HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 7FILE WIN {ilIAM TI.M.W.'.4 SEPTEMBER 23,, 1898•
a' V.4.1,04/."M,r,w4'M.^M,,.wi..rnW"f�M.r,Mr�a+n,•xa'�•rr••Mwrr«eww...+ri.wMe..NMM.F W rnww.f+aM.fawww•M++M•.M'.M'^r.w+w..awR•'M""'!"`•r•,,•w.w"w..e�ww+•R•.+!w.•
n 1thP Detective
t; )Ultanye� .�I
"!l man Tull or yearsr loud no loos, e.
suppose," observed Air. Thomas, in an
.Ib : nt-u1inde,. manner.
'keret, sir; Mr. Milos is a highly re -
:mooted person, and is regarded as a well-
xnforined, progressive man, and a good
, oteighoor, There's not anothor resident
t+of the village 11nH tho interest of th0 lo-
eality more at heart, or would do as.
anuch"to accommodate a new seater, as
would the mayor himself,"
"Ah—well—you said that your prin'i-
• gal, Mr. Clark, had failed to make tho
elute -bed pay?„
, "No; not precisely, sir; it was the
bulldint storm ho was in; the elate. T ba -
'neon, was never thought nluoh of at any
'z)f tho quartos,"
1 "Indcewl ! Now, Mr. Stanloy, do you
know, , 1 think these gontlenlen have lliatte
at, gr.tild Inistrite! I have notiond that the
s11a1: s in aL limestone formation acro
' oeaar iy talwv£Lys good enough for flagging
1p11.pos'r:; and PO:nodules ,'apabl0 of be-
ing highly polished, so as to servo for
• -namle-slabs. There are certain grades of
;them, too, which become quito valuablo
'du the nuulrtfaeture of mineral paint;
:and others again which—"
r "Why, T declare, sir,"' interrupted Mr.
:;Stanley, "for a farmer yott aro quite a
. anineralogist !"
a "Not much, sir," answered Mr.
1'7'1lnniti5 modestly; "however, my inquiry
,about tho farm lands is on behalf of it
'brother of mino who has a homestead
linear Sandusky, but wants to come fur -
Other (vest. The interest I take in thee'
;iqua ry matters is entio.ly that of an
' "Well, sir, your brother couldn't easily
'land a ulcer p1000 to locate than Bed -
so(+;,,," now reasserted the 'µincl-agont,
, -w1 3' (' thoughts ran mainly to words tlio
+,ear;ling of a coulmi,sion.
'xi dare say, 111x. Stanley; I shall cer-
taiYl4'iiy nitll:o a run over to the village,
L +1'12 write to 1111:1 fully on all points.
1 -When I hear what his views are, I shall
'tholp 111 to See you again.' i
;;1)o so, sir ," urlrell the collllllnnica-
,tiyio Taipei -agent, "and let me hear from quarry, T must SCO about getting you 8
1.7c;1.'1.7;+•1f what you think of the quar37 jot) to work Otlt till Slate for him."Fro ei(m s " "Long life to yon, sir!" said the grata
4. P(t:o.):1 tlftcrnoon." Ertl quarryman, ''I knew you Ivor the
' CHAPTER VIII rail guinea goold talo minute 1 led Soo
• eyes on you."
'a 'Elly an the fallowing day, Operative Thomas hero observed that it was gat-
,"Tlionois went out by tho wootern areola- ting near train time, and both left the
aliy,lotion train to Rolnick. Without loit- quarry to return towards the bridge. As
coil;''(' speaking, to any one, ho left the they worn nearing the latter, he turned
'littdo depot, and picked his stops for to Ili, companion, and gazing at him
111)out t gnalrtrr of a Sniie, being greeted fxctlly, said:—
•d.uri')g his pronto:a by the music of drill "'Now, Body, I sunpoae you know how
coatoe 1x:lrct from 0 point 'Lt which to hold your tongue about a matter ths;
. "•wv"r:; Ir'n were prcp7l.'ing for a b1aot. 'Ulla concern yourself. If it is spread abroad
! late•' r Ivt' e but three in number, that any Ono wants that gummy stuff for
Owns. enszag ,l on the scarped face of a sudh a use as I have explained, 111x.
- ling•; -t•.,ro bluff, olio holding the rock Clark will r0 1:1 his price, and my -friend
,drill, Lod tho others, in turn, swinging won't buy it at all."
the hc>avy sledges. Observing that they "Not aL 111011iai man, sir, '11 know
X11 i ovon him, Operative. Tin:I nls tool- what your a:fther at all, at 011 --at lasto
„ t^ 1 that in
' va11c:';i rinro Rlowvly, examining fromMaguire,"
, it
+ , , 0 ':en pieces of stone
broken �tuu t) 1 1 01.1_ pieces
w1 , ;1 a. 1 1 1 ',. up along hl, path,
f tiuddtnly, on rounding a ledge by the
rna(:s1':^, thodetective come upon a
?Irama111 wooden hut, used as 0 t• tllt•u1:,e,
!before' which wai scotea on a stone
I block, 0 man who was oommict, 10 the
;o11.1rip latl;)n of blast cbar;�e5. Asho woos
within a few foot of him, thero was no
1 further time for reflection, so Thomas
a oal:11, .t lti"•i promptly with a "Good day,
4`TIM r 1 nn to yourself, very klodly,
i sir," was the civil reply of tho rueirry-
+Taman, t.rliw•treci in a frank told hearty
1 -voice rt c o; tone. of Which was an echo
of Clic (1re''ll '_'Rle.
"Is this Mr. Iv: +ben Clark's quarry?"
1 nc;:t inquired tilt+ detective.
"No, r:ir; that it isn't," was the an-
•swor; '`hut it's Misther Andherson'S •ov
I Dayfi :1,'c— •hou'rll they soy it'll roan be
•'someho.iy t`are's."
0 "Oe your quarry is about to change
1 floods'!"
i "So far as I ra:1 learn, it i5, .sir; an'
whin that happens there's ono of us at
last '11 bo his own boss."
i "No doubt. you mean yourself," said
• the detective, in tones of sympathy;
"don't you expect to be continued in
++charge of tho work?"
"Divil a wan hour, sir, if it's :Ile man
buys ',t ,that they say is talkin' 0b0ut it
—li son 'a; •ould Jidge \Vale(4 11e is—
though I knows moro about taiin' out
. steno, an' handlin' a gang 0' min, than
• amly boy around Bedrock."
- l,ss.. Once Inoro hod i\Ir. '1'lnmas stumbled
0 1 t d •n but
1 did not
t loan sight of his instructions
Thoma.,. • l ttti't `coo woodman (1tg, oil
4 Mlle 031( got (:•; g00.1 0 price for it (04
any other imam. owner?"
"That's 11 very ilirue," reojoiuetl
Body, "but therc't, a l;nolv!0lgeahlo old
enyln' about money, 'that Moil's Iwaf os
is 44000 spirit;' and by 411.1 account tho
ulnare that's tel buy Andller:son's gtul) )
was nem wool he honest sweat!" I floe)-; "ayther bring it Or stool it, €L0 drgf1 made use of was for 7l0, and 11110
yr. Wales l5 1101 Lilllt 11 of property ; 1,11 c0oper up thiol slates for you first New 111'31. threw out tho (.ete'tiv0. r,• !„
been dlawll on a 1,(w York bank by tho
"Property I:" echoed Rody, with a dis- I they'd 4hravel t0 llmbuctoo Commercial ltiational Bank of Oskosh,
1 "sure y ,s Tho epeatk'+r then turned leis faeo to 'Wig ., payclblo to the order of a certain
(1 �ivemont' ago I sawhim widow own ! the creek road, alld Mr. 'i'holnas went Soanuol Little, of Boston. Mr. I,ittlo
rye, lotcil1 nrotuotl the v )1111 ]lore, and ! down tho street to carry out 1115 mission n4+vev received the lent r in which this
llot doi11' a hand a turn, and Ito hadn't at a tinsmiths. • drore aft was mailed, and, the collection of
tae pried of 1 htger boor, only what his In the rear of
Tal untidy
loti little
t e M Ilia the amount was etloet¢d by a man who
oat mala ger Milo. An' now, sir, it's Alr, 7 web 13, t styled hilnsol2 11. W. Davis, en,.. ged for
nuthi 1 but lad "loves an' goold IvatchtS , vw'ork-brach, repairing a wash -boiler for
Ulltl. him, rule cigars and ahrinks for £;01101 thrifty village housewife. Ho read- ( Lim 00- COICTLSUTPj
e Vri'V cane ho mows arrl(55, 7 ily agreed for a telfling suns, tog furnish I
"Ho only hoot. staLrttd some profltaLblo with straps, and tL pair of hinges, , r ,
hot which the detantil:e brought with , C;atarr.l and �iZy Z'even.
"woll, 1 toyer change comes '(t• trYCll n Droner
1: TlnI 1 w la tog c„alexs wino + I:rc:rc;ll. t
t'> 54x1 you bef0r0 long With A>, 11101'0 no- part of the
, ceptabl0 employer. And now', hotly,” ho aailuen in pwhosorpulrsuit we hu t engaged,
added, "I'll go to the tinsmith's, and if As my sols Robert continued his re -
1u should fix 010 guy box in good time, searches at the headquarters of the vat -
I'll bring 1t to yon before, taking the cowls express o0mpa111ies, he was enabled,
train; you earl do 11(0 packing for rue to furnish Air. 13an;:5 with the portico -
yourself." lays of the forgery at Rochester, on the
"Tavo that to me, sir,," rejoined United states 1:xpress oempany. The
city trtute?" suggesced the considerate
"Whatever kind of a tllracle it is, sir,
110loops gobs' and 00311iit' from some
place down (list, Ptoppin' a1 few days at a
Lino+, an' as 5uro as 11e mom's back they
R14y Tic 11£45 lasllins. 0' fresh money!
Maybe you've 11ea1r0. tell, sir, what h`.eero
rani fano is?"
Thomas 1
1^s .a31t
T.lonitls could 1Lardly sltplr.5 a g
n•1 he discorltc'l in tho misplaced syllabi's
the motorail for the words "Reno" and
"Oh! ves;" 110 answered. "I believe
•'Ft1'L1 705-1. +^••;11c:110er, you -.moo in
t t:'nds to nook° Ilia brother.,foroman of
thn tluarry?"
"Well,"' alal1werwd the quarryman,
with philosophic gravity, "it's hard to
toll what a 111(111 intinds to do until he floes
it; but thero's 50me very daycent people
says that it won't last very long, alny-
how—that 1(0 nlatthor what the sa1140
man puts his money into, he'll naythor
bane luck nor grace avid it!"
'oLau don't say!" exclaimed M1•.
hint; an(1 whose purpose he explained,
as it wore,. cOnfldelttially, '1'lle customer 1 of1� aius Say
Toa u won't knowor that is the e p oar
being a non-resident, too, he civilly ton- nitro c f lits, cal from w't fico you've plena-
(bawl 1ti11 a chair, to await the comple
tion of tiro job, 'Thomas, of course, sat : Dr, Ch;Lse'a Catarrh Cure.
down, and passing a cigar to the grati-
tied tin -smith, lit ono hiiuself, and pro- '
coaled to smoke with quiet complacency..
This Bartlett Was a tallish, meager,
sallow -faced num. He 'MS greatly pleasnd •
to hear of the stranger's intereet in the 1
product of 1110 qui, ries.
\YhTlo clipping and hammering at the `
box straps, Jake ventured to enquiry of
, I4zary'a Little L tarill.
his cistOiller if ho had any friends in
those ports, when he should decide to 1 English.
worm. out the slate beds.
I lrar-v hada little lamb,
"Net a1 soul," observed Mr. Thomas, 4 IV; fleece was white as snow;
meekly; "I should be quite a stranger.. , And everywhere that Marywent
I did know 0 family named Wills that left Y
Pennsylvania, to locate in the north of I That lamb was surd to go.
Ohio, several years „go; but I can't now ` French.
1 where 't was they settled
there at a some plundering games a tried
out in big cities."
f' Yi9, sir," ooiitill0ed Body, "I'w'e n0
gridge again 5nny luau, not T don't like
but sure•onl'd
to spoke bad of tinny oilo, b ,
Jake Bartlett, the tinsmith, that knows
every bird ov the Wales family—an' be
the panto token ther0's no love lost 'be-
tween tholll—Jake pays, by the vartne nv
his honor, Willie Wales can't bo gittin'
Iris mono) honest."
At this point they had. arrived within
sight of Clark's abandoned quarry.
,,Thank you, Body," said 1110 detec-
tive, patronizingly, "I'll not forgot your
civility; and if nay friond does buy the
Children Cry for
A;Las '9:1 •� w
L•ollln. for Iv lore 1 - `La Petito Marie had la jutle. 1 ' ttong,
"I guess tholn's rho very Waleson of Za vool vas blanches as zea snow;
And everywhere la belle A'lart vent
Le jape mutton vas sore to go.
Won gal name Medi had lamed,
Fleece all the samee' whitee snow;
Evely place Moll gal walkee
Lea -ba hopped long too.
Bedrock," exclaimed thetlllsln1111, whose
eat had not d0tect111 the slight difference
of sound; "why the old chap himself is
the Jestice an' Mayor of 1111s hero vil-
muga. " Thomas; "
" can't ha, objected
never thought tho Ivan had that much
grit in him. Ile had two or throe boys,
though, who were lads of promise."
"They was, oh?" said. Vie tinsmith, 1 001011.
dubiously; "wag, 1 never heern tell pat Mary hat got cin leetle sehaf,
rightly what they come from; but if over
Mit hair bhust like some vool;
thong Wales boys had any promise in
'on1, thor's soma on '001 gone greatly 'Cod all der place oat gal did vent
back on it, that's what I know." ! Dat sehaf go lilte cin fool.
"You—don't—say?" suggested Thol ias, Trish.
as if grieved to hear it; but oarefolly 1g-
noting the tinsmith's.mistake on the two
This u•'s the old gossip's opportunity,
snot he fairly revelled in it. i+ io proceeded.
to Lissom the strenlger that he had no
c•:'n:: odoso i ,:Lin;( tho Wales family,
but 11 the cls ost son, Wil i., didn't soon
change 1118 tours., so= kaki encs must
cool; of it. If Willie Wales had ever
worked on in a fair business, that people
oauld ur_da tantl, to ono would wonder
st him ha•; in;.; a few hundred. dollars
cloy, and again. But so far 41: the speaker
ha•, soon, he woo (1IWit)'s arambiing idler
and spencathr te. He ran hintscif 0111 0
several fine sitaatimis, and disgraced '
ltitusolf by •g'tong divnroed 'frn111 a good 1 Of all Curie,?as starts in life of which
Liffe, almost hefor3 ho had a heard. For self male Hien are apt to boast, the
all that, ho could now cone into the vil- ri1C5t extraordinary one is that which
gr every four or new Wootheks, and swag- furnished the basis for a business
gar around with clothes, and jcly-
frcltn Which (L stationer in this cite,
derives a comfortable income. He
n himself, but it
• not tell he story does
costes f •nm an old acquaintance
whose veracity is beyond question.
The successful business roan of t xlay
was once a, collector for a mercantile
house and made as high as 30 or 40
calls per day on delinquent customers.
He always borrowed a lead pt nell
from each one sod never returned it
unless asked to do so. Of course no
suspicion ottaehed to him, for forget-
fulness in regard to lead pencils is re-
cognized as a human failing. One of
every three he secured was long
Nina -tenths of all
the suffering and
disease in the world
comes from tho kid-
neys. 'tot how few
people there aro who
take any care ofthese
delicate littleorgaus.
I3 ackaollo, lu,un e
bank, headaches, list-
lessness, all oigns of
1-- dnoy toouble, are
almost universal.
Doan's Kidney Pilin
Tone and regulate rho kidneys and help
them to throw off the poisons from the
14Irs. Jt Brown, P. 0, llox 200, Dresden,
calstro ble which causedored me Sllucm1
distress. 1 beard of Doan's Kidney 1'ille
and got a box of thorn at fiwitzer's Drug
Store. 73elore commencing to tato+ tbe:
1 was unable to button my shoes on
account of my swollen. condition, but by
the time I hadflnished the first 1103I could
do this without inconvenience. I have uOw
1(33(011 a second box and have no hesitancy
Kidney orlDropsical trouble."
Price 50c. a box, s for 8105, all Druggists.
Tho Doan Kidney Pill Oo., Toronto, Ont.
13egorra, Mary bad a little shops,
And the wool was white complately;
and wvho:rcver Mary would stir her stumps
That young. shape 1,001(1 follow her
Grand 2ouze'ty for Oouh5.
"I have need t'l�lgyar.,'s Pectoral Bal-
sa01 and found it a :,'rand raaltdy' for
coughs and eolde, and highly re0on,mend
it." O. M. DO'•iElvi'Y, Camilla, Oat.
Cno m ln'r Star tin Dusinass.
21(4)111 Ilody 1,hO llir2, protea 1
eTry, anti his . pockets stuffed cut with
,' icluai with duo solemnity. 'how 11e
.itbilis.know w
bank bl•ls. Fl ..Lt o only
CHAPTER IS• gat tun.! Jake Bartlett didn't. To be
5111( he had hos too to soma of the young
Tho inte:cst which lir. Thomas 0! 1 nidi "'•that he ha4 won his money at the
nlanift,ted in tho mineral al 1'a m.c 11 g ilbli31g.tablei in Now York and gen:
I{cdrock was (it5ti:led to (lo further nor- aohrlpllia; 'loot gamblers didn'twiu,d1 the
vice. It wow blit :Ovid() gra 1res.,s, indeed, tiln0,and that -story was too feob d'for his,
that he could holo to make at Yar-
mouth, a city eighteen miles distant
:Omni the glome of Wales. A fow cf the
villa gets passed in and out on almost
every train, but they were rarely of a
class that mightl servo his purpose ; and
a nlistoke of any kind was on no ace
count to be hazarded. A further inter• -
0011051) with 51411110y, the land -agent,
moot ho either nnlproduetivo or danger-.
ells; for 111a11 gentleman had shown hiln-
solf such an admirer of the Mayor of
Bedrock, that any curiosity about the
son of that functionary would bo surd to
attract attention.
On looking over the register at the
" 9: orest"—as loitering hotel .guests . are
wont to do—Thomas di503ve0(cl that W.
R. Wales had occasionally Tondo a stay
these; most probably in going to and
returning from the East. 13ut it did not
seem quite safe to ask questions of the
hotel clork or servants; for the free-
handed gambler—which ho assilnled to
be the reputation of Wales—would un-
doubtedly have entero:. them on his
list of afriends. ' Hotel employes as a
011155, love the cheerful giver.
The village itself then, ililneirom as it
W(15, and gossipy and suspicious, as aro
all such humdrum round for communities,
o profitable re-
search, only b
sears . :ter
fl at obit the detective again wont to
P • lrocic, andwalkedt 11
exclaimed , 1
Well t•
ail a c0•vld day, sir?" wits
solicit -
Mr. Bartlett's, h1;edulity.
-Thus far into the,ruins of
reputation had .111ke pro
without a question or
his customer. Mr. 'f
greatly charmed. w'
the tinsmith; an
lotions careles
dile Wales'
1ded, almost
Irruption from
as, indeed, was
tile' ,volubility of
y a few ;?tlo ejacu-
�, t11'L•OWn in, now man-
aged to lear that this doubtful'(�harao-
ter, was t' elde,t of three broth 's, of
whom youngest, a lively youth, as
a tole aoh operator at the depot. Will
lit elf, hail been home for a short Limo , enough to pass muster as a•L new pencil,
only l few vonweeks before, and had thou and after he collected 1,000 in this
nxhibitod a roll of about six -hundred dol -
tars in bank notes, to some admiring way be secured a Contract of furnish-
companions,in the hotel near the sty- 4,,g lead pencils to a country school.
tion. One of the advantages of his bid was
The detective further glen_. •1 that that he offered to supply pencils
Wt11es, the father, had oleo obstructed now main–
Bartlett in hi> aspirations for solve already sharpened. He n
village office, and in this he seemed to tants a commodious stationery store,
perceive the animushold the tinsmith. 1
"Thar ;toes the old cuss nowt/,,, ox- land hos contract flourishes.
claimed Bartlett, as ho looked out from •
Itis store, Into the village stroot; "an' he Soros Healed.
carries it right slick on his jod;eship and t SorA9 Rud of worst kind
Ilia inayorshlp."
Thomas looked out, too,' and looked ort
rRpidly olcord of theerdoetl Blood
intently, that he might i10 table to rccng- I Bitters. 'lake it internally and 'Reply it
nine the head of the fa311 ' that was be- Biller ally oke it i init directions and
coining so interesting to Wm. A silver- i eco bow quickly a curt to d be ions
If the ratan lee wax iutore5 e 1 h htLuc3, 231(3(1) 1 00., prognorois looking i
thnul±h mach plowed thereat, It "took() Acr"rc°Sealy in a oouplt of days n the o ntall, 11 may be ales , Retro ed to 1
i t diens to
his r the observer, Mayor Wales of Bedrock. 1I
Children Cry for
haste slowly.
,dlr¢etly to "Ol ! tl t'S not the \Villa I l,ncw,
p"I suppose," to observed, after a qu try at which Ilody Was overseer. l d tho detect
,•while, "I suppose you aro afraid that the I °'Mu5hi1, what mod you v
fe .iotor will tuckluhisowvn quarry his Soliolt- haat foul Iu�llc, toll*, 1
a1 1170 as ho turned to ;y'
inthur out
slew glen
Talo; "tile Pennsylvo. J` ' 1, s (175, a �,
•^ and sharp a5 a
-work?" "No
"iso. it isn't that aythor, sir. Willie near to him. But St
511 +
nus greeting to 711011016 as the latter 01111)0 fent t "
l �' ain't Wills;" retorted Take, i A reorganization of the Canadian
s rather cold, Itody, but I 1 nit's \Vales I'm n tniktli' about all the' 1liili.t1a is contemplated by the Gov-
squireen for that. t, thought . use look aster tae bort of time. 'cites was Jedgo Wales, Mayor of ernrnent, and the t'Pcent appoint
ttteset parts, that's not 11100 unu)h Ghaies, having since written -and prom- Imine. ck „ „ Lnerts of the Earl of Minto as govern
of his little farm, at' by the' way he
iced them to my friend. Did you got rue "Not the salvo family at all, re- :
1'rtho stoucwllanks, tut wa file's to 10005 together ria you promised?"pc'lte(1 Thomas; "and, besides, I I re- Or general and Maj. -Gen. Hutton as
1ay1is 1olnld son p, general officer
coula]]alndin are in
rho e!hrillin' and lshlstin', T think he's "I did in troth, pit," wait the reply,
that the eldest son Was a go0d moral
3ayiu' himself out for 41(1 new job. If "au' would 11110 picked 022 a whole telt votutg 'fellow." tended to faeilita.to t 11. re•orgaLnizat-
-�+oiy owvu'rind it into his head to ov thiol if you mow goy tho Word. 'r\Vi11', thorn ain't Ito much moral
,Tlltwy,ro llerti,n rho shanty, surd, nice nn' /Shout our WaLlseses, either root orbrannh. ; mon on an imperial basis, The in-
blly, 10111 i s place, do yeti thiel: llo (.
. avant a foreman, sit?" snug for herd
Wliy, the old deacon, ll lnsol2, goes tention is to place the militia in a
:y 'Thomas led the way into tilt saloon, "You aro stili afraid that if Wales around anloug tlw Wotton folks loco, 56 ,shape t0" be immediately available
-Sand nrdered a couple of hot whisky takes up tho quarry he will appoint a if ho wvas n yollllg beak o' thirty:" ' for the defense not only dt eta a
punches, These Were drank in outman- u1'" foreman?" This brrincll of the subject had no in- but the empire. Perhaps Canada
I#ivy, silence; but under silo socomp g o +,0111 afther all, myself doesn't much tnrest for'Thomris_
I d glass, his companion mind, sir," said Body, cotu`tLgeotlsly;
'Wales indeed; he's too touch of a young +,\Nell, it i
' rntllcr
L Iithohti'tab I 1
e-pos .
will set us ai 'model for our National
Amoco of ., geoon a , I sl CtXAl>TT'1- 'Guard.
t nn
it r . ambush 1 0 119 S {n
al Otn business 3
f1' ' , n w
0- u1'
lob au,( c
they m a
at • •sten +t+
h Y Phil- �, this t
`wt/ the T' w i 1
frons at t tons
• but in
b pouring 1 t r e
s t R 0 'g t attic
No, , 1tlt/t. nal
N light i rot
as. , li i rte y
Was. new io9
t of 1 �* wag taunt
round n1'
Fol owl 5 Y + rONll 1
giuuiu' to say abort Willie Wales
lid adelphia agency. Through tilt well thus
work cohdactr,i at 'home. solely ntrniKl+t ono A
1p surI'll get yolnethin' to live by if thebo
thawed out into such voluble friendship n9 I llecrd i
that it became necessary to Warn kiln quarries Was ntl snider tho sn�thr. Wanst While our emissary tray thus s0otiting, nTirY 1?
khat "the confidential
tial et/ lunar h 1+yal l l schoolmastllom sayin Y 1 • [tail at WUFInthus (L ting I 1� t�D SFVEkt 4L TrtllsTwVo 1%
'al �'Y
was )
„ i 11.
al tv
k A
flood ,
con e '
response, and the
pair soon Taft, to gra ho wages o wore �
''this across the Uridgo• here, f don't think
tit d do a luau tinny good 1' .directed inquiries of Mr. Bangs w y i i ea ;c•onductsti tt tv e. t ly 4tra l�lvlri(n o a
"So you think it is tiro intention of rollto from hint 'this Willie Willie--rvhat do you 0011 'phonlas didn't tihinl: it necessary to lYoon places. in possession, not only n !
tho most esscotlal deta,ia of the, folonitg' , Y usasi SC Cl�ios�o ,ltcloito, liedreri E. xdcas,
I already known, but of n1vicOS. cogoern P
s -
1:Li1nP—td�--" controvert this little Iiiberilianism, un(
('Wales Is the nano, sir," volunteered
. —
r e
E ,� T-Oi
Paki 572
suL �tL':
Price 350, at all
of those who, when business is dull, don't advertise ?
Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ?
' ,- you are
bound to
When business is
in what it going. Of course, you can increase your
trade by advertising liberally then. But. when the
"off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus-
tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's
your own fault, or there is something wrong with
your advertising, if you don't succeed.
The best business men of the world say tl:at if
you have something that every day people want and
you can make them know that you have it, you are
on the road to a great business success.
There is 130 other way of telling these people
anything you wish them to know quite equal to the
� a5
advertisement in the local newspaper.
You cannot utilize the local newspaper in a bet-
ter manner than by advertising in T113.. TIMES.
Why ? T3ecause'TIIE Tmii.s reaches all• classes
of people in the Town of Winghani, and in the County
of Huron and immediate vicinity. TUE TIMES goes
into the home in every section. Many advertisers
• v found that a liberal use of its columns have paid
them. Why not you ?
_^ eye �.r, ,_.. a tl -`l:";
CNE In 4 `C YES a::. t ..• i. a.. s n
Med 1 n -
until you have tried
A i.4
• f
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cont cartons
Ten Tabules for Five CCITAS. -
!i4 Roti le put up aliosp17 to gratify the eatrama present deniund t+n•,1'. tow pride.
If youdon't find this sort of
l t, Icfti C.
a S
At the Drugg?St'S
fiend l'''ive Cents to Tim RIPANS Cl0t3MM.!: Cod31111 Y o. tet
Spruce St., New York, and they will tie. >,, to you by ,
sz cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. '1 ca lsn en
^ are t t. 0(0 that Ripans Tabules are the very too.: '..t: you steal,