HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-09, Page 28OA THE HURON EK"OSITOR, NOVEMBER ecu~a tio 1478 Park heors to be remov incorrect for the past few y Legislation which would allow adopted children to discover the identity of their natural parents under con- trolled circumstances was defeated in the Legislature. A proposed amendment to the Child Welfare Act would have allowed adopted children to ascertain the identity of their biological parents provided both the adoptive and natural parents agree. The Government has intro- duced legislation to extend the present six percent ceiling on most residential rents until at least the end of 1979. The Cabinet can de- cide, at the end of 1979, justify a change in the cwehileitnhge.r , economic conditions Under the new legislation, landlords and tenants, in 'buildings with six or fewer units, could agree 'to an increase of more than 6% with the approval of a provincial commission. The commission, which will amalgamate the powers and responsibilities of rent re- view officers, ' landlord- tenant advisory bitreaus and small claims and county courts, would be headed by a board of directors and staffed by regional commissioners travelling around the pro- vince to mediate and adjudicate disputes. Local offices would be set up to proyide information and ad- vice to the public. The commission would have the power to collect rents and hold the money in trust in cases where it believed , landlords were acting irresponsibly. The new, legislation will not apply to housing owned or managed by government, buildings not occupied be- fore January 1976, or mobile homes not in existence be- Liberal finance critic, said, he felt it had served its purpose and that its removal will be helpful in "setting a decent investment climate in the province." Under questioning from the Opposition, the Trea- surer has disclosed that the fore the date. , Ontario's Deputy Minister' of CommtmitY and Social Services has been found guilty of contempt of court fyr refusing, following an order 'from the Griqyancern. Settlement Board, to rein- state a counsellor convicted of kicking a retarded woman in the face. The Minister has announced that the counsel- lor will go back to his job at the Huronia Regional Centre in Orillia, "under constant and direct supervision of a superior residential counsel- lor, until such time as a more satisfactory solution can be found." Last week, the Minister . introduced a bill that would rescind the grievance board's decision and order a new hearing. Mr. Norton has said that he has reservations about the legislative route, but that it may be necessary "if no alternatives can be found". Ontario-, GoVernment'S spending deficit has climbed to $1,48 billion this year, almost 41% higher than forecast in the 1978/79 budget. Ile has also aban- doned the promiSe made 'by former Treasurer Darcy Mc.Geough in 1977 to balance the budget by 1981, That is "an unrealistic date"- he said. However, he hopes to set a- new target when he learns the impact of the federal de ral Nove mber. budget,t be tabled He said a lagging economy has reduced Ontario's in- come from personal and corporate income,. taxes, federal projections for per- sonal taxes haye been over- estimated, and Wintario lot- tery profits have been cut by the federally, operated Loto 'Canada's ' aggressive ad- vertising. As well, Mr. Miller said, much of Ottawa's spending restraint program depends on lower transfer payments to the provinces. That could cut Ontario's revenne. by $200 million this year, he said. The Government, which put up $28 million to entice Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. to build a new plant in Windsor, also may give incentives to the pulp and paper industry. Mr. Miller. said. He insisted, however, that the industry will have to meet "a stringent program" of environmental standards. Both Opp,Ssition Parties attacked the government over its handling of the economy. Stuart Smith emphasized the fact that the government is now paying $3.3 million a day in interest alone. Liberal finance critic David Peterson said the Treasurer should not have used federal figures to pre- dict income tax revenues, because these have been Treasurer, said that the tax had the desired effect .of curbing speculation, but had also given Ontario a bad name among investors. The Liberals supported the government's decision to abolish the tax. David Peter- son (London Centre). the without substantial improve- ments • was introduced in 1974 at a time of rampant speculation and high profits in land deals. By Murray Gaunt, M. PI P The speculation tax on Ontario land is to be re- moved, under legislation in- troduced by Revenue Minister Lorne Maeck. The tax - 25 per cent of the profit on land bought and sold • Treasurer Frank Miller, in his first statement in the Legislature as Provincial Assoc. for the retarded • Plans lottery, prefers small Wingham workshop recreation chairman for the Association, who gave an outline of activities at the school. Treasurer Audrey Swat- ridge announced that in response to many requests, the Association is placing In Memoriam cards in local funeral homes so 'that dona- tions may be made to the Association. The iieict general meeting committee has, looked at various ways to make ends meet, and has come up with a trip-a-month lottery. Only 300 tickets will be sold, and -each month there will be a draw for a $1500 trip, plus a consolation prize of a week- end trip. Members of the Association will begin selling. the lottery tickets in November. The work of the Associ- ation has grown outstand- ingly since 'it began in 1958. As well as the Wingham area, the conamunities of Teeswater, Lucknow, Blyth, Brussels, Ethel and Gorrie arc served. President Florence Reavie told of a meeting with officials of the Ministry', where it was sug- gested that Wingham .might • combine with Godcrich and Clinton to build a central workshop to serve-the entire region: ••. • " This proposal was, dis- cussed in detail, with most Association members oppos- ing the idea, It was felt that the Jack Reavie Oppor- tunity Workshop serves the- area well, and that a small setting with individilal at- tention has • many benefits.. Eleven trainees now attend the workshop under the direction of Connie Jamieson and as the need for a new larger larger workshop arises; the Association would hope to construct one in our own 'district. Another objection to a regional workshop is that travel time for the trainees would be excessive and winter travel conditions would be unpredictable. Trainees at the Workshop are busy preparing for the Craft . and .Bitke Sale to be held .on` Dec. 9. as well as working on regular contracts and enjoyi ig' weekly outings for bowling and for swim- ming lessons at Vanastra. Mrs. Reavie introduced Sevin Lindsay, principal of Golden Circle School.. and Wingham and District Association for the Mentally Retarded will sponsor a closed lottery with the first draw to be made in April. Bill Stephenson, chairman of the fund-raising committee an- nounced at the October meetine of the Association. ..With-yearly expenses of more than eight thousand dollars, and with approxi- mately three thousand dol- lars being contributed to the Flowers of Hope Campaign, the major fund-raising pro- ject of the Association, the a•-• Business Director ••• • 1•• •0 • ogees • * • • o. • e of the 'Association will, be • held on, November 27 in St. Andrew 'S Presbyterian" :- Church, Wingham. The e• guest speaker will be Dr. • APPLIANCE'S Syme, administrator of the • Mid-Western Centre at ; Palmerston. Anyone who is • interested in the work of the Association is invited to • • • • • - •-•—•-• • ******* • • ors'. • e• • •-• re-e- • , • • • SEWING • C Sewing Machine Serv-17e4N •• Depot. • Service to all makes. • Free estimates 90 day warranty • Experienced since 1952 L Sew and Save Centre Ltd. , 149 Downie St. 2 doors south of Hudsons] Stralford, 271-9660 Clbsed Mondays (FUNERAL HOME 11 Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home OPTICIAN c— DECORATING Graves Wallpaper a Paint David . Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St., South, Seaforth Appliance & Refrigeration • • Water Well DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 52741775 Service Autorized factory warranty Service and repairs to GE , FRIGIDAIRE & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs to all makes attend. • • • • • /I. 1113111111 A Featuring Moore o., ROSS W. RIBEY, DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth, PHONE, 527-1390 CABLE 0,1 345-2341 Mil Canadian & Imported Wall Coverin9s 527-0550 Seaforth • • • .e S . • • • • • • • • • OPTOMETRIST'S AND OPHTHAMOLOGISTS • Prescriptions Filled Promptly Mon.-Fri. 9-5;30 p.m. Wednesday - Closed • Saturday - 9-12:00 Don Horne Maintenance • 527-0636 Seaforth- r-- ELECTRICAL RESTAURANT 'N • HESSEN HAUS • • • • CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Restaurant & Dining Lounge Main St. Seaforth 527.1 820 527-1303 • • • APPLIANCES* • APPLIANCE and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Bioadfoot • INSURANCE IS YOUR INSURANCE` UP TO DATE? "N —'5 HOME FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Auburn 526-7505 or Mitchell 348-8684-4 • .) • • • 9 5-• • • . • • • • • • • • • (---ELECTRICAL 482-7032 See us about your General Life, sickness, accident and investment • Geo. A. Sills & Sons GULBRANSEN GALANTI WURLITZER Best in Organs and Pianos FREE Organ Lessons Low-Cost Rental Plan All this and more at ir • r—CAR CARE • _ 4111111k • • DATSUN • • • Iwo • y •. SALES '& SERVICE • Service to All Makes - • Texaco Products . Gerald's Datsun • ,,,....Seeorth 527-1010 , •S ., • Seaforth Insurance Agency 527-1610 • • Complete Line • • • PULSIFER MUSIC ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO • SALES SERV(CE • SEAFoRTH 527-0053 Closed Wednesdays Seaforth Electronics 17 Spading St„ 527-1150 • _IMPROVEMENTS Th HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 5.27-1620 Seaforth • • (—CAR CARE • • • MacLEAN' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding "- Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings. PIANO Piano Tuning and Repairs Bruce Pulsifer • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Licensed Mechanic Service to all • makes of cars • Detroit Diesels i(527-0333 GOREY'S GULF • (—FARM SUPPLIES • • • • • WIRING • 5V-0053 or_after six phone 482-9618 • INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING Feed Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils . ,111 • Seaforth Coop 527-0770 • MONUMENTS (-- Cemetery Monuments • • FLEMING FEED MILL Bulk Pelleted Feed, Fast unloading elevator, 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day Clinton • • • . \`r4' • CALI: GARY DILL: • f— RESTAURANT —Th The • • • • • FORGE RESTAURANT Lie. L. L. B. 0. Home of C4TH PIZZA RackhiCheP Kentucky Style Chicken • :c—CAR CARE • Complete Line 6 • • • <SUNOCO> • • .• • ;CAR CARE PRODUCTS • Now Doing Lubes and - • • Tire Repair. • • • Archie's Sunoco • • 5j7.088i • 348-8383 OR 347-2435 Collect Call accepted at 348-8383 only MITCHELL • • • 41.• 482-8438 Inse:siptions Markers Showroom Display WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME _ 87 Goderich St., West Agentlor Wingham Methorials Seaforth 527-1190 .wELDING • ZWAAN'S WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Winnipeg Rd. Vanastra 4824931 SALES AND SERVICE OF Aluminum Welding Livestock Racks Edbro Hoists Grain Bodies Fifth-Wheel Trailers General Repairs HOEGY .• POPPY DAYS • FARM SUPPLY LIMITED ••\.. Sea forth • • e • • • • • •r • • • • • In Seaforth and District continue until 527-0443 OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Seaforth Office 527-1240 Mon-Fri. 9-5:30 Brodhagen REMEMBRANCE DAY Barn Spraying, Cattle Spraying, Fertilizer, Seed Corn and Grass Seed. ADVERTISING BOOST YOUR INCOME Buy This Space Today! Call ,527-0240, • - DECORATING Expert Interior & Exterior Decorators' Kern Paints Wallcoverings Armstrong Carpets Window Shades HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER Phone 521.1880 •00iisioarsollikeios SEAFORTH BRANCH 156, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION , Sattn:day 912:00 L Closed Wednesdays Free flarkinkon PrenilSes' • • Seetj Wheat - 345-2941 GRANT OURfiAH Secretary GLAIR CAMPBELL Chairman. Special Events' GEORGE MILLER President R.V. WHITELEY Treasurer • • • 14 • • •6666*,•••••••••••••••••••••••0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••** ••••••••••••