HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-30, Page 34.44.;
Minute, 4
e each' serving with
nto heat-proof wogs;
coriander. Makes 5
Tot./ cooking tithe:. 25 min-
ute e•
1 32-ounce bottle
cranberry juice,
thought there are a number of
reports including the inges-
tion of parts of the leaves and
berries of the poinsettia, we
have yet to find mention that
a child became ill, except for
a few cases where vomiting
was reported."
Translated by the people at.
the American Association of
Nurserymen, that means that•
40-Moisturize" hair to help "For a • change of pace at
it stay full throw out the day the end of the day, adapt your
despite hat- earing and dry style for party-going by pull-
heat that ca flatten a style. ing hair away from the face
Try lightl misting with a and fastening with a decora- y
spray bottle of water kept in' five comb for a sleeker look,
your desk drawer' or bath- Whether you're based at
home or office, taking a little
time to give attention to win-room. Start the day by-turn- ing your head upside down ter hair care will help keep
and brushing hair from un- your appearance in pace,too. derneath.
AVOID THE LIMP, dry winter hair syndrome this year
with good conditioning and appliances that give the
benefit of long-lasting styling.
2 cups aPPlejuVec
6 inched stick cinnamon
12 w1
2 fifths dry red wine (61/2
In 4-quart bowl,. <combine
Request Your Support
For Its
Gifts, New & Nearly New
Toys andClottng i
May be Left in 'the
Second Floor of the Town Hall
[Formerly Brownie Rooni]
December 4-8
Between 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
There is a special need for
this year
Income tax receipts issued for all financial donations
Reg. No. 0184192 - 01 -15
f r e
Participatein Canada's Employment TaxCre Program.
1,10 RS:
OF $3,000 OR MORE?
% cop beer •
Dash bottled hot pepper
sauce •
Stir together $wiss'cheese, ceramic serving bowl, heat
cheddar cheese, and the the 0.4 cop beer, uncovered,
flour. In 11/2-quart glass or at HIGH for 2 minutes, till it
• bubbles. Add pepper sauce,
Stir in Cheese mixture, Cook
uncovered at MEDIUM for 5
minutes;till cheese is melted
and mixture is blended, stir-
ring twice.
Serve immediately as is or
turn' into fondue pot and
place heated mixture over
fondue burner. Note: If
cheese mixture becomes too
thick upon standing ,"-stir in a
little additional warmed beer.
Make&_,2'cups of fondue.
cheery welcome to guests. " home economists
suggested that, "you make it the easy way—in a micro-
wave oven. The relax and enjOy holiday visits from
familand friend "
There are some medical
and plant experts Who think
old Ebenezer Scrooge' must
have started the story some-
time before that memorable
Christmas Dickens wrote
about. It's the fable that still
pops up once in awhile this
time of year about some mys-
terious danger that lurks in
the most popular of all
fare h ave wr tten:
Health, Education and Wel!
'to make it even more
attractive. •
Up to)331/3% more tax credit.
The maximum term for
the tax credit has been
increased from nine to 12
months for each new
employee.That means up to
33 'A % ,more tax credit
Greater eligibility:
We have expanded the
number and types of busi-
nesses eligible tO benefit,.
Now almost every business
that's been operating in
Canada for a year or more
can join in.
The Employment Tax
Credit Program was
introduced by the Govern-
ment of Canada to stim-
ulate employment in the
private sector. •
In essence, we're encour-
aging you to expand your
workforce by providing a
tax break for your business.
The potential annual
tax credit for each new em-
ployee is over 53,000. And
there is no limit to the
.number of new employees'
can hired
Now, by using the expe-
rience we've gained so far,
we've changed the program
The holiday season offers
us a special gift-,tan oppor-
tunity to enjoy added warmth
'of friends and family to-
getherness. We all look for-
ward to this time of the year
and yet, when the season ar-
rives, many of us, often find
we just don't have enough
time or energy to enjoy it tO
its fullest.
"Entertaining is an impor-
tant part of this season, and a
part that can be greatly
simplified with a microwave
oven," say home economists
"A relaxed'hostess can make
her guests also feel truly re-
laxed and welcome." they
With the holiday season
fast approaching, daily
schedules speed up also with
rounds of extra errands, par-
ties and visits that take, their
toll on any appearance.
As you keep up with holi-
day demands, keep on top of
your hairstyle, too, with
some advice geared for win-
ter from beauty experts
• *For starters have your
hair trimmed to snip off fly-
away ends. that surface in the
static electricity of dry,
indoor-heated air. If you're
unsure of your most flatter-
ing hairstyle, askrfor a basic ,
versatile chin-tb-shoulder-
length cut, possibly with
'Because indoor heating
will dry out hair, schedule -a
deep-conditioning treatment
every one to three ikeeks,
depending on the-amount of
natural oil in your hair, Al-
'ternate conditioners, inclucl
ing one formulated to remain
on hair without rinsing. Try
concocting your own oil and
protein mixture by simply
working 'one or two table-
spoons of mayonnaise
through your hair and wrap-
ping your head in a Steamy
hot towel five minutes before'
a thorough shampoo.
*When winter days 'are
dark and cloudy, make your-
self shine by rinsing hair after
shampooing with 'a' table-
spoon of lemon juice (for
blonds) or vinegar (for
brunettes)' in a glass of water.
"Hairstyles, like fashions,
this year are feminine and
full. yet feature definite styl-
• A gift of hive
. Mother
tt s e,
advise,' "so don't go over-
board in preparing elaborate
and time-consuming re-
freshments . . . take the time
to enjoy a visit with your
guests instead."
Consider serving a won-
derfully creamy cheese fon;
(hie with•crusty French bread
for dipping, along with hot
coffee eggnog or a cup of
wassail and a few of your
special holiday cookies or
candy. They can be prepared
so simply and quickly in your
microwave oven, and make
delicious and satisfying re-
freshments for your guests.
• Here are the simple and
speedy microwave recipes
for these dishes offered by
home economists
to help you really enjoy your
holiday entertaining:
Since cheese can toughen
quickly when overcooked,
use the •medium setting for
gentle melting. Total cooking
time is 7 minutes.
2 cups (8 oz.) shredded
process Swiss cheese,
1 cup (4 oz.) shredded
sharp natural cheddar
cheese t
1 tablespoon all-purpose
a little person might possi-
bly get 'an upset stomach
from eating poinsettias, just
as he-or she might from eating
all' sort's of other inedibles.
But poisonous? Bah; hum-
Xmas tree -
If you want to make your
own Christmas tree orna-
ments,' why• not. try , putting
together some dolls from red
and green wool?
Or bake cookies in various`
-shapes (Men, women, bells,
trees, angels, Santas, etc.),
and decorate them with col-
ored sugar, then varnish
them to preserve them
Bright little toys can. be
easily adapted to use on the
Christmas tree and make
pretty little ornaments.
Total cooking time is 7
In 4-cup glass measure,
beat 2 eggs slightly. Add I
cup each of milk and light
cream, 1/41 cup coffee liqueur,
2 tablespoons whiskey, 2 tea-
spoons sugar, and 1 teaspoon
instant coffee powder. •
Heat uncovered at me-
dium for 7 minutes till mix-
ture thickens, stirring after 3
minutes, then after each
This holiday season more
thanst,25 million poinsettia
plants will decorate homes
across the country. Be sure
yqurs has the right amount of
light and water. Avoid direct
Cranberry juice, apple juice
and sugar. Tio spices in
cheeseclogi bat; add to bowl
along with sliced leiton.
Cook at HIGH for 10 minutes •
or till almost boiling...eidd
wine. Cook at HIGH for 15
minutes or till htated
through. Remove spire, bag.
Serve hot in mugs. Makes,
121/2 cups. '
4, /
Wider choice of new employees.
Now, almost anyone
who's unemployed and regis-
tered at a Canada Employ-
ment Centre for a minimuni
of two Weeks is eligible.
A minimum of red tape.
, We've simplified the
procedure, so you can do the
whole thing, from begin-
ning to end, with just two
single-page forms.
For full detaits on the
program, contact any •
Canada Employment Centre/
Canada Manpower Centre.
made in, rnic
Tips to set a holiday
pace with hairstyling
-Christmas• flowering plants, Yarn' .dollS, the poinsettia.
Here is' what spokesmen'
for the U.S. Department of cookies for
Poinsettias not poisonous,
nurserymen 1now. say L;
dick her
in diamonds
lot Christmas
..ri .Jor
LAYAWAY PLAN Einployment and Emplol et
Immigration Canada Immigration Canada
bud Culleri, Minister Bud CallenitAltilitne
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