HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 20••• More than ever, .at Christmas, home is where the heart is. In the special bond of friendship, we pray your hearts and " homes are-filled with-peace and happiness. k Office 527-1511 Vic Fox Residence Betty Cardno - Residential - Farina - Business - Resort Properttes 8 MAIN ST. SOUTH SEAVORTH 523-9525 527-1102 14 loroperty For Sale 14 Property For Sale hrough our door pass the finest people is the world ..our clients.. our friends. With appreciation for your confidence we wish you, a ---- MERRY CHRISTMAS! ViD/ORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. Clinton -Seaforth blnal less your house... may it always.he filled with an abundance of beautiful things. Thanks. Culligan - PEAL ESTATE LTD Seaforth Dawn Rilthwell Bruce Rathwel! 527-1577 482-3120 mmarairia. Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for 'serial numbers, street' numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. . FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00. 9e per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, • 5t per word. minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $2.10 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS $1.82 per column inch. inch (Minimum size in this category 1'2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion BIRTHS - 20 words. $2.00. 9c per word thereafter.' MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices. 26 words $2.00; each additional word 9c. IN MEMORIAMS - $2.00 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2.00, each' additional word 9c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS 30 Words $2.00: each additional word 3c. 60c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY. NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion adveaiserrientS after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays . P46110-'527'0 240 Town of Seaforth Arena Manager Applications for the position of Arena Manager will be accepted by the undersigned until 12:00 Noon, Thursday_ December 28th Please submit a brief resume indicating personal data, previous experience and three references. Experience is preferred and the successful applicant must be willing, to locate in Seaforth. A-job- description is available upon request..-from the undersigned. Those applicants•chosen for interviews will be interviewed on the evening of January 3, -- 1979. Work to commence as soon as possible. JAMES CROCKER Clerk-Treasurer 72' Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Telephone: 527-0160 4-80-1 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Applications are invited for the position of Director of Finance 'for the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital. The successful candidate will be responsible for all accounting function, including budget preparation, financial analysis reports and official reports. Candidate should have an aliounting degree or equivalent related experience, preferably in a hospital setting. Please submit resume prior to January Sth, 7979, listing experience, references, and salary expectations to: Mr. Elmer Taylor, Administrator, Alexandra Marine .& General Hospital 120 Napier Street, Goderich, Ontario.. N7A IVVS LOVABLE Puppies , oth parents purebred - Mot Scotch Collie; Father: Irish Setter. Reasonably priced to good homes. Ready to go Dec. 17, Phone 526-7232. 11-79-2 -,,f4111$4, .„, EXCELLENT choice of deep pile white, natural and honey coloured sheep _skin rugs for the perfect Christmas gift. Adamsdale Farm, R,R.4, Clinton, 482-744.6.. 11-79-2 Wishing you all the happiness this holy holiday can bring. May your Christmas be brightened by our thanks. JOHN L. . DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTO. REALTOR JOHN THOMPSON Office 482-3766 Home 527.0238 ay the happy music of Christinas fill all your days with harmony. On a joyous note we say thanks. GEORGE R JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER BOX 249 rVESTLORNE•ONTI WILLIAM M HART g7-0870 or • 527-1972 ALLAN CAMPBELL Seaforth 527-0445 fiw , 768 117//18 BEAL ESTATE LT :t Commuting to Goderich? Here's a chance to solve your travel problems. $49,500. Excellently maintained 2 storey frame 3 bedroom house, has been completely renovated with a very personal touch, formal living room, family room, den with franklin on attractive corner lot in • Goderich. $36,500 "Superb Country Style Living" with this 1 1/2 storey brick 2 bedroom 'house, recently redecorated 'on 1 acre of land, conveniently located near firucefield on Paved road. $42,000. "Country Retreat", attractive single storey . aluminum sided house on 1,acre of land with spring fed creek in front,single car garage. $29,500. Excellently, located in Kinburn, this 1% storey frame, 3 bedroom house, attractively decored throughout. 14-80-1 Call Agents Dawn Rathwell 482-3120 Bruce Rathwell 482-3120 Office 527-1577 • 15 Property For Rent 15 Property For Rent "4 • HU O. EXP9WQR,, DECE11110gR .21 1978 15 Property For Rent is 'Property For Ren 1 Coming Events DEC, 27, 1978 Vera , McNichol will speak at the Seaforth Arena, 8 p.m. Admission $2.00 including refreshment. Come and relax after the holiday rush. 1-80-1 EMPLOYMENT HUNTING Course every Wednesday in Exeter, Thursday in Goderich, for young people 16 to 24. ,Takes 3 hours starting at 9 a.m. Not only is it FREE, but it, will give you an edge of up to $60 a week if ..you qualify. That's money that we will pay your next employer. It makes you a pretty attractive next em- ployee. Call Canada Man- power JET program 524-8342 or 235-0471. 1-76-8 . = , • WATCH for. the `4th Annual Poker Rally to be held February 4. Sponsored by Walton Area Sports Club. 1-78-1 - FAMILY PARADISE SnOw- mobile Club annual poker rally on Sunday, February 11. 1979.1-80-1 2 Lost, Strayed LOST: Border Collie black with white cross on chest. Logan Twp. tag No. 115. Reward Ed. C. Sherbarth, .345-2339. 2-80-1 LOST'.: One brown •velour sweater jacket - reward. Todd J, 527-0777. 2-80-1 4 Help Wanted CARETAKER-SUPER- VISOR for Maidandbank Cemetery, To be responsible for,, looking after .the cemetery from April to Nov. 30.- Apply in writing to J.W.Talbot, Seaforth For further information , contact J.W.Talbot 527-0192 or C.Kirk 527.0796. 4-80.2 WHOM CAN WE , GIVE $1500 to? If you're un- employed and under 24' we, will help your next employer .pay'your wages and help you find a job. Phone Canada Manpower at 524-8342 or 235-0471 and •-ask • about the JET • program. See if you qiialify. 4-76-8 4 Help' Wanted Treasurer for Maitlandbank PART TIME Secretary- Cemetery Board beginning January 1979. Apply in :writing to J.W. Talbot, ,Seaforth.For further' infor- mation contact J,W.Talbot, or C. Kirk 527-527-0192 0796. , 4-80.2 • Purchasing SeCretary Required for the ITIte .g Pon Wortnly xce. Adurrilley: 7 Situations Wanted HIGH SCHOOL student vv,,P1 babysit at any time 'aft .C1? 4 p.m. Call 527-0076. 1-79,2 WILL babysit in my home, Debbie. Dillon, 527-0931. • 7-80-2 WHOM CAN WE GIVE $1500 to? If you will hire an unemployed person under 24, we will pay you as much as $60 a week toward his wages. Phone Canada Man- power at 524-8342 -or 235- 0471 and ask about the JET program. It's money in your pocket! 7-76-8 Farm Stock For Sale ONE third litter sow due in two weeks - 500 bales first cut Alfalfa Hay. John Peckitt, 482-7567. 8-80x1 YOUNG-- Sows York and Hamp cross, serviceable age. Joe A. Lane, 345-2659.8-80x1 THIRTY-FIVE pigs 10 sVeeki: old, Joseph Dorsey, 345-2824. 8-80-1 10 Used Cars '74 Volkswagon 39000miles. Good mechanical condition. Will certify. Best offer. Phone 527-0260 after 6 p.m. or 527-1303 before 6. 10-79-ff 1975 Chrysler Cordoba V8 in good condition, Phone 527- 0892. 10-79x2 4 door , 1977 Buick Century, 6 cylinder, new condition, 4900 miles; red , with white vinyl roof.. Contact Nick Blom, 262-5580. 10-79-2 1968 Chrysler parts, 383 Engine, New Battery, starter & Alternator. Also 2 - 102" Fibreglaks whips plus brill mounts and coxial cable for Mobile C.B.Radio. Phone 527-0576 anytime. 10-79-2 11 Articles For Sale ,FARM FRESH eggs for sale, candled and graded. Phone 262-2686. 11-80-2 FREE: 8 puppies,' Rem, to go, part Lab and small. Collie. 527-1235 after 3:30...11-80-2 A 2 bedroom mobile home 12' x 52', partly furnished situated on a County Road 1/2 mile from Winthrop. 527-1637. 11.80-1 STEREO component set BSR turntable, Leak 2000 speakers, 527-1542. 11-78-1 WINGHAM cook stove, 10 apple trees, 527-1765. • 11.80-2 ONE man's suit size 40; 1 good bed. Write Percy Adams, Box 744, Seaforth. 11-80-1 ALUMINUM doer;size 34" x 81", coffee * fable, arid dresser. with mirror 2 years old. Phone 527-0599. 11-80x1 RENT a •giOlity new piano 539..00 monthly.. Pulsifer Musk 527-0053. 'I1:78-0 ' .. Castiron Farmbell with mountings S225. Teaciwr brass handbell S20.. Cast iron horsehead hitchposts S69. 2. 18-8 Swiss bronze cowbell Sf CromarCy. box 26, NOX 1E0. 1 I.73x8 orws (opic, our important i+apers Or doeumunts e. bile lull e alt. I ,11‘..r sizc. 25c ThE IIURON EXPOSITOR 11-78xtt 1 111IPIt 1I. FISH Ill MA I'S CAN:NMI:6 sin, 0i p,:t PAT s pri slum, 350 NI:lit; Street ROO . Phone 235-1(151 1148-it tt ININIR ININ. avail able at The Jitiron Expositor. 527-0240. Scaforth. 11-78-tf 11 Articles For Sale HONEY for sale 2 and 4 prod pails. Apply Wilmer Kelly, 101 James Street, Seaforth, 527-1023. 11.794 GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified adS every week. Place your low priced, Ex- positor classified at 527- 0240. 11-78xtf: COME and see I the New "Walk Behind" ATHENS Snowblovvers Vincent Farm Equipment 527-0120 11-62-ff FALSE teeth, long under- wear? Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash. 1177.0.xtt WOOD for sale. Call after 4 pan. 482-3162. 11-79x4 45 Gallon steel barrels. Good for feed, water and garbage. Also half barrels. Picked dp at Farmers Co-op, Seaforth or Doug. & Gail's Store, Winthrop. 11-79x3 STRIP tickets for admission or in ,refreshermi slijgle and duplicate. The 1-11,,tron Ex- positor, Seaforth 11-78Xtf 12 Wanted To Buy • A treadle Singer sewing machine in good running condition with a drop head. Phone 527-1646. 12-80x1 WANTED: Hockey equipment for an eleven year old, 527-1168. 12-80-1 100' of snow fence in good shape. Phone 527-1578. .12-784 011/411E set of drums, 482-9217. 12-79-2 WANT to buy a fridge, a' Ford or a phonograph? Try" an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad. 527-.024Q. - 12-78xtf 13. Wanted WANTED: :old brick build- ings for demolition & salvage purposes. Contact Ross tu.m- Icy. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia - 13-73-tf GOOD used furniture. 482-- 7922. 13.784 ,14 Property For Salt . Private Sale 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen with eating area. Utility room, glassed in verandah, Garage paved driveway. Garden, plus extras. Box 3368. The Huron Expositor. 14-78-2 PRIVATE SALE 1 1/2 storey four bedroom brick and aluminum, Sidifig home with attached garage separate for- mal dining room large family room with Franklin Fireplace. Phone 527-1162. ' 150 acres of good cashl4 .8tt crop land, well drained. Apply to Mervin Dietz, 345-2236. 14.78-3 2 storey log house, 26' x 20' ;r11.(1" eirbor:irixf.icdplaillooeirise.dPrerosoellints- 11114 )viel leblitzt.ls48,211.1,107.t8iady to 14-78-tf FOR SALE OR, RENT 3 bedroom house in Egniond- ville. Apply Boil 242 Seaforth. 14480 TWO BEDROOM apartment in Dublin. 345-2314. 15-79-tf One. Unfurl sh d apt. sui.able.tor Otte pe-sun at) eilable Dec. 1/78 on Main St. Ctall 527-0696, 9:00 5:30 only. 15-71-ff FARM heuse for rent. 527- 0778. 15.79-2 1 unfurnished 2 bedroom apt. on Main Street, Seaforth - Available December 1st. Call 527-b696 9:00 - 5:30 only. 15-774 TWO BEDROOM house, big- family room in Hullett Town- ship Concession 7. 8200.per Month. 782-7065 ig-18-tf STA. RESIDE1C8N2lZi.":t37 n1-5 2 3 .983d NEW LISTING Near Walton, 47 acres, 11/2 storey 3 bedrm. hOme, good' barn and drive shed. North EMOSND On t. lot with 87 ft. frontage. STARTER HOME Brussels on large lot 11/2 storey hoMe, 3 bdrms., dining room. FARROWING OPERATION Near tiolmesville, 9 acres, modern 1 floor bungalow. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR - -14-804 SMALL 2 bedroom hotise on Side Street. Available immediately. 527-1750 15-78-tf FOR RENT in Clinton, 1 bedroom . apartment, 262-2536. 15-80-2 * * • 4,4 ** Classified on next Page 4 Property For Sate 14 Property' For Sale. CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regular card $1.00. Re- stricted to 16 years or' over. 15 regular games of $15.00; $5 least on split. Many other specials. (Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 1-78-tf FESTIVAL Singles Christmas Dance, Friday, Dec:'22nd,1978 at Victorian Inn, Stratford. - 1-79-2 Bingo Every Tuesday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE 11.11.5, Clinton' 81'.M. First regular card $1.00 Isgegular. garilcs.or s 5.00. 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200 must go ' Admission restricted to 16 years or over - 1-78-tf CHEERS Hope your holiday is everything you want it to be! Have fun! ADMINISTRATION CENTRE 103 ALBERT STREET CLINTON ONTARIO NOM 1L0 DUTIES TO COMMENCE JANUARY *1979 Proficient . typing. a knowledge of purchasing practice and general office procedures applications will be received by R.M. Wright PURCHASING MANAGER 'UNTIL January 5, 1979 4-51-1 Bug. Opportunity CANADA bread f anchise and truck. Phone S27-1385 after 4. 5.79-2 7 Situations Wanted TIED )SOWN? ''We can help. We will sit your dog. kids oven your grandmother. Marilyn or lrob Ehgel. 345-2484. 1.78-3 ELIZABETH COURT HENSALL, ONT. Now renting, new-building...I, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting throughout, keiVinator , appliances, latitOsy ,facpities, ' all utilities paid.• '1=4y:inquires Hensall 262-2129 London 433-7781 15-78-ff t NEARLY new 3 bedroom house available immediately,. Phone 527-0610. 15-tf-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment Stove and fig. in Dublin, 345-2314, 15-794 a ,