HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-12-14, Page 121,H
1111 VARNA0 ONT. *
OHA Junior 'D'
Lucan Irish Six
Seaforth Centenaires
FRI. DEC. 15
Seaforth Arena d:30 pem.
Watch for Santa Claus
, coming DEC. 22! (-1
This ad spohsored,hy
Minor Hockey
Watch for more details,
Paper Drive
an. 1
Who was that man in, the ,
Blue uniform with the funny
green ankles? A' rein-
:carnation a 11Th immortal
Howie , Morena No way.
Clark Kent on skates?
Probably not. We'll leave
thit one for the boys at
AlE . C.
In fact, that fellow with the
blue shirt and strange green
hockey tape wae non other
than Mike • Marion of the .
I.H.L. Blues. The-one they'
call "Wee, tee" scored 'a
goal last Sunday night during
his clubs 7.3 loss to the
Wings. What's so special
about that von may ask?
Well, it was his first goal of
the season and his first score
ever in I.H.L. competition,
For a man who never played
organized hockey. (not .to
suggest the I.H. L, is or-
g anized)and hasn't been on
skates in years, it was a most '
satisfying gonl indeed.
The ' diminutive forward
will not threaten any of the
leagues records this season
hut with a couple of more
years experience, who
Jim Sills scored the other
pair of Blues goals..
The -win by the red shirts
allowed them to maintain
their first ,place lead in the
league standings. •
Art Strong and Kevin
Bennett paced the Winners
by scoring two goals apiece.
Single_markers went to Ted
Montgomery, Casey Klaver
and Lloyd Eisler.
Nebuchadnezzar was, at
one time, the king of
Babylonia. Babylonia, you
see, was the Las Vegas of the
Toga set. The immoral
goings on had the religious
fraternity in a pickle and
King Neb wasn't such a hot
shot leader type. He had the
presence of mind, however.
to repent all his sins just
before he died,
After he , passed away, his,,
son, Belshazlr took over the
throne and the first thing the
new King did was to throw a
wild, party to celebrate his
He commanded that his
fathers vessels of gold and
silver be brought, so that the
wine could be drunk front
them. Well, the people drank'
the wine, got looped to the
eyeballs and praised' the
gods of gold and silver.
And you gotta know that
all this carrying on was
making some very angry.
Suddenly the feast was
interrupted when a man's
hand appeared mysteriously
and`' began writing pn . the
wall of the palace. All the
party goers who saw the
hand were quite frightened,
to say the least. When the
hand finally disappeared, the
words, "Mene, mete, tekel,
upharsin" were left on the
Belshazzar was in ,a panic
and sent for his wise men
whom he hoped would inter-
pret the strangc.writing. He
promised all kinds of goodies
to the prophet who could tell
him what the mysterious •
words meant.
His late father's wise man,
who happened to be Daniel,
was brought to the palace.
Well. Daniel took one look at
the 'ords on the wall and
knew exactly what they
The first thing he told
King Belshazzar was that
God had sent" the hand to
condemn the people and the
King for praising the false
gods of gold and silver and
failing to honour the Lord.
Now that really got the
King into a flap. After all,
how would you feel if God
told you suddenly one day
th'i't he wasn't happy with
Seaforth atoms win
On Fri. Dec. 8 Brussels
played in a exhibition game
here with Seaforth defeating
the visitors with a score of
2-1. In the first period
Seaforth opened the scoring
with Mike Betties on a pass
from Pat Murray. The only
scorecin the SecenitperiOd
was Eat Murray Uriassist$d
made the. score 2-0 at the end
of the second period with the
Seaforth, team 'skating very
hard. Sean Kieffer for Brus-
sels scared their only goal. It
was an action packed game.
On Sat., Dec. 9 Mitchell
Atoms played here. The
Seaforth team really pouring
on their power won this game
also with a score of 6-0 Scott
Dr iscoll scored 3 goals all
unassisted and Pat, Murray a
hat trick, 2 unassisted and 1
on a pass from Jeff Reid.
•-This also was on action—
packed game 'with the
Seaforth players skatingvery
hard. GoOd,goal tending by,
Seaforth Goalies Raymond
Anstett and Steve' Stapleton.
This Sat., Dec. ,16 Exeter
Atoms play here at 4:45.
Regular Pick up in, Seaforth
TUES. DEC'. 26th
Holiday Pick up in Dublin
WED. DEC. 27th
WED. JAN. 3rd
\ yore, -
Thyou do a lot of
trail riding, you've waited
long enough f dr the
all -lay comfort of Arctic's
new Trail Cat. 1980 ride
technology is here today
If your old sled
is going to the
dogs, trade it
in on a new
111M. #4, N011t1,1 Or HENiAti., LOOK MO 'Tat sioNti)
2624318 or 262',5 809
If someone on your
'Christmas 'list is a hunter,
fisherman or general
outdoorsman, you're lucky.
This type of person is
extremely- -easy to please
when it comes to bring a
A fisherman can own two
store's full of tackle but his
eyes will still light up at an
assortment of lures
spinners. Every tackle' box
could use a set of scales to
shrink that 30 lb. fish down
to a more believable 10 or 12.
A filleting knife also makes a
great gift, but get a good
one, The blade should be
long 'and thin with g handle
that is designed to make the
knife float if acnidentally
dropped overboard. The
Ruko shark is my personal
Hunters are just about as
mad -as fishermen when it
comes to collecting gear and
paraphernalia for their sport.
Ammunifionisulways a good
choice as is a new compass.
Warm wool socks for the
duck blind or a heairy wool
shirt for the deer camp are
also a good choice.
A good knife can make a
fine gift for the outdoor
person, but choose one that
Good luck and good
curling to the team skipped
by Gerry Walters who are off
to Harriston this Saturday as
Seaforth Curling Club's re-
presentatives in Division 13B
of the British Consuls. A
three-game play-down
determined the Club winner,
Bob Wilson - vice; Don
Tremeer - second and Bob
Jarmuth, lead made up the
balance of the team. .
The other teams com-
prised. Bill Campbell, skip;
John,Patterson, vice; Gord.
Price; second and Bob Ste
Marie, lead; Doug Rowcliffe,
skip; Bruce McDonald, vice;
Bruce Coleman, second and
Paul Storey, lead. Results of
the play downs were: game
1. Walters over Campbell;
game 2. Campbell over
Close game
bowling Scores
Team standings:
Red Caps 68
Diamonds 58
Canadians 45
Carlsbergs 41
Crystals 34
Ladies' weekly ,high
single and Triple, Rose
Bisback, 226, 582; Season's
high single and triple, Sue
Deightoti, 264,'674, Men's
weekly high single and
triple, Brian Dale.,• 31:19,‘ 767
Men's season's high single,
Bob Costello; 321; 'Men's
season's high triple, 'gaudy
Gridzak, 819.
is practical, The Alamo is not
likely to be fought again so
Bowie knives are not really
needed. Buffalo skinners are
a little out of date as well.
The trend today is to quality
belt knives and lock back
folders with a belt pouch. It's
hard to beat a dropped point
knife with a blade between 3
and 4 inches long. A knife
like this is capable of any
chore from dressing out a
cottontail to preparing a
moose for the frying pan.
Expect to pay 520.00 to
$30.00 for a good production
knife of this description,
If you want to do
something a little special for
your favorite hunter, buy him
a custom made knife. Andre
Bajkor of 123 Alpine St.,
Hamilton, Ontario. L9A 1A7
(416-547-6136) is one of the
better knifemakers in
Ontario. He hand crafts a
wide variety of styles and
shapes that are not only
fulIntienal and well designed,
but a real work of art to look
at. I had the opportunity to
amine " and use two
examples of his work at our
deer camp this fall. and have
to report that they easily
exceeded army ' expec-
tations. The true beauty of
Rowcliffe and . game 3.
Walters over Campbell.
Competition advances in
stages• from Club level
through division and district
ending • at Provincial level
where the Ontario Curling
Championships will be
decided. For those interested
the 1979 British Consuls will
be held Feb. 7th to 10th at St.
Thomas Elgin Memorial
Arena hosted by the St.
Thomas Curling Club.
The end of the first draw is
fast approaching and ' all
teams should now be into
their final gantes. The
winner of the ladies Tuesday
afternoon draw is the team
skipped by Lois Hayter, Kay
Campbell, vice; Gloria Riley,
second and Laura Atistett,
lead. Congratulations ladies!
evened the score for Seaforth
3-3 at the end of the second
Brussels didn't, take long
to regain the lead as Bishop
and Knight scored back to
back goals with Seaforth
short-banded 'to give, Brus-
sels a 5-3 lead. As Brussels
struggled to hold onto the
Wayne Bennewies earned
his first shut-out of the
season as the Seaforth Ban-
tams blanked Goderich 3-0,
in Goderich. Rob Lane
,assisted by Mike Bruxer and
John Dale assisted by Dan
Wesenberg scored 2 goals
for Seaforth late in the first
period to give Seaforth a 2-0
lead at the end of the first
Seaforth's final tally came
_4 1918
these knives have to he seen
to be appreciated. Andre!s
standard line of Point
Hunters are made from 1/8"
steel and range between
$55.00 and $75.00 in price.
His deluxe variety is crafted
from 3/16" steel and varies
from $75.00 to $95.00. The
range of prices depends on
the quality of micarta used in
the handles with the top of
the line in both series being
shaped from fine ivory.
The price of these knives
does not include a sheath.
Sheaths are available by
custom order, however, and
cost approximately $12.00 to
$15.00 extra. If you wish to
purchase one of these
beauties (a limited supply is
available for Christmas),
send a money order to Andre
Bajkor at the ab .ove
address. Be sure to specify
whether you want the 1/8"
Standard Drop Point Hunter
or the 3/16" Deluxe Drop
PointHunter, Don't forgetta
include 7% sales tax and
$3.00 to cover postage and
The recipient of any one of
these gifts will not only have
a good and useful gift, they'll
also appreciate the thought
that went behind it,
Judging by the points
score at, the end of last
week's games there will be a
close finish for top spots on
both the Thursday and
Friday nights mixed draws.
Two points separate skips
John Patterson, Sr. and
Steve Brown on the early
Thursday draw, although
some bye games are still to
be played. Less than five
points separate skips
Tremeer, Fotheringham and
Wilson on the 9 p.m. draw;
there is just' one point
between the Pryce and
Whitmore teams on the
Friday dr aw. Results next
One last reminder - Friday
is the 15th December, the
deadline for membership
lead Seatorth turned on the
poWer and in the, dying few
minutes were • able to come
up with the equalizers on
goals by Rob, Lane assisted
from Garrick and Kelly unas-
Minutes in penalties for
Brussels were 18 and for
Seaforth, 14.
late in the second period as
Bill Garrick set up by Gary
Malone sand Mike bruxer
netted number. 3. The third
period was scoreless. Min-
utes in penalties Seaforth 4,
Goderich 6.
This marks Seaforth's
six th game without a loss.
They have now won 6 games,
tied 1 and lost 1 and are tied
with Mitchell for first play in
W.O,A.A. Bantam Division..
your life and Strange things
will hajpen if you didn't
shape up.
Daniel then proceded to
tell Belshazzar what the
words on the wall meant.
The first ward,. "wan",
meant that the Lord would
destroy Babylonia in a
number of days. "Teker
meant that the Kings actions
had beenweighed and were
found lacking in goodness.
"Ilpharsin" meant that all
Belshazzar's lands would
soon be divided!apiong the
Modes and Persians..
Belshazzar, as distressed
as he was by Daniels words4
kept his promise and ordered
Daniel to be clothed in royal
robes. He also made
prophet third ruler of t e
Kingdom. That very sa e
night. King Belshazzar wls
slain and Darius the Mede
captured Babylonia, In those
days there was never a dull
moment in the land of
Babylon.. And speaking of
writing nil' Ike '*aIJ, ,flow
about those hopless• Hawks.
After a 10.3 romp over the
first place Wings a few
weeks ago the dark shirts
were on top of the world.
Since that win bowever, its
been ,all downhill and their
little Kingdom has crumbled
under two straight one-sided
defeats. Whether or not it
was devine retribution will
depend on your own 'point of
The clubs actions have not
been good and a series of silly
penalties and do overall poor
effort have contributed
heavily to the Hawks recent
During the last two weeks
the Flyers and Stars have
picked apart the team and
divided up the spoils in 7-2
and 9.1 shellackings.
Last Sunday night, the
Stars did the damage by
virtue of that 9-1 thumping.
Dougathilips led the
x winners netting 5 big
&ea's. Br I an Dale added a
pair of cores with Jim
Holland a 4 Ray Devereaux
getting single tallies,
Glen Nicholson scored the
lone liaWk goal.
Who %mid haverP*Ve4 itl? The Flyers are prolaabiy
still wondering what went
wrong last -Sunday evening.
<The White Shirts were heavy
favourites ,to 'thrash the
Kings but a solid goaltending,
performances by Rick
Stewart and an exceptional
two-way effort by the rest of
the Royal boys produced a
surprising 7-4 upset during ,
last Sundays late game.
Clive Buist paced the
Kings by netting the hat
trick. Gord Moyland, Kevin
HentlerSint, Bale Kennedy
and Wayne Coombs rounded
out the Winners scoring.
Ralph Wood, Steve South-
gate, Brian Cooper and John
lansink all scored for the
goaltender Rick Stewart
lowered his goals aganist
Average to 7.71 by virtue, of
that 7-4 upset over the Flyers
last week. The team has
scored 52 goals so far most in
the league. ?The Hawks lead in
penalty minutes mrtith 131.
The Kings have allowed 59
scores tops in the league.
DEC. 17
7:00 8:30 10:00
Kings. Flyers Blues
Wings Stars Hawks
PANCAKE All You Can Eat
Sunday, Dec. 17 le 0.1n. -1 pan.
Everyone Welcome , CLUB MEMBERS FREE
Sponsored by the Hully Gully Snowmobile dub
Mike Kelly's goal with 2
minutes remaining in the
game enabled the Seaforth
Bantams to gain a 5-5 tie,
with Brussels in exhibition
play here, last' Tuesday.
Although Seaforth outshot
BruSsels 23-19 they had to
play a come-from-behind
'game. In the first period
Seaforth found themselves
doWn 2 goals as Knight and
Wheeler put Brussels in a
quick 2-goal, lead. Mark
Mcllwain came back and
blasted one past Brussels
goalie making the score 2-1
• for Brussels at the end of the
first period.
Play in the second period
became increasingly aggres-
sive as 9 penalties were
handed out. With -Seaforth
••' short-handed , Wheeler
scored #3 for Brussels giving
Brussels a 3-1 lead. With
Brussel's defense caught up
Rob Lane picked up a pass
from Garrick and skated in
-solo against Brussel's goalie
beating him with a wrist shot
in the-upper right corner of
the net. Later Mcllwain
assisted by Bedard and Core
Naturally speaking
by Steve Cook
Gifts for an outdoor person
Seaforth curlers plan
for Ontario Championship
Bantams tie Brussels
Bantarns blank Goderich