HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 3rni \V IN (`a I IA M TIMES, SEPTEMBER 23, 1898.
Rheu matism. Nervous-
ness and. Kidney Dis-
ease Banished.
1 letter that Should Inspire Hope.
A Guarantee of New J!;ife to
Every Suffere
Dear Sirs :—I t
to you regarding
any daughter and
your Paine's Cele
For years 1 was
tom and nervousness. 1 was treated by
doctors, and tried inedicine after medici-
eine without any good eesults. Fortun-
ately a friend of chine advised mo to try'
Paine's Celery Compound. 1 did se, and
after using foul bottles I found I was
tstronger and better than I was for years.
My daughter was Lured of kidney dis-
ease ufttn' sufieriog for twelve years, by
-using a bottle of Paine's Celery Com- a raw egg beaten up in milk once a
Toned. 1 advise all suffering from rheu- day waren drinks of milk diluted
anatiern, nervousness and kidney troubles with hot water, and baked sweet
togive the compound a trial.
Yours sincerely, apples or pie sweet fruit at each weal,
Cbapleau, ant.
bink it duty to write
he be efits derived by
wys f from the use of
y ouipound.
ubled with rheurrra-
Ilow To Keep Young.
The ever youthful appearance of
the members of the dramatic profes-
sion is a constant source of surprise to
the public at lekge. The reason for
this is not so much the grease paint
necessary in making up which oblit•
orate to a certain extent the natural
wrinkles of the skin, while it lubri-
cates and nourished it, but is due to
the change in the expression of the
various emotions which every part
demands, This causes the actress to
bring into play all the muscles of the
face. By using them equally they
all maintain their firm consistency
and strength, and none waste awav
from diseuss. The result is that the
skin is kept stretched and tense over
the face and does not fall into hollows,
A blow of fresh air, a glimpse of
fresh scenes and fresh faces are worth
quarts of doctor's tonics for an over-
tired and nervous w'tman, and give a
prettier glow to the cheeks than the
finest manufactured rogue in exist-
ence. •
It is indolence and lazy habits that
allow obesity to gain the ascendency
over elasticity in the fair sex. She
who keeps her mind and body on the
alert will seldom need to have recoil,
rse to science or diet to .decrease her
size and weight.
If you have a thin face and the
flesh seems unwilling to become
plump and round in response to
massage, build up the .system by
st half pint or more of sweet cream
every day, eat of cereals which may
have been cooked for several how's,
A good story is told of one of Gen-
eral Sherumn's Missouri teamsters.
q Be had just joined the service, a raw
r'' Teerait, and was assigned the task of
ariving a six mule team. When the
s :army halted for the first night, he
s,. -was wearily unharnessing his team.
"Hello there," said the wag of the
company in passing. "What do you
mean by taking care of those mules
yourself? Why don't you have the
hostler do it?"
"Why, I thought every man had
to take care of his • owu team," said
�' the bewildered to uns,ter.
� "You bet he doesn''tg,,a We have a
hustler for that. There -ll his tent
rig.ht over there. He's a i y, wan -
...A try old cuss, and he may not tant to
do it, bur you swear at hien and'.�ie'li
1''s move nti' at double quick." \
+j. Toe ,Missourian strode over to tiie
e lent indicated, which happened to ho
General iiherman's headquarters.
',Here, yuu son of a gun,' he roar-
ed fiercely, "get out of here and
brush those mules."
V`' Needless to say, the teamster spent
V.; the evening in the guardhouse.
•;r B51by EattenlL and Scald Head,
tea Infants and young children are peen -
f4,.. Meth, subject to this terrible disorder,
and if not promptly arrested it will event-
. r>•',,t_many become chronic. Dr. Chase made
a special study of E.:zema and disease of
the skin, and we can confidently reeoin
4. mend' Dr. Chase's Ointment to cure all
a, r' forms of E.:zeuta The first applioatnou
a• Booths the irritation and puts the little
sutierer to rest.
If You Use Diamond
Dyes You Make Dollars.
If 'You Use Poor and Adulterated
Dyes You Rum Your Goods
and Waste Money.
The ladies of Canada know well that
the using of .Uiau,uuet Dyes means the
saviog of many dollarst end thousauus
will tell you that the use of adulterated
dyes means ruin to goods
money. The wonder wurkr
Dyes eumbine iwniense '$riety, merit
and usefulness. Diamond Dyes are pre-
pared to forty-eight coltlis fur the eolor-
Url 1058 01'
g Diamond
Council met in the town hall, at
Tecswater, on Sept. 12, the reeve in
the chair, airtutes of last meeting
were read and eenfirrned. A com-
munication from the Registrar ot the
county was 'read, calling the atten-
tion of the council to the advisability
ot surveying and preparing et plan
of the village of Formosa.
The council ordered the communi-
cation to be filed, and will take the
matter into consideration. Also u
communication from the clerk of
Carrick on the seine matter, was
read and filed for further consider-
A c'xnmunieation and petition
from Mr, Lane, secretary of Union
School Sectiou No. 12, Belmore, was
then read, asking that the boundries
of the section be extended to include
lots 1, 2,, 3 and 4. con. A, of Carrick,
and the west t of lots 1 and 2, and
the south ?; of lot 3, con. 13, Carrick;
also lots 3,�4 and 5, con. 1, Culross.
The communication was ordered to
tiled for further consideration, as it
was too late to take action in the
ratter this year.
A report of the Reeve re • the Cul-
vert on ttip grayel road at Ireland's
hill was then read, stating that the
culvert had given away.
Scott--Reid—That the report of
Reeve re culvert on gravel road be
received and acted on, and that Mr.
Jarvis have the same repaired. Car-
ing of wool, sila,
goods. Minute an
with eau packs
Dyes, so that thiuost inexperieUeod
person can do as guoa work as the pro-
fesssiunal dy or.
Bear in wind that imitators are con
tinually trying to cupy the style and
package of Diamond eyes. When you
bay dyes for home dyeing tee that your
dealer supplies you with the -Diamond" ;
no othgr ,cake of ranukago dyes will do
your tt;ork with profit and satisfaction.
Send to Well & ltiul,ardson Co.. Mon-
treal, Qi.re., fur valuable book of direc-
tions and simple curd of colors ; sent free
�tu any address.
ers and eottou
pte directions go
of the Diamond
Sheep as Weed Killers.
A New Hampshire flock master
says in a local paper that the best
sheep can be used to enrich the form
is to use then in the summer, due-
ing the grazing season, both to rid
uui fe r t i
fertility. And, in order to do both
of these effectively, they must be
shut up on some weedy, rundown
field provided with plenty of good
water to drink, and then fed enough
of such ettppletuental foods as can be
purchased in, the markets for less
than they are worth as a fertilizer,
and that are adapted to make most
gain on the sheep to keep them
thriving. In this way a very poor,
weedy field ea a, in one year, he en-
tirely freed from weeds and have
enough manure scattered over its
surface to make a great change in
the character of its ground. In ord
er to do this profitably it will be
necessary to watch the markets and
pirchase these foods when cheapest.
For instance, last Summer,' wheat
could have been bought in this mar
ket for . 1$8 per ton. Now suppose
150 sheep had been turned upon ten
acres of weedy pasture land, a weedy
hillside if you like, filled with Cana
da thistles, ferns and all other things
Ina, wanted, and had plenty of good
water provided, and been fed regu
larly each day 150 pounds of wheat
bran for 20 weeks. In that time
they would have eaten 10?. tons of
bran at a cost of $81. In feeding it
there would have been added to the
so smelt space. They oro a W11°1° medtehne land 501 pounds of nitrogen, 607pounds of phosphoric acid, and 338
How A Cycle Thief Was Caught.
A cyclist who had been robbed of
u machine in a french prnvineial
town, instead of advertising his loss
or offering a reward, inserted an ad-
vertisement in a newspaper asking
for a second hand machine and
giving a description of the one he
had lost. The ncixt day his biey-
ele was brought to hint by the thief,
'who, having been expected, was im-
mediately secured and landed over
to the authorities.
• t • i of weeds and add to the
Lice 0n Lithe
Is especially true of hood's Pills, for no medi-
cine ever contained 50 great curative power In
• A.
Johnston—Scott — That as the
culverts at the river on con. 8 is re-
ported by the pathmaster to be out
ut proper condition, that Wm. Reid
have thein put in proper repair. Car-
Jarvis—Johnston—As there is a
number of bridges east of the gravel
road on the 3rd and 4th concessions
in need of repair, that Messrs. Mac-
kay and Jarvis examine thein and
have them repaired as they see re-
cesgary. Carried.
Reid—Johnston--That as the cul-
vert on the 20th sideroad, con. 3, is
reported to be out of repair, that the
Reeve have it repaired as he sees
needful. Carried.
Scutt—Jarvis—That By-laws No's
11, 12, 13 and 14 be given the ucuat
readings and passed, signed, sealed
in open council. Carried.
Jarvis —Johnston— That as the
road is too narrow fur travel at lot
25, eon. 12, Graham Scott have it
widened. Carried.
Johnston—Jarvis—That the clerk
he instructed to notify the collector
that his bond is in the hands of J. J.
Stephens. solicitor, at Teeswat;r;
waiting fur the proper indorsement
as per application. Oirried.
Johnston—Jarvis--That as appli-
cation has been made to have a cul-
vert put in at lot 20 or 21, con. 3,
that Messra. Reid and Jarvis hat e
them put in if found needful and
the necessary permission, .got from
the parties interested wallow the
flow of water. Carried. .
Finance report,—Chas Steel, re•
moving jam at bridge, $17.75, plank
for bridge, $2.11, $19.86 ; Peter
Kroetch, ';cedar and gravel, $5.23 ;
II, Cargill, 83 yds. gravel, $1.9 ;
Robe. Falkner, cleaning river at 20th
sidcr•oad, con G, $1.1.75 ; Jas. Kneo-
phtler, rep. abutment of bridge. $l ;
P[. Marchant, 58 yds. gravel, $13.48;
Peter Kaht z, 166 yds. gravel, 89 9(3 ;
11. McKay, payment of contract done
by Alex. Campbell, $1.00; A. G.
Stewai t, printing, $30.00; 'phos.
Cronin, rep. bridge and building
culvert, con. 3, $18 25; \Vnt Ritchie,
pounds of potash, worth in the fend,
1zer market $127 equivalent to put
50 yds. gravel, 83.00, C. P. 1'. toad
work, •$1.40—$4 40; Abram Moore,
plank on bridge, $1.00 ; Pat. Manly.
rep. railing on sink hole, con. 12,
31.1 r1+1
is not to be confounded with any of the cheap " elixirs " and "cough
syrups." Such remedies (so called) simply soothe the sufferer. They
are mere palliatives. Thcy never touch the root of the disease or cure a
chronic cough. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a real remedy; it is the pre-
scription of a practical physician, -and not the preparation of an irrespon-
sible medicine maker. It
Jarvis—Johnston—That the Fin
ante report as read be adopted arid
che;ks issued fur payment. Carried.
,Jarvis---Johrtstt.n—That this maul -
cll do low adj ,urn to meet again int
Saturday, Oat. 15th, at 10 o'clo sk a.
in. eraried. CHAS. BurroN, •
La G
!DP 9
ing Co , ��.9
and all colds, coughs, and lung discazes. It's a standard and a staple
remedy, and should be kept on hand in every household.
" About a year ago, I had an attack of bronchitis, accompanied by a dry, hacking cough.
This soon developed into quick consumption. I had heard of the curative properties of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and commenced using that medicine at once. Before i had taken.
one third of a botue 1 felt better, and in a short timo I was entirely cured,"
W. A. COKER, Allis, Arlt.
" T caucltt a bad cold which resulted in asthma so severe that I was threatened with
suffocation whenever I attempted to lie down in bed. A friend, recommending Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, I began to take it and soon obtained relief, and, finally, was completely
cured. Since then I have used this medicine in my family with great success for colds,
coughs, and croup." S. Il UTTER, Editor "Bolick," Steven's Point, Wis,
,. T contracted a severe cold which nettled on my lungs and did not y'eld to the various
remedies I tried. I had -noticed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral extensiyely advertised where I had
traveled and decided to give it a trial. I purchased two bottles and before 1 had finished
the first one, I was almost cured and I am new in perfect health. My work subjects me
to very severe weather, but I find that a timely dose of Aver's Cherry Pectoral acts as a
preventive against colds and coughs." CHAS. IIULL, Whortley Road, London, Ont.
" Some time since I had a severe cold and could not sleep on account of coughing. A
friend at Van Buren, Ark., recommended Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I procured a bottle.
and never had anything, afford me such quick relief or a more permanent cure."
J. E. WRIGHT, Chester, Ark.
Free Medical Advice, all diseases.
Address, J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
An Amusing. Ceremony.
Shortly sfer landing on the banks
of the Zambezi, writes Captain Gibb-
ons in his book, "Exploration and
Hunting In South Africa," I witness
a most amusing, ceremony, in which
one of niyr paddlers and a strange
Sign of a Good Cow.
One or two signs will denote a
good cow, Prof. 14eacker says, as
well is twenty ; in a poor cow the
thigh runs down straight, so there is
no space between the thigh and the
udder on one side and the tail on
hoy participated. The stranger was the other. There should be plenty
either a relative or a great friend of of daylight between the udder and
the tail. One of the hest ways to
the paddler, from whom he bad
doubtless been separated for some tell what kind of a cow you have is
Squatting. on their haunches im-
mediately in front of each other each
hOId the other's hands—left in right
wedge-shaped stomach, for she must
—sho, k thein and gazed affecting•
have a large and powerful digestive
system to use up her food quickly
and make the best returns for it.
her temperament. A good dairy
type has a sharp spine, strongly de-
veloped nervous system and sharp
hip bones. A gond cow has a large,
ately into his friend's eyes for some
sceond. Then with the right the
I- left hands were drawn, palm
1.. t o
Cler downward, to friendly lips, which
half sucked, half kissed the dirty
surface thus presented.
Ou the. completion of this second
part of the ceremony the two men
once more. looked intently ,it each
other; and -After each had repeatedly
gone through the fot in of spitting in-
to the other's face they both rose to
their feet and jabhered.'k' ay as us-
u,,dl,`appparentIr:I3tml,.,tity tyurse for
all they h •had •gonei thrunifi\.
Catarrh's Vietini for Years—Ali I n•
solicited Story of a Wonclert'ol
Cure by Dr. Agiiew's Catarrhal
"1 am so wall pleased with Dr.:>tt
new's Cat:nrrhal Powder arid the s"'ai
results derived from it that I hardly
know haw to express myself. Pur yen rn
I have been trouoled with Catarrh in
the bond and throat I tried ditperoiA
., . , ... ,.
ting over $1�•'• worth on each aero. remedies, but found nu re.liAEanti) I l,�-ahv1:R,1a rtz 7wrnttrt ,reit.
,qz . • r1�7TLU
Does anyone doubt the effect this grin t0 Use Dv. Agnew'.. 'Norris tsanrt it � yonnln thretrtte°to'.riGtunXc ria$ iiurin•syin
tt sniways ready, al- w express my ratntude for the Loud it hl+�
l; 1.
tin teatd nenrh�,pgnntie�, tt'E.• mainly otrteo
the held of p
mit I hialtly rtcommenil it" oval. nielnhted- atha,ri!.'muitry stroeht slow
*factory; prevent a colli weeds and Btlnlltlett'tnm the growth U (lobe
days elaeicrtt always sot• would have in freeing
o204 Ad l ' i t et 'vru o,ul a c�etldta-,ai'eirtate; Un+1'tr41lW. nornnre, nn
or fever, euro nil liver 1118,
1 1 1 J tic titnetiptitidn etc.28o
.,, Mrs, M. Greenwood
uc , . n air a ran. . '}r z :Wary, Monthly . ,. ltct•rettees3. E,w1ese
vninahie gritsIf hed let She tnly .tr u', sunt , a, o - him bat °nee 11 it. W inghaut. t rtat., malt. She only wills to flake with flood's 8arsa.pur1lla. y
fes ? does a West,.'l'°tont°, SOid by A. L II tmiltun, pelt-a.tdruaed staatlperi , ,'.tope, irerbert 1:,
naet. ll. cap!).
they began the manufacture of steam
engines. It has a 32 inch cylinder
and an 8 foot stroke, large dimen-
ei ins when compared with modern
engines; brat a low pressure of steam
being used, the great power produced
by modern high•pressuie engines
could not be realized. Since its con
struetion it has been working steadily
for the Birmingham Canal Navigation
Company Its place will now be•
taken by two triple expansion
vertical engines, with a capacity of
pumping daily 12, 713,000 gallons.
Shell the Enemy of Health and
ilappness.—Is the Stomach Sour ? is
there Distress after Eating ? Is Sour
Appetite 'Waning ? Do yon get Dizzy ?
Have you Nausea ? Frequent Sick
1ioadaeiio7—forerunners et a general
break-up. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapinlo
'tablets dispel all these distressing sym•
toms. They aid the digestive organs,
Litre the lnclplent or the chronic cases.
3;, cents.
Oldest In The World.
An engine w,hieh has been in con-
tinuous use for 120 years has recently
been released from labor in Burning-
hanr. I'ingland, and will henceforth
do fluty simply as a. relic. It Was
Lunde by Jaynes Watt in partenership
with 13oultot) , in 1.775, two years after
A stern professor in a Chicago pre-
paratory school for girls sat at his
desk, trying to unravel a knotty
problem, when a fiuffyhaired miss of
sixteen approached. "Please, sir," she began in a tremulous voice, will
you grant me permission to go out
riding with my brother this after-
noon ?" The old than had not for
gotten the days of his youth, and,
looking over his spectacles he slowly
said : "So you want to go riding
with your brother, do you ? Try the
way is this brother of yours any re-
lation to you ?"
Cucumbers, Melons, Dewar° l
Yod may have an attack of Cramps
and Diarrhasa after eating' them. Just
kAap en hand a bottle of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry and you're
Pee. It cures Cramps, Collo, Diarrhoea,
Dysentery and all bowel odmplainta.