out Unharmed: The a ident happened on Perth
County Road 10 between Staffa and Cromarty, .
., : (Photo by Oke)•
Phyllis Hinz• and Lartiott
MacKay write w.song about :
Violet and Albert Horner
of • Varna: married .62 years,.
Optimists' Mardigras is 'a
lit again.
Sister Florence retires as
St. Patrick's School principal
John Crick doses restaur-
ant anctbake shot).
'UNE 15th, 1976
Books debated in an emo-
tional atmosphere as 500
e oPle attend public meeting, in Clinton:
Makh 9
•'(:)R THE NURSERY SCHOOL =' The 50. children enrolled at .the Saforth
Co Op' Nursery. SChpol have fun dressing :up thanks to a srnalLsizp wardrobe
bought' with dOnated by the Seaforth Junior Fai4nerstlaryiCarroll,
left, of, the school accepted a plaque commemorating the don' ion from
Nancy Dietz;-Junior Farmerslreasurer for 1977. nd• Vanda Storey, past pres,
•• •
. .
Cardiff of -Prey Township and Neil McGavin, Marie,,MOdevin and Susan
,:Wheatly; TOwnshiO were among, the committee rner:nbe5s
,attendingTuesday'sQPA Annu'al Meeting irt•Torantd.'•
oe,,Willicirr; P.
R1R.6. Walt6n, -
Ont. Dec. 1-0-9 .-F
-1-En:$ HOW
Mr, Do,e's sUbscription
expireS the. • fire* of
• December 1979 The digit
to The right indicates the,
year of .
. .
As we go forward into the second century of our
association. with the people of the Seaforth community we
extend to all .our' best Wishes'for a New •Year,full of good
heajth, success and prosperity.
g To our customer's friendS and associates we
exprest our deep appreciation and thanks 'fOr the
• " „
.good wishes .and which they ,extended.
on the occasion .of'our centennial-land to those who.. by .
their Presence, contribufed . so greatly td .its ,success.
It is this cooperation god:these associations which _
have made our hundred'years in .,Seaforth•sa gratifying.
• ON THE TRAIL • Two, skilers make their way "elOng
the ,trail marked by the Optimist Club,. for
peir datnival which included /a
dross 'Country skiing poker tally from they
(ptimist Halt to a bush in Tucketnith north of..,
thp"` golf course and back. (0(positor Photo) •
Plette:Wcitch ttie'cidte.oni
la bel and renew-before
subscription expires.
tfoositor •
527-0246 - Seaforth
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