HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-16, Page 23n,* Barn washing and disinfecting Spraying with carbola whitens and disinfects as it dries. *Cattle-spraying forlite and warble control Over123,000 'tax-free prizes* worth more than $5 million. -5 regular prizes of $100,000, -123,000 other prizes- including: . -3 big bonus prizes 101$10,000 prizes, of $50,000,$20,000 .101 $5,000 prizes, , and $10,000. . 101 $2,000 prizes, • 505 $1,000 prize $1 still gets you in the game.Watch the 9thWintario Bonus Dravi live on TV, Thursday, November 23rd at 9 pm from the Parkside Collegiate in St. Thomas. NO'VEMBIER23. This message is brought to you by your Hydro on behalf of people who care Wastingelectricity turns people off. 4 • Raced ‘sti fo r gerlesortlekm, thr year( Wining 15erintl. FM/811 HY8-3343 Walton people play euchre Sunday supper guests with Mrs, Jhrk Shot-treed were Mr. and l rs. Mack Webster, Mary Ellen and Mark of Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shot-treed, JACO) Robbie and Kendra, RR 3, Walton. Wt. OPP buys big snow machines Commissioner H.H. Gra- ham - announces that the Ontario Provincial Police Force- has purchased -three 12-place Bombardier snow- -- mobiles for use in Southern Ontario snow belts. • • • PoWered by an: Industrial V-8 engine, these machines can be equipped with wheels or skis depending on terrain Londesboro Correspondent Mrs. Bert Shobbrook 523-4250 " President Marjorie Duizer opened the W.I. meeting with a thought and welcomed all. Roll Call was 'answered by bringing an article from another country. Minu tes and financial statement were read by Secretary, .Treasurer Marjorie Anderson com- munications included a thank you from- Blyth Legion for donation for Remembrance Day, from Huron -.Count; Homemakers rummage sale at Clinton on November.18th. .Kora Pi pe gave-teadings on A'Vvaste not want not"' and "Whiskers" Majorie Duizet gave report of •the London Area Con- vention Sally Pollard favour- ed with a piano solo. Next meeting will be Christmas meeting with e family night Pot luck supper at 6.:10 p.m. on December l3thT he hall social conveners will convene supper and finance conintit- tee . the program. 1 t was • (moved to buy shut-ins a Christmas gift. Vi Burns introduced guest speaker. Bill Bromley pre- Sident of Londesboro Lions club. Assisted by Tom' • Duizer, they showed a film ' on lions work. -Lions' first and snow conditions. They may also be used as off-road vehicles during the snow- -free months in rough or muddy areas. The new machines- will be based at the Force's • Chat.. ham, London and Belleville district headquarters. In this way, they will be immedi- ately available" durineheavy formed in Dallas Texas 1917. Bill explained the Emblem colours are "purple and Gold" motto "we serve." and told of many ways, they help the many needy sand hand- icapped, showed the Londesboro Lions - pin de- signed by Ann Adams,The Londesboro club is a young club_ first official meeting. 'June 2nd 1977 their charter night September 17th, 1977. Members-will make,a quilt to sell tickets on. Alice Buchanan and Marjorie Anderson are to be in charge Of quilt. Lunch committee were Nora Pope, Ora Bruce and Tri Duizer. Lucky draw won by Gene vive Allen. .-• rersonais Mr. Bert Shobbroat was., admitted to Clinton Public hospital ,on Friday night November '10 with stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen spent weekend with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson Brian, Ken and Sandra at Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flunking attended Royal Winter Fair,' Toronto on Friday - Mrs. Ross Mill son, Wood- stoek visited her father Mr. Bert Shobbrook in Clinton Public Hospital on weekend snowstorms experienced in these areas. Police crews will have rescue gear on' hand in emergencie. The snow- mobiles are supplied with an array of.survival needs. Citiz 'en's Band 'radio has proved to bean asset in•the past, so• the new snow- mobiles have a CB radii), in and spent Satruday night with her mother. Ross visited on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns visited on Sunday with her• sister Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Keys .Glammis;. Rev. McDonald was dinner guest on Wednesday evening of Mr. anclMrs./Bob Rich- mond of Etruspls. Also pre- sent were Mrs. Richmond's It was a big night-for 15- boys, October 30th' when they were investekintp Cub and Scouts groups, and we- lcomed' by the other boys. Parents and family of the 1st Londesboro Cub and Scouts were special guests for the evening. Cubmaster Stan 'McDonald and Scoutmaster David Overboe, we're -in charge of the special service.1 Passing their tests and in- vested into Cubs were: Brian Buffinga, Jamie Codk, Brian Howatt, Stephen Kennedy, Craig Lock hart, Robert McCool, Bradley Millson, Freddie Peel. Michael Rad- ford, Rod Thurlow, 'Jeff Vincent, Brian Whyte. Pass- dig their tests and invested into the Scouts were John Cartwright, Garry Wilts, and Ronnie Vincent, The-leaders for the groups this year are David Overboe, Tom Pollard, Bruce Lockhart Murray Howatt,'David Lear, Mark, Mitchell, Greg Andrews, Allen Peel and Rev. McDonald. The Group Committee. are Chairman David Overboe, Secretary Lena Nesbitt, Treasurer M -urray Adams, members -Jack Lee,,Gordon Shobbrook, adn John Radford. The Cubs have started their program of learning knots under the leadership of resource leader Gordon Shobbrook. The Scouts, this year have planned a 'rather exciting program of outdoor camping in November, a trip to a, hockey game in Toronto as well as a number of other craft and outdoor activities. Remembrance was the theme the Walton' Unit meeting November 8. Mrs. Harold Boeger opened the devotions with the Call to Worship. Mrs. Edna Hackwell was pianist for hymn, Come Ye Thankful People, Come, Mrs. Nelson Reid read the scripture les- son from Chapter 3 of Thes- salonians, Mrs. Bolger led in prayer followed with a read- r ing., ..Lest We Forget and a Remembrance poem, closing this part of the meeting with --singing-: hymn, -0- God---of Love, 0 King •of Peace. Mrs. Stewart Humphries gave the topic .cm "Give us this day, our daily bread" from the, "Lord's Prayer" taken from- the book, God's • •Psychiatry reminding mem- bers how to talk to God. Keeping with the theme for the season Mrs. McCall opened the business 'with a poem on ArmiStice Day: Roll call wag answered by 20 members: Treasurer, Mrs. M. Sholdice °gave both the U.C.W. financial and unit reports. A nominating committee was chosen to bring in slate of officers for next year: ' Copper Contest money was handed in with Mrs., Gordon Murray's' side win- ning, 1(was decided to have achristnias party, with Mrs. E Mitchell's losing side pre- paring for the supper on Thursday., • December 14th at 6:30 p.m. There will .be a gift exchange and members decided td give ,a small gift to' shut-ins. b,ates.losememb.er from the U.C.W. executive meeting. Were • the Presby- terial' meeting this week in Wingham and November 20 has been set for the Walton U.C.W. to go to the resource centre in Mitchell. All •units are to attend the• Pot luck U.C.W. Christmas meeting on 'Wednesday, December 6th called for'6:45 p.m. .Mrs,..Bill .Thamer offered to visit a lady at' Huronview, Cliff Ritchie; man with most buttons after a three way cut • Torrance Dundas; Lady wearing color underwear -' Elsie Shaddick; Man wearing color underwear - Ernie Stevens; Lady with most 4's on card - Mrs. Ken McDon- ald; man with most 4's on card - Harvey Craig. Women's Insititute host- esses were Mrs; Gerald Wat- son; Mrs. Graeme Craig; Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs. Lavern Gogsj)i. There will be another euchre on Nov. 21 at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. there had been two ladies names referred to the UCW. Following Grace, lunch was serven by Mrs. Roily • Achill :Mrs. Ralph Travis and M:s. Edna Hackwell. 1 Tt'l & Boundary 17t I and Boundary unit met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Craig. - The Armistice Day poem by Mrs. Harold McCallum- opened the meeting followed by everyone repeating in -unison- the hymn;-"Peace perfect peace," Hymn, "The morning, light is breaking" was sung accompanied by Mrs. Martin Baan at the piano. Mrs. Mc Callum led in prayer. The scripture reading was taken from Ephesians 4-1-16 read by Mrs. Harvey Craig. Mrs. McCallum gave a read- ing, "No time has there ever been so ,much need for love as now" Hymn, "In Christ there is no East or West" Was sung. Mrs. Harvey Craig gave the topic, "In Evangelism and World ,Peace", remind- ing us that he, Jesus Christ is our peace, then all stood and sang the Queen closing this devotional part of the meet- ing. The offering was re- ceived and dedicated. Mrs.' Graeme Craig. pre- sided fol.' the business open- ' ing with' a poem, "Twelve things to remember". Mrs. Helen Williamson read the minutes. 11 members answered the roll call. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Karen Hoegy and Mrs. Hugh' Johnston gave the miscellaneous fund re- port. A thank you card was read from 'the Clark family. Members were reminded of the U.C.W. Potluck super for the Christmas meeting on December 6 when the unit is responsible-for arranging for it. Mrs: H. McCallum assist- ed the hostess in serving lunch at the close of the meeting. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles spent a week recently with Mr. and Mrs. 1 etlAchilles at Hearst! also visiting with.his sister. Mrs. Margaret Turn- er. Miss Kim Humphries'R.N, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Humphries left week ago Saturday' from the Toronto Airport for Salt Lake City, Utah, where she will be employed at the Primary Children's Hospital there. We 'wish Kim well in her chosen profession as a nurse. Mrs. Pat Holmes, Clinton, and Mrs. Ray Huether visit- ed recently with a former teacher, Mrs. Ray Klem at Kitchener. ' Recent visitors with Mrs. Jean Broadfoot were Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Exeter and Mr. , and Mrs. John Nottingham of Delta, B.C. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. David Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kestles of London visited Mrs. Broad- foot and on Sunday Mrs. John- Allison, -Seaforth also visited at the same home. Dr. Myers formerly of Brussels who now lives at Saskatoon, Sask. has been making calls on friends in the Walton area. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall were supper. guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell .and Harris ,of Londesboro. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall, 887-6677 Large enrollment at Londesboro School addition to the' regular police band, ............ ,•• During the snow emer- gencies, all the normal eneans of transportation suc- cumb to the storm. These newly acquired snow ve- hicles will enable the OPP to conduct complete rescue missions and patrol blocked highway$ (even at the height of a winter storm). WI members hear from Lions parents Dr. and MrsCharles Myers of Saskatoon. Sask. Explorers The 4th' Explorer Ex- pedition was held Nov. 9 20 girls were present Cheryl Bromley and Sandy Carter presented the Explorer Emblem. Marn i Gibbings presented the Explorer picture. • Boys invested into , . scouts in LondesboTo The Tuesday evening euchre was held in the Walton Community hall. There were 12 tables of euchre in play. Prizes were awarded for high lady Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; 'low lady - Mrs. Sadie McDonald; High man - Bruce Godkin; low man - Bert Shobbrook; Lad- ies most zeros on card - Mrs. Rena Watt; Men most zeros on card - Bert Daeri Lady with most buttons • Mrs. UCW remembers J. SPANJEIZ MANUFACTURING Mitchell Manure Pumps Stabling Elevator Legs Mitchell 348-9104 HOEGY. FARM SUPPLY , LIMITED Brodhagen, Ontario Tel. 345-2941 After hours 345-2243 McKELLAR BARN & COMMERCIAL PAINTING We are now installing roofing & siding for barns, • Protection from Rain and Snow. • Many Colors to Choose from or plain Calvanized • Cut Labor Costs •with Hyd. Arial Boom. • 36" 'coverage faiter to apply. • Hi Ribbed for extra strength. • Can be installed with. weather gard Drill Screws [No need for costly Renailing after a few years] Call_now forfree estimates 345-2879 • R.R. 2.,'Staffa • k The Sunday School staff met this past week for their regular business and training meeting. The exceptionally large enrollment in Sunday School this year has caused a bit of over crowding. To accoinodate all 'the classes a -discussion took• place on moving some of the lcasses into the Sancttiary. The staff are very pleased with the great response of young people coming to Sunday School 'and par- ticularly the large teen-age class. Final plans were-made for the• annual fall crokinole fitnily party on Friday, N overnb er 24th in_theehurch hall and the Annual White' Gift Service and Pageant to be held on Sunday, December 3rd at 10:30 a.m. in the church Sanctuary in conjunction with- the church service, The ' Congregational Life and Work Committee heard reports of all the thru-the- week groups , and Sunday Church School programs in the church. The committee were pleased with the fine response and the leaders and teachers that have come forth to,lead and serve in the different groups and classes Aft er reviewing all groups and activities in the church the committee made their final plans for the "Old Fashioned ehristMas Concert" to be 'held in the church on Friday, December 8th. All groups in the hurch will be prese ting two numbers to th concert and word has also been received that_Santa_wilL,be_preSent___ with some goodies for the • children. Further plans were also made for the Congregational Swimming Party and Fellow- ship night to be held in February and the Con- gregational Skating Party and Pot-Luke Supper to be held in March. . ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION Doyouknowwhat turns people off? You probably think you do. They're,mostly the thing 'that turn you off, right? Well, see how right you are Check the habits below you think will turn people off. .Filling up a hot tub instead of taking a shower. 2.Turning on the floodlights- to light up the house all night. El 3. Turning up the thermostat, then opening a window nAre-avitig thenTijiiin one room while you eat dinner in another. 5. Cooking on an element too big for the pot. El 6. Brightening up the hollse at dusk by turning on all the lights. 0 7, TurnitAg the washing machine on to launder just a couple of things. q 8.Filling the kettle up to make a single cup. If you checked them all, I to 8. you're right. Because waste of electricity, like anything everybody really needs, is a bad habit. That makes all the habits above turn-offs. Which is a good reason for all of us to avoid them. R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" VACUUM CLEANERS - sales and service of most makes. • CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES * SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES MOFFAT APPLIANCES • SMOKE SENSORS - * INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS * HAND CRAFTED -GIFTS Varna Ont 482-7 1 0'3