HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-16, Page 17"We certainly appreciate the way all the Owns in the county have rallied round and the tremendous job that the volunteers do in keeping the bureau going," says Mrs. Hindmarsh. Perhaps you can help to make someone's Christmas a little brighter this, year. The 76 meeting of the Celebrity Cooks took place at the boom f Mrs. Janneke Murray at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. At the lightning of the meeting the leader, Janneke Murray set out plates with 4 differentpkinds of tea biscuits The members had to deter- mine the best and the worst characteristics of each. Members and leaders then 'discussed achievement ,day and preparations for our party for meeting 6. II ci I I CelebOty oaks pick best; worst tea biscuits gifts for their children. Over half the children in the families being helped are teenagers, says Mrs. Hind- marsh, so more than just toys are needed. Too often people think of Christmas is only for children: and they -forget the older ones in the family, she Says. ' As a co-ordinated effort, The Christmas Bureau has been in operation for about seven years now. ' 'Before this, several volunteers would pitch in and. help*, pack Christmas parcels for fami- lies in need and then, volunteer Dorothy Scott would visit every known Alpha-hears needy family in the county. taking the parcels to them. "This was an enormous amount of work in often grim driving conditions," says Mrs. Hindmarsh. The Christmas Bureau, because it is now a co- ordinated effort, saves dupli- cation of work, explains Mrs. Hinkimarsh. The familiel who need help get help an they also get what they need. Families who are in need at •Christmas can either be referred to the Christmas Bureau or they can contact the bureau directly them- selves. Letters are sent out to all .agencies working with families in order to get referrals. Letters are also sent to service clubs and other groups asking for 'help or donations. "People have been very generous with their dona- tions and the service clubs and church groups have been very good too." says Mrs. Hindmarsh. The Kinsmen in particular 'have been a big heir) to The Christmas Bureau They man toy boxes set up .11' various locations around town and then give the toys collected to the bureaus to be distrib- uted. Dorothy, (DOt) Scott is the cd-ordinator of the Christmas Bureau's depot in Goderich and she will get assistance from the Kinettes. Yarn is available this year from Dianne Armstrong and the bureau is asking that people .do some volunteer knitting for the depots this ChristMas. If anyone wants to give a donation of money. it c"n be mailed or taken to Family and Children's Services; Christmas Bureau, 46 Gouchester Terrace in Goderich. Whether you give your time as a volutneer at the bureau, perform a labour of love by knitting something for the bureau.,deposit toys, etc. at the Salvation Ar my, depot or send a gift of money, your help is deeply appreciated by both the bureau and the families who benefit from it directly. - "The families are so grate- ful for the help they get." says Mrs. Hindmarsh. There are so mare families now, she explains, in. which the father is working but they ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN hlFl — and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deduclable Registered • Retirement Sax lags Plans and Annuities. income ,6 eraging Annuities Ask for our ne% Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. — REPRESENTING — Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for 19 years. Te1.327-0.110 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH service application of Irvin Bowes and placed no restrict- ions on The lot which will be severed is in the town of Blyth.. Council also approved the tile drain inspectors com- pletion certificates and instructed the clerk to pre- pare the necessary bylaw. Members also decided to request that Ontario Hydro replace the bulbs in the street lights in Lendesboro as 'soon as possible.. Council also approved a bylaw to rezone part of Lot 22, Con. 14: The township road super- intendent was asked to con- tact Radford Construction, the company which will be be hired to jilow roads in the township this winter at a price of $18 per hour plus $15 per day standby while not working. Building permits approved by the council included a permit for Orville Storey, for an implement shed; a permit for M. Salverda, for an addition to an implement shed; a permit for Tony Verberg, for an addition to the house; a permit allowing: Clifford Snell to renovate a . barn; P. Reisma for an addition to a house and remodeling; K. Armstrong, for siding on a barn; C. Guetter, for an ,addition to a chicken barn; Stanley Ball, for' a milk house and L. Bruinsma, for a liquid manure tank. vertising is a guide to fashion. ..:••••e« 44, • •.:• ah% MOM HERE'S HOW EXAMPLE Doe, William P. R.R.6 Walton, Ont. Dec. 1-0-9-8 Mr. Doe's subscription expir6b the first of December 1977. The digit to the right indicatei the year of expiry. Please Check Your SUBSCRIPTION Expiry Date Please watch the date on your label and renew before your subscription expires. iratit /**.fititton (6xpositor 527.0240 • Seaforth • It may be a bit premature for some people to start thinking about Christmas but those at the Christmas Bureau at Huron County's Family and Children's Serv- ices have already been think- ing about it for many months now. While most peoplehave only one or two families to - -think about at Christmas time, The Christmas Bureau has about 200 families to consider and that's the reas- on for their early thoughts of preparation. Marian Hindmarsh, social worker and overall co- ordinator 'of the volunteer Christmas Bureau, explaines that, through the bureau. each needy family is sent a cheque of $5 for each child in the family and if help is needed with Christmas din- ner, an amount for the food is added to that cheque in proportion of the family's size. The money that allows the bureau to do all this comes from the people in the com- munities-, of Huron County. Last year $7,000 was donated to help 180 families and this year the bureau hopes to raise abdut $9,000 as they expect to have many more families on their list. The co-ordinators under Mrs. Hindmarsh in each of the five county towns, set up and man depots in their towns where toys, clothes, books, skates, tricycles and anything a family could use, may be deposited by people. In Goderich the depot will be at The Salvation Army at 18 Waterloo Street from Dec. 4 to 8. All recipient families will be contacted between December 11 and 15 and the parents of the families may then go to the depot in their town and select Christmas Hullett Township Council; which met on Nov. 6, has • decided •- to' join the anti- smoking campaign. Council members asked the clerk to prepare a bylaw for the municipality which will restrict smoking in pub-: lie buildings in Hullett Town- ship. When the bylaWi is ap- proved; signs will he posted .in conspicuous places in township-owned buildings.. In other business, council issued a building permit for Christopher Schneyderberg, pt. lot 6, Con. 1.2, subject to township bylaws and Depart- ment of Health. regulations. Mr. Schneyderberg is building a - home on the property and 'council asked that he keep the building' as far from the corner of the lot as possible so it wouldn't Obstruct the traffic view any more than necessary:, Mr. Schncyderberg was alSo asked to agree that he wouldn't object to general farm practices now or in the future. Council also approved the are doing worse thin if they. were on welfare., With a large number of children and a very tight financial situ- ation., they have only enough money to cover the bare necessities like food, rent and clothing. They cannot save money for Christmas presents, she says. one building a lifetime home should do so with wheel chair accessibility in mind. This can be done at an additional cost of approximately $600. Mr. Mulder, a represent- ative of Royal Homes, ad-, dressed the ALPHA (Aware- ness League for Physically Handicapped Adults) Hurpn group at Clinton Public School. "Royal Homes Limited of wingham 'will adapt any of their home plans to accom- modate handicapped per- sons." says Cor Mulder. u er prove a very cap- Mr. Mulder believes any- .d ammikiiimilimmimminimmilimmilmillimmillimmilimmimmommlimommilimmuilimmimmillimommminummimmummua u f • or handicapped i Slides were shown of the different stages of building .these prefab houses and the many mcidels:available, Mr. president of ALPHA, chaired the meeting. ALPHA meets next . at Brussels Arena,' November 28 at 8 p.m. The possibility of helping the March of Dimes plan an Awareness Day in Goderich will be discussed. the question period that a Tuesday, Nov.2 1 /7 8 followed. able and congenial guest Prices Effective Until Closing during his commentary and sa..• Bert Sootheran, vice- IMO 1111111O Mit PIM MIN IMO OMNI UMW IMO ONO IMO SIMS OHM OMB MIN MOW NMI MOS EMU NOS IMMO OEM NMI MIR IWO . 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