HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 9SYJPPLEIVI ]E]Ni'a' TO
The Winghani Tinies
WINGHAM, ONT,, FRIDAY, SEPI'. ?r3, 1.898.
On Saturday, D. L. Strachan
wheeled to Winghatn to renew old
acquaintances in that town.
Mr. Alex. McDonald has purchased
a brand new organ. Alex. says he
wants a different kind of "music"
just now.
On Saturday the trustees of S. S.
No. 10 met to engage a new teacher
tor 1899. Result of meeting not to
hand yet. �•
Corn cutting is nearly finished
Jamestown is solid for prohibition.
Mr. Albert Gobel, whose health
has been rather indifferent during
the past summer, is away on a
months vacation to Cleveland, where
his brother, Will resides. Mr. Geo.
McKay, his brother—in—law, will look
atter his interests during his absence.
Mr. Geo. Caslick is home from a
'visit to his daughters in the North
west. He was not favorably im
pressed with the country.
Miss Bell McKinnon is going to
take up her residence in Toronto.
Mr. Robt. Marshal, after doing the
Toronto Fair, is now engaged in fill-
ing his silo.
Mr. Will Case is also filling his.
Mr. John McRae is building an
implement house with a stone base.
meat to be used as a h..g pen.
Apple packers are in the neighbor-
hood. Apples are not a good crop.
There is going to be CL famine in
potatoes. Other roots are good.
Mr. Robt. Rolland had the misfor-
tune to loose a fine driving mare on
Saturday last, having broke her leg
which caused her to be killed.
rJ 41341 rr1 'iti"iifttt
t Monday, the 12th of Sept., the
midnight hour tolled the spirit of
Miss Ida, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Bosmar, home to its
Master. She had been ailing for
couriderably* over a year; still her
death was not expected so soon. Last
year while attending a garden party
she contracted a cold, of which•• sk
never was able to rid herself; It
lingered on in a cough and only too
soon did fatal consumption make
itself manifest. Despite all that
could be done for her in the shape of
medical aid and the comforts of home,
she steadily sank until the end came
early on Tuesday morning All
summer, the weather beir:g fat -or -
able, she was able to be round, but
when this cold spell set in, she sud-
denly became worse, and was con-
fined to her bed for three or four
days previous to her death. On
Monday night she took a rapid
change for the worse and soon ex-
pired in her mother's arms. She
died fully trusting that her sins had
been washed away by her Saviour.
She was a great favorite with all
who knew her, and although only
16 years old, had formed for heraelf
a large circle of friends. The fun•
eral took plhee on Thursday to Blue --
vale cemetery which was followed by
over 100 rigs. Rev. Mr. Rogers con-
ducted the service, at.d uttered many
suitable remarks. Mr. Ind Mrs.
B..sman have the sympathy of a
large eirele of friends.
Eli Sillers has rented the farm of
his grandfather, Mr. Hodder, and
has started work there already
Wonder what will be his next step?
Miss Carrie &nich has gone to
l3owmattville and other points to visit
friends and relatives. She intends
staying away till Xmas. We hope
her health wilt be improved on her
Mr. Wm. Killough will remove to
Wawanosh next spring and farm
with his son, W. A. We wish him
success in his new quarter.
Vote for prohibition on the 25th.
It's going to, be a glorious success.
I have betwt t n 50 and 6o
pairs of home-made Ii•oots on
hand. 4.0 pairs ot French Rip,
the balance Veal I'. 1.,, :ill made
of the best material. The
a-:.ove range in size from 6 to
I2 and will be sold right d'nvn
in price.
Also a large sun 1: n' ladies'
and Gentlemen's ;h�, s of ;dI
kinds just received
Repairing, est!.
G. f'v
Carefully washed, properly ironed,
correctly finished and fairly priced
that's the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
unhealthy about our work rooms.
Opp. Union Factory.
I c
from now till January -
Ise, 1800.
for the TIMES and
rl N 417: 0 fl''' v
from now .ill 't:i.1
the year.