HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-16, Page 1112 7 Inie, HURON EXPP$17R, NOVEN1171 16, 1976
' Atli-len%) United
Creation is subject
Opening the subject of the
Creation, Rev. T. Garnet
Husser preached on the
beliefs and facts about the
beginnings of the world. God
is power and He gives us
power by being within us and
everything around us; we
must be ready to give
account of our power. Next
Sunday, Rev. Husser will
preach on, "Let there be
For music, the choir direct-
or, Mrs. Marianne McCaf-
frey sang a rendering of
Psalm 16 with Dr. Ralph
Topp at the piano. (The
organ is in need of repair.)
United Church calendars
are now on sale and may be
obtained from U.C.W. mem-
Hensall Sales Barn was
active again last week with
steady prices; supply consis-
ted mainly of heifers and
steers. Heifers, $61.50-
$66.50, top to $67.00; steers,
$63.50-$67.50, top to $68.50;
cows, $38.75447.50. Pigs,
Bill Gibson and Miss Terry
Garrow attended the Central
Beauty Supply Limited Fail
Hair Styling Show at the
Holiday Inn - City Tower
A devotional on Faith was
given by Mrs. Audrey Joynt
at the November meeting of
Unit 1 of Hensall United
Church held on November
10. Hymns and scripture
readings were on this topic
and an inspifational message
was given based on an
article, "The nature of faith"
by Rev. Davidson.
Mrs, Julene Keys gave an
interesting study, "search,
ing for identity" describing
the life of a mixed racial
couple in Jamaica, telling
about the politics, economy,
religion at4 mass media of
the Caribbean. In both Can-
ada and the Caribbean the
quest for identityisthetnost
critical factor; people should
rejoice in what is shared and
be enriched by what is
Collection was taken for
the adopted child who sent
excellent school reports and
letters. Business was con-
ducted by Mrs. Kay Elder;
Unit one to meet at 7 p.m.
previous to the , General
Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on
December 4 and to be
Crowd remembers
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
262.2025 ,
Mrs. Hilda M. Payne
"The Store That Saves You More"
Hop aboard the hottest 340 on snow,
Enjoy the performapeof a liquid•cooled
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lots more.
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Monkton Office Open
Monday thrti Saturday
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Brussels Office Opens
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Phone 887-6663
$1 • 97
$3 •49
The Annual Armistice
Dinner held by the Canadian
Legion Branch #468 was
largely attended by eighty
guests • and members on
Saturday evening. The Presi-
dent was Master of Cere-
monies and the guest
speaker was Rev. T. G.
Husser B. A.B.D. Other
speakers includedreeve
Harold Knight, Hensall;
Reeve A. Sillery, Tucker-
smith; Reeve J. Tinney, Hay.
The members of the
Amber Rebekah Lodge are
holding a Bake Sale and Tea
in the Lodge Hall On Satur-
day,' November 18 at 3 p.m.
Rev. A. Young of Goderich
conducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day speaking on "The things
that separate us from our
Master". Mrs Robert Taylor
presided at the organ and led
the Choir in singing the
anthem "Trust and Obey".
Rev. Yound will conduct
service next Sunday.
Mrs. Blanche thapman,
London and Mr. & Mrs.
Leslie Adams, Exeter were
recent visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Mrs. Melvin Glanville is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
London, where she is receiv-
ing treatment.
Mr. Keith , Buchanan is a
patient in South Huron Hosp-
ital, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. James Sangs-
ter and Brad have taken up
residenCe in the dwelling
they recently purchased from
Mr. & Mrs. J. Aikenhead on
Richmond Street S.
Building Much Improved
The apartment building
and Legion formerly known
as the Petty Block which was
purchased by Dirk Coolman
of Exeter has been sandblas-
ted and painted presenting a
very much improyed appear-
ance and adds to•the appear-
ance of the Main Street of the
responsible for the pro-
gramme at this meeting.
United Church calendars for
sale were distributed. Ap-
propriate thoughts were read
by Kay prior to all repeating
the Mizpah Benediction and
lunch served by ''hostesses
Mrs. Audrey Joynt and Mrs.
Alice Ferg.
Hensall Juvenile's opened
the season on Friday, Nov-
ember 1 with a 4.2 win over -
the Drayton team. Allan Bell
opened . the scoring in the
first period at the 3.49,1 mark,
then Grant Love fired a hard
shot past the Drayton goalie
assisted by Steve Grainger
and Bob Mommersteeg.
Drayton came back with two
goals to tie the game 2.2 but
Dave Cann slipped in an
unassisted goal in the second
' period at 4.27. Three min-
utes later Grant Love scored
his second goal set up by Bob
The third period was score
less with Steve Sararas play-
ing fantastic goal to end the
The November meeting of
thethislhurst United Church
U.C.W. was held on Tuesday
afternoon with the President
Mrs. Jack Brintnell presiding
and opened with the Theme
Song and Prayer.
A "Remembrance Service
was presented by Mrs. Vera
Brintnell entitled "The
Grace of Having Enough"
which was most interesting.
A minute of Silence, was
observed- for remembering
all those who passed away in
the past year. The Roll Call
was answered with a verse
from the Bible with the word
An invitation was accepted
from the Hensall U.C.W. to
join them in their Christmas
meeting December 4th.
Letters were received from
the John Milton Society for
the Blind. Alma College and
Alcohol and drug concern.
The various committees gave
their reports. Each member
will invite a friend to the
December meeting.
Mrs. T. Brintnell gave the
message from the Study
Book on "Human Rights"
which was very interesting.
the meeting closed with
prayer and Mrs. R. Taylor
and Mrs. Ross Riley served
Brianna and Meghan of brin
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Smith recently.
Mrs. Laird Mickle re-
turned Sunday after visiting
for two weeks with her son in
The story of Dale Evans
life, her conversion to'Christ-
ianity and the growth of their
family life in a Christian
atmosphere was told by Mrs.
Helen MacLean at the Nov-
ember meeting of Unit two of
Hensall United Church, held
at the home of Mrs. Helyn
Drysdale on Tuesday eve-
ning, November 13. 13 mem-
bers and one visitor were
Helyn chaired the meeting
and opened with a short
article, "Religion" by John
Ruskin, A devotion by Mrs.
Shirley McAllister on suffer-
ing and the habits we make
followed. In keeping •with
remembrance she read a
passage about the reason for
suffering froth one of St.
Paul's letters and read also
an article by Bruce Johnson
The Cooking Monsters and
The Metric Maids, Hensall
4-H clubs #1 and 2 combined
to give a HallOwe'en party
for their sponsors: the
Women's Institute, at the
Hensall United Church on
Tuesday evening, November
7. Games and contests were
enjoyed and then the girls
served lunch.
The girl's and their leaders
arc tobethanked, and praised
for all the trouble they went
on paths taken in life. Nearly
everybody lives in a rut of
some sort; habits made in
youth last a long time -
"Choose your rut carefully,
you'll be in it a long time."
Dwelling on remembrance
again, she read a poem sent
by Mrs. Pat Venner, "Make
your life worthwhile."
Business was conducted
by Mrs. Diane Gerstenkorn
and lunch for the Annual
Meeting on December 4 was
arranged. Discussion on
amalgamating the units and
the new slate of officers
followed and the unit decided
to find some new interests
for the following year. To
raise extra funds, they de-
cided to hold a bake sale at
the Annual Meeting. A for
courtesy remarks, the
meeting closed with a prayer
led by Helen and then
swimming was enloyed by
most of the members before
enjoying a lunch and social
hour. Hostesses were Mrs.
Jean Waring and Mrs.
Eleanor Mansfield.
to in putting on such a tine
evening and helping to bind
the 4-H and the Women's
institue closer together.
The 'Granola Bar Maids,
4-H club #3 held their
seventh meeting at Betty
Beer's when each member
judged samples of four dif-
ferent tea biscuits. Lesson 7
was completed and then the
girls competed in couples
making up commercials for
recipes they learned.
WI takes
Education was the tapir of
the'November meeting of the
Hensel' Womett's institute,
November 8. To open the
meeting, the president, Mrs.
Joyce Pepper read, "in
Flanders Field." An arm-
chair trip to the Muskokas
was led by the speaker, Mrs.
Margaret Burkhart of the
Wingham Travel Bureau.
She educated members on
the rotite taken and the
beautiful sights seen on the
trip through Huron and
Bruce Counties by bus in the
fall: The trip continued onto
Gravenhurst and then by
boat through Lake Muskoka
and Lake Rousseau to
Clevelands House. In this
area, many specimens of
surface rock and small islands
are seen.
Music -, by Dianne and
Thanks were extended to 411
who helped at the Plowing
match in any way,, at the
dessert euchre and to those
who attended the 4-H party
put' t on by the girls on
November 7.
Hensell has been asked to
supply a Family and Con-
sumer Affairs Convenor for
the district for 1979-82 and
Mrs. Hilda Payne and Mrs.
Joyce Pepper are to form a
committee with Grand Bend
to plan the programme for
the District Annual in 1979.
A collection for the Christmas
fund for the Family and
Children's Services in
Goderich was taken.
Lunch was served by Mrs:
'Isabel Rogerson and Mrs.
Susan Purdy and their corn;
mince and a social hOur was*
Joanne Verhnue was enjoyed
by all as these talented
sisters entertained on their
accordians, Later, Mrs', Edna
Pepper played a medley, of
war songs on the piano.
A report of the London
area Convention was given
by Mrs. Hilda Payne and the
report of the fall board
meeting was given by Mrs.
Jessie McAllister, bringing
members up to date' on
District and Area activities,„
In conducting the business
the president announced that
Achievement Day for Hensall
4-H girls would be on
December 1 at 8 p.m. in
Seaforth. Members are in-
vited to put on a birthday
party at the Bluewuter Rest
Home in December. It was
decided to do so on the
meetipg night. December 13.
Quality Canadian-made
Variety of styles
Slight imperfections
SIZES 7.18
VI 1 37
Arnold Circle entertains ,- •
Area women
game at 4-2.
• Hensall plays Brussels in
Brussels on November 14
r .and Kuntzville in Hensall on
Friday, November 17--at 8
p.m. Please support your
boys at these games.
Mrs. Sam Qesch, who has
been a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London was able to
return home last Thursday
and many friends, neigh-
bours and relatives have
been visiting with her and
Mr. Oesch since.
Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin
of Exeter visited with Mr.
and Mrs. John ,Skea on
Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. John
McGuire, Shannon, Seamus,
Chisel hurst' women to
bring friend to meeting
Juveniles win opener
4-H girls treat WI to party
Kawasaki MAK
Look out! Here comes the world 24-hour
endurance record breaker. Oil-injected,
liquid-cooled engine. Racer-style, 3-
stage exhaust system. Great
Riding': like flying aboard the Intruder.
440. Fan-cooled. Side-mounted engine
for low center of gravity. Aircraft-
type chassis. Adjustable slide
rail suspension. Racy new styling.
Take'on deep snow and fluffy If you're a trail breaker at heart, here's
drifts with performance you your sled. Combines hot looks and
. won't believe. Offers a performance with a unique 'chassis
•unique• chassis- with ft, to_ keep:you founn t. o p of the snow__
pered tunnel, convenient when the going gets deep.
electric start option. Affordable
Snowmobile Suit Valued at $100"
with the purcheseaf any new 1979 Kawasaki Snowmobile.
Offer good until December 20, 1978. •
Davidson Sales and Service
Monkton 347-2235
The Arnold Circle Evening
Auxiliary pleasantly enter-
ta!ned members from Exeter
Presbyterian Church,
Cromarty Presbyterian
Church and Lutherap and
United Churches, Zurich;
eaforth Presbyterian
hurch, Ciselhurst Church,
and the Senior W.M.S. and
Ladies' of the 'Church Mrs.
Don Volland presided and
welcomed everyone and read
a poem "An Autumn Har-
Mrs. John Baker and Mrs.
William Baker were in
charge of the Devotional.
The President Mrs. Har-
vey Hyde presided at the
meeting of the W.M.S. of
Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Monday evening, and
opened thtThankSgiving pro-
gram with a poem "Praise
The Lord". Mrs. Rochus
Faber read the Scripture
from St. Mark. Mrs. Esther
Wright presented three
Malcom Dougall read a pas-
sage on "Leprosy" and two
readings "What Grand-
mother's Are Made Of" and
"Mesethelium's Menu"
Mrs. Bert Thompson gave a
reading "In Flander's
Fields". Mrs. Hyde spoke on
"Missionary Work and
Church EidenstobTin The last
few Years". Tin
members attended the
meeting at Cromarty last
week. Mrs. Hyde closed the
meeting with prayer. The
Ladies' Aid meetine followed
Mrs. Donna St. John was
guest 'soloist and was' ac-
companied at the organ by
Mrs. Mary Moffatt Guest
speaker of the evening Pastor
Ivor Bodenham was intro-
duced by Mrs. Robt Bell
who spoke of him as a
"Church Budder" having
been instrumental in build-.
ing Bayfield Church in 1955,
then to Exter in 1961 and
later at Lambeth.
Mrs. Pat Pollock
thanked • Pastor Bodenham,
Miss Sylvis Bell favoured
with vocal solos accompany-
ing on the guitar.
with the Pre-
sident Mrs. Volland pre-
siding. A most successft. 1
Bazaar was held on Saturday
and matters of business were
Mrs. Jean Taylor
Mr. Victor 'Hargraves had
returned home from a busi-
ness trip in Western Canada.
'Mr. Wesley Ham has been
visiting with his mother and
autn for a few days.
Mrs. Berry is home after•
holidaying with her neice
Mrs. Genevieve Griffith at
Mrs. Edna PattetsOn re-
turned home after spending
a month in Toronto.
Mrs. Mona Calwill is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital.
Mr. Greg McGregor is a
patient in Clinton Hospital.
Assorted colours
"Iwwwir and styles
sizes 2-6x
WMS bazaar successful
choose from regular
or bikini style
cotton insert-assorted
New Shipment-Just Arrived
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Features built-in stitch selector, automatic
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solid white or mixed colours
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