HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 37• At:0Mo/ , BY WARNER TROYER • Editor's Note: This week the Expositor begins a'new bobk review cOlurnii by 'Award Winning Canadian journalist • • Warner Troyer. We welcome reader. .reaction pro or cons. Suggestions. that television has deprived children of the ability pr •incentive: to 'read strike me, like most genetalizations, as •.• s e glossary and description Of flatulence: , • - the leading 'characters'. of This book will • clearly the story, from duckweed to, 'carouse subjective response water striders, •• • among, `parents; 'mine is Val - Clery's prose is , entirely positive, I like the SirnOle, wara,1,, natural,. The Examples: !close-ups” of -• ladybug; -InSicte yout nose are praying mantis, snail,' frog's special smell-CollectOrs: „eye are enchanting. • They send the smelts 'along a 'Mar:A-MESS THE ogon - pathway called a nerve. The by frank Mdir.' Illustrated tnerve goes to your' brain. by. Joseph'Wright: Published Totir brain thinks about the by Ernest Berm If• it is a good food Distributed by Musson. yourbrain'.niakes you $6.25; "feel hungry. Your mouth fills them into a single 'probe narrative. ; This 448-page book is his tribute to Franke, and .a fitting memorial to Canadian artist WilliaM Korelek; who died, at, fifty, • in 1977. The fables' have charm; wit and point; be warned that,. as with many Such boas, much H of the language is beyond the 'wjealmlary of small children and will need explanation. ("reptoack. .remorse. • .divulge.. ':disillusioned. . preoccupied.") Nonetheless -stirring reading,..geod read- aloud fare.' .The plack an ;t 'white drawings are fun. Good, • I'd imagine, for children of five or six up to ten or so. jacket (a vulnerable and • prose pichtte•(with drawing) :temporary' covering • with of how,. the Vrjark works. most kids' books) y9,1411..fnid There ate simple ex- the same cover Photeprinted plajtatiOns,• too, • of on the hard• cover: And• on physiological; acts and, -ie the last. page is a brief" . ponses' from sneezes to TWo bonuses: under the dust ,work; there seven,a impl • The copper contest sUpper ' Was held at the Walton Unit Christmas.: meeting ' " Thursday ', eyining,, I-teem:her 14 when the loSing _Side prepared a delicious sapper 'in the basement of the : church. Christmas' decorations showed thel spirit ' Of the festive 'season. There" were, 36 members and friends sat down to decorated tables folloWing the Grace.; Mts: Gordon. Murray leader . of the winning ; side exPresSed.her thanksto Mrs. B. ' Mitchell: and 'the losing side. • After supper an exchange of giftS. were in thairge of Mrs. Roily Achilles and Mrs'. - Sadie McDonald. Everyone' told wh their gift Was from with t mks. The .winning side,: we . asked to wear a Christmas Apron,, the prize • going to• Mrs.-.G. Murray: ' • Christmas Carat were sung: accompaied by Mrs. ....--. Ray Huether at *her' piaOo .Mrs. Ron': Bennett read Poem "What is Christmas", The Christmas Story Was. • read by Mrs. 5, Humphries with singing • Of carols' intervals: .Mrs N. Bkid read' ' scriptare,.and itied#419u • on "Its•Christmas" jolloWed by `prayer. This closed :the devotional part. • t Mrs. ;HoWarci }Inkwell brought in the .slate ' officers for 1979 as follows: President, Mrs. Allan McCall; • Vice-President,' Mrs, • Ala GilatZen; Sectetaty, ; • Mrs. Howard ' HaCkweil;•• Treasurer, ',Mrs. Mac . • 'Sholdice; Supper Committee, • Mrs. Ernie Stevens; Mrs. Harold Bolger; Mrs. BillThain.errShd Mrs.:Allan Searle; Quilt CcMimittee; Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Frank Kirkby, Mrs: belie Watson and Mrs. Gordon Murray; Copper Contest . leaders, Mrs: Pauline Gultitzen.snd Mrs. • :'Judy Ernnlrich; Visiting i!ts. Edna Rockwell; Friends from this area of "Mrs , Edna .McDonald will regret to hear that -she fell cowing out of the: Senior , Citizens ApaFtments Brussels last SattirdttY. breaking her arm and elbow. and. 'is a patient in g6Sfotth COMMunity Hospital. We wish her • a -huccessful recovery. .and Joan spent ,Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Ren Bennett Mrs. *Pat Bennett, Seaforth, celebrating an 'early ChristMas. Mrs. Gertie. Bennett has, been ' moved back to 'Huronview •following a 'sheort ' i?straeyilciainCglihnqtornilHipo,S.,P,ital 'after Mr. and Mrs. Rolly Saturday„vAischitiilnlegS;jetryspesntthiliesa t his home at Bellwood near Fergus, dray , lidethe and Searle ettende the funeral of Mrs, atindeFs, • mother .of Gordon Saunders last TueSday at.tioyal Oak, Michigan, , Little Crystal ' ;Ruth,. -daughter of Walker and Shirley klertlein Of Londe!' is 'spending a month with Mr. and • Mrs. 'Clint Eimarleh while her • parents ate r holidaying Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson 'spent a day last week with. Mr. and IvIts.:Rob Harris of . London, ' Sandra returned with her grandparents -and visited • a day ' with' her parents, Mr..-and Mrs. 'Gerald Watson.. , 'May ,the Peace and joy of "the first Christmas tulle be yours, .• Maythe simple country joys`-of Christmas be yourst'Happy holidays_:to you . and „your family! fem"Y, fourteen-iSh: ' • I AND glogOGGY "- by ctonstance C: Greene. Illustrated by Emily, ^ McCully. ,PuhliShed by the Viking Press. $9.50. The "I" of the title is a, Manhattan urchin , named "Adam who. ...lives inan apartment with his- divOrced mother, commercial artist with. hair almost "long enought to sit. on:" Sproggy 'is a newly-Met British step- sister,- . daughter of :,his Ather's:seCond Wife,•pist twd liionths • older than Adam. !,the plot'• revolves around. jealousy/dislike. Of the girl, living, now, with a father he had seen only once in .four years betweeti--his: parents'-separation and the father's' return' froM London between three and• about -seem to 'Teffect the most wobbles rn the :Air. The ,by, Helen . Chetin. tO.New York with :new wife even yeht4. VA'1,hill„•is a; charming nientories.,p1 other r wotihles . called • Illustrated:, by*Anirsi, Kurfir; dau$hter4 ra ate. ° house for an ant,” it begins,. books vibrations."' And, so •on. Published, by :Peter 'Martin There is also a wise- cracking parrot (Barton) and ' "A hiVe is a house • for a bee,' ,like this one, in Britain. This. , The „ section , Associates. $7.95. , A hole is /1., holl§e•-forr. a thole tale of What-a-.mess, a lar "OroWing and, changing. and The product • an a warm and lovahie handy Or a Mouse, and a house: is a gish, •• honey-colodred dog, .making new: deals American writer who; lived Man ..Charlie who works- in house.' for me!" 'The il- and hi§deterMined efforts' to explicitly and directly with for .thirteen years .in Calgary lustrations are' ,delight and 'help out' by • ridding his liuman•reprocitiCtioM I think:k and a young, Canadian 7 the • whole book,. as all . home. of three ants is just with thoughtfidness, 'under- artist, :this is: the touching elutdren'8 •bobks shoUld i , right fol. a ' twenty-rninute 'standing anc1good taste: "itsott, story of a ten-year,old prairie A begs for reading •alond,,nir pre-bpd :read. The tiny May not, so check it out farni!git4 awaking to ;Some %et this Verse:: ;;ax animals, men, insects before yod buy this book. ' • of the ' realities and re • -Barrels, are hodses -for playing out 'their, own fates, i I promise yoU this is ..sponsibilities of adult life... Pickles ' , • the , margins and .back- the best set of answers to (No, it's not about sexual „ Adam's apartment building: The-book comes highly-re- commended "(by reSpectable folk in'children's book- stores.) My feeling is that ten to twelve-Year-old . yang- .stors would probably enjoy . . it, The dialogue is' crisp :and 'with it', •The setting Will seem' like Mars to children unacctisterneci to very lailge cities and the line :drawings in my-view, add nothing. But • Adam is real• kid in many respects,and his melodramas are the real, daily .frustra- 'lions-Of-being-ten. Adain is a shade too: sophisticated, to e . true, but likeable. (If you'have no access, o a bookstore, • you may der any of the hooks review 11, or any. hardcOlier shooks,by ' sending a cheque 'or • ney order' to:'RinaisSance om- iintinications, 115.-Melrose , Avenue, Toronto MSM 1Y8.) " observations of my, own and gloomy notions. But its, cleat Other children support those nensense;, nor do MY that ty•-Watching bours ' are .subtracted ftom tittle' that Atight he spent' reading may- , be at the expense,, for, smile children, of ,the mind- - Stretching pleasures of print Anyway, the ChriSimas • season provides a chance to': encourage interest in books, with gifts of exciting reading; so, herewith an assessment, of 'a clutch of this year's crop: A HOUSE IS A HOUSE FOR ME - by Mary .Ann HObertnan; illustrated by Betty Fraser.: • Published by The Viking, • •Press...36.95, • • This 48:-page picture boOk „is gorgeous and•apPropriate, Thirty-WO pages of bright, with spit, ready to, eat the • lyrical, engaging fantasy. ..goedigthelliiig food.'' guess, for any Children THE LADY OF THE The colours I. and patterns,' Or: "'Sauna are,made by STRAWBERRIES wise-cracking . teffryear-old • And hottles are houseS for grounds-Of the _pages are aris- some. of those confusing awaking.) The drawings ian j, , ‘: • . added delight. Fun to read :questions ioto kids have that (there are just font. in the • - A' pot , is 'a spetfor aloud: Ages three, to seven is You' are likely to encounter in 89-page text, oneon the di.* potatoeS, eft% • my 'guess. Buy it for a "'a, long time: I'd say ok for jacket) are simple, agreeably, 4lbrad A sandwich is. home. for' . three-year . old, at seven kids from five to . ten or. • done if somewhat stylized. some _ham., they'll still like It; and reedit • Lovely, . to- you, some, night. .• • - A DAY IN THE,, WOODS THE' BODY BOOK created and photographed; `by Noel Keenan. Text by Vai , Clery. Pitblished by Gfeey de. Fender Books, $6.95. r' This 32-page photo'bOok •is the 'story': of Rory Keenan, the photographer's' son, and his- Meeting and friendship with a baby raccoon. The pictures, fruits of two sum:- ;-:-tnerS • exposure of 2;000 .coloured slides, are evocative of much that's most tnemor- •able 'around bush and strewn. This firSt•beek to be published by Owl:Magazine, in ceoperation with Greey de Poncier is a...t.cital pleasdre, - ideal for gills and hoy.S.ftom . any 'age 'up to nine or . ten. - by Claire Rayne. Illustrated by ,Tony King.° Published by': Andre -Deutsch. Distributed Collins Publishers. $7.95. : Claire Rayner is a. British' noVelist and' medical Journal' liSt.' She has written this 44-page book, with its witty. King drawings, to, deSCribe and explain just about every Major bodily ,functiori,.: from birth to death,! with stop's*, the way to explain digestion, breathing, • circulation; in-` fection, •:•teproatictio • the way the physicalsenses . mom mu • ma min mu NUN ANK RATE FINANCIN ele-ven.. Let me know wh.at• you. think. If yod think -the hook- toe • explicit for' -Your, kids, huy, it for yourself; 'to help With these awkward cittestions. • • FOX ISITIO7A Translated by Bohilan Mejnyk. Illustrated • by William Kurelek‘lublished by. Tundra Books. $12.95. • Ivan Franko's 1890 fables of the Sty Fox draw on, every human frailty in their satiric 'assaults. 'on Pomposity, greed, vanity and so cm: Mr. Melnyk first literally tranS- -lated .the 25 verse Wilds into Enliish Verse; then melded I Was specially pleased (°.beeause the story 'deals, with, Seine Wit and sense, with thee: special problem'S', and 'needs of children whose parentS -have separated-and that's one-Child-in-'every,:three, in. ,Canada 'today:. The plot Is direct and, uncomplicated,, the language clear and ap- pealing,'as is Jessica,,the young lady who is dter-:, mined to grow her• own fresh 'strawberries...The 'lady' of: the: title is the, scatectow (Scare-Tobin) she constructs - to aid in her goal. Good stuff. Probably for boys and girls (I hope betwee'd •eight' and • • 0 LIFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deduetable Registered . RetireMent Savings Plans-and Annuities. ,income Averaging Annuitiei Ask for our new. Flexible Pr'emiiiin R.R.S.P. • . • --7-REpRESENTING-- TeL1770,4i Aistionce., Goi)Emcnst.Eis4 ..CoMPOOy of 'Coria40 sEAroBru flit- 19 years., , • ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN 0:* Radio elhaeili A division of Tandy Electronics Ltd. • ' • A s•C`• . As Christmas bells ring out • - their message of good cheer, , we want to extend our best wishes to all our viOnderful patrons. It's been a pleasure' to serve you., - • CT! N LIMITED BRUSSELS -MOTORS - INC. THE HOME OF BETTERy USED CARS;) - fax ,335 • Brussels, Ontario aim° aim issim som low "lib ilia saw ''78 Pontiac Cataline 4, dr. '78 Le Mans 2 dr. , '78 Chevelle 4 dr. &-2 dr. '78 Ch cky Nova 6 cyl. 4 dr. '78 Olds Cutlass 2 dr., - 2- '78 Cfiev. Impalas 4 dr.. '77 OldsmobileColiiss, 4 door, with • air On,.all .rrtOctelS-npw and: 'used COMO t o m Brussels: .M0tOrS . See. .. Our Selection - ' '76 Oldsmobile 98 full,power with air conditioning. '76 Pontiac Parisienne Brougham ' 4 dr, • • Chev. 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