HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-14, Page 16FRIE DRAW WINNER
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meeting for the council which will serve .the
village of Hensall, for the next two years- was
held Monday. Seated are, Reeve Harold Knight
and Clerk-Treasurer Betty Oke, while in the
back, rpw are returning councillors Harry
Klungel and Paul Neilands plus new councillors
Richard Packham and Klaas Van Wieren.
(Times-Advocate Photo)
Complete storm sewers
helps. Hensall
Wednesday night the
'llenS'all Juveniles • tra ve lled ,.
to ListoWel and came-up with
a 'e.
The Listowel team went
ahead in , the first period with
two goals. In the second
period Hensall came back
with a strong offensive effort
and scored three.goals to put.
Hensall ahead 3-2. The tir3t
Hensall goal was scored by
Ron May , assisted' by Rob
Pride. The second and third
Hensall goaboth came
from Dave
ann, the second
On an assist
by Daniel Presz-
Cator ' and the third was
unassisted with only 1.38 left
in the third period the
Listowel team tied the score
at 3-3.
On ' Friday night the
Hensall Juveniles . came up
with a big win against tbe
strong Milverton Ju ,eniles.
The frist period ended
In the second period there
were three goals scored, the
first two by Milverton and
Hensall's first goal coming at
the 1:49 mark, scored by
Grant ,kove and- assisted by
if you're undecided try a gift
certificate so he can choose
Bill O'Shea Men's Wear
said that-while Omega Con-
struction has worked at a
rapid pace, there have been a
few problems with drains
from homes not being pro-
perly hooked up.
"It's nice to get it in quick
but it's also nice to get it in
right", Reeve Harold Knight
Asked how the village was
doing in their snow removal
budget Maxwell replied
"good", which drew a
humorous reaction from
council with several council-
lors saying we haven't seen
too.much of the white stuff so
In another matter relating
to the storm sewers, Klungel
said the "extras' as-
sociated with the project will
total about $10,000. '
Knight said the figure ,was
'not out of line" considering
he size of the contract which
is in the $500,000 range.
Another area which the
village appears to have made
progress in is the control of
After reviewing dog
catcher Wilma Hoffman's re-
port which stated a total of
seven dogs had been caught
for. October and November,
councillor Harry Klungel
said "It's really noticeable. .
. There's no dog problem."
Knight also paid a com-
plient 'to the dog catcher
ing "I think she's doing a
wonderful job." • t1 /4,
One of the areas which
pleased council was that the
animal control program was
paying for itself with almo
$700 in revenue received,
compared to control costs of
a little less than $500.
It's the , time of year for
• money to flow in and out of
village's coffers with ac-•
counts totalling
$300,000 being paid at
some of the incidents which
have taken place. Knight
agreed with councillors
Harry Klungel and Paul
Neilands that the people who
rent the hall have a re-
sponsibility to keep the
functions under control.
Oke suggested the. _OPP
could visit the village on a
more regular basis.
The Hensall Kinettes
ntertained the Children of
the District .at the public
on Saturday afternoon when "
members from South Huron
High School, Exeter pre-
sented two plays which were
much enjoyed. Santa Claus
arrived and passed, out
Steve Grainger.
;Vent ahead in the
third period with two goals,
the first scored by Steve
Grainger from Grant Love
and the •winning goal came
from Rob Willert assisted by
Pat Cyr..
Kevin Geoffrey played a
strong game in goal to allow
the hard shooting of
Milverton team only two
Hensall plays against
LiVowel on Friday, December
15 in Hensall at • 8 p.m.
Support your home town
team on Friday.
The Christmas meeting of
Unit Four of Hensall United
Church was held December 7
in the Fellowship Hall with
19 members and two visitors •
Mrs. James McAllister
opened the meeting with a
short story based on Psalm
16 verse 11. She said, "that
all of life is fitting pieces
together, but if we follow-the
path, here God leads us, life
experiences will blend into a
meaningful whole." Many
Christmas carols were sung
and -Mrs. Fric Luther told a
beautiful' story on the birth of
Christ taken froni a book,
"Out of the Ivory Palaces."
Mrs. Albert Alexander had
the devotion and based her
talk on the ChristmaS story.
Matt: 5 vv23 and 24, followed
with prayer.
Sixty-seven visits were
made to sick and shut-ins by-
the members.
All members are asked to
bring used stamps and old
,eye-glassei to the Jarkary
meeting. The 1979 executive
is to remain the same as 1978
with two changes. Mrs. Nan
Britton first vice-president
instead of Mrs. Pearl Erratt
and Mrs. Rogerso'n ask
secretary assisted by Mrs.
Earle Rowe.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Robert McAllister and her
The second Sunday in
Advent was celebrated in
Hensall United Church on
Sunday by, Laurie Pepper
lighting the second Advent
candle on behalf of the young
people of the congregation.
The service was conducted
by Rev. T. Garnet Husser
with Dr. Ralph Topp at the
organ and piano and Mrs.
Marianne McCaffiey •the
choir director.
In place of a sermon, the
Huronia Children's < Choir
presented a Christmas Folk
Musicale on the Christmas
story. Narrator was Tim
Campbell with solo parts
taken by. Tim Rowcliffe, Ron-
alyn Bell, Sara Patterson.,
Heather Jamison, Pam Mc-
Caffrey and Martin Dykstra,
little contrel over, he said.
• Participating • in the
inaugural ceremonies vntich
saw Richard Packham and
!class Van Wieren take' their
places on council, was Re-
verend Garnet Husser of
Hensall United Church.
Reverend Husser who has-
been in Hensall for two
months, congratulated the
village and council on their
"fine attitude" which they
have towards newcomers. ,
He said the storm sewer
work and the new community
, centre "speaks of, a progres-
sive community."
At the meeting, several
council appointments, were
made. '
Reappointed as the vil-
lage's representative to the
Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority was
Harry Klun2el. ,
'(C.onintued on Page 18)
all of, Exeter. This was an
enjoyable presentation and
more of these presentations
would be welcome.
Following the service, the
combined congregations of
Hensall and Chislehurst
unanimously decided to send
a Call to fill the pastoral
vacancy. Next Sunday will be•
White Gift Sunday at 11 a,m.
and in the evening, the
Sunday School will present
their Christmas Concert at
7:30 p.m.
Hensall Sales Barn was
active again last Thursday
with higher prices and de-
mand being mostly in heifers
and steers. Heifers; $61.50-
67.50, sales to $69,23; steers,
$64.00-$67.50, sales to
$68.40. Pigs; feeders, $60.75
$72.00; weaners $50.25-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van
Dyke of Bradford visited on
Wednesday, with Mr. and
Mrs. Sim Roobal.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNoll
of Fergus and Mr. and Mrs.'
Earl Flaxbard 'of Zurich vis-
ited with Mk, and Mrs. Sam
Desch on Saarday.
Rev. A. Young of Goderich
conducted service in Carmel
presbyterian Church on
Sunday, his message was
"God's Gift" Mrs. Robert
Taylor presided at the organ.
Miss BeatriceThompson and
Mr. Ron Fleming ac-
companying on their guitars
sang "Go. Tell It On „ The
Mountain." The Induction
Service for the Rev. Kenneth
Gordon Knight who has been
called to 'the charges of
Carmel; Cromar'ty, and,
Caven Church will be in
Caven ' Church, Exeter -on
Thursday, Dec. 14 at 8'p.m.
The service next Sunday,
December 17th Rev. Knight
MRS. RE2N6t5C0A021,1)W ELL
The Christmas Meeting of
Kippen East W,1. will be
held 'at the' home of Mrs.
Dave Trlebner on Dec. 20 at
-8;30 p.m. .Keith McLean of
Exeter will speak ,on
and Women's Rights. Mrs.
Mike Connally will give the
will be in charge of the
service ' at the usual time
10:15 a.m.
Open house
at fire hail
A large number attended
the "Open House" at the
new Fire Hall on' Saturday,
afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. The Hay-Hensall-Tuc-
kersmith Firemen were in
attendance. The building is a
very fine structure and is one
of the most updated halls in
the District. Coffee and
doughnuts were served.
motto. The ladles arq rcr
minded to bring a piece of
Christmas Cake and that
S there will be a gift eXebange.
*Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse is in
charge Of the
The Cooper Christmas
partly I was held at Huron
Centrennial School' on Pgc. 9
Kippn U.C.W. catered,
Mr, and Mrs Gayle
Cooper and family, LondOn
visited last Sunday W‘ith Mr.
and Mrs. Vivan Cooper.
Quite a number of Kippen
residents attended the
funeral of the late• Mrs. W.E.
Butt on Tues., Dec. 5, at Box
Funeral Home, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. W,E. Butt
kept„the Genreal Store and
Post Office in KiEpen from
1921 until 1943.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert,
Zurich, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. Archie Parsons has
returned home from hospital
• much improved in health
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Jones visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Jones in Hensall
\the_sitrasion being Mr. and
Mrs-. Herb Jones sixty-
seciind Wedding An-
niversary on Dec. 6. Monday's meeting.
One piece of good financial
news was received, that
being the final capital grant
payment of $127,512.50
towards the •community
centre has been made
Clerk-treasurer Betty Oke
predicted the village would
have to borrow on a short
term basis about $125,000 to
tie the project over until the
Wintario funds are received.
Knight reported the com-
munity centre's fund raising
committee has agreed to stay
together for another year to
finish off the campaign drive.
In other news related to
the community cen re, Oke
said she will ask the ario
Provincial Police to drop in at
the events which take place
at the new facility.
Following a discussion of
Fine weather
The fine winter weather
had benefitted the village of
Hensall in two ar , ac-
cording to works super-
intendent Gary Max ell,
Maxwell told ouncil
day, all the pipe r the
age's storm sewers wi • e
tailed by the end of week,
11 \ ahead of schedule.
F ill to be installed are the
syste catel -basins Max-
well said.
tti, The works superintendent
For Him .
Juveniles tie
Hensall CounCil
With the village of Hensall
in the midst of several ex-
pensive undertakings the
word "restraint" might have
to be worked into next year's
budget, according to. Reeve
Harold Knight.
Knight told the inaugural
Session:, of Hensall council
Monday "I hope we can be
reasonable as possible in Our
budget. r
He said said tvio of 'the bigger'
projects for' the: new 'council
will be planning and the
annexation of surrounding
While Knight said "we've
been fairly well on budget for
this year" Hensall rate-
payers can expect a big jump
in their taxes to pay- for the
storm sewers which are pre-
sently being installed.
Also expected to go up.are
the levies from the county
and the school boards, two
areas which the village had
50 ml.
ONLY $7•75
On budget
ri I"NG LE
'BCD U Ntittito
GODERItil kaki Corner,CLINTON/Miln StAFORTil
t. I
used stamps requested
f , P f
Nottlawerrout mom
Don't Be Disappointed,
Order your fresh killed turkey
for Christmas now!
9 till 7:30 p.m.
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