HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 38• Love Michael Preszcator,
• • •124.R.1, Londssboro
-1-lope you,
are fine
' Dear Santa Claus
'Thanks for
last year
'Lay an egg
for CHristimas,, -will leave
you some milk and cookies. I
would also like a rvelvet
Love Bernadette and
Sharon Ginty
R.R.2, Seaford'.
A •
A little red -rattle
Dear Santa Claus
My mom is writing this for
me cause I'am only in grade I
I would Bice a 'Piano'and
would Bice ',a bugs bunny
Pencil shartner and I would
like a bugs bunny Tobtk•
brush between tae,, and. my
.brother Micheal. we' 'would
like a Fussy PurriPer barber
shop 'Mike- would alsO like
Eteh-a-sketch and a train.
We will Leave you milk and
sandwich and,; hay for your
• LoveAngelqand
I•am four years old I Want a
Barbie dolls teddy and
slippers there will be
Christmas Cake and Whiskey
beside the tree. Sit down and
re $t'
Carol Ann McQuald
Sit down,
and rest
I want,a ,Big set of lego and
I want some new clothes and
I want night glow. Can, I have
my one •pet? How are, the
reindeer: How are you? am and dad and go to bed early
tine. Can you, • giVe my ' every niet, Also bring me
Mother a ring and my ,father the 13' piece tool Set.
some cards? Thank ydu love
From Aaron iroome Raube
We.have been-• -' - I help .with'
very good kids the chore;
I always
to Mom and dad
Dear Santa Claus
Please biting 'me a 'Tonka
,Cembo truck for Christmas,
and also' a Mighty Tonka
yellow,dump tritck,My halite
is, Raube and I arri'good boy
and I always listen to mom
Barbara, Robert, Paul
R.R.4iWaitcin •
Pear Santa '
I would like a Spider'Man
Kit and JunkYard and
Action Canyon., • „
I will leave you Cookies and
milk. Thnak you for the toys.
I got last year.
is . -year o e Wo
Dear Santa
. ,
,MY. :name , is SteVen; ,and
We have been very good
• I'm S years old: I go to school , • 'nt • kids this last year. Thank yeti, 1 in Dublin. ir
'in., Kinder-
for all the nice things you left garter'', My''....mm is. writing.
for' us 'last: year. this letter for :me. My daddy
Th R b rt uld has 2 barns, and.' help • him
a Wake up Thumbalina Paul •
wouldlike at tractor.
We will leave a • treat for
you on,the table.. .
Your friends '
My_ ..mom • •is
with the chores. I play )ike power-shop. I would hockey on. Saturdays: I'd like . like a hollY`Hobbie Oven and a car racing set, and a/sher
price farm set like m dad:,
SteVen Krauskopf
Dear Santa Claus: ••
Please give ine' Pooh bear
• and • please give me Pooh
bear guitar and Roo pUppet.
Please- give Todd. an
exerciser 'for his crib and a
,Pooh bear toy. Please, give
me a brand new doll:
I want, to ,tell .you
ing, Santa. I had a birthday
an turned I InVe you. I'll
.leave carrots fer the reindeer
and I'll give• cookies and milk
to you. ' , •
Love, Candy auist
73 Market St.
Seaforth, Ont.
• 0.?COX OXC0X0X051t
:Presents in
the.•losp tai
••&41. stota Claus, • •
All I want for Christmas is
,• • - cre eping g crawlers and
: clothes for Christmas. This
year will you give the kids.
and adults Christmas present
in the hospital. :Mats no I
want for Christmas because I •
.can't think of anymore. Billy
wants guns for 'Christmas.
Jeff wants :a walky-talky • for,
:C1-131STM-AS and ; Janet
wants clothes-andOwlery: for
Christmas.- „. •
"Welt by for now and I'll
write to, yoti next year.. ,
•• TO Santa Claus , • • .
. From 'Laurie Kerr
and want Yon to kno* what I
• Well; how are you. and.
Mrs. ClauS. Hw ate Your
• My name . Amandak
Phillips, 1 have 2 sisters and I
brother, Their, names' are
Nichole, Jessica, and my
brother's name is Toby:
My Daddy• runs the Gulf
Station in Seaforth ..., but you
alreadYltnow that.
I would like a ' tall Barbie
doll. Niki wants a cash
register and Toby is almost
two 'so I think he'd want' a
Tonka Truck'. Jesse is still
tiny so could you bring her a
little red rattle.
I would like a housecoat
that. goes . with the nightie
'Yours truly,
- . Niki, Toby,
Nesse, ArriandwPhillips
Hay .for,
Dear Santa:
I, ,will leave snhie cookies
AO milk for y9u,'I don't like
it vvhen the :ogle} reindeers
. call Rudolph names. gu,dolph
.goes in front of the Sleigh.
I have been good and I like':
'yoU. I am leaving Rudolph •a
4: ; forget. UOri t me
—How: are, yott; 1 :am fine I.,
would like, a month• organ in .;
key A:.1 play in: a. b1:14 Anfl
new tires .fox .'my„ mint, pad.
(c4r)Tbaa'Y.ou for the gifts
140 year.' Rope you • don't
forget Me, ,• ..• • ,
7. • ' .4ve Rip0H9r, at
I would_ like: Lay an Egg
an,d•- Junk Yard.' • Sharon
wouldlike, a typerwriter fdr
, Christmas. My, :sister would
like ,milky, the cow. 1: love to
haVe a,..soing , machine:
Sharon would Love to have a
• triple up..Can rhaVe turn, On.
'Mom' would like. a new TV
Set` for Christmas.. Can we .
have a• holly hobby kitchen
, • .
by • Bernadette Ginty.
Can I please h.aVe• a •.watch
carrot and a dank:
• Tliank you
Love Stephen Plet6
helping me
1 ain too small yet to write
• so Mom is helping nie: My
name is Melissa
• • Hiwisberger. ,
' Please bring.me baby this
and that and some .games.
My little sister Jeanette,
Hunsberger would like a
rucking chair• and some toys..
alp 1 years old and my_
sister is one.
Hope you; are fine and will
be able to :'call on all' the
childOn. •
Melissa.and 'Jeanette
• My father is Ken
Hunsberger and I live at• 220
• ,, Maple Courtivlitchell
A carrot for
I would like a star wars
, person, and ,a tow-truck.
• '
ye w
eflope the glowing Spirit of
christrrias every 'day of
rr~ it Holiday and its-holy•liglif.:alway•
.,• •
;;hint' in' ;.our.1--...4art.:,T.hanls to all.'
Mbrvyn Erb '
„BlerfOer Manager
BrucOleld '-'4824948.
• . 41,
Brpdhageri, Ontario
Tel. 345-2941
`After hours, 345-2243 •
arid disinfecting
Sproying .Wirth carboln
whitens and disinfects,
as it dries'.
may'this Christmas holiday
bring you a' bounty of blessitg§
and happiness, including our• very
best wishes for a peaceful Yuletide -
,bave the most wonderful' Christmas:ever!
We thank you for your patronage,
,and look ,formard to' serving you
in the future.
Alva & Ferg McKeller
*Cattle .spraying
Wattle 'opntrol: