HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-30, Page 33CANDLE-RING WREATH Build the wreath in a circu- lar pattern as shown, cdn- necting the Dots or Tablets in half-steps and securing with frosting. fine markets... of fine foods Pidizehm p . *••• SPECIALS ... IN THE GROCERY AISLE ...,..,. 'AYLMER CREAM OF MUSHROOM, OF CHICKEN, CHICKEN OR, CHICKEN NOODLE 4 SOU P S' CREAM RICE F 1... 10 oz R ,,,,,. REGULAR OR' DIET . . SEVEN-UP. i ili F 14 250 ml. PLUS DEPOSIT ar I • LARGE SIZE OUR REG. '4.99 LIQUID; STYLE ' JAVEX IBLEACHI 128 oz. . .t, 'CARNATION REGULAR OR MARSHMALLOW $9 i HOT' CHOCOLATE 23 oz. -I- 2 u,, FREE 25 CARNATION .. COFFEE MATE ' 16. Oz.I 1 29 FINEST QUALITY OUR REG. '3.59 BAG COFFEE $ MAXWELL HOUSE - BAG FOR FAB ALPO .•6 VARIETIES YOUR LAUNDRY DETERGENT: 6 LITRE-2.4 Kg. $2.69 . .. F DOG FOOD_ 14.5 '.z 219c CHOCOLATE CHIP, CHOC. VANILLA OR CHOC. FUDGE ZEHRS cookiEs. . FRUIT FLAVOURS . h CREME, CREME PEANUT BUTTER CHIP OATMEAL, ' ii, oz. KOOL-AID HANDY CANS 660 . $1.19 ORANGE FLAVOURED , . BUNDLE OF TANG CRYSTALS ' TWO 6.5 oz. PKGS. 99c ROBIN HOOD 8 VARIETIES LAYER,7.6..0,,c oz. CAKE MIXES • 0 .. ROBIN. HOD=S VARIETIES ,F• ICING MIXES 6.7 oz. 2R.41 ROYAL-5 VARIETIES 3 P t4 INSTANT PUDDING . 3.5 . 4 oz. .r 1 : . siOKELY 2 VARIETIES KIDNEY BEANSN OUR REG. 51' EA. C. 14 T‘. 4E0041. EFFECTIVE . SCOPE MOUTHWASH 750 mi. 129 AQUA FRESH , TOOTHPASTE 150 ml. 1 i39 VAN CAMP OUR REG. 5I',EA. _. „ BEANS c. ' 44 oz. . WITH' PORK', . • KITH MOLASSES OR WITH BROWN SUGAR SPECIALS ... IN THE MEAT CASE FROM THE' CHUCK BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROASTS -BLADE BONE OUT $ lb, I -REG. SCHNEIDERS OR MAPLE BEEF 1 NI SIZZLERS lb. PKG. OUR REG. '1.89 $ • FRESHLY MEDIUM BEEF GRouN D. MADE *'• ' ---,,,a6 ' , 1 lb. 111 GRADE 'A' FROM CROSS, CROSS TENDER BONELESS EXTRA THE CHUCK CUT RIB ROAST_ __112. $1:58 ii,,_. CUT RIB STEAK_ _HI '1.18 ZEHRS SPECIAL TRIM GIVES YOU VALUE 0,N EVERY CUT. OF BEEF TRY ZEHRS' SLICED OUR OWN, , ..... ... BRAND OUR REG '1.48 1 lb, PKG. BOLOGNA 11 SCHNEIDERS BONELESS FRESH run-r-rk ROLL . $4 lb. I ' .69 COTTAGE e McCAINS - MARBLE - CHOCOLATE - BANANA 0 DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS CAKES 19 0, SI 1.1 41 ,4 . FRESH CRISP PRODUCE CALIFORNIA HEAD iiF CANADA NO. 1 LETTUCE GRADE F A R $1.a . PRODUCE -PROD. PROD. PROD. 0/100. CORN PROD, GRACKING ONTARIO ONTARIO TANGELOES CARROTS COOKING •EGGPUNT CUCUMBERS DIAMOND McINTOSH DELICIOUS . OF FLORIDA $ 5 03. BAG 1.59 OF ONTARIO NO, 1 GRADE dilF en. 2 lb. BAGS lig au OF ONTARIO NO, I GRADE F en ONIONS 2 lb • BAGS L °R UV° ' a FLORIDA lb. 49c OF FLORIDA NO. 1 GRADE F ON THE COB ' 5°R 89P OF FLORIDA ,NO. 1 GRADE 0 • •-i - 4 41 13 'FRESH , WALNUTS 11131.39 FANCY APPLES 3 lb, BAG 89c FANCY gri, , APPLES a lb, 131AGO9C 2 LITRE" • CTN. ZEHRS DELUXE QUALITY IR AM ' VANILLA. CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY, BUTTERSCOTCH CHOCOLATE CHIP, NEAPOLITAN ; CHOCOLATE FUDGE,, ORANGE-PINEAPPLE 12 oz WEDGE $1.49 OUR REG. 83' SCHNEIDERS CHEESE MEDIUM CHEDDAR SCHNEIDERS FINE QUALITY SOFT 1 lb. TUB MARGARINE OUR REG. 45' EA. C F SPECIALS ... IN THE' MEAT CASE 1 GRADE 'A' BEEF BLADE OR SHOULDER CHUCK STEAKS VAC PACKED CHUNKS SCHNEIDERS $ 1g€11 BOLOGNA OUR REG '1 89 lb, PRIDE OF CANADA PRESSED:FULLY COOKED . PORK SHOULDER _ SMOKED lb $21149 PRIDE OF CANADA-THE BEST STRIP IN TOWN. BREAKFAST GRILL 1 lb PKG KITCHENER. PACKERS COTTON CHUB SUMMER SAUSAGE' MAPLE LEAF THIN SLICED STRIPS OF BEEF TENDER STRIPS 1.69 $2.69 MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED SMOKED HAM STEAK SCHNEIDERCTIREADElkVEA ; STEAKETTES Y w . -6 oz. PKG - - lb .49 .98 It; FROZEN 12 Oz. PKG WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY'REOUIREMENTS ORANGE JUICE 12 0, 99c 12 oz• $4.49 SCHNEIDERS MILD CH E ESE DAR _ 12 WEDGE-2 1.49 MINUTE MAID FROZEN CONCENTRATED FROZEN PEELED AND CLEANED HIGHLINER SHRIMP McCAINS 10 OZ. FRESH FROZEN CHOPPED BROCCOLI SCHNEIDERS COLOURED OR WHITE CHEESE' TANGY OLD CHEDDAR 12 oz.WEDGES 1A9 GAY LEA SOUR CREAM 250 ml VVESTONS FRESH ' BROWN & SERVE ROLLS' PKG! t)P OUR REG. 65' SPECIAL PRICES TIIIIS'PAGE. IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING, TUESDAY, DEC. 5 Our manager s' Dale McDonald OPEN WED.- THURS FRI.- EVENINGS Sp We will 'be pleased to serve you in: Ad GODERICH-HURON RD: HERE'S HOW EXAMPLE Doe, William P. R.R.6 Walton, Ont. Dec. 1'40-9-8 Mr. Doe's subscription expires the first of December 1978. Thle digit to the right indicates the year of expiry. Owners of smaller businesses. we provide: Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) • Management training • Information on government programs for business Can we help you? See our Repreqentative RANDY BROWN at: THE QUEEN'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH the 1st Thursday of each month on: (NEXT VISIT: December 7th fir FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK b 4.1•0.••••-• and a real favorite for chit; drep, CANDISSTICKS • Sugar candlesticks add an elegant touch to, your Christ , "Inas tante, and are especially.. sizes MOO the stick s, attractive when surrounded and triangular `'legs" may be by a ring of holly or other added onto't e ba . A taper Ivens. Squares of Dots and • Tablets stacliert lu altemarlup cantilefitS easily into the een.- CREATE A WRITE CHRISTMAS! You can do it easily and economically by using Dots and Tablets-along with a touch of iniagination, Xlegant candlesticks, hang- ing snowflakes and a. charming Christmas village are among the decorations you can design for your home and gift-giving. These holiday ornaments are bright and festive fora table or tree, and make an exciting project for the entire family to enjoy. The whole family can stir up lots of holiday cheer this season, by, deeoratiog.for Christma&tn a new, exciting way that is easy on the family budget. Among the decorations your family can create are: candle-ring wreath, candle- sticks, snowflakes, tree or- naments, miniature house, church, wishing well and, in fact, even an entire Christ- mas white-capped village. All add a festive charm to your table or tree, and sparkle like snow because you make them with sugar! All you need to make these inexpensive but dazzling decorations are some 'Sugar Dots and/or Tab- lets,1 a special frosting, and your imagination. The Dots and Tablets are readily avail, able at your local supermar- ket. The frosting is simply a mixture of egg whites and Confectioners Powdered Sugar that holds the Dots and Tablets together like an edible "mortar." Every member of your family can get involved in thiS project. While Mom and Dad mix 'op the "mortar" frosting, the kids can arrange the Dots and. Tablets in the desired pattern. To make frosting, just whip, the egg whites until acid add, powdered sugar, cream or tartar, and vanilla or almond extract. The frosting is easy to handle when applied with a squeez- able plastic container, and dries solidly between layers of Dots and Tablets.' Color may be added with diluted food coloring sprayed through a window cleanser bottle, and granulated sugar dyed with food coloring may be sprinkled on the decora- tions as an attractive trim. Here are some step-by- step instructions on how you can make sugar decorations for Christmas: HOUSE/CHURCH/ WELL To construct a house, church or well, arrange the Dots and Tablets in a square or rectangular pattern on a flat surface. Stack the Dots and Tablets directly on top of each other and spread with frosting. Leave' spaces for- doors and windows in the buildings, topping these off with small pieces of index cards. Construct two pillars on the well base to support the roof. A roof may be constructed with a folded piece of card- board covered with frosting and granulated sugar. Tab- lets may be added as shin- gles, and Dots and Tablets trim the windows and doors. Use your creativity to add steeples, chimneys and de- corative trim. . SNOWFLAKES Since no two snowflakes are alike, your sugar snowflakes may also vary in design, Basically, each snowflake has a center Dot, with an "arm" extending from each side. To make the arms, stack about four Dots vertically from the center, and add Dots horizontally on the sides as you wish. These snowflakes make charming tree decorations and can be suspended with thread.. A similar ornament is the Christmas star, which is made from two Tablets join- ed end to end, Continue by plastering two additional Tablets at right angles, form- ing a "cross" design. FiniSh by breaking two Tablets in half 'and securing them be- tween full Tablets to form star rays. Other tree ornaments in the shapes of miniatutie rein- deer, candles, trees and wreaths are simple to make ter opening and is secured with frosting, These are just a few dec- orating ideas you can use dur- ing the holiday se4,s6n. Gather up some Dots and Tablets and 'let your imagin- ation take over. Ideas are lim- ited only by your own crea- tivity. d!` Now's the time Thinking about baking for Xmas? r If you're planning to bake ahead for the Christmas sea- son, now is a good time to do it, suggest the food specia- lists at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. If you bake now and freeze the products, you-can enjoy them later without any fuss„.. First decide what kinds and how many Christmas goodies you wish to make. Make sure there will be enough room in your freezer for what you've planned. Choose cookies, cakes and breads that freeze well. If you are in doubt about freezing a particular product, prepare• a small batch first and freeze it. Check the quality after two or three days. Proper Packaging is very, important to help maintain the best quality of, the baked products. The packaging must exclude air and prevent loss of moisture. Cookies and squares cah be packaged in freezer con- tainers such as plastic, a aluminum or cardboard lined with a thick plastic coating or plastic liner. Plastic film placed between the layers of cookies helps keep them from being crushed or brok- en. Breads and cakes can be packaged in plastic freezer bags, plastic film or aluminum foil. Where neces- sary, seal packages with. freezer or masking tape to ensure a tight closure. If the cookies, cakes or breads are quite sticky, or have .a frbsting, freeze them before wrapping. Once fro- zen, wrap well. This will prevent the frosting from sticking to the wrapping. rr Please Check Your SUBSCRIPTION Expiry Date Please watch the date on your label and renew before your subscription expires. (1ht rtiyort fxpositor 527,024.0 $4aforth Always date the packages before freezing. For best quality, plan to use the baked goods • within the recom- mended storage times. Baked cookies can .be stored for-four -months. Quick breads, muffins and biscuits can be stored for one month, cakes or squares for four months, yeast breads for one month and fruit cake for nine months. (Branch Office Address) For prior inforMation call 271-5650, collect or write 1036 Ontario Street, 'Stratford