HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 35ckria • .6t
Dear Salita 'Claris • "
' I'crlike7,„at hoojc and 4 clock„
.doll, • druiri,', torn,- .,jamp;'.
Mirror. nen; pencil, ring.
T E HUAI* fx.P.6sfiqn,. pm"-, 11A
are Kathy she's four
Sharon's two years old. What
I pi for Christmas is Baby
Th • Away Stretch
Ar trong and a• doil Kathy
want a doll and a stroller.
Sharon wants a 'doll and• a
buggy. e leaVe you •
some, mil and cookies. And
also some carrots for your
raindeers. 'Hope Mri. Clause4.
is fine MomMy wants a new
toaster, and Daddy; said.-it.
never mattered, •
book a about Snow white and
the seven,
Thank you Crystal
Dear 'Santa Claus ' •
Bugs 13U4ny toothbrush •
130ohy ]'trap: toss across.;
Bugs Bunny ' pencil •
sharpener—, Big • deal
Pianosauru.s .spiregraph flat
cat Pebbles Watch up against -
WO .Super-size ..stuffed..pink .
elephant, triple
photo studio :dressitig -
roOrn,..• • 'Perfection,. ' Barbie
. Canierainatic, Batble's stage
', show, Star traveler needle.
craft kit, easy bake. oyeti„
sew perfect, ,beauty' case,
.Supeifection , Mr. Mouth,
'_track 4.pas, • the
• professor. , • •
• Sandra Marie O'Reilly.
° Dublin, Ont. .
. • , •' .Me 8'
Dear, Santa _
• Thank you for `the presents
you brought us last year: MY
name is fain and I'm four
years old. 1:would like a
13arbie Doll, an iron and •
ironing, board and some
games. My sister Cindy, Who
fs two, would like a little doll,'
some baby food and .a piano.
We will leave yim a ',glass
'of fresh milk, some, cookies
and somehay on the back •
Verandah for the reindeers.
We Will be in bed early.
Love, •
Pam and Cindy Carter
12.11:4,' Clinton
Dear Santa
• My 'name. is Nicole Bren-
nan. 1 live-at 770 Notre Drive.
L' endon Ont.
For, Christmas, I would •
like a Etarbie Camper, and
Mickey' Mouse hat. you'- .7,
have room, _please bring mY .
oung brother a tricycle, Dad" ,Arld a new dress would'like ,a new, ThUnder-
bird, and mom a .dish
washer. - Dear Santa,
• . „Thank,you for all the nice
I love you Santa toys _you brought 'me last
NicOleBrennan year: for Christmas I would I
Age 5 like • a superstar barbi doll
please..And •a new .dress.
Shelly Cooper
' I, Dublin
ride On''
Dear -Santa,
May I please have ,•a doll
house? I try to be a good•girl
and I'm .a good girl some-'
times.' I'm' 3 years
My brother Miphael is•one.
• Could he please 'have some-. thing to ride. on?•He is a• ood •
`,My- mommy likes
chocolates and daddy
cashew nuts.
Have a Happy:C.1i istmas.
j,I'll' leave. ,,carrots the
. reindeer.dear Santa and 'Milk sled, table ; tent, top, a vase,.
and some Cookies for you.. Wagon, watch whistle', '
• ' • •:, .,Friifn Jennifer Horne
Sarah Parka„., . . •
85 Market St.' :HOW are y0u? Seiforth, Ont.
leave Some carrots for your
your t. • • , "
11,ove Iroa
:eiVest:riarnes Cheryl Cooper
publin Dear Santa ,
Thank you fqr,all nice-
toys • you. brought' me la§t
year; Thl•YPat I Weiltd-like
bance-a-,rella please.. Please
tell me what year elvs
nam es. Please tell ;me what.'
• i9tut deei names are. I will
leave 2 cookies and ,'some
milk for your. And I will
asz: tur
Fad 'row'
Wishing you our bpst
forthp Ilolidays. •
'.Member: Canada Deposit Insurance. Corporation
I'll leave ,carrots
Dear Santa d
I am writing this letter for
my brother and sifter. My,
brohter is 3 in Feb. he would
like a train set and a John
,deer• tracktor. • My sister
Would•like•a doll and a' diaper
bag Ft and some earrings:,
She is six: T. would, like a
'record playe'L and some
records. .I am 9. We have 9
new fireplace now' for You. to ,
come do xi and our stockings
will ,hang there •this year. I
hope YotyanCome down the
neW chimneY. We will leave
you milk and cookies and
some carrote for the
taindeers. We ha' e tryed to
be' very good this year,
We have tryed
to be gOod
Dear Santa
I have tried to be, gc,pd al -
year , I would • like ' the
Daredevil 'Van for Christmas
`Tim." • , , '
Dear 'Salta Clause:,
How are 'you We ire, trying .
to be good my name is
'Shelly. •1 am 6 years old.-'
fikve 2 'Sisters. -There naines
Dear•Santa Claus
, I .woilid like a book .and a
doll) mirrork;•and. a pencil a
ring ,tent and a sted,Whistle: •
how are yod 1.,hops your
reindeer are finer
from JudY Horne
Dear Santa Clause
I am sir years old. I Want
lots of toys. I have been irC.
good boy. Can you leave a-•
doll for my little sister Jane. I
will leave you seine cooicleS.
Love Steven Johnson '
Hugs and Kissess
Shelly, Kathy and
Sharon Stone
Sosm e' candy pleaSe
Dear Santa Claut
I want a big bitildoier and
1 want some lego.and twanta•
4 wheel drive tractor and,
Want R2-D2 and .C-390 and I ••
want some candy please..
Thank you.- ' Scott, HoegY• ••
My- sister , wants some
barbiedolls and She wants .a
- Love Carol-Anne
Darlene, Gary Glanville
y r as Good all ear:.For Ch istm
Dear. Santa ... •
I hope you thought I was
I would like baby conic back.
My b 'ther Mirk would like
a tool ki „ Michael would' like
snopy ooter.
Your Friend Pam. •
SEAFORTH 527 0120
• * itel.abkEs
• ioNotObLe
• GAS Otis
HATd .
May 'pour holiday be. filled with peace
and sereni-ty:.
the quiet.conteniment which' comes
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