HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 40Christmas approaches it is
a pleasure for all of as, to wish all
of you a holiday abounding'with
Health, HaPpinesS and Prosperity!
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Open daily Monday dim Friday
9 Lin. to 9 p.m.; Saturdays
till p.m. •
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• Mid Cullen, Minister
Z.-.W•Mr• Kt,M=VW,... • • ,*•••••••4 uesiwwww,,,
d Cuferi, Miniotre
•'Hullett Kindergarten Class sang,a selection of
WI has
The . W.I. Christmas
meeting ' was, held on
'December 13, with a familY
Pot Taiek ,supper..FollOwing .:
supper, 'President Marjerie
Duizer welcomed all and
read a poem, "The meaning
of Christmas". • ,
The, next • party will be
Deceinber 29. Organ ers are
Beryl Reidy Geneive Arlan and
Addle Hunking.. "
The finance Committe was
'4.on; charge of program. A
piano duet was played by
Stephen•Dbizer and Barbara
Bosman, The Duizer sisters,
Laurel, Lisa, •and Shannon
sang Jingle Bells andiarugle
Bell rock, John • Cartwright
gave a' recitation. ' A
. Christmas plane solo, The
Waltz of. Christmas toys, was
00.6;i-riled by 'Lisa Bosnian.
A duet On. the Housetop, by
Lisa add Kelly Boman ac-;
companiethhy 'their Mother•
Beth KnoX gaVe a :reading,
"ACOldWinter morning on
the farm" 'and 'John LaWSori
'and Bob Jamsison played an:•
electric guitar duet." Mary '
Anderson played piatib solos.
Anderson and Susan Janne-
Son played piano solos,. Jane .
Anderson' also presented
a piano solo: "Following the
program a few 'games.. of
cards. Were played and
winners were. ladies', Helen
LaWson;'Low., Tom Duiier;:'
LOne Hands, June Fothergill.
reasons why
have been a
tmas present
year 'ago
(A, full issue every'. week . 7 . More than 10401 pages
of news, information and features last year!) •
ti Even getter Christina' s Gift Idea- For '78
1 Coverage •of ,local, news' events
2.:National award winning editorials..
3. Outstanding photo hews coverage
4 • Editor Susan' White Something' to Say
5. Pearl McFarlane,- Years Agone
. 6. Jack's Jottings by Local M.P.p. jack Riddell
,7 ,•Bob• Trottel. - One F•oot .the,,,Furrow
8. Odds n' Ends•by Elaine T,ownshend
9 Amen Karl Schuessler
10 Report frorn queens Park by ,M.P.P.Murrayl Gaunt
11 • Remembering..,..by VV. G, Strong • , •
• 12 KiinarchanNotes by.Mabel Turnbull
13 'SUgar andSpide .4- Bill Smiley ,
14. The Most complete coverage in' Huron
15 "Readers'. Opinions". - Letters tO the Editor
16 InformatiVe and.money-saving announcements
17. In-depth' studies of 'general interest
1 8 Public'serviCe announcements. .
•ig • photo arid news coverage of local sports events
'20 Coverage-of cultural events
21 Entertainment Page
22 'Complete' area church neWs '
23 'News of area business.appointments and promotions.'
24 AutOmotive 'news -and photes •
25 , Articles especially for women °
26- Social and service Club-notes
27 Recipes.and helpful hints for the kitchen
28 „Wedding and engagetrient.arinounceinents •
29 Birth and Anniversary Announcenienta , -
'36, Profile and.intervieVits of local correspondents
31 Nowa of Government matters
32 • PersOn is) person market piape - The VVant Ads
33 'Legal, notices of importance to area residents,
34 Annual back to school Section. •
35 Idea- paCked ChristMas Gift Guide
36 Yearly Colouring Contest f,pr children
37 ' Coinplete coverage of local governinen't
38 Energy'saving and home Ore ideas, ,
30 Up.t0-date Car Care issue Fall --- Spring
4o, Cerriplete Herne & Garden Section each Spring .
Still only *12 for 52 issues •
meeting for the next twO
weeks due to • Christmas
concert and Christmas
t"4 oldest in
. . An , Old-Fashioned . dancing by Cheryl Bromley Bust!' end a skt entitled • presented with
Nick , master Stan McDonald. Dandesbero '
Christmas concert held in the : and Brenda ' Nesbitt, he "Better Impulses? was Swimming badge •b$'
United Church ' Cubs ••• presented, their 'presented : by' Mrs.
' on Friday ..eVening when. the Christmas thoughts through , Whyte and Mrs. Reg Law. Cubs wit! not be holding
-youngest ,to ..the oldest,;,,"two. slqtt. The first Was."The 'son, this finished with the '
members of the, church. took .11.* Affet'' Christmas with , presentation of ' an
theirApart, . •"'":' • ,. - , RobertRadflard as the reader - '.Autegruph ritillt to Rev.
;•-,}Birry and . Gail Lear . lei ' and Freddier Peel as Dr. Fill Mairiald on . • th7F 100th
the carol singing That ' that 's..-, •. : Anniversary of the 'Manse.
opened the:- evenings- en- • Other 'Cubs represented the The presents on. was made
.tertainment.• . This wary, f,•07 ,,:, 0401y#0,110heit second by ,Mrs: R,olfert Thompson
lowed'. by the Nursery -and. skit "The C hisittiaaTree',!•, and Mrs. Edwin WoOd.
KiadeFgarn. Departments • Robert Adams told the .story The itoncert pine to a •
sin* ",in A' Little Stable,' of the Christmas a tree with clbse with the junior Choir,
and. "Away In A 'Manger", Mike Vincent, . - Scott- under the direction of Mrs.
under the direction of :Mrs:
Overboe, Michael Radford, Harry - Lear and Mr.'s. • Tom
Stevenson and Mrs. Lyon. essengersi*under the David Stevenson, Stephen Duizet,, singing "ChristMas
The M
leadership, , of Mrs: John * Duizer, and-
- David Whyte 'Is A. Centin" 'There's No
giving poems On The Old Place 'Like Home", and
Radford, • presented the Fashioned Christmas' around "Christnias Day." . •
Christina, song, • '
Nativity ..,..and ' ' sang '-' ' ,the Christmas tree. Stephen •• Santa was welcomed by all
Kennedy gave ' the - poem and presented treats to the
,.. "The Gift ;That•Remainedx• -little , ones and the evening . • • r, • . , .....,,,,ln• the Junior area, the • • the • • • • - -- In h adult groups• Mrs, elosecLwith "WeVish You A. Christmas songs at theirconcert•TuesdarnAcRit .'. • •
(Slcidartil.,Photo) ' .... , . , .. Christmas 'meant to ;them a :story. and Susan Jamieson Much appreciation goes to
' " ' . through a' recitation ' by' gave a piano solo, The Senior • . Mrs: Ken Scott, the chair-
0 • • Ch eryl• • Holley entitled Choir: was -represented by plan of this committee for the forntly.suppe-r..•
"Cherish Christmas' : The John Lawson on his gUltar and work •i •such. ... ft presenting su an
• .... • , ' . •• •
Sunday, visitors with Mr, Earl Lawson, Chiffon, Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Lawsoni John: and Mrs. E.S. Warren, Mr;
and Elizabeth,*;celebrating •Mis. • Malcolm Byrne,
his, _father •Earl Lawson's London and • Mr. and Mrs.
irthday, were Mr. and ?Ors.Doug K le • Heb11 sa . • ,
Arriving tight on
time with Wishes
for' the,.merriest
Christrnos ever! rR
• Thdnlis,
SUNOCO Seaforth
Ore'eters;trtchurch. Berean :unit meets
Greeters, on ' Sunday
morning were Jim Jardeian
and 'Bert. Lyon with ushers
Kevin Tamblyn, Bob Pen-
found, Donald Reid ' and
Chris Roberts.
Choir . Anthems were
'Incarnation" and •Joseph
Dearest' With ' Mrs. Ruth
Shaddick, choir director and
Mis: Louise Mcategor,
Mr, Pete Brown; of
'VYindsor, a ' former resident
of the village, died on
DAcenther 17th. His funeral,
from Taiker Funeral Horne,
was•: held • On Dec. ,19 with
• burial in the Blyth cemetery.
Mrs. Joe Shaddick was
, admitted to Seaforth hospital
on December 13th .
Mr. and Mrs; Jack Lee held
:Christmas fOr their faMily on
December: 16th.. Those pre-
,sent were Mrs. Beverly Gaul
of Toronto, Mr. and. Mrs.
Stewart Mustard , and
Sheldiou, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. DaVid Lee, Jason and
ChriStopli Blyth' •
Mr. and Mrs."Tom" 'Allen
entertained their eiriployees
to n, dinner and dance at
White "Carnation, Holmes.
ville, on Saturday night there
Were 43 present.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Cliff•
Sanridereock held Christmas •
on Sunday for : their family
Mr. and Mrs. 'John
Sauntlercoek, Weadstocki
Mr.• and Mrs. -.Wayne Peck
sang for Isabelle Airdrie, • .- Alice an d Audrey • Former on es oro man dies "'Thompson
prop in and see our
large selection of
of these •3
uy Save
Now is the time to order
& take delivery at
Special• Prices
`Mr-and Mrs. Mad SeWers
of Minesing spent •week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lear; Mac thanks every one
for cards received while he
was a patient in•St. Michael's
Hospital, Toronto:
Rev. McDonalds children
story was "Best Gift you can
give at ;Christmas Tune" is'
gift,of show our love". Junior,
teachers were • Mrs.Janet
Fothergili and ' Mrs. , Be v
Riley, ' •
Flowers on the memorial
stand were placed in memory
of Mrs. Dorbthy Little. The
(Coritinuted on Page 10)
and Kelly. of Ailsa Craig and •
Cliff's mother, Mis. Lauia
Mr and Mrs' Jerry Lovell
Carol and Blair" of Acton, -
Addie Hunking, Beryl Reid
and Joan Middegaal enjoyed
the Sunshine tour travel club'
'trip. on Dec. 15 to Simcoe te .
see.iiieCiiiiknas iignis. _.
Happy birthday to Mark'
Wallace who celebrated. his
10th Birthday December
Dr. Lester and Mrs. Allen,;
W'atford and Lieut. James
arid Mrs. Baldars; on leave
between Postings „ at'
Summerside ,p.E:I. and
Moose Jaw SaskatcheWan
spent Sunday with' Mr. and
in church parlour
Berean Unit ,of U.C.W;' .."Givemy heart". _
held', • their Christmas . Nona gave an interesting
Meeting December 12 in the account' - of Christmas
Church Parlor: President costumes Mother countries.
Hattie Wbod welcomed 'all The minutes of • last
and led in the call to worship.. • meeting read by secretary
Devotionsswere presented by Dora Shobbrook.
Alice Davidson • and Nona Roll Call was answered by,.
Pipe. Alice 'read a poem 13 members and three
"What Can• I• give Him," visitors.Happy Birthday was
third year ,•'Explorers sang
"What Child is This" and
the, Explorer ,s joined them
in singing "Silent Night,"
The Explorers closed their
part of the comer twith-sten
Mrs. Tom Allen.
Celebrating Christmas• on
Sunday with Mrs. Alice
Davidson and her mother,
MrS. 'Grace Fairy were their
family Mr: and' Mrs, Barney:
:Pollard; Mr. ard Mrs.
NOrman , Lunau,'Mrs;
Barbara PennyKenneth and • ,
Gail, Mr.: and Mrs. Charlie
Young Robert and Wendy
Explorers • told,..;.F what
reading by. Cameron
Moon entitled "When
Father Carves The Duck."
M rs. J. Clare Vincent, re-
', presenting the AimWell
U.C.W. sang "Star , of• the
Hattie Wood thanked all
for their co-operation to her
in years In' office. Alice
Davidson on behalf of :
members a vote of thanks for
her leadership. Alice_ invited'
the unit• to her home for,
January 9, 1979: The bible
study was led by Alice
Davidson and Nona Pipe. A
solo, Star of the ,East, -was"
• sung b ' Ruth -ShaddiCk ac-
cempam:te by Hattie Wood.
Jim Scott, Burns U.C.W read
enjoyable Old Fashioned
Christmas Concert.
Next Sunday, Christmas
Sunday, a Christmas Eve'
service will,t a held as well as
the regulaemortiing worship:
The. Christmas eve service at
8:00 p.m. will consist of
special music by the choir as
well as soloist to tell the
Christmas story albng with
the •Scripture Readings, The
SundaySchoel are'planning a ,
Christmas Assembly, under
the leadership of Assembly
superintendent Mrs. Ken
Scott, following the morning
service.' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Don
'Buchanan- and Rev.
McDonaldattended the'
Annual CoUrt Atwood
Foresters Banquet and
evening held in Trowbridge
United • Church on
Wedriesday evening.
The 1st Londeshoro Cub
Pack met on Tuesday
• evening with the Green Pack
opening and closing the
`meeting. The' boys
completed their ChristroaS
craft. Cub- Steven 'Bos was
Merry Christmas."
W e ask for your cooperation
in checking any outstanding
balances •and for your
remittance to reach' us •
Seafoith 527-0910
Clinton 4824405 Hensall 262-2418