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The Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 4
6 MFBEL1' HEADACHE WAFERS ...r,.ww..r \V Bain Sept 22 1899. (tlr'I'le, on �� Cdnc? d} evening, leen Wheat • •'• . . .... 0 6J to 0 67 A series of revival meetings is be 'Spring Wheat.. 0 .ori to U r0 old , 11La1Ii,lil�.J'It1;POKiF�, 13LUI�V.�LI+. i Wxna1ln�r. tui, Revs. 'Messrs. Ball and 'West ad- i Corrected b • P. Deans Produce Dealer. y ' ' 1 lit to 'w 251 dressed a meeting on prohibition at i lour per 100 ay.; 0 6.5 to 0 671 d• veninc' Ina' held in the Methodist church, r IN to HAM ' 1'imES, SEPTEMBER 23, 1 �J�...�...r.......�.,...�„_.�..x.r.--�.a--.�', ti�i , tw U .� t' U a� On Sabbath evening the service was liable ,..., U 3U to 0 3v j i conducted by Rev, William Smith, ! Peas y 0 d0 to 0 50 t visitingwb0 is his old home here : Turkey, drawn a 0 0 ion Monday evening by Rev, Mr, I etre o per guaranteed to cure head- ach ..s. For sale only by 007 to0081 0 U4 to 5 O 40 to 0 60 A Ducks, • e pair 0 11 to 0 17 e Kennedy, of Wroxeter S. J, Mite, on Tuesday Heuer........... •• •• . 0 11 to 0 13 evening; by Rev. S. J, Allin, of Brus. Eggs per dozen 0 110 to 1 1 cels, and on Wednesday evening by Wood per cord.... • • • .. 14. 00 to 5 20 e, i Bay, per ton, 0 500 to 0 035 0 25 IRev. 111r, Oaten, of lielr,ra 'e. : ! Potatoes, per bushel, ,,1, n n.t Messrs, Robert and ,Lames C Cherries 0 4"to 0 4 of Port Albert. visited at Mr. Peter; Tallow ,ger lb Fowler's, 13laevale road, last week. l Dried Apples, per Ib 0 19 to 0 2u Messrs. Archie and Walter Patter- Dressed hues r uU To 6 00 'son received word on Monday that 'brother Will was dangerously A, C�N!�9C111 ,r..... _ ,��---• Perfectly Cured their DIZJGGIS2. I ill at Windsor. ` Last Sabbath morning, Rev. W. J. TO ADVEFt�1S1;RS. West preached a prohibition sermon 'Notice of changes must be left at this in Beberave Presbyterian church and office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes mast be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise• meats accepted up to noon Rev, W. T. Ball, of Belgrave, per- formed the same duty in Bluevale ebureh. In the evening Mr. 'West preached on prohibition in his own (church. Two such excellent and Thursday of each week. ,reasonable sermons have never been preached on this subject in our vill FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1898. BELGRAVE. I of intemperate language so often i used by temperance speakers, was About 60 tickets were sold at Bel grave station for the Western Fair.night. ev. D. Roers,I the best address given there thaof t The Rev. Mr. Hall exchanged poi he Met odist church here, preached tits on Sunday last with the Rev. on the same suhject on a recent Mr. West, of Bluevale, who preached A very acceptable sermon on Prohib- Stioil. Messrs. Clegg and. Dames, of ]3russels shipped a d. d. car of hogs to Hamilton on Monday. A box social is announced to take dace at the residence of Mr. It. J. 'Tuft under the auspices of the 'Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian chureh. Messrs. Watson & Geddes had the misfortune to break their chopper this week. age before, On Tuesday evening, Mr. West spoke for a short time at the mass meeting in the town hall, Wiugham and for sound reasoning and good delivery unspoiled by the wild gesticulating and red hot blasts Sabbath and his efforts were highly appreciated, so if the people in this I Is the Best—in fact the Ono True Blood Puri - vicinity have not heard prohibition fier. All druggists. $1, six for $5. Get Hood's. well discussed it is because they will - are tasteless,mud. ©neo - not. Hood's Pills tire. All druggists. 250. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott visited —. J _ - ._-= a few days last week and this, with -Jack Barleycorn is Champion. their many relatives and friends in Two of the most powerful men the and around Seaforth. Mr. Will Rockley, visited his n't rg t IT PAYS TO House gird lot The undersigned nfferst i i ouS0 anel house /r ;0 on �/ . �..- :rt a eine room frame, out*, with kitchen.. = o� and there is a number of good fruit trees. , trtoulars apply to, on the .e)t, For full q l JAS. V IIaa0I1T, Wingham.. Ta FOR SALE 1► e street for stile. The The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHA5I, ONT. still leads its contemporaries in plac- i ing pupils.. I 134 of our pupils were placed in choice positions in the ten monthsl ending July the 1st, an average of nearly 4- per week. What do you thinly of it ? It Pays to Attend tho Best. College re -opens on Tuesday, Sept. 16th for the fall term. IWrite for catalogue of ester de• pertinent to danald block with a House That open in Mac- se For Sale or to Rent. AV' ILL, D.McLACHLAN It CO. we Weak and Low Spirited - Nervous 1 T}a Prostration - Appetite Poor and I Could Not Rest. 4'1 take great pleasure in recommending The adntinistrntrix of the estate oI Alexander Dawyon, deceased, oilers or sale the ¶rwo Stores in Wineham awry ocuuiass u� i1'"Oil'ers 1'or the same • soh and Miss Loyd. should he addressed to T A MORTON', fortheEstate. WINGHAM stock of Staple Dry Goads, Groceries, Hood's Sarsaparinato others. It has been the means of restoring my wife to good health. She was stricken down with an attack of nervous prostration. She suf- fered with headaches and her nerves were under severe strain. She became very low spirited and so weak she could only do a little work without resting. Her appetite was poor, and being so weak she could not get the proper rest at night. She decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, as we had heard it highly praised, and I am glad to state that Hood's Sarsaparilla has perfectly cured all her aihnents." G. BEr,LA11MY, 321 Hannah St., West, - ton, Ontario. o®d9 �pas- c`3fllla people in Drayton this week. Mrs. George Harvey visited her brother, Mr. David Fell, of Clinton this week. Mr. Fraser Emery, of Morris shot a full grown wild cat last week. Mr. Emery sold the beast to Mr. A. A. Morrow, of Wingham, who will have it stuffed and placed in his store. EAST WAWANOSH. Messrs. Ashton Mason and David Johnston wheeled to Petrolia on 'Thursday of last week, snaking the trip in one day. The returned use on Tuesday. An old landmark of *ele..teerfeet'tly passed away to the great beyond on "Tuesday of this week, in the person of rrlr. rellexvid.er McDougall, in his 49th yeerei Deceased w,.:s held in -eery high esteem by the people of •ibis township. The remains were interred in the Wingham cemetery orviThursday afternoon. `i`R ir. Sam. B. Fralick, of tliis" rr - = 1'ip- has purchased from Mr. Duncan McCallum, the 10•acre farm on the end of the 12th concession of Grey, one lnie south cf Brussels, for $1,900 cash. L CC. 1•:NOW. TURNBERRY. Minutes of council meeting held in Putland's hall, Bluevale, Sept. 19th, 1898. Members all present, the reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read, approved and sfgncd. A Reports : Mr. Mitchell reported that he had got 2 culverts repaired on 6th con line the bill for thein will be laid before you. A department of ratepayers from Wingham town plot came before the council and asked to have a number of streets `and a portion of the market square 1I sout:: of the river openers to the pub- lic, action deferred until nextmeet- in Mr. tiVelle, con 10, applied t Provisions, Crock. ery China, Glass - are, Stationery, chool Supplies, PUBLIC NOTICE. mallwares, Sic., on The undersigned offers for sale or to rent a good two storey frame house, con- taining seven rooms, pantry and fruit closet ; summer kitchen and woodshed; good stable, hard and soft water, together with half an acre, or twenty acres of land if required. For particulars EMcKENZIE, \gingham. Wednesday, sept.219'98 world has kuown, two glen having the best phys'ques, two nleu who in their day were unconquerable heroes are still alive—John L. Sullivan and Peter .Taeksoh, pugilists. But they are moral and physical wrecks to- day. They fought all confers, and defeated every antagonist—Until. they tackled jack Barleycorn, and he they them both out. Now there are hundreds who could defeat either. Morrisey and .Jim Mace, Heenan and Sayers, Tum King and Jake Kilrane were prodigies in the ring until they challenged Jack Bar- leycorn. Then they were knocked out. . Canada speedo every year over $40,000,000 for strong drink or $8.00 for every luau, woman and child in the Dominion. The ,proportion paid bp the people of Wingesin with a population of ''300 is $ 18,400 annu- ally. A' great part of this vast sum is paid by people who are in need of food and feel, and teething, and fur - tare, and all the necessities and luxu- ries that work produces. 1 l; The death of Mr.JamesSoca ervflie the eouncll to have a culvert put In Families in poverty by drams; are on Monde last removes the oldest supported by the charity and the Monday con line opposite his lot. seed h taxation of those who are bett k ' and most proreluent citizen of *hare • . Deceased evae born in -Dam-, ;fe llrt aScotlanta. in 1825, and cars' to Canada wire. his parentsin`'1841 and settled in tl.e yilage of Dundas. Re learned his ttiade in C*artshore's foundry, and is 1851 settled in the 'Towpship of West Wawanoeb - wheie lie•Jeuile-arse• end• -goers -will. In Moved by Mr. Cruick hans heavy by Mr. Mosgrove that Mr. Coupland er off We all suffer. We have to examine the premises and take what do without what we would buy if action may be necessary to have sur- this terrible waste did not. keep us face carried off—Carried. so poor. A petition of five ratepayers in All this means less work for shops, Turnberry was laid before the coon• and factories, aftd farms, and men• cit asking to have the following lots If the liquor trattie is abolished, there must come more work, strong- er prices, higher wages, greater corn - fort. better times. !j To -day you are kept poor to make the brewer and distiller and saloon- keeper rich. If we stop this waste,' you will get a share of the money • that is saved. Think it out. REMEMBER ALSO added to Union school section No 1757 he. purchased from Mr. Elle 12, Culross, Howiek and Turnberry. Stauffer the ;and whereon now Namely : lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, con A stands the village of Lueknow, and and lots 1, 2, and S?,• 3, con 13, town- tbe following year he had tlee place ship of Carrick, also lots 3, 4 and 5, surveyed into v ilage to e..yfe was con I, township of Culross. Laid a staunch Itefrrtller and a life long over to next meeting. friend aid adneree of Ilon. Edward The following accounts were pass- ` ed and cheques on the. Bank of Ham ^ �— .Blake, and in -•�' = he contested the � `_ ,� `,'Vest Riding cf heron in the Liberal ilton issued : Robert Black, 90 c t Cou hs and colds need not interests against Mr. Thomas Narrow, gravel ; Jos. Leech, $1.05 gravel ;1 g but was unsUeCesafui. In 1882, how! 1 Jas Mulvey, $1.50 gravel; John S. ever, he was elected member of Par- l McTavish, $1.50 gravel ; John S. be endured ; they pari be iiament for Wait Bruce by nearly y McTavish, $5.00 equalizing 3 school cured, and that quickly. 1,000 majority, hut after spending - section ; Peter McEwen, $1 damages 1Vlany .nii:ctureS are tem- some three years in the House of and gravel; Theo. Hall, $1 advertis- commons he resigned. his seat in iug; Wal. Carruthers, $2 50 repairs porary in effect, but Scott's tof sterling qual:tiee and in the earl favor of Mr. l3l:lke. He was a man to Ladle's bridge ; Ii. Hennings. Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil early I $5 25 repairing 2 culverts on Gth ,days of the settlement of this country l line • Wm, Jobb, $1 drain on road ; with Hypophosphites is a W Robert - ton, be t permanent remedy. thoroughly apt than James con, $10 Turnberry Avid Soerety. The oil feeds the blood friendly aid tc the settlers extended Musgrove sec d by and warms the body the for many mils Around, and his death Mr. Cruickshank that this meeting -will be geeatly regretted through-• do now adjourn to meet in Putland's .and tone up the II arried gout the countie_ s of Huron and Bruce. hall, Nuevale on Saturday, Oct. 15th, 1898 at 10 o'clock. a. m.—Garried. nerves; the glycerine soothes the inflamed throat and lungs. ago one was better known and more peeciated .t . Somerville for iris liberality and Duff & Stewart, 10.70 lumber and repairs to 7 bridges; m. Ro ' - err gni Movedby Mr. ' Ciundass in 1-i49, who still survives Wm, together with their five children, Mrs. R. L.funter. of Superior, Hugh lomerville of Porto Rice. James H JOH:r BURGelss, Clerlt. cures. ANTED-`SLyt;lte G 1;itU�CWUit'THf PL•'"• The combination Wsong111 thisstrteto u,tnSgoour bnrir ' n This may prevent serious their own and ueatb) counties. 1t fA tna't Mitres r Sal . ,or isle of t'`it d 1'erks Dakota e Il • tttce marl: onndtretet at "I. u. . .try err e � t sr and clt.tenses rlePlhlte, bennfde, no more, v ;, t s 1 �loutii ,, Moho A et't l * ' a ' Y • renrrs i nriMo lung troubles, i ii t �;omery lc express et of i etgen *nd Mn. evil! :'t.1 COflnel of Lockney pe. Herbert C:, lisle, t ISf7WTgiS, Chemists, Tore1rt Having moved to town to the resi- dence lately oceupred by Geo P Wells, corner ear the G T R, Centre I am prepard ed d tto epaynthe highest oath plaices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Jiorse Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if word be lett,I will C. I4fief(L1�L�IY Ae SON, Props. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Latlhr Shingles, . Ample Barrels; Hard & Soft Slabs: Also a largo quantity of dry bard, wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders promptly at -- tended to. DileLEAN Ss SON call for tame. GOrJDI!'tAN � Euit ' MO EY TO LOA any amount of money to loan on good farm property at 5 per cent per annum. Straight Loans- Payments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guar auteed. ChergPs low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. That up to that date we will sell goods at wholesale prices in order to reduce the stock as much as possible before mov- ing. Terms Spot Cash. ABNER COSEI'• S, tdacdouald Block, Wiogbam. FARM FOR SALE Th e undersigned ober for sale the farm property, being 1ot32 in the 12th conces- sion of the Township of East Wawanosh. containing 162 acres, more or less,140 acres of which is cleared. `There are upon. the premises a good bank barn and frame house. The farm will be sold on reasonable termto s GREGGRY, or BENJ. WILLSON. that will lit comfortably, look well, wear well, and keep in good shape, you. had better go to Vebster's New Spring Goods and Samples:• of all the latest designs in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,. S�erges and Overeoatings to chooser from. Orders filled promptly at very low prices. Webster & Co., Queen's Block. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A lfraannd Milliner A You'll wan A A All accounts must be paid at once. Please do not forget this very im- portant part. at this, fall. MISS MCflyHE AA '`e� AAAAA, Opening it A `V� V V v V' Gall at RSON'S 1 V'S Ever - You will find nothing commonplace about our stock, y thing is right np•to-date. We welcome you to come and inspect V our stock whether you buy or not. Remember the date Vo MONDAY TO THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 27, 28, 29. ✓ 'ldV�'Be' VVVVVV0'/VVVVtV'�'9VVVVV'+YVV •rFOR , 4& � .411. ®•.p s ©+x '0.1 q�•IAV' s- � {Y�'da b4'�•'sti�• �'1'. r*ss ds J no. KerrI�l TTNGHaA.M, ONT. , lee z,a Dept. see. and Snag; all druggists. obeli addresleil atu,iped envelo l',est., Uetit. M. (lineage. andnti A o 10 uring