HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-21, Page 16• ••
was. and Mrs. Hilda Payne afternoons for crafts and
who had recently been in , cards. The secretary for
hospital, All present were January to March to be Mrs,
wished. a Merry Christmas
and 'a Happy New Year.
Discussion took place on
opening the hall on Monday
of ternoons the same as last
year now that Winter has .set
in and it was decided to do so
after Christmas and play
. carpet bowling then. The hall
is also open on Friday-- and Mrs'Pearl Koehler sold
Sermon topic is
Dorothy Briatnell.
A small gift of Appreciation
was given to Mr. and Mrs,
Alf Ross for the excellent job
of caretaking they have been
doing. Mrs. Rosa Harris
drew the winning ticket for
the quilt raffled and the
winner was Bill Fairhaifn
who had birthdays in
December and cake and ice
cream was served to all.
At the business meeting, a
letter was read from the
Home Economists about
leadership training schools to
be held shortly and thank-
you notes were read fro the
C.N,I,B.,, the Family nd
Children's Services and
Hilda Payne. It was decid
to give a donation to `fie
United Church for, the use of
m ay
*lights on
your tree
reflect our'
thanks and.
bright wishes
for a better
than ever
Stitt Life Assurance
COMpittly of 'Canada.
Unit two of Hensall United
Church met on Monday,
Dcember 11 with Mrs. Diane
Gerstenkorn leading .the
meeting. She, opened with a
poem "1E/Own the lane to
Christmas". Miss Mary
Goodwin gave the devotional
based on the Christmas story
as found in the gospel of St.
Matthew, followed by a
reading, "Look at Christ-
At the business session the
Pres byterial Annual on
Mr. and MrS. Bill !4.'11 of
Clinton and Mr. anti Mrs.
Alvin Rader of Exeter visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Oesch on Friday.
Miss Dale Simmons of
Toronto is spending the
holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons. •
Mrs. Rosa Harris who has
been visiting with her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and,.
Mrs. William Noakes, left
this week for Vancouver,
Mrs. Harry Horton
returned from Exeter and
University Hospital last week
after receiving treatment for
several weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert
Mickle, Janiie and Craig of
Cambridge visited on Sunday
with the former's mother.
Mrs. Laird Mickle.
• •
O $
, . 0 •
and appliances
• *2, 3, st piece Chesterfields
*Corner and S•idewol•I
China Cabinets
*3 pc. coffee table sets
*Bunk Beds7Lamps • •
*Bedroom & Kitchen Suites
"the store with your 1 everyday bargains"
we have Q vticr, , 'large selection of...
We' heard a bird sing
In the chill of December
A magical thing
And a joy to remember/ '
262.2712 Hensel
THE DANCERS —. NOcy Taylor and Sandra
Peck were two lovely dancing dolls, made for
Santa by the happy toymaker in the BrUcefield
Sunday Schobl production„' Santa Goes Shop-
pirig, performed at -the Huron Centennial
School's concert. (Expositor Photo)
Mats Our Specia
1 Tilie HURON 17. r‘fl
three Links celebrates, Chritmas .with suppe
"The Wonder Child" was
the title of the sermon given
by Rev. T. Garnett Husser at
the morning service at
Hensall United Church on
Sunday, December 17. Based
on the prophecy of Isiah
proclaiming the coming of
Christ, 'he pointed out 'the
"Wonder" of the. Nativity,
what a wonderful "Council-
lor" Jesus is and His true
claims to be "The Prince of
Peace, The Mighty God and
the Everlasting Father."
White Gift Sunday was
also 'observed and the cong-
regation filed past the
manger crib' to deposit their
Special music was
provided by Miss Elizabeth
Swarz of Waterloo who sang,
"Jesus Bambino", accom-
panied by Mrs. Marianne
McCaffrey on the guitar as
she sang, "Mary's Little Boy
Child" and also gave another
solo, "Father in Heaven". ,
The third Advent Candle,
this time a pink one to signify
the Joy of Christmas, was lit
by Mrs. Donna St. John on
behalf of the Official Board.
In the evening, the
children of the • Sunday
School all took part in an old
fashioned concert, present.
ing songs and skits which
then More tap dancing, carols' wlete—sting and to
another. file', "The. land of finish, a film ),on Dickens
bubbling waters", - more !Thristnias .Carolt% • ..
THE BEST KIND OF TOY — Lynn Moffatt was
Tumbling Tom, a toy who could do everything
from headstands to cartwheels, in the Bruce-•.
field Sunday School production of Santa Goes
Shopping at the . Huron Centennial School
Christmas concert. iExpositor Photo)
The Hensall Women's
Institute held their
December meeting at the
Bluewater Rest Home after
putting on a birthday party
for the residents. Helping
with the programme for the
event were Joe Boland and
Alf Denomme playing on the
violin and piano, Mrs. Isabel
Rogerson playing a medley
on the piano and carol
singing• by everyone. Gifts •
were• given to these' residents
Wish A
A SPOT ON SANTA'S KNEE — Dennis Roy has
the' best seat in the hoOse as he sat on Santa's
knee while the other children sang for the jolly
fat man during the Varna Sunday School
Concert on Sunday. afternebn.
• •
0 • $
0 e
0'. •
Maple Leaf or Sugar Plum
Swift's Eversweet Packaged
Grade A
TURKEYS frozen, over 20 lbs.
Grade. A
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs. and
Sat. 8 - 6 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 9 p.tri.
% dinner hams, boneless
° ° '0 :0)..
;;A..hap y
Sing a song of Christmas
O f snow and faces glowing,
f holly wreaths and mistletoe
ld fashioned jogs still growing!
Our gratitude
to one and all.
11)914,1 ;(1,090010/0000T ,p
Management and staff tr.0.0.1,
' Het-1tali
The Three Links • Senior
Citizens held a very succes-
sful Christmas pot luck
supper for their December
meeting on Tuesday,
December 12 with over 50
people sitting down to a
turkey supper with all the
trimmings..-At the, business
session following, president,
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
welcomed everybody, men-
tioning especially the past
president, Mrs. Rosa Harris
who is visiting from British
Columbia, Perc and Emma
Campbell who were to
celebrate their Golden
Wedding Anniversary in a
few days, Mrs. Anita
Bengough whose birthday it
the winning ticket.
An intersting and soason'al
programme followed
organized by Mr. and Mrs.
William Rogerson and Mr.
and Mrs. Pere Campbell.
Carols were sung with Mrs,
Isabel, Rogerson at the piano.
and then Sandra Bell and
Beth Consitt entertained by
tap dancing. An old Laurel
and Hardy film was shown,
told the Christmas story.
This took place in the sanc-
tuary. Master of Ceremonies
was Mrs. Mel Winn and
pianist for' he occasion was
Karen McAllister. Our
thanks to all who helped in
any way to make the evening
such a success and to Santa
Claus who closed the evening
by visiting the children.
Next Sunday, the Sacra-
ment of Infant Baptism will
take place at the morning
Christmas service d in the iife
evening, Holy ' munion
will be -held at- 7: 0 p.m.
Lodge gives
20 baskets
The C.P.T. committee of
the 1.0.0.F. and Rebekah
Lodges distributed twenty
Christmas baskets to shut-
ins this week. •
Sales active
At the Sales Barn last
week trading was mostly in
heifers and steers; trading
was active and prices were
higher. Fat, cattle; steers,
$65.50 - $70.35; heifers,
$61.50 -$69.00. Pigs $46.00 -
$,§5c 50-
January 30 in :xeter was
brought to the attention of all
and the meeting 'of the
Hensall executive on January
3 at 7:30 p.m. Af ter,discus.
sing the bale for Angola-
which will be packed in the
spring it was decided that all
members would bring safety
pins to the January meeting
to answer the • roll call. Mrs,
Gerstenkorn read the legend
of the poinsettia and
afterwards she was presen-
ted with a gift in appreciation
of, her leadership and guid-
ance, during the last year.
After closing the meeting,
all, helped to make tray
favours for the patients at the
Queensway Nursing Home
and lunch was served,by
Mrs. Kay Mock and rs.
Sadie Hoy,
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262-5018 •
their premises for the last
4-H club course and to invite
the leaders to .attend the
January meeting, Mrs.
Eileen Rannie was appointed
to go on the District. Slate of
Officers as the Family and
Consumers Affairs
Convener. There was also a,
discussion about a request
from the Legion for a larger
donation for the use of the
hall. The meeting closed by
all singing, "The Queen".
Beef & Pork
o •
• 0'
• .
Sliced Mac and
The..wOndei child
UCW will pack .bale'
luewdter residents
The Management and Staff
TaiAli OW' Friends and Customers
frozen, under 20 lbs.
1 .
TOMS. Average weight 22-23 lbs. •
.HENS Average weigh t 1 -15 lbs.
n 1.9 lb.
Hours for picking up freezer or custom orders —
Tues. - Pri.-8 a.m. • 6 p.M.Sat.-8 a.m., 1 p.m.
A1)01.01.262-2041 - Store 262`7 217
Maple Leaf Football ,.
HAMS1/2 Whole or V. 1.89 lb.
2 49 .lb.
I • BACON lb.
Pure Pork
MEAT 1.1h.
Homem ade
CHEESE by the piece • lb.
11 11129 ib.