HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 39' " • JRA:',,,,..".7.1•7?....117.•,-,11,177•Trn...
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: Al.
• ' ....-. . bysttoing:To*st.110.10, '•'•-• . ; s." . ..
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. ..,
i ., :' •Christmas , . - ' When a neighbour, ntleare-
iln...Kenya ./.... rPhnd 9 .Year•Vid MarY Efian
, , • •
Nom,* and. $01901rP,
•••'•• Mew Weas'agO 1 inentioned,that .1 flat.
• ,• been corresponding witlra,feSter,ehiht in
fOnya spon,sored by the -les' group
ourehurele• While. reading his letters...for
colun4-1 foeindone written in Januavy''"
• , 1418 in:which he deseribed. hoW•he spent
•lastChriStrnas.• • • • • .
He lives at a Children's Hem*. while
'attending scheol.l.The.menth De'comber
• ,
was a scheolhotiday in'Kenve; and mast of
the. children :Spent" thi„, time with:then; ..
, nomadic'fantilies. The children. Who
....had no families, remained at the, Centre. .
and the ones. Who lived close to the Hotrfo.' .
returned for two or three elleys to spend
• • •• Christnpatime. with • 'their -.friends alid•-•
leachers. . • . .
• Ten-year•old Salo" **trete: "1 attended a
. • night and a day, 7Serviee.7 Presume be
• : • . meant a Christmas Eve•end a C.hristmeS.
• '• • Day serVico • •' • • •-• '•
• ' 'The?.Cherch was beantiful.". he:cont-
• . • . . Meted. "because it •.was. 'decerated very
fluch.'! (Unfortunately 'he didn't tell me
what was used for the degerationS:) • ;
"1 sang earolS Mgethee,with the other .
childre.n, and 1 -was happy to be with them. •
1 • had .meals at. the Centre for .two days
" • :before' 1 went' hinne:" • • • '
• '•
• • He -mention •• the weather. 'but
- indging-froor
• ,Was hot and dry., - • • , •-• .
.., • ••
• •
• In a 'separate , letter, one • of the: staff'
•'• - • -•mend)Ci,tnite.1.-tn-dit•sponsors to explain
• . In. greater detail how the.
•Christinas. ••• .
..• The holiday.. in KenYie was filled with.
eseitementsiMilar to what we experience
•J.,n Canada. The . church was • decorated for
•::chtistmaS Eve and ChriStrrias Day services
and 'a' special -Christmas ..dinner •Was
carefully planned. •
The ebildren 'Sang carets end.
kipated in manyof the traditions, we are
• • •
..aceustomed to. The only aetiVitY'. that
• surprised me was 'being ,able to play
football on abare. dryfield•the-stay before
Christnias, ' ••• . • : ' . •
All the sponsors . sent .extra money • for
gifts, and , it was used to buy food for, the
Christmas "feest.". The home was. able to,.
purchase ttiree goats, :Maize fleur, tea.
leaves, sugar. milk andsWeets. •
.Most of the children stayed for two' on,
three- dayS, • and ;the Staff at the home took
the opportunity to give therm more •nutri-
thine! food than they would probably
-receivediming the rest Ofhe'Vaeatien.
On Christmes day,... stiff: porridge and
irciiisted meat, tea and sweets were served.
The leachar ; Wrote , This'. .probably
sounds like very little Compared to what
you. are accustomed to eating at Christmas
dinner. but for the children brought up in a
different way, it vvas, something .delicious
and spec:lel,. They enjoyed. the' Christmas
meal for the'clecoratiens and:carols." • -
chrjornas enjoyable the whole co
minify. They vere happy • to .have rnae:.
• their poorerbrother feel the benefits of
Christmasared the joy.to be loved." -,
What hetterway to sum upChiistivasin
Kenya:, in:Canada and around the world?.
chained to a bed 110893311e
discovered .that not one New
York State • rev; . prevented • ,Home and ', School•and
cruelty to • children. The ' ParentYrekhet Federation,
public,ontery, both in Canada theabused or neglected child
and the U.S., •led to the still,. to •frequently the
• . • • . . •
. , . , •
crowd at
GoOd •
• h •
: 5 w
• TF•40 0111401g'
. • •
! , • •
•POOTOrly DEc.gmoE.R..tt
world's first child protection
law. ,
• More than80' years tater,
•accerding le the Canadian
First concert
good crowd attended the
Frist Presbyterian Church.
• Sunday • School concert
Friday Night.
The •program included:
' Welcome: • Michelle
Vandervliet, Jeff Gernmell;• *
A Word of Welcome: Adam.
' Davies; • The '• Legend of
, CbrisInntes - Narrator
WI enjoys
pot luck
_Members ' oi. the Seaforth
-'Women's ',Institute_ and
etests---pot- -a pot
wine• . Upper at! their ' Christinas
meeting last Tuesday
evening. TableSAvere- deco-
You ma
• rated in the Christmas
Thelnelor the • occasion and
• . -
•th • Id- i
Seaforth ' Public .School.
• Program • . convener • Mrs.
•Elden ,•Kerr chaired ,' the
114. .prograniand opened it with a:: cliffe, .Sheri °Coleman,
poem. ."Christmas is . for Michelle... Murray, . Karen
• .*. - -Everyone". The :trietto -Coleman, ...Jeff ."• Hoelseher,
e meetin was he • the
. Elizabeth Duke; Thank You:
Bruce Ungarian; .Good King
Wericeslas" Piano Solo -
• Brad Carter; Christmas Gifts
-Jttniers (skit); 'Silent Night:
Pluto Solo - •Janice Carter;
Trimming the Tree Jane
ROWcliffe. and Karen, CaMp-
•bell; Christmas Carol - Piano
Solo Wendy ifoelscher;
Writirig to Santa Claus Brad
Carter:- Planning for: Santa -
Jeff Hoelscher; .v The , Night
• Before Christmas .- Piano
' Selo- - Jane Bell; • -'
Changing the. Subject
Senior's • Skit; Attendance
Awards by John E. Pat-
•••Orsonst. Who. is- Cominuoit-1-
.. Christmas' Nig,ht? - Junior
Choir; Good Night - Janice
Carter. • • .
Taking- part in. the Sunay
Sehool , Concert were:
Christine Gerninell, Ronald
• Sinnamen, Becky Caimbelt,
Adam' Davies, Julie 'Carter;
Carla Patten, &lame Row-.
• . , : :6•••••."',':•:c -.., .. . , • •"' '
. , • . ,
. mg,. • . , ' ' , • . Canada nntil, the 1960's. . .• ' Edwaid-island: ' ' ' • ' , children. '' 7 •
niunity ; or stetghbonsa who rtiOnt which was . net eiren • of researgh, by a. federatien. animals before they created ,
hope ' the problem will go' seriously researched• ' .,, in • :coMiiiittee. baSed .ln: Prince : similar . pretelion for ,their • 4,,o,
.771111. g Canadian parents
*::'*eats, :11nalta71:.fiF,ef4:1:atilh:::::°•
victim Of an apathetic clOn: focus, attention upon a Pr,?' - result of more then 011e: year: se0OteS for the protection of
The national group rePre- Ms. KirstiJarviS, Pattie* The doeunlent said Ms. . The Canadian Home and •
. . ' " • , • f, p. c ,., ,„ . ,,
aflOtnniced,at eferonto press . ,•_ e___k , ..•__,..„.._,., ,,i..„,.,_ increase. • understanding Federation recognizes -that
etliferenee on Nov.„14 that ll'ai a Pas' P"es.'ewa' 1" *`'` allion$ • Parents . and-. . to mere public. nviarenea ' Is • ..•
„ajmariphiaa,s'i Is an .t•ileenii :::::::.e.:,tc:; Schoolneeded and,fo.aPaprreonbt:TmOgeth:att
. . ,
all to its provincial and Weal ; thaned•pS4emhoophilAats,spocroiattuoeneds,bsoatibd early detection'. :, The has : only collie to public
associations have , received . le emphasis, she said.' is Upon attention - in recent Years. '
pamphlet that is .ihreeded to in English and Freneh, is the- PreVention of abuse .and And we .cannot think of a '
• , , . . .• snegleet rather than Minish- iii/ire fitting *line t9 fit) that
.4 •
•mpnt of those.involved. •:than 1979.• Which his' been ,
10 •
:.•• • •
"Our , committee's rer - declared tbe- International .
- search dispels many myths,"• tear of the Child by the
said Ms. Jarvis. ; "For United Nations" •
example, child abuse and Coptes of the booklet,
, neglect happens all through , "The Child, . .Everybody's
-•-•. • the populatidn and in all Rspen,sibility", are available
types • of f,amilles, It is • not, to the general public ,ss, well
, - :••••-_,- r••••• .,,,,....-- ...--- 0.---...-• ......„..--,.• • more apt to happen,. among as ClISPTF'.inemberso said i
.., ---
-- ...------------; . /i'''
.4 .0- _.. ...„..---...,
-. • - -, ...,,,,,,, -.....--...„--, -5-__-___
,--,--:. •,-...-,--5 - --,...,-„...4 , • , : r ufeat 1 In ir anilite• ospr; ouiebii jaugnitnouyrs . . spg rua r iibp uucypub. . ja!nr Ms,' Jarvis. They can- , be .
obtained from any provincial , 0. ,
---•-! --------- 0-.:-/
......s.---......-_, ....,----.- .........-
.• ...„.„..„ „,,...,..4 _,.. _
, -----/. '•,"-- 0-- 0
...,...., ,.....5.---....
. ..-0.-•:„.-" 0 •, group." •• or , from the CIISM head
Home and Schtiol Federation. ..::
.....„.-- _ .0 0_-_ 50..-- •
1:-,<-%- 4, ---.:-. ..-..s.: s• 'A f 'Cr......1 .....-/-," •••"--....% IreniCally. she said, both office at 240 Eglinton Avenue
....- ---- -------''.:-.- ---...----- „......--,--• ,-,......,-.5...-1, 0.„
• • 'Canada and the U.S,, created East, Toronto, M4P 1Kfl• •
heart and it through the Michelfe Vandervliet,
" honour Christmas in 'Brad Carter,. Janice Carter.
year" was given by. Mrs. A. Bruce tingatian; Jeff Gem- •
. •
• , • .
Homeowners who live in a '
• • house.built;before 1946 are
• for government as
• sistance . they „plan to
• ...re -insulate their .homes,
••:'.„ • The federal goVerninent'S
Canadian Horne • -Iriatilation.
: Program. will • give hoine••
, owners or tenants up...0 050.
,to in the purchase et'
accented .
• sedation Materials if :a. tioriee
three...storeys or less..
' ,• •
r0. '
• , , • . •Crozier followed withprayer rnell Jane Rowcliffe Karen
The . idea behind . the
government, program is to.
help • eonservg Canade'S
•energy resources. The .seVen•
year program, which 'Stinted
in the fall Of 1977; will
• eventuatl- coveret! homes in
the cbuntry built before 1946.
• The. first step for anyone
interested in' the program is:
• to send away for a. kit
outhmng• the prOgram and
'including a , chart to deter-
mine: your insulationneeds
•• ,
•Froin Forest ThriVing Hamlets each $4400
• : biBelle Campbell • : ,
'The•StOry-ef Seaforth' '
by Belle.Cemphell ''•
• . •
A History of .Tlickersinith
by B Campbelt *, •
A ilistofy Of Mc illop
• by Mrs.'Joseph Grutnmett
•-each $4.0o
each $4.00,
each $4.00
The Story of. Hibbert Township
eaci' $4..00‘ •
A Hibbert Review' IPart 11]
• Three booklets dealing with the•Townsbip of Bibbed
by. Belle Campbell • •
• ,,
Hucen County in Pioneer Times ' 'each :$-1 .25
• .
• by James Scott :9- • •
• . ••
Settlement of Huron County each $5.00
hy Jarnes.R. Scott •
First Presbyterian Church
A:Century of Service '
each , $2.00
Varna in Review • each. $4.00
•' • by J , Floyd McAili
Seaforth Woinen!s institute
Souvenir Cook Book;
The importanakof Liberty
by Fred VartEgmond , •
Ortieeficild united bhuich
. • .
- each $3,00
each $4.00.
(Please allow 2Scents per book for ntailiiti charges)
lit /loon :(t•A)titlitor
• WA. VieNt ' '
eatt$rth • * 52-10240
• arid an •nnplicotion form for by. Mrs. G. McKenzie. • • .ciereiplaell, _Kathy Turnbull,
the assistance, , grant. The kit Debby Henderson favoured'Allyson Scott, 'Laurie Bell,
,Can he obtained by viriting to with two solos "Wenderful Sandra • • Wilson; • Anne
the Canadian Home: Time of Year" ane.'Itudolph' McCLure, Wendy Hoelpeher,
Insulation Program, P.O. the red -nosed reindeer". Colleen Ungarian.
Box 1270., Station T, Toronto, Current events Were given by , 'Joanne Carter, June
Ontario, sh46B 4A4:, ' , Mrs. Doris Hugill. Rivers, Scott .Diiseall, Jim
'The. residences • that are Mrs. G Papple gave two CaMpbell, Tracy Wilson;
eligible for assistance are a' readings, 'Buying a -gift for Julie Habkirk, Shelly
family's principal residence -Archie", - .and • "Opening Michelle Sinnittion, Gayle
• rather than a Vacation :home Gates'. Snow contest, Turnbull, . Marianne
which haven't Previously re- was -conducted by Me% I'. • Vandervliet, Lisa'
ceived a -grant under the KeYs.: Everyone enjoyed the Vandervliet, Doug ,McClure,
r ram and whi0 were pichires.and comMentary by Brim • Morton, Shelly
Elixabeth Duke and'
' built Were ear.. itirild Mrs :Sam Scott of riseoll,
'1 id e.,a a ply for the. Orkney,,,Islands last Suotpner. ' • •
Tenants as well as land- their, p to ngland and the . Jane. Bell, •
• The Scotts were introchie, d . • •
.‘ • . And thlinked by Mrs, Es. •
Tliegrants ate :Confined to Kerr. • , ••• „ •
the : purchase o1 CMHC- Bores for shut-ins will be 4 " '-
approved 7 • inseitation packed at Mrs. L. Lawson's
materials 'for attics,' Wails, home, and . donations of
1,31sein'ent 'Wells , and floors goodies were asked for frem,.....
over Unheated spades; but , the membersFirst Day of
labour costs aren't included. Training School for the 4-1•1••
The materials which are project "Accessories; The '
CN4HC acceptable include ' Float Touch" will be held in
mineral wool, cellulose fibre, Seaforth, Thursday, January
expanded • mica or Ilth with second day
yen -Menthe; urea formakie= Tuesday? Jannary, 23rd. „ s • : -•
There was. an exchange ef
hyde foam; and lightweight.
• and cellular plastic gifts, an the-
., .esident,
Material can be checked
N. . Diehl gaver the •
for a,oMHC acceptance courtesy reMarks. Wishing •
number on either the product everyone a Merry Christmas
. e: liesin the New
the t •
or its paekage. and ,
• Remember .:1i.'s Sense to See,
•• " LiMited '
EXETER 235-1640 LONDON' 227-4191
Open Week Days Unt119e00 Saturdays Unlit 600
islihig yoit mueh
appiness and hoping
your dreams will
All come trUe.We'Say:
"thanks" - for your .*
. F
• Seaforth,,
/7- •7
• • .
% • A
HOW TO ptAy.....
AII.yOu need is a selection slip, a
vend, a buck, and alittle kick,
• • • •
, • You can get selection slips from '•
any LOTt ARIO agent. OK- .. ''. .„..
. , .
each slip yoU'll see seven 'boards' with
s '
1 #
. .•.•
(1f)(); .$7,(1) $1,00 1.(-)0.
t -0 I I l 111 iii 1 1 III 1-1T.,1 1 • i
fi,;;;.; 1:1•• • •.•; I.
; • , • .-; . : 1
• • ';;" I
• " ' : ' I "
••' • . • ..; ' •••; • .
. . . • •••• • • , •
colP crib
numbers I through 39,
i....:-,:.•,: ''''' . i li .
Using one 'board' at a time, select any •
FY ,Off.k.3g...1. ' • A • .
six of the39 numbers. With a black . • . i „..... „ 4Nert Jimt• '; Lk bvp,Aill .
•-. tok-;,.,::.;,,,:,:. s..7,':1';':;=;.,;!KA'•;:,:,....'","00,..
pencil, make a vertical mark in the box44,4w-
which coripains the. ntimber selected. ,
" 'i " ' (44' Soa : 1:0,...'''';',...';',...,..°.3.,"...;.4'.....:'";',',...A'
-:...!,!*: iikk;Ae.S.. 4:42
Take Our selection slip to a •
LOTT010 agent or retailer • , •
who will enter your selected numbers in the LOTTARIO
conipater and issueyou a receipt with your numbers printed
on it. That is your LOTTARIO TICKET. Check it to •
ensure that the minibers on it are the ones you have chosen.
Each 'board' costs.$1 to play. You may jilay manY
'boards' as you wish: In other words, if You played 2
'Filen watch the drawn Tv eveni. Week or chickyour
newspaper tosee if the numbers ybu'vechosen match
the numbeit.that are drawn. • •
• If yb'vev.•on, simply presentyour Winning tkket to .
yourLOTTAPJ.0 agent for validation. Ifyou've won
WO orless, the agent Will pay you'rigbt there cin the spbt:
.Ifyoute a big winner., your LOTTARIO agent will tell you
how and vvhere to claim your prize. • • . • • ;
`bards', it would con32.
. ;4.
•'Every week six tegulir numbers andabonirs nuMbehwill
he drawn on TV.; • .
IsAtch thosesix regular numbers, in any cirder, and you're
• the JACKPOT winner, or, if serineone else has AISQ chosen •
the same rilinbrs;then youll share the prize
. But if you don't have all giX numbers, there are stili:
thousands of other chances to win.• • • • , •
If you get five of therigular numbersright and your sixth
number matches the bones number, you share inthe big
Second Prize Pool. '
Or, if you match five of the regular numbers, yo'urbundle
of cash comes from the Third Plize Pool.
• • Match fourregularnumbeis and you share in the Fourth
Prize Pool.
• •
And; if you match tree of the regular numba, you
. win $5. Not bad fun for a buck! And there arebound
to be thousands of winners every week; because
the numbers you choose don't have td be in
the smile order as thole drawn.
!, •
, .:;•
' •••
. •.
• The major Pita are divided inn:S.
four separate prize pools -the '
JACKPOT Pool, theSecod Prize
• Pool, the Third •Prize Pool and. the ' •
FOurth Pine Pool., .
• The Fifth Prize is.worth S.5,• •
ThoSe holding winningtickemin •
any oldie' four pool cafegOrieS will • "
• sharethat pool equall. ' •
For example, if the JACrPOT
pod is $300,0P0and 2 Playershave
. .
correctly chosn the six regular numbers,
eaai player wodd win S150,000.• •
The weekly JACKPOT could be $100;000,$300,000, •
.$500,000, Or more depending upon the number of people
playing LOTTARIO. In ihe event thartnere is no JACKPOT
Winner, the JACKPOT Pool builds eachweek until somebne
winAiQueb• a, ilie •
JACKPOT in asirnilar lottery Wa:s'
• Over $1 million.before being won
• i•
• V
•••• • vki.,
OWL 001B