HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-23, Page 9Special. Carpet 7;'.: ,,,L,,,rz\s,:;•,,: ,,"A dining room carpeting cleaned A " _ Get yOur living room and ,t1e107:4' now by the Steamatic profes- sionals for one low price, only $49.95. Offer effective until Nov. 30, 1978. ,...., Phone Stetimatt6 ---A-IVIATIV* I:Ilea-fling Service • total cleani service • 524-2260 $ 95 • 1 001 'Walion WI President Hattie Wood we- , Icomed.all to the Berean Unit with a call to worship reading Gelatins 6:10' and prayer. Devotions were given by Edythe Beacom and Laura Lyon. Theme vv).4 "Where does time -go" Hymn "When, morning gild s". Laura read psalm 19:7-19 . Happy birthday was sung, to Edythe-Beacom, Laura Lyon,,, Laura Saundercock and Dorn Shobbrook. Next meeting in December 13th with Alice Davidson in charge, Vi Burns is to clean brass for December. Berean Unit ha." been asked for 2 numbers for Christmas concert Program and study given • by Edythe . Mrs. Bert Shobbrook 523-4250 United C h urch , woman's • General 'meeting was held • • Mon0;p y night with 19 pre- sent. residentHelen Lawson welcomed all, read scripture and gave meditation "A cup • -or-Water"-, "Thats all it takes" and led in prayer. • Correspondence included thankyou from Jenkins family, Moon Family, Board ".•• of. Stewards for large donation and help at the manse, Dorothy Bruhsden '• and Edythe' Beacom.; a letter ' from London Conference • concerning Alma College. Treasurer's report ,given by Treasurer Margaret' Good ••0-'1' showed a balance of $495.41. , Letters from foster child were passed around. A Christmas Card was signed by all, and a gift of $10. to be sent to her. . • Next meeting will be Christmas pot-luck supper on December 4th at 6:30 p.m. bring a friend.Kitehen help • • volunteers, Helen Lawson, .......VP3e= elses mother. The deet.rize,,was won by Anne Ryan. Rec1rd books were to be into the leaders the Hi seof this week, then to tire •home Economists in Clinton by Beacon and Laura. Lyon. Edyth gave talk out of book or life of John Minerw\at Kingsville on Lake Eric. He died in 1944, His bird sanctuary is open October 15 tp April 15 daily except Sunday. 11e was a naturalist, a bird loving man, and he and 'his brother Ted were great hunters. He had a passage of scripture on each bird tag . They showed slides of some of his birds. The ladies also showed, "picture of Canadian soldiers cernetry at Callais in France. Lunch was served by Addie Hunking and Margaret Whyte. Betty Hulley, Florence Cart- wright and Margaret Good. in charge 9.1 white elephant table Joan Whyte and Addie Bunking .Moved 'to nonaie $25 to Alma College-Reperls were given. - Dora' Shobbrook, reported 47 get 'well cards 14' sym- pathy, 3 . baby con- gratulations, 5 rose in vase sent to funeral homer For buying committee 12 Bibles Good News for Modern Man at 2.95 total $35.40, A number of visits reported. Laura 'Lyon reported for supply quilt tops,linings and ' used clothing sent to Heather Garden Clinton. Mary Long- man reported lunch served; to 6 funerals. Brenda Radford, social convener, reported serving lunch to 3 after church services, 11 banquets ranging from 20 smallest 250 largest with still 3 more t year. The group also had lunch booth at plowing match Members sorry to accept Brenda's resignation after serving for 3. years.. She th nked all for their co- operation with food and help when asked: Joan Whyte expressed thanks. Audrey_ Thompson reported their quilt was completed and thanked all who helped- , The alloeition will be same as last, year $8,90.00. A mitten tree will be set soon and mittens to be givbn to Mrs. Homuth, Clinton for family and spcial service A poinsettia will be pur- chased for church at Christ- mas,Befty Hulley reported a Bazaar to be held in London 'on November 24 for Child- rens Cancer R esearchl'As- sociation. If anyone is in- terested in supporting it Betty is going. Laura Lyon reported for Bible societyg No canvass will be made as all had Wen contacted by mail from the society. Pre- sbyterial to be held in Exeter January 30th. More news page 8 Day 1,1 .e emalcing • club, Essential Ftl'bies on Saturday, December 2, at 9:15 a,m. when they put on their demonstration, exhibits and skits instead of afternoon as other years. The Roll Call "What I do in my leisure time'' was.well answered by msmbers. The meeting was now turned ki.ver 'to .conveners when Mrs. Ray Huether gaye the Motto on Continuing education are you with it? and read two poems, Children learn what .they live and Just for today. The guest speaker , Mrs. Marg English of Wingham was introduced by Mrs. Huether had on display lovely Christmas• decorations. She demon- strated a table centre , aed also showed how to make two different bows. Mrs. Harold Bolger expressed thanks. A very successful Penny Auction was conducted by Mrs. Huether and Mrs. Bol- ger during the serving of fruit breads, cheese,, relish plate, and tea, by. Mrs, Geo. McCall; Mrs. Keith Rock; Mrs. Harold Hudie and Mrs. Dave Watson, The business continued when Mrs. Humphries re-, ported on the panelling of the stage. C.arpet has been laid on the floor. Sheasked for- volunteers to do ' some painting. A quilt was com- pleted last week for the bazaar which is to be held at the hall on December 9 from 2-4 p.m. Tea to be served. Conveners who offered to look after baking and, candy table Marjorb•Rock; Pro- duce and plantlable, Marion Godkin; Craft, Marilyn McDonald; Tough .and take, Elva Bolger; Tea, Mildred Traviss and Maxine Marks. Ruth Axtmann to be at the door. Mrs. Viola Kirkby gave a report from the 39th Women's Institute Guelph Area Convention she had attended recently. 'The card parties will carry on through December every two weeks with hostesses offering. The Community Christmas Concert is scheduled for Friday, December 1. The Branch Directors and Public Relation office has been busy making preparation when everyone is welcothe. Members were reminded there would be.no December „meeting. January meeting is a Court Whist Party - Bring a non-member. 4-11-Meerings • - Walton I 4-H Club for the fall project, "Essential Edibles" held their third meeting at the 'home of the leader, Maraget Shortreed. The President opened the meeting with all members. repeating the 4-H pledge. The leaders Margaret Shortreed and Margaret Bennett discussed "What for Lunch", giving ideas for carried lunches for school, they could be frozen ahead 'for lunches at home or school. They demonstrated a peanut butter and carrot spread twills!) was tasted .,The fourth meeting was held the same night when it was. decided to call the club, "Supper Supers". The main topic was tea biscuits when the leaders showed some that had risen and a batch that did not. The fifth meeting was held on November 6 with all - members ,present. The sub- ject was Dinner a winner when menu planning was discussed, also meat and vegetable •-•.*acing along with salads and desserts and energy conservation. Demonstration on *Jae ex- peri rents when pink velvet and maple treasure was made. • Meeting 6 9f the Supper "Supers was held at Margaret Bennettshome on -Nov ern be 1-4--whet- - the Mothers wet nvited to a.. supper prepared b the girls. The subject being C ristmas in November, each irl were to bake a Christma or- nament and give one to November 24th. The seventh meeting was held on Monday evening, November 20th at Margaret Shortreed's home .when judging tea biscuits was done by the girls, this irtas usually done at the morning session on Achievement Day which is , December 2 at Ethel. Grey %. Central School beginning at 9:15 a.m. Final plans were made fot Achievement Day when the club has an exhibit, Berean sings happy birthday , Correspopdent • Mrs.. Allan McCall 887.6677 The. Education and Culturaf Activities meeting of the Walton Womenrs• In- stitute was held in the Com- munity Hall en Wednesday evening, November IS. Mrs.' Bill Hiimpries welconied the 4-H girls and mothers along with other community guests prior to reading a poem on Noveml• ber. Mrs. Ray Huether was pianist. Mr2.11 m Axtmann read minutes In the cor- respondence we were re- minded of the Achievement Londesboro UC plans pot luck • now Tire Rush 410 IN YOU OTH A ES SH H W 'Di:" CL AGAIN!! ANOTHER DAY SHOT! r r E 0,W araal 11,1,0 • ...•4 why fight that old. washer waste time and money•plus keep the P.U.C. in the block with your wash w. "4. 0.. Snow Travel 57: 878.13.. Blackwal After discount for cash' Why buy retreads when you can get these factory-fresh giant-dord 2-ply Nylon snow tires at such a low price? They make big tracks through snow with deep-biting tread lug's. Blackwell Size .. One Price After discount for cash' A78.13 (600 13)# 17.75 16.86 1378-13.(650-13) 18.50 17.57 678.14 (735'14) 19.45 18.48 F78-14 (775 1,4) 20.80 19.76 G78-14 (825 14) 21.95 20.85 560-15# 18.80 17.86 F78.15 (775 15) 19.95 18.95 G78.15 (825 15) ' 21.80, 20.71 #Tread not shown A78-13 - Whitewall Two or more each after discount* A giant of a snow tire with 4 rugged plies of DuPont 66 - Nylon. Deep-. molded, self- cleaning tread pro- • vides plenty of. pull in .heavy snow, , • Corded cross.plies -are laminated for strength yet giVe a soft ride. ' Whitewall :Size One Tire Price 2 or more each alter discOunt • 520-10* 600-12• 600-12 19.75" 23.75 28.75 16.86" 20.66 23.51 600.13 A78-13 878-13 C78-13 27.45t 29.95 30.901. 30.80" • 24.18t 26.55 27.451 27.36`• 878-14 C78-14 D78.14 E78-14 , F78.14 • G78-14 H78-14 28.95t 28.50" 31.95 32.70 34.30 35.90 37.50 25.60t 25.17" 28.45 29.16 30.68 32.20 33.72 560-15 C78-15 F78-15 G78.15 H78.15 J78-15 29.30 32.40 '34.90 36.40 38.30 38.80 25.93 28.88 31.25 32.68 34.48 34.96 •2 ply nylOn • • Blackwell price I Blackwall available at $1.90 less Glass-Beked B1978-13 Whitewall 00 Each After discount for cash * Canadian Tire Store Whitewall •• Size . 'One Tire . Price • 'After discount for cash' ' 15558.12., 35.45 33.68 055/80813 36.95 . 35.10 1.6588.13 37.95 36.05 8878.13 38.95 37.00 185SR•13# 53.95 47.45. DR78 14 41.95 39.85 ER78.14 43.45 41.28 FR78.14 45.45 43.18 GR78.14 46.95 44.60 165S11.15 42.95 40.80 FR78•15 46.95 44.60 GR78.15 47.45 , 45.08 ' HR78.15 51.45 48.88 #Hiwayliyway, tread not shown *Temporarily in short supply A70-13 White Letter 2 or more each after discount* Extra wide for extra traction. Two Glass belts and 2 Polyester plies ride smooth and quiet. Bold White lettering - White stripe' n reverse, Tornado 600 (60-series) is even-wi- der and tougher with 2 Kevlar belts atop 2 Nylon plies for real muscle car looks and super performance. White Letter. Size ' One Tire Price 2 or more each after discount • A70-13 36.90 33.15 B60.13 41.45 37.48 070-14 41.50 37.52 E70.14 42.45 38.43 F70-14 43.75 39.66 G70.14 45.80 41.61 G60-14 51.45 46.98 H70.14 48.65 44.32 G7Q.15 47.50 43.22 G60.15 • 52.95' 48.40 H70-15 49.70 45.31 L60.15 64.95 59.80 60 series tread not shown Check the Complete benefit terms of our tire warranty • posted in your local The Winter Express 78-series Radial is a tremendous tire for the price! Efficient ▪ design with rugged, self-cleaning cleats that develop an exceptional bite to provide up to 80% more grip -in snow than summer ra develop Built slightly lighter - with a 2-ply Polyester body encircled by 2 reinforcing GI ss belts to give you a smoother ride than you'd think pOssible from,such a high-tra lien rad' I tire. • No Addition arge for Installation of our new passenger tires on most standard rims hen you buy a Dill or Schrader alve at our regular price of $1. a must. install tire-and.valve-together-;= ' • -- Hiway- Byway Bias-Ply Nylon 55 :iammioni1ERN.11111.11.0g1111111W: s1: :Bias.-Belted 'Wide' Tornados 151 " i . , *5% Discount' for cash payment on tires in lieu of. Cash Bonus Coupons • .A111 our passenger tires are 5-Year Road Hazard Insured . iionnWennagnimmolozazionowasimagnionummoommanommen to V' O .1 IVIbunt winter tires on spare wheels to eliminate remounting and balanc- ing charges, Repeated 'tire changes can cause bead damage and leaks, prep. Ode Fr» h1 Off ant ilia* tatii timid iiii tliatt arliail NAME ADDRESS titlw folio held 1n thw Lauitairoorat, 'Ont. 1 Where you tan-in only , one hi:bur...wash and dry your clothes PROFESSIONALLY" "SUPER CLEAN" and In soft water, too! Whilst, you wait, have a coffee on us....and Mai -in clean, pleasant surroUndingsi IN TIME 00it .dlittittMAS Wheel Rims Change Wheels NOT Tires Make/Model Size Price 1976-78 Aspen, and Volarq... 14x 5;" 1A95 1-* 1977.78 Chev 1R95 and Pontiac,,, 15 x 6" IMP 196778 Beetle 1905 & Super Beetle 15 x 4f/2 " ' Sample listings only-We can supply Most makes and models. Kevlar-Belted Radial Hiway-Byway Winter Radial with Big Paw Traction 58 Each 2 or more each after discount* Our finest radial snow tire IS packed with features. Big Paw Tradfion is blend Of natural and synthetic tread rubbers' that grip dike a Oder bear's paw to, near stud-like traCtien. Kevlar is the amazing Ararnid fibre that is,. pbUndffor-poUnd, lime's Stronger than Steel. DuPont's mig'ht'y Kevlar dews a construCtion that prOvideS all the handling Capabilities of Steel radials 'Without their harahnets. 2 Polyester plies add to the Smooth-riding perforMance of this superb traction radial, Mt Coss of Condo Dry Ginger Als C ICORSOLATION PRIZES of VARNA° Tickets ASSOCIATE STORE Ltd. Sear() rth DR78-14 Whitewall • Whitewall Size 0878-14 ER78.14 PR78-14 ,GR78-14 GR78.15 4178.15 JR78•15 .LF178,15 Hiway-Byway Kevlar Radial 61.45 54.58 62.45 55.53 65.45 58.18 67.95 60.75 68.45,„ 61.23 72.45 " 65.03 74.95 67.40 76.95 69.30 2 or more each alter discount' • , t. • 1,