HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-30, Page 611•
Ry Rhea Hamilton •
Everyone was smiling and
the small rooms were
bustling with activity.. Voices
were heard echoing and
laughing through the corri-
dors and every so often one
would be raised in fond
Give up? The location is
the Day Centre located at
Huronview east of Clinton.
The people involved in the
Day Centre program are
endlessly busy doing any and
everything from crafts,
sports, bingos, singsongs to
organizing bowling Outings.
But the memory of the
centre will forever be that of
smiling faces.
The day centre is not a part
of .Huronview but takes
advantage of facilities there.
The program was started to
,help get homebound people
out and back into the swing
of living. The only require,
ment for Members is that'
'they be homebound due to
age . or disability, At the
present the program, under
the, .guidance Of Anne St.
Jean of Auburn is full with 12
people enrolled daily.
The Day centre in its first
year • of operation has
ilfu trate a need for such a
s vie in other par,ts of the,
prospering throughOut the -
entire province." •said
livine, "and will continue in
this. manner *until the *day
con* when cancer' will. be,
beaten,"' /-
it possible for them to be a
part of the program.
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county. It is one of 17 pilot
projects across Ontario
funded 80% by the Ontario
Ministry of Community and
Social Services. The other
20%comes front user fees, a •
$2 per day. The Centre is ,
also funded by a New
Horizons grant under ' the
direction of a group of
seniors "Active Seniors
Helping the Homebound"
from various parts of the
county. -
The idea behind people
Attending Day Care is' to have
them maintain their way of
life at home rather than be
institutionalized. "They get
backed in by fear" said Mrs.
Anne St. ' Jean. "Fear of
being alone and no one' to
care often brings them." •
The program also provides
relief for those taking care of
elderly er disabled or and'
who fear the day When they
might not be there to help.
"They get involved here
and find that when they' get
home they have soniething to
'contribute to the family.
Mrs. St. Jean said "They
have a life of their own".
"We try' to get the family
involved on the transP°rtag tion but • ostly affair,
sal rs. St, Jean.
TI ere are 45 volunteer
dri ers in. the programme.-
Some driVe occasionally and
others several times a week.
Mileage of 21c' per mile is
' paid.
Volunteers from all over
the county come to be part of
the program and help out.
All are interviewed and
assigned to help in an area
that interests them most.
Some elderly volunteers
come to 'chat or serve tea,
Paid workers are the full
time co-ordinator Mrs,
Jean, as well as one part time
volunteer co-ordinator and
two part time activity
personnel. Like many jobs
dealing with people the' .number of small jobs that
make the program so special
are not included in any list of
duties. The comfort ane
being of the clients comes
stirst and foremost.
A short conference held
at the beginning of each 'clay
as staff and volunteers Igo
over the activities planned
and any special needs of
While this meeting takes
place the clients start the day
off With coffee and a social
gathering. This is follOwed •
by some physical activity
such as shuffle board, darts
or walking in the fresh air.
- There are two speetal Oay's
set aside in the week for a
'stroke club and a quiet day.
-The stroke club ..has
'evolved into quite on
involved group who get
gether to help one another
ge over their •problems,
try to encourage
regular ttehdance" said co-
ordinato Anne. St: 'Jean.
"It is support' troup".
Mrs. St. • an said. "They
share prob • ms and help
each other g t over them."
yhe activiti s exicom puss
therapy as well as crafts to
help muscle strength, co-or-
dination and range • of*
motion. The chib is presently
full but efforti are being
' made to have clubs in other
areas set up.
Friday is Quiet Day and is
better suited to those whd
are -frail or confused lea lot
of 'activities. The plaits 'are
less structured and allow for
more relaxed activities„
But the • activities are not
reStrictedto,,tbe'centre itself.
On alternate Tuesdays some
'clients swim at a nearby
indoor heated pool.
On theether Tuesday,
bowl, the nearby
bowling lanes. This activity
is run, hy a client and aided
- by special ramps designed
and built by the male clients
in the ,woodwork shop; Both
the designer of the ramp and,
the co-ordihator of the
bowling are 'paraplegics who
would never have considered
undertaking such projects in
the past.
Some , , activities ate
planned for both Huronview
residents ' and clients.
Shuffleboard, tournaments
and teas with the baking
done by clients have proved
The advantages outweigh
the disadvantages to -be
the Day Centre many
of the clients keep up a
merry socializing while
hooking pillow 'fronts
hopefully to be
completed in
Here Edna Eckmier
'attached • to Huronview..
There is a ready access to,
emergency care; reduction in
costs ,thie to shared services
'like dining; hair :yare , and
whirlpool -bath. The care
Centre also provides an
o uction ,to life in the•
resider=• so that when the
nPeri arises r fulltne care
the transition is tide easier.
Plus many day ce tre clients
are able to 'visit riends in
But-there i,sthat feaP of
being, associated. with . the
"poor house". SOrne people
are reluctant to get involved
with the day centre programs
'for fear they would have their
life committed to HuronvieW.
It would..also be good if the
day centre coulc! 'be located
access to ditties and therapy
where the clients would have
closer to a-general hospital
benefits of the centre
have been enormous,. and
many bless the volunteers
,and their drivers for making
"The Coping with Cancer
program started in the
Toronto Unit and :spread
from there to the Metropoli-
tan Toronto District and
thence to, the Province of
Ontario", said Irvine. "We
-had no idea idea 'that there were.
' this vital
Area Represpntative.
Street . •
Clinton , •
n s
IQ test administered by,Williain Close.
William travels from Ethel with/ three
other ladies to the Day Centre for senior
citizens it HUronviety.
He has a flair with ,tests and keeps
everyone's brows knitted over new prob-
oward Clark and Russell MCCreight
enjoy games of . poker and a good, joke. •
Many volunteers find it hard to keep them
involved in other activities at the Huron
Day Centre for the Homebound. ' , '
The centre has been ope'n a" year now
serving the' needs of those homebound due .f
to age or disability. The program is smaller
Reporter learns to
add at Huron Centre
than one Would imagine, 90 clients in total
are served. •The limit is twelve per day and -
the centre is full with a waiting list. The
facilities are shared at Huronview, east of
"Something like this should have been
going years ago" said Bertha Gibb. Bertha'
is a volunteer driver from , Clinton and had
just arrived with a car load from Dashwood
and Grand Bend.
"I enjoy driving and I enjity helping
people more." she said-
- "Just listen to what they have to say.
Too many people listen to old folks but
don't hear a word they say," Bertha said.
"They have rights too."
But she was not the only one that
morning to have praise for the Pay Centre
"They are hard- bossess out here"
Margaret Farquhar, Clinton, pointed out to
me while she was quickiy hooking a frontlet-
a pillow. "But we enjoy it all" she laughed.
Margaret is a volunteer and a member of the
"Active Seniors Helping the Homebound".
helping outMargaret said. She and a friend
Edna Eckmier were both busy ,hooking
pillow panels. Edna is from' Ethel and,
makes the long trip twice 'a week .to-
Clinton. "I look foiward to the time I can
get' down here" Edna ,said.
Hilda Scheerer is alSo from. Ethel and
enjoys the social atmosphere best of all.
"I keep busy and the time goes fast"
Hilda said. -I keep making squares for
afghans." .
Pleasant people draw 'Others. At .the
centre, 'openness' is set aside and getting
back into the swing of life is fhe order of
.the day.
by Rhea Hamilton
I was trying to be inconspic.uchis. But no
one was letting me get away with melting
into the woodwork and just watching.
"How are you at adding?" a little man
cornered me with. "Only fair," I replied
and he quickly pushed a list of easy
numbers under ray nose to:add. His card
playing friends, seeing something funny
was about to take place, sat back from their
table and watched while I added the
numbers with care. Admittedly I knew
there must be' a trick to this so 1 took my
time , and added carefully. Now adding
numbers slowly is ,relatively easy but I
must admit that thousands and hundredspf
thousands fool me. And they certainly
did. „ •
When 1 got my 'total I told him and he
soberly'loolcd, me in the eye and wanted to
knoW where- I had added in the extra
1 , ? 'Aghast ,l looked over the long
colum offigures and noted I had in fact
.carried too' many numbers over, two
columns over instead of one. It didn't seem
to matter, everyone around 'the table
"We give butwe receive far more by time for Christmas.
enjoyed seeting someone else fall into an
(top) and Hilda Scheerer
(bottom) both trom ,
Ethel keep their
hands busy. -t
so many
interested in
The rapid igrowth which
has occurred has resulted in
hiring 'a new staff coordinator
to provide leadership and
assistance across 'the
"The Society is well and
BUT JUST ..TO MAKE SURE—Seaforth fireman
Torn Phillips climbs down from the roof of Box
Furniture afterchecking :that there was nothirt
unusual about smoke Coming from the store's
chimney. Firemen were called to the scene on
:Friday. morning when someone reported the
store's incinerator chimney was smoking more
than usual. (Expositor photo)
Win at
joini •
Oddfellows and Rebecah
joint, euchre winners were:
Ladies' High Helen McClure
Ladies' Low, Jean Cairns;
Ladies' Lone, Mrs. •Frank
Smale. . •
Men's High, Wilmer
Cuthill; Men's Low, Harold •
, Connell: Men's Lone Hand,
John Sinclair.
Every week more and
• more people 'discover what
mighty jobs are ac-
complished by low cost
Huron Expositor Want Ads.
Dial ,527-0240.
second installment of the
1978 TAXES
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Jane Badley
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