HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 23V •
a I -For. go
D aly your
holidays ring „ with the resounding:
spirit that is the heart of
Christniast Sincere thanks.,
Pheoe 52i4620 Seaforth
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have a very merry Christmas, my mommy is helpings me
For Christmas 1 kould like, write this letter. I have been
you to bring my brother and 1
battle Ship, two orange sleds
big Jim and Barbie, two pairs
of skis, two Cowboy Cap
Guns. one colouring book
-each, two books R2D2.
Thank you for the toys last
year. P.S. I would like walky
talkies too.
Carrie and Corey Baker
A good girl
Dear Santa •
I am almost 2 years old, so
a good girl. I would like you
to bring me some toys. My
brother is 8 months old and
has been a good boy. Would
you bring, him some toys too.
We will leave you some
milk and cookies on
Christmas Eve.
Jill & Scott Wood
71 Railway St.
Plumbing — hem Equipment
R.R.4, Walton,
ecir) cAo
I kqlOpeyou Pt8 your
ore fine 7 be cause 1'm -Prne ,
Wou18 iike aitte4,k j oprot 9 corve cola
6 e yot4 soon
NA r. rno(Atte\ . IMO kcive
Caidi!ovell brothers of BruCetield, Scott and
Steven, who sent such artistic letters to Santa
Claus, practise theft' drawing ,skills at the
family's kitchen table. (Expositor Photb)
nimais in
HURON p.cp.osooil ,.tig.otroogR 21, IVO
. SY pRICTIRipas
It was Christleas, eve as.)
made my way as noiselessly,'
as possible- through the
wbods. The only sound which
disrupted the still and quite
of the eight was the hiss of
'my akils as I slide over the
newly fallen snow.'
ec, I had been to my girl
ftienclehouse and had stayed
quite late . It was close to
midnight. I didn't mind the
short mile trek through the
bush. The night was cold and
crisp, 'and the sky was so full
of stars that their light
revealed the moon.
• The, new fallen snow
glistened like diamonds on a
light blue satin sheet. It had
been a lousy year for me;
finding that someone that I .
had loved didn't love me;
finding my job wasn't what I ••
had wanted, and just being
plain unhappy. After talking
and being with my girl and
knowing her feelings were
real as my own, coupled with
feeling of peace Arch I
hadn't known since I was a
While going down a small,
slope which lead into a
clearing by the, brook my one
ski became entangled in
some choke cherry bushes
which bronght me to a
sudden stop.'
As I was untangling myself
I felt a strange presence. The
light wind that had blown
befoti was now quite, I could
have sworn that the moon-
light flooding the clearing
increased. The stillness' was
haunting. Then I fe--
membered a story that an old
Indian had told me. That on
Christmas eve all the animals
came into a clearing, and -at
'midnight they knelt down
and' awaitedthe appearence
of the Christ child, so that
they -could• give thanks for
their life and the, beauty of
which they were a part. I
hadn't paid much head to the
tale but now I'really thought
about it.
Sure enough when I dared
telook up I saw a large buck,
doe 'and a fawn entering the
clearing. From the other side,
came two large wolves and
three smpll pups wimpering
along behind. Soon there
were rabbits, , squirrels,
fexes, minks, muskrates and
dozensiof other animals all ,
ringing the elating.
My initial fright had left
me now and I was filled with
wonder and surprise at such
a site. Could that old Indian
tale really be for all I knew I
was an intruder in this
mirachlous scene.•
As I watched breathlessly r
saw the animals starting 'to
fall to their knees,' I couldn't
- help it but I knelt too. Then
several stars in the sky
started-to shine brighter and
brighter, they were in the
shape of a cross. Then softly
from-the silence I could here,
a choir of voices start to sing
praises to God.
To this day I still believe
that I dreamed the rest of the
scene for it couldn't have
been real.
A light shone in•the centre
of the clearing and it grew,
shapes appeared and took
the form of a woman wrap-
ped in a large knitted shawl
with a long billowing dress..
Also a man dressed in a buck
skin coat and leather
trousers. He was looking into
the arms of the woman as
were the animals.
In her arms was a child,
wrapped • in a rabbit, skin
blanket. The child was
'beautiful and radiated a holy
light which words just can't
de,seribe. I thought of my,
r..-past and bowed by head in
‘--\sh,0e. I was not fit to be
apart of this scene much' less
to gaze upon the whole
check list
meaning of Christmas, the
Christ child.
The choir` voices died low
and I heard a' sweet mellow,
but yet strAgt and kind vole':
speak. It was the voice of the
child raise both hands in a
asinginmaol. offsblessing over all the
I knew I wasn't hreathing
but my heart pounded loud
enoug hT h t•eon
t hbee Chhiledarldookfpodr
up- al feeling of
peace, contentment and well
being swept over me like a
tumbling wave off the ocean.
Then the Child spoke, "Don
pot feat for I know you and
yonr griefs-3 joys and 'hopes.
Be at peace, for you are you,
no less or not greater than
your fellow man. Remember
and keep as best as you can
my Ao thousand year old
message, 'Peace on Earth
and good will toward all
men.' "
- • I bowed as low as I could
and hid my tear stained face.
for I cou'cln't look at the
radiance of ,the Child any-
more. The choir sang praised
again and then silence,
I knelt with my head
bowed for what seemed like
an, eternity, until 1 finally
had the courage and nerve to
look up. They were all gone.
All the animals, the man the
woman and the Christ child.
The stars were back to their
normal brillanee. Them was
nothing to say it wasn't 'all a
dream, save for the ttacks in
the snow.
Tt ns.really strange, I felt
'content, happy and totally at
peace with the world. That
feeling is one I'll remember
I finished freeing myself
and stood up to leave when
one star seemed to twinkle
and wink more than the rest.
I looked up and said what
was in my heart.
"Thank you Lord for
showing me what Christmas
really means.''
dell Gad
for you
k9 i 9 foot al c/hci rtiajk c 17r ors.
Thee inspiring
.• message of the Holy Season: Peace
on Earth to Men of Good Will!
Clinton 4824692.
Sarita, I have a surprise for you
Dear Santa
How are you? I hope your Classified
fine. How is Mrs. Claus? I ends. '
hope she's fine. How are all -
'your elves? Thank you for the
hockey stick, helmet and the
hockey gloves and shirt. This
year I'd like hockey gloves,
Mr. Mouth arid " a hockey •
I would like you to sign
my autograph book. I'll leave
Sign my
autograph book
you some cookies for you and •
carrots for your reindeer.
Scott Driscoll
(Photo by Chessell)
Ads pay divid-
You .can help make sure
your holiday season •a
happy one by Making it a
safe one. St. John
Ambulance has a check list of
things to remember to pre-
vent ' accidents from
1. Be sure your Christmas
tree is standing in water to
keep it from drying out
too quickly.
2. Make sure your tree, lights
are in good condition and
that their cords areti;ti
frayed. '
3. When you trim the tree,
don't climb on stools or
chairs, use a good, sturdy
4. Don't use flammable
articles for decorations.
5. Keep the tree a safe'
distance from your
fireplace, and' be. sure the
fireplace is screened to
prevent danger from
flying sparks.
6. Be sure small children—
don't eat the berries,
leaves or flowers of
Christmas plants such as.
holly, Jerusalem cherry,
mistletoe and ponsettia.
They can cause digestive.•
upset, intenstinal it-,
ritation or vomiting.
Some peanuts' '
Dear Santa: •
I have a surprise for you.
The surprise is you are going
. to get some peanuts and milk
and, your reindeer are going
to get some peanuts too. I
have been a good girl and so
has my brother. We both
hope you and Mrs. Claws
THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS Members of the Varna Sunday School concert held on Sunday at the churc
classes sang some of the musical sounds of. Christmas at' the annual
• 1N.
'4iilay you enjoy every
minute as
Merry 'Chrioetftidstarai •
share its good', c.40- es
with those dear to ydn.
Thanks all.
4824811 R.R. 4, Clinton
t this glittering 1
time of the year
we send vis4es
for your
r happiness,
glowing with bright*
hope for the future.
We look forward
to serving you again
Pliese 527-1150 • 17 SPARLING STREET
Nay Christmas bring
friends to your fireside and
- peace to your home. In
the glow of year friendship
we extend sincere thanks.
181.011kbli, RVUVVV NINO
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