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The Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 8
11HE WING1JAM TIME6, SEPTEMBER 23, 1898, imtit ,Ie ileita80 M"s..: x'..:141T.4ti?AYM7,[1'mt s-[.':aCJ[ r.3rf 1M PO RTANT ANNOUNOE- MENT As all of the novelties shown in I)re.'s (..roods, Silks, jackets. Furs, 1' urs, ('o;tiun ,s, Dress Skirt;, .pili; ;V.1:' ts, `•ilkSkirl ,end rl :.lack and Colored 'Dress ss .L'a'orics alre'. 1) •Sitit'e:11 exciets;v. , to ourselves and un - an d 7rf:1Je:t.t:l`;!i'.. "chis week C vTt. afford an t;.,_(11eft opportunity of a cin;:.-?' urvcy of the stock,. when selections could be made the chance of a 'tirstcho ce"se- cured and the i<it:q}tice of select- ing in husy clays avoided. NUS nos Showing exclusive novelties and tie largest assortment of all fashionabice weaves ill blacks and colors ever shown by us. - Rich display of Carpets, Furs, Mantles, Silks, Trim- mings, Gloves, Ho3iery, Ready-made Clothing and Shoes. Evers,- stylish dresser recog- nizes the importance of keep- ing in touch with our Dress Goods. No better place than this t) o -in the correct ideas of prevailing styles, which al- ways .!e•ti; first showing here. Co;.l;: this week and see the latest dictates of Dame Fashion . t C ell les: a: ; ` s h tj P ! m o Ala i+ 5i w k i:� 1. • ab f Vit, ,l 1 oK i$ RY ■ phlebitis or inflaittiou or ttio veins. Words from, Men o£ Toto, tn They didn't seen to know what to The late Lord >It.tftesbuiy said; i oto for toe, however, and I deep tired 1 "I am satistied that unless temper• of getting' 'U." Mr. (arusgley''S I at1Ce an.Otii:tti(?n3 ealaterl, w e bh(ttllel relies came in a strange manner, ? be immersed in such auui mean of i:l almost by chance one might say.. • tuxicatit,rl, violence oculi sin as would naake this country uninhabitable," • 1 The Call to Arles. There is a foul blot on Canada's national and social life. Seven thou - 1 is drink Ile tells of it this way: ---"I hada re!- ative living In ar Teeswater, named ; To a deputatiotr ut• Mather. and Win. Ilaptist He ..soared of my con-; bre\vers 11r. Gladstone, when he ditien and sent word to me to try 1)r. s was l'ttani:0tlor of the Exchequer, Williams' Pink Pills. His reason for ; said : tientlemen, you need not give recommending them, he started, w is i yourselves any trouble about the because they had cured shim of serious' revenue, The question of re\ enue trouble in both legs, writ+n all else i . 1 must never stand in the way of need - had failed. I decided to try them led reforms. Besides, with a sober and in less than live weeks the ulcera ! o Station not wasting their earn were completely healed and the swell j Pins I should know where to obtti.n i swell- ing in my legs disappeared. Ther a revenue. ulcers never returned and nib leg I9 ! revenue. we could all take into our as sound as the other one, I know ; minds the pestilent results to which that Dr. Williams' Pink fills aloihe' the drink haoit unfortunately leads e •red me when doctors and all others i• —that we should crtrry with us hall - medicines failed and I ani willing vidually a deep and adequate sense that the details of my illness and of the lhliocthict' and an earnest iu cure be made known," .dr. Crus- I tension to do what iu us lies, each grey who is ti years of age, is now tarot. within his spiie.re, fur the pule at work every day. •I'h3 ua.tina of use of removing it. --W. E. Ulad- his work, that of lifting heavy bags stone. of flour and feed, i., proof of his come Temperance puts coal on the fire, plete recovery. Ile is it life long meet. in Lilo barrel flour in the tub, friend of De. Williams' Pink Pills alto money iu the purse, credit iu the coati - never lets any opportunity pass of try, contentment in the Crouse. etuthes on the children, vigor in the burly, intelligence in the whole constitution. —Bethjauul li'rankl iu. 'file baueLL,O„ n of the law given is a tremendous evil in itself.--I)awsou Burns, 1). D. The cause of temperance has nc- thing. to t.ula0, but .ghee to feel' from a licence es stein.—'l)aitiel Durcheeter D. D. The license systetu that beget murder and hien punish the murder' tite State has begotten, is indetens• Mr F J Heath, of London, spent a few isle from a more) point ut' view.— days in town this week. Joseph Parker, D. D. . Mrs J A Cline was visiting with friends in (=oaforth this week, It is plain to hie as the ;tun in a Mrs England left this week on a visit to clear summer rl;V that lige license friends in 13av Cit,. 31icn, laws of our country coilsticute one of 1llessrs H 0 Bell +,d 1 Cleggwere in., the main pillars on which the stu- 1Torontu this week on haiiiira pendutis fabric of intemperance now Mritnd Nirs .i::ls Dever, of Dresden, rests.—Heinan Humphrey, D. D. ware visiting wit.li \:'ingb In friends this + Ii is a melee mockery to ask us to weep. I put down drunkenness by moral and Mrs J S Jaro:ni and Mr Lorne spent i religions means when l;he legislature Sunday with tli3 iertner's mother at Black facilitates the lnultiplicotiotl of the Ilorse, incitements to inteulper;Lace on every Air and Mrs Nat tem 1'nreell, sr. of wing gale. --Cal oleo. Manning. ham, wore in town las week,—Listowel Banner. If the bu iness is wrong in itself, Master Ben Parker, of London, is saend- license cannot make it right. The ing a few day '.cilli his old Wingham license system legalizes wrong. It friends. throws amend it an air of respect Mr ,Jas Pocock retarnod !,cane on Trion- ability without realty dimini3hing tlav fro n to week'a visit, in IIa,gersville and the evils that result from the trade. Toronto. Bishop .Merrill, Miss Edith Ho it l,aa retm•nE.d home from a tnOntil's visit wait friend„ is F lesherton and Mati;dale. Mr Scott, grainitteyer and general mer- chant of Brueetieti•-a, wr,s iu town a couple of days this week. Mrs J II Fet•„ ufou spent a few days the fore hart of the %rc ek, with her friend, Mrs Ti Elliott e t In'..•^:;et,ll :,:r 1.ntileld, of Preston, returned home DU Tuesday frau: a few weeks' visit with air Kunsan Add.:. a, Misn Maggie T•eota,: who for the past five weeks has been visiting her sister in Lon- don hag rctarned ho me. Mies Carrie Fi. h.�r has returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in Liman, Ailsa Craig and 'l'.r• alto. Mr Ti J Mae?.I�tt'., :vas in Listowel on Tuesday, judgi. a the manufacturers de. pertinent at tete fail fair. ,Mr A M Sloes, of tenor_ College, Tcronto, was the guest ref Mr and airs A flood, of this town a few daT, last week. Mr J J filcifede-;. of .i te.3uo, California, is visiting for n 1.-ae ::ays with his brothers, Messrs Bobt mai iI McIndoo. Itov D Perris \ AR in Ciieeley on Thurs- day evening, salt re he delivered an ad-' i dress at 31, tenipet ae •1 meeting. i Mr Jos Carrel it at,d family left for their , new home in ilei,,- .'••th, where Mr Carruth 1 has been worki,, 4 ::., some time, i My Mr 1'rc:a:I l._ii for his old home in Lobo on Wedgy±+ :ay. He will return to ttown with his f,t,i;.;y on Saturday. iv, Mr W IT Wa t ' t+ tett on Tuesday, with i his household f r - , trire for Dauphin, A'Ian, where be inters., making his future homy Mrs T ]Tall, aria ;.Iiss Ethel and Master Earl returned home on Thursday from a month's visit i it, friends in Owen Sound i and Tara. 1 Mr and :11rt::� Vniiiii.l hs,ve returned home from their vital to their daughters in , Saginaw and 1.:.4t ; a,wa,s, Mich. Mr You. Lill looks the to stirs= of health and says he �npver had a batter t,'tting in his life. IYkiessrs SY J Chole tan and W 0 Pringle have returned i+ooa' from Gloversville, N Y, where they ).3;.' :. been looking for new • ideas in the w,ty of glove manufacturing! l Mr Chapman - bound to turn out the 1 latest and bet r i..?.':, h•:•i of gloves and mitts. AhTtn--cirtt .. tt. i'L1ISTWOnT11Y P1111- ' V V sot s in this I:1 nlatiJu'e ear hilsh,esi 1,r el t 31t141'110/ nil 'e 'uorltroudnetul ' +. +na1'1'1111 ratg resranti deism+., ,*ie,' letildo, no more, no ' less sat 1t t M. .'.5, 11Merenrea, Enel0so xt:l.•addr.g�,.drt.,I,i ,carpe, Herbert 13, Bess, Prost., Dept. Ill,(, '.i,.•,..,.. speaking a good word for them, The above statement was sworn to before the undersigned at Port Hope, on the l7ta day of 1�'obnrery;1SJ3. I). II. {.'III:;ItOLM. .eEE ;•OSJA.Lt3. tin s',aI) he glad to have contrib•:tions to this column from any ..f our re."lers. Ir von htv'- visi• r:,rs er porprAr unin:r me4y yours f, drop in and t..11 us, or s,nd us a note to that etfect. D. Chisholm was in Toronto yesterday. Mr Harry Morris, of Colborne, wan in town on Tuesday. NR.n i;:<'OO.S}G1iEY, C�iy{ Pala HOPE, TELL `, :' INTE EoTI'tC STORY. IIS TIc;1TT LEO SWOLLEN TO TIRED TIllab ; ITS ATLTRAL FOLL`,tVt:D AND FOR A YEAR AND A HALF D "-:'TORS' TPEAT)IE:, r F.AIL:s'D TO UUEL'.' r1l.d.- From the Per;; Rope Times. "It ryas nearly as large as that tele • phone pole." These words w e used by Mr. Jas. rrt.sgrey, for ei t years et resident of Port Hope, ,lt. Mr. Crosgrey is in the empl of Mr. R. K. Seott, who has a t?'•d store on 11 and favor - Walton street, and is ably known in tow and vicinity. Loss than two ye s , o Mr. Crosgrey was Inc tes1pent eeh sympathy on aesollnt of a severe aff s :tie e which. betel him, depriving hila of the use of his right leg, and from doing any labor except a few osld days work. Eis resevery was wrought so sudden- ly and completely that the Times considered the matter w,nld be of sufficient interest to its readers to 'obtain an interview with Mr, Gros - ,grey. In substance Mr. Cros- grey told the following story of his illness: --"In April, 1895, I was laid up for st:ven weeks with typhoid fever mt right leg began to swell. it was very painful indeed, and in a few weeks it was three times its nate ural size—nearly as Large as that telephone pole," and he pointed to a tstiek of timber ten inches in diameter. 'Nothing the doctor did gave any ,relief, and I consulted another with 'the saltie result, I suffered for near- ly five months when I noticed that -the swelling began to decrease and I became hopeful of recovery. Ilut the . improvement only continued for a short time and their the swelling be- . came greater and two big ulcers formed on the irside of the leg above the ankle. Thee ulcers were right • through to the bone and you. could put. sliest. u.uclh '•r+t~ tL&ln," and Mr. Crosgrey indicated on his thumb an .7lljtect an incl. in length. "For the next year and a half I was treated . by, four or five trzrc'tnrs but my leg' • said the ulcers sera as bad as ever.. '. 'ho•.doetors pronounced the disease • t , ni , a i . '1"1111 lets + hainfv oiri: eight $Ot50 a F SOP WPC if eardi When the children get their feet wet and take cold give them a hot foot bath a bowl o2 hot drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and put them to bed. The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Con- tinua the Cherry Pectoral a few days, until all cough has dis- appeared. Old coughs are also cured; we mean the coughs of bron- chitis, weak throats and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of CI ilil Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark is the best remedy known to medical science for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs. Put ono of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters ever your lungs The Best Medical Advice Free! Wo now have Some of the most emi- nent physicians to the United States. Unusual opportuniticS and long expert. ee a eininently 01 them fortving you medical advice. Write freely all the particulars In your case. Address, Dr..1. C. AY1SI, Lowell, Mats. sand licenses to s ll art: annually granted. by the full sanction of law, Nut only thio, our i'uUntrV i3 a partner in its own 00n- tanrinution, and shares in the profits of a giant infamy. l''ot• the sake of 13,000,000 in bribes we reconcile ourselves to assn that is more killing and demoralizing than a plague, that destroys thousands of lives year- ly, utterly ruins business and home life, and costs the Dominion over $100,000,000. soar:. DoNNnotY---In East Wuwanosh, on ii.ept. 18, the wife of Owen Donnelly, of a son. if A?A£RIED, wTt;AI.COLM---Ilr'rTON--At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Jas. Suther- land, Walkerton, on September ..:4th, by th.a Itov. H, McQuarrio, Mr.join)Mal- comof Galt, to Miss Florence Hutton, o1 4i�itlkerton, formerly of Wingham. ,i iMIED VI;tLrAun--In Wingham, on Sept. 19, J toot Bullard, agar 48 years./ MoDOP0ALL—In East Wawancsh, on September 20th, Alexander \1O Dougall, ages 78 years, 1 month and 15 days.tf, (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). The Monarch of the Forest Is the Emblem ..OF THE.. Monarch of Canadian Fraternal Insurance and Benefit Societies. nrOA JAD ANnc Order ©f Foresters Organized and Incorporated 1879. Head Office, - BRANTFORD, ONT. INVESTED IN DOMINION GOVERNMENT BONDS $100,000.00. SURPLUS FUNDS APRIL xst, 180. $'6I8,365.76, Investedin the best monetary Institutions is the Dominion of Canada. MEttmensIP OVER 28,000. A Purely Canadian Institution having noweaken- i n.e,• alliances or branches in foreign and less healthy countries. Full information, rates, etc., sent on application to R. Er.morr, I-LC.R., Ingersoll, Ont.; 1'nos. �ViitTE, H.S., Brantford, Ont. ; or Enna. GARTUNO, Supt. of Organization, Brantford, Ont. H EROLD FJ 1111 'OR SALE Clay Istill h . for sale th. ollowing fur- niture: -1 scretary lid Book Case ^.ombined ; 1 .:d Fotn Sults; 0 Hair Bottom t)hairs ; •ood Coal Oil Stove ; 11 large 13ath i. 1 Kitchen 'Table ; I n "Happy r1'.. ught looking Stove, for deal or wd, nears. ew ; 1 Writing Desk a other artici' The above article ill be sols) very sonable by privy e sale at Iny resideup till W r nesclay. Sept. 28th. JOHN NEEL. DS. AUCTION SALE — 0: VALUABLE FARM LA®S. • •••••••••••••••140.•••••.010•4 . Our Mantles are greatly admired by all who see them for their Excellence of Materials, Style, Fit and Finish, but above all the marvellous low prices at which we sell thele, The sec- ret of it all is we understand the markets of the (.)lel and New World, and buy only the best for our trade that money car, secure, They range in price from $3.00 to $ 12.00. If you like to think of FURS NOW, ours are just in, and they should please every taste and every purse. MEN'S & BOOITS' CLOTHING in Ordered and Read` -made is a. growing trade at this store. You can get Men's Suits here from: $2.75 up, and Boys' from $1.00 up. DRESS GOODS --The largest stock, the greatest variety, the very lat- est in all the new shades, patterns and materials, and in your favor, SEASONABLE UNDERCLOTHING for Ladies and Gentlemen, -- quality right, prices right. GROCERIES-•-TEAS—HIeadquarters for everything in fresh, new Groceries. 30e Tea for 25e ; 40e Tea for 30e ; 50e Tea for 42e ; lbs good Raisins for 25e. If you want good fitters and good wearing Boots come here for them. The Assignee of the estate ot James Stewart will offer sale by publin auction, subject to a reserved bid, and to the mortgages thereon subsisting, at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, — ox— Friday, 30th Day of Sept., 1898 prices always at 2 o't.lock p, in , the f „l,wa,, lands; The North 100 acres of Lot No 2 anti the North 10Sb acres of Lot No, 3 in the •Led concession of the Township of Turnberry, Terms l0 per cant. cash, and the balance in one mm,th. For furtho: particulars and conditions of stile, apply to Wm. Willson, Wroxeter, or P.aer Peter McLaren, Wingham, Inspo'tors, or t0 the tin. deri,iynee Assignee or his Solicitor, no BERT TOUNG, E. L. UIOfiINSON, Arsignce. Solicitor. APPLES WANTED On and after August 30th, we will be prepared to buy any quantity of apples delivered at our Evaporating rectory on Alfred Street, Wingham. Parties having apples to sell will do well to see us be- fore selling as we contract for the whole orahardA shaken off—suitable for drying purposes. MAIITAIR BROS., Wingham. Order your •---AND-- 40 lat. —FROM THIa- 7LOL$TIEN DAIRY. N, Direct importer ALL READY 11IH.euifl2; r Soho Come meas. Take Us INlith Yon. Our Vannes Are Tack Tar. Klondike. Great St. Bernard. Garland. Pansy. British Canadians. Great 500 Page. The Miner. Lnuriate. Glendelin, Moss Rose. Monarch. Bicycle. Leader. We are in all colors and prices. Readers, Arithmetics, Grammars, ete. Call and see us fur your sc loo Supp les. ALEX. O , Papular Book Store. tAt10.4 arib" RL� old ��b Q� . 't�ZN. C ,itA 'ib, vtcys it/ rte/ ��i �` .+ WHITE PLATES, CIL AU SA t CERS We have just put into stock a crate of the BEST MN STONEOSI directly imported from one of the best makers in England, which means the best IN THE WORLD We have a full assortment ot this line, such as Pitchers, Bowls, Veexa table Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saucers; Cups (only); Toilet Sets, &c., bse,,. which we intend to sell quickly if low prices will do it, These goods aro strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among them. Our pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling fish quickly that we need not say anything about their merits. ...-•••. 0 ars uharn, s " The China House," Wingham. WHAT PRETTY GOLD RINGS! That is what everybody says when they see our stock. We make any style of Gold \, Rings to order. We think we know as much about watch work as any other man in Canada,. and will give for a watch we can't fix. HALSEY PARK w