HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-16, Page 22_AMIN" WMATID IT'S HEINZ — WEEK 6 DAYS OF BARGAINS. HEINZ QUALITY' TOMATO OR VEGETABLE TTNI SOUPS ZEHRS REG. 28' N SAVE 68' ON 6 IS 10 oz, TINS WITH PORK ROST.ON STYLE OR • ' HEINZ BEANS1-4.z.. Zoo! IN TOMATO SAUCE,• A THICKAND RICH HEINZ QUALITY KETCHUP 75 20 oz. SIZE ZEHRS REG. 93' KOSHER BABY DILLS-SWEET MIXED NO GARLIC BABY DILLS HEINZ QUALITY '24 oz. JAR PICKLES 9 HEINZ QUALITY COOK ED CANNED SPAGHETTI 14 oz 19 oz. TINS FOR 1 SAVE 28c ZEHRS $3 27 REG. n BLACK DIMAOND PROCESSED CHEESE $2 99 SLICES SINGLES 2 lb. II HEINZ BEST FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE SAVE 16° 5 VARIETIES GENERAL MILLS CEREALS M) OR ZEHRS 95c REG. 79c WESTONS FRESH BAKED SANDWICH BREAD • .24 oz. SAVE 236 . - • 4 COLOUR'tPAPER TOWELS • ROYALE TOWELS 2 ROLLS s FOR • ZEHRS $i 99 REG.• 111.0.• 99. 5- LITRE LAUNDRY SIZE YOUNG ONTARIO FRESH PORK HOCKS FRESH ENGLISH STYLE • lb. 59c SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGE SCHNEIDERS TANGY FLAVOURED SAUERKRAUT SWEET PICKLED CORNMEALED BY THE PIECE BURNS BACK BACON MAPLE LEAF QUALITY HEADCHEESE. CHUNKS SAVE • 41 ZE S ;1.39 E.Q. SMITH LARGE SIZE C SAVE 20c TET.s 11.39 CAKE & PASTRY FLOUR • FLOUR, 2.5 Kg. MONARCH. 4 11 1 SAVE 20°ZEHRS - REG. 60 lb 1.68 500 gr. 49c lb. $2.49 lb '1.69 GARDEN COCKTAIL 48 oz. JAR MAPLE LEAF ALL BEEF SAUSAGE 5 VARIETIES OF CHOICE SHOPSYS SALADS FROZEN top (STORE p,AtKED) FISH CAKES , BURNS STORE PACKED , SMOKED SAUSAGE ZEHRS SHELF PRICE TICKETS SHOW THE PRICE PER OZ. OR UNIT TO ASS T YOU IN COMPARING VALUES SAYE 46c. • ZEHR F1EG. S VENETIAN VANILLA WITH CHERRIES-FRUIT OR NUTS. SI* NEILSONS ICE CREAM SAYE 12c REGULAR OR JULIENNE CUT FRENCH FRIES. SAYE 38° DIETRIGHS POPULAR FRESH SANDWICH - SUBS PKG. OF 8 1 LITRE ZEHRS REG. 'ZEHRS REG. L PKGS. FOR 81 96 lb. $1.69 16 oz. CTN.79c lb. 786 lb '1.59 by Dr. Chuck Robbins This article will be primarily concerned with the.. normal heat cycle of the female •_dog. Several ethods of controlling the heat cycle -in' yoUr poet will also be discussed. The first heat cycle in the.bitch occurs, at about 8 to 12 months of age. The dog- esually. has two heat cycle$ a year, althdugh sonic small breeds may have 3 or 4,' Mid large breeds only 1. The pericrAs of estrum (or heat) usually occur in the late spring and fall, but may occur at any time. • The heat cycle, in the dog c . be divided - into 3 stages, namely proestro and anestrous, - Proestrous, or th before estrous, gen days. During this swollen and firm, and a bloody discharge from the uterus is observed' at the vulva (i.e. spotting). This discharge attracts the. .-male dogs . 'r • ' '.••••••• -,<-45 .` ' ^ " Estrum, true heat of the period when the :bitch will accept the male, lasts from,3 to - - 21 'days with an average of 4 4-12 days. radually it(i attracteny both the vaginal discharge-and urine from bitches- during this period.\"- Various methods are available to control the reproductive activity of the bitch. TWo products that are on the market at this,time are Ovaban (Schering Corporation - not available in Canada) and Cheque (Tuco Products Company). These products have been shown to be effective as methods of heat control in the bitch. It must 'be stressed however, that you should consult with yogi. veterinarian before beginning a program of heat control for your dog. , Another alternative is the use of tablets which eliminate the odour which- attracts male dogs. One such product is Thero- phydliri Laboratories Incorp- orated). While this product helps cpntrol the attractive odour, it does not affect the breeding capability. Therefore, it is till necessary to confine your pet to prevent an unwanted matin. The other, and perhaps more commonly employed alternative is ovariohysterectomy optspaying. This method is permanent and, is probably the best choice if you have, no breeding plans for your pet. Hopefully this article. has cleared -up .some of the questions regarding the heat cycle of the bitch. If you plan' to breed your dog in the future, but would like to control her reproductive activity now, there are alternatives open to_you. If you have any questions tzegarding the points discussedin this article please contact your veterinarian. The next article in this series will deal with breeding and potential problems that may occur at this time, estrous,' im ediately /rally lasts from 7 to 10 eriod the vulva is The period Of proestrous blends - into the period of estrous. A chang colour of the, vaginal discharge from broody red to a straw colour signifies the • beginning of true heat. Anestrous or the period of decreased reproductive activity in the bitch; genefally btgins approximately 90 days after estrum. Anestrous lasts for about 3 months with a range, of 2 to 8 months.. ' The cycling bitch is attractive, to male dogs during prOestrous and estrous, or for a pefiod. of two t our weeks. Male does are , PLASTIC WRAP GLAD WRAP 200 FT 99c SANDWICH BAGS 100's 89C LADY PATRICIA NORMAL EGG OR LEMON MeCAINS STRAWBERRY OR'RASPBERRY SHAMPOO 550 nil, $1 1109 SHORTCAKES 189 2 lb. FROZEN a ROBIN HOOD MIXES - eVARIETIES GAY LEA TANGY FRESH PUDDING CAKE 87 oz. 2F.R99* CHIP DIP 250 g. 49C 5 FLAVOURS fAMILY STYL . . ' . NIAGARA FROZEN CONCENTRATED NESTLE' 111/DINGS 15 •zr 59c ORANGE JUICE 12,5 oz. 69C PARAM outer LIGHT • SPECIAL PRICES ON THIS PAGE IN EFFECT SOLID TUNA 1 Oz. TIN ORM age • UNTIL CLOSINGIVES9AY NovemBER 21 ..... WE RESERVE TUE .-RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO'REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS , • ' GIAD "THE STRONG MIES" I One 'third Ont rio bridges called unsa Marsh World by Murray Gaunt A, Government survey has found that nearly a third of Ontario's municipal .bridges are unsafe Transportation and Conlin tomtit ions • Minister James Snow .,$aiti this week.' nearly a third of Ontario's municipal bridges-are unsafe Transportation and Com: munications Minister James Snow said this week. Mr. Snow said that ins- pections were carried out during the past two years by consulting engineers hired by municipal governments. A five-year' program- to repair or replace the, most unsafe bridges is being und- ertaken by muncipalities. and will be financed 80 per cent' by. the province., The Minis- ter noted that it will be up to the municipalities to take the initiative to do the repair work. Samuel Johnston, the counsellor ' at the Huronia Regional Centre in Orillia who was convicted of kicking a mentally retarded woman . the face, d been trans- •ferred from II Ministry of Community . Social Ser- vices to a position in another ministry. and. Will no longer have direct contact with 'residents in any provincially run institution. • • • As a result of this settle- ment, Keith Norton has withdrawn a bill which would have overturned the grie- vance board's decision and a ruling by the Ontario Sup- reme Court ordering the G.overnment to reinstate Mr. Johnston as a residential counsellor: Ontario legislation to retal- iate against restrictions imp- osed by Quebec on construct- ion workers passed second reading-approval in principle in the Legislature this week. Bill 136, which allows the Labour Ministry to impose residency requirements on Quebec construction worker' who want jobs in Ontario. was sent to committee for further study. The minority Conservative government backed off just enough, on the controversial Cantrakon developmeni to avoid a defeat in the Legis- lature that could have Veen considered a motion of lam- confidence. Hotising Minister Claude Bennett told the Legislature that he will arrange a .tneet- ing between Cantrakon which Wants to build a conference centre on the Niagara Escarpment. and rate-payers opposed to the development. Mr. Bennett did not say he would reverse his approval of the development, made over the objections of the Niagara Escarpment commission. After Mr. Bennotread a letter from Cantrakon's law- yers saying the company. would consider other sites that met its requivnents. Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said his party " mild drop the motion to reduce the minis- :try's spending. Ontario Premier Willitint, Davis ordered Cabinet minis- ters not to communicate with judges: Crown attorneys .or, provincial prosecutors. or members of quasi-judicial bodies about matters before them. except through the office Of tote minister respon- sible. . The guidelines on minis- terial conduct were released the same day as the report of a senior Itaw officer Which . concluded that former Sol- icitor. -General George Kerr telephoned an assistant' Crown attorney primarily to influence the sentencing of a constituent. Kerr resigned in Sept. over the matter. Mr. Davis suggested-the guidelines - apply to all membc•rs of the Legislature, although;' ie cannot issue 'fin order to that effect. .1-11e said .Th e long, awaited reno- vation project at Cli n t on Public Hospital started this Brat t,Con st ruct ion Co. Ltd. of London has the 5125.000 contract to upgrade the 1947 wing-of the hospital to meet current fire standards. • The upgrading will include replacing ceiling tiles.. put- ting in a fire sprinkler system and adding about . 1.000 square feet to a new storage area. he woult,L.-ask Ow standing committee of procedural af- fairs to prepare recommend- ., The work is g nig to mean some patients in the hospital Will have to be moved. Paring construction, 14 beds upstairS will have to be ,closcd and about the same number of beds downstairs. but Ibis won't be done all at 'the same ti.11.4 , -- Clinton PublicHospi•tql - was one of the,smaller ' hospitals which 'the pro- vineiat ministry of hsalth . tried to close. However. die threatened closure was halt- ations for,, the conduct of MPP's in dealing with, the judiciary. 'ed by a public protest. The provincial' government is paying about two-thirds -of the costs for the current renovation project at, the hospital. In the future, hospital staff hope shift the emergency and x-ray departments front the ,old -north wing of the hospital to the south wing. which now houses 'the' hosp- ital's administration offices. -F—. BOTULISM C— 'Akin to food poisoning in man, this disease is responsible for. the deaths of many thouiancis of ducks,. geese, shorebirds and many other avian marsh inhabitants each year. The disease is caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium 'botulinum which, under the right conditions, can effectively "poison" a marsh. Any decaying animal matter in the mud becomes infected, and if' picked up by shorebird T. water- fowl in sufficient amounts the toxin wi - disrupt - the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. nova ions star t Clintonhpspital , I. 4, • ,..MR.PP.:45" is 16' K # fine markets... of fine foods LEG PORTION BACK ON BREAST PORTION WING & BACK ON ONTARIO FRESH! Pei peeves The °heatCyCle PLAIN OR SALTED' :ZEHRS CRACKERS COATING SPRAY MAZOLA NO-STICK FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS 39-CASCADE 9c, ABC DETERGENT 2 Kg. $ 1. 9 ZEHRS 5 VARIETIES REG .RS 72' PKG. COLD , MEATS . ,6 oz. PKGS 2 'R C. SLICED . 5 VARIETIES ZEHR RE G.S "1.59 lb. a‘rSCHNEIDERS SIDE n:,CEpDKG BACON ENDS BURNS FULLY COOKED PORK SHOULDER SMOKED $ PICNICS z.Fi8s lb I NO. 1 SWEET FLORIDA :GRAPEFRUIT PINK OR WHITE FLORIDA SIZE 48's 8FOR 99c FINEST JUICE SWEET', -BRAND ORANGES BONITA:0R ' 5 lb. BAG $1.59 NAME CHIQUITA BANANAS -4 Fibosiisl FLORIDA , NEST AVOCADO . NUT FLAVOURED PEARS. • P SIZE 4B's 3 FOI'll APPLESfIN ELAILGE SIZE'14's 89d .FLORIDA NO. 1 CUCUMBERS OUTDOOR GROWN $ . 4 FOR 1 ONT. ONTARIO PARSNIPS NO. I FRO S T, SWEETENED .. , 2 lb. CELLO BAG 690 •NEW No.! FRESH GREEN CABBAGE TENOEFI - . 2°°R794 PRODUCE OF. U.S.A. FRESH NO.1 SPINACH TENDER - 100z. CELLO 59c . U.S 'NO, 4 Fittsit ROMAINE TENDER , LARGE r 'Oats RUBBER IMPORTED 2P" 999c PLANTS , 011.97G, 139 sLETTUCE . C . ,8 ' C LONG :FIRE :BURNING 'FIR,E,NACE LOG . ASE OP 6 LOGS '5,29 have a full selection of sizes-and f. styles for - hz the entire family lop We will be pleased to serve you in: S FRI.-EVENINGS 11 ODERICH-HURON RD Hy" Our m anag er 8 OPE