HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-23, Page 2Pylly-lectoral A QUICKACURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS : very valuable Remedy in all 1 , THROAT pr LUNGS Large Bottles, 25c. affections of the 4. ' !)AVIS & LAwitr,i4cR CO., Limited Ork r‘cp's, of retry tris'rain-xille , 1.......1.A.2ceeeeeeceeciew-, 111,E WINGILA.M. TraNIES, SEPTEMBER 23, 1.898. umat's B.0%sco Vor Taw. tag Natton ADYLLIAID:OV ST 113 . LAINMEItT. Corsiets of strong n • A JElltin Take (lAVF, OVER A TON uv An Irielinattu who bad ivmen ad healthy wo. en in ft fight with a neighbor NW, cm) or bi Mitt almost chewed cc Ile con sulted a lawyer concerning the bring. ing f,r proseeation, and after a some -eine,. letigthy ate•onat of the di- fficulty, sealed hie strry as follows: "I weeteln't tilled for mvself. lawyer ut . bI'd lieOe like the divil to raise ea family with 'tile eate" ?c. • ""'"'''''""""?" n.en, told health and strength depend , upon pure, rich blood which to gilL MILIIN 31 Islas, Sarsapanliu, A. nation whieli I ljood takes uullions ot bottles ot Hood'e Sar- 'For the 81 days, beginning Moy stipurilla may year is laying the rounda- eetal, met stpling Julie 24th, 1898, ilenr • C gtou On 3 ert tiOlf n HOOD'S PILLS etre prompt, efficient, tat•io, to Messrs. Miller St' Sibley of tdways easy tu take, easy to op. ' Fratiklin, Perna, gave a total of 2,- erete. 0051- pounds of milk. Itinakieg tide PERKINS' GREATSCHEME. record, she was milked three thus dily, at intervals of eight hours. It • Win for /wroth, the wisdom of which A aehlide ot St. 74 mato% sold by Mr. sill surety ellow 'welt in years to come. 4.4- , will be seen that the average per day • now A nteevnat MAN FOOLPFD BIS; COMPETFrous AND oo'r A. Jon ; of this cow during the 81 days was 04 85 124 peunde. Adelaide of St. Inbet weigh* 1,0( that site gave in the, twice her weight m nn day, since she became of Messrs Miller & Si pounds, but this is no cow has ever tiu:au by One (ley, during the in 1897, she gave foe her f dian ownee, Mr Harrisot of milk. kr* at S o'clock in the merning, and itat, 01,3W „,,,F,,,m ri..,:ainifil there Were 30 men there when he 4 ,,,,,,, .,,,,,t6 flAil rl, el'e;e'sz4 arrived. So it htad always been. It eeemed to hitn ',pat he would be Ilthejastified in using; strategy, And li."'osretively oared . ae iFOR HIMAZLF. Randolph J. Perkins was "UP against it." For weeks be had. studied the "want columns" of the varioas papms. II was a steno-- grapher, and to hit it seemed as if every second pers in the metro- polis were also oue. It the last place which had advertise he had called ey Little PIUS. l just at this point n his soliloquy They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, there came to Per1i1s a large, glitt- , tadigestion and. Too Hearty Eating. A pz:. ering idea ! Seizin a pen, he fcee•er- feCt'remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ishly traced these w yds: ness, Dad Taste in the *Mouth, Coated Tongue •"Wan ted --A stenog apher, either sex, :Pahl In tho We,. TORP.ID LIVER. r-rh-77 to work from 10 a. n . until 1.30 p. m. Begwate the Bowels, Purely Vegetable. daily, esoept Saturdat ; easy wont ; ”5 • Small PM. saran Doze • weekly. Rose, No: 1 OS -- avenue, Small Price. A 1 city." He placed this adyertisment in the Substitution three principal dailits. In the morning hi first act was to fee fraud. of he day. pjrs in which his See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. rFA Suffereeten years fiorn weak heart. action and neiTousness. Cured by Milbuti's Heart and Nerve Pills. No trade or profe8sioi is exempt from disease or dere...-.genient ei:e the heart and saerves. Tho ).reglimre of work and the mental 17crry tu c imuud IQ produce serious .consequences sooner or later.. sl ter'i; 0 V u ,......... i la. Donald Campbell, the well-lmown ' icarriage maker of ligrriston, Ont., said : i"I have been troubla off and on. for ten , ' years with weak action oil my heart and 1 i mervousnees. Frequently ray heart would. : yalpitzte and Rutter ;with great violence, i ralarming me exceedingly. Often I had 4eharp pains in my heatt and could not sleep , -well a,t night. I go% a box of Milburn's 1:Ifeart and Nerve Pilia and from them. de- ; ,rived almost immediate benefit. They re - 1 !otored. vigur to my nerves mid strengthened ,zayentiresystern,rentovingeverysyruptom 'tot nerve or heart troUble, and enabling me t to get restful, healthy sleep." ! Afilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure oalpitation, throbbing, dizzy and faint .rmells, nervousness,., sleeplessness, weak- lMeSS. female troubles,after effects of grippe, Iletc. Price 50c. a box or 3 for 31.25, at all i druggists. T. Milburn& Co., Toronto, Ont. i LAXA-LIVER PILLS cure Constipa. ion, Oltiousness,;Sicit Headache and tIllyspepsia. They Cle not gripe, sicken r Weaken. Evert pill acts perfectly. buy the three pa "add" appeared. terse, clean cut a one of the papers t advertisment of a N There it, was, d enticing.. In ere was also the ell -known firm who desired a s•reeographer, and and with all the sPed of mercury Perkins sped to thesaddress given, made known ."1-us.,bu iness and was employed at a fair s "You are the only )erson who an• swered the 'add,' andwe are usually flooded," remarked the manager. "Well, never inin0 You'll go to work tomorrow? Ys? All right." And Perkins left, its heart filled with joy. Once on Broadway, he took a car and was soon bornOup town, and upon reaching n certain place got off. In front of the place a crowd of re clamoring. 1.50 jab ?" - one of Eli-EAMON tozorturTifori nod alt 11V0 SPLIVIN14 or DILOOD, ZOSA OE APPETITE, DftitIlLIEV, the benente of this article are moss intattitcst. Ey the std of The D. & 1..Emulsion, I have eaten rid of tt hacking cot which hod troubled me foe owr a year, and aye gaited consider- ably in weight. T. IL C.E., Montreal. 50s. cad t a.e Dottie DAVIS & TANI/RI:NCR CO., Limited, Mont sr*. men and women ev There must have. bee "Are you after th the men asked. "Yes," said Perkins "Well, it's a fake," replied tbe man, quickly. "Fake or a misprint, and that's the job that every etenog. in New York chased up the first thing this morning., 'Way up here, too; no clfance to skap up anything. Why, I suppose the tied people up he. The fellow in the p "Aad what is - Perkins. He really k..now, cbinese lauildry I" And then.; Perki s felt his first pang of remorse. "MY FRIEND La Gripperand. NE Had Brought C pounds, so month over k. Her best, the property ey, was 75, the best the any means nth of Alay, rmer Cana- ponude DECEIVLD TO D Invidious to the Last D ney Troubles Steal Havoc—South Amer Cure a Potent Healer This caption could be tr en on many a burial cert numbers that would in disease, diabetes, gravel a bladder. infiamation of dropsy. Any or all may 1 causes least suspected, pel thought ot, and yet most the back ache ey.epienn.' with kidney pains. So Kidney Cure is a quick r• powerful healer.-0eans Sold by A. L. Hamilton, e's been a thous - e this morning. Vice is wild:" place ?" asked felt curious to Methods of Storing a .A.pples. Well matured and ni fruits are worthy of sp keeping throughout months that, they ma dessert purposes atter season is past, With a normal sized fruit ski eeted. and kept in as et possible without free For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried 1.sinedy—Mrs NVitialtm's Soothing Syrup has Wen used tor over lfty years by millions of mothers for their ebildren while teeth- ing, with perfeet aukwessoo t3. It thes the ehtld, softens the gums, allays all pain, eaves wind cube, and is the best remedy for diarrnwa. p:eusunt the leste. Sold by druggists every part et the world. Twenty•flve cents ;JO tale, Its VOA if.0 inealuable, to sur you ask for M so, WinsloW's Soothing Syrup, and • take no other kind, • gree -Kid tity Work an Kidney th fully writt- 'cats, and in at. Bright's stone in the the bladder, induced by aps the least dangerous is Don't daily h American liever, and a end cures. Ingham. d Keeping ely flavored elal care 10 he winter be bad for 720,000 bricks were lased in its con - heir geueral struction, It is eirmilar in form and ples, perfect in a gale bends extremely. aid be sele If you will ens off the supply of - a Place as temptation I will bi found by the ug. Large help of God to con,rt drunkards that; t apples are desired oro keep par- but until you have tt ken off this per. ticularly nice should 'e kept from petite' supply of hive •icating drink, touching each other, left pped in Sep- e‘e never can cultiyate the fields. arate tisane papers, c• placed on You bave submerged them and if trays in a moist, well- tetilated eel- ever we reclaim on portion, you lar. For late market rposes pack immediately begin to build upon it l titglitly in barrels af er the apples a gin palace, . have shrunk, mid sto the ibari•els Let the Legislature 0,o its part, and will answer fur the rest.—Cardi- nal Manning. Eminent Mon oe Frohibiton. Tile principle of Prohibition Fen= t.) me be the only safe and certain eemedy fur the evil $ of intemperance Matthew The putting of into the same,- eate of ill -fame and oth is only a question bury Davis, Whetter or not ee be bedWeel by Laniehment of ail iu seems to me not now Abraham Lincoln. Always vote for ao you have to vote al cherish the sweet yoar vote is lost Adams. Compremise wit better compromise in thee4angle ; with gue asIteblotehes t Witt TalfieageesiDD It is the bligines stand out clearly of coney, sobriety and hood. This cannot as its hand is he cleeplin tsalooe- keeper's poeket.—J.111. Ecob, D. D. One of the tallest Stacks in Great Britain is situated Llanelly. From the base of. the foundation to the eummit is 400 pet high. The cap of the top weighs 27 tons, and `linking houses a -y with houses publie nuance, f time.— Wood - he world would total and final , xicaaing drinks n open question. melple, though e, and you can reflection that —John Quincy it! You had ith the panther n Egyptian pia- empire.—'i?. De of the State to the side et de - Christian man. o done so long Hi a very cool place, Seine solid tipples, like Northern'. Spy, Spitzen- burg or Newton Pippie. are not in- jured by hard freezin allowed to remain fro ed, and are then tla gradually, but we do this plan. Many ser Russets and other keep well when pitted like potatotaa Sometimes, however, t”ey take up a taste of the earth, ba this may he prevented by settinga.a ridge -pole over the pile of apps in forked stie.ks, and making a rbof of boards in such a manner that there will be an air spaee over the Villa Then cover the boards with a eavy-cover , if they are n until want ed out very ot recommend , par ticul ai•ly rm varietiee, AIR." ing of straw and a light tht, a earth. Prostration Pitted apples, however, s ldom keep well after opening out in should, therefore not be they are needed for use. Another method of st approved by some is to deeply in dry chaff, taki the chaff and. apples throughout in layers, exe to fill all the interstices ai fros;pt•oof in a dry lomat p. his not usually trooepractice to pile up deep bins of a cellar floor. Smaller, s not disturbed tilt their ti be, used, are much be er, except tain Copp Near to Death—South e American Ner- vine was the Life "I was ailing for n with nerVous prostrati remedies and was troat without any peril:lawn ago I took la grippe, aver. arly four years n. I tried many d by physicians benefit. A year Hob greatly ag- gravated my trouble. VMy friends des- paired of my recovery. t was induced to try South American Norville, and was rejoiced to get almost instant relief. I have used four bottles and feel myself completely cured. 1 ljelleve it's the best remedy known for the nerves and Wood." Wm. M. Copp, Newca4tle, N. B. Sold by A. L. Flatuilton. Wirigham. v literary The widow of some time ago auti band's lifelong frien art Chamberlain, her assistance, two Personal Side of IV Mr. Chamberlain u and The Ladies' - I secured the mater 1 are singularly vol give a complete in his home and daily life, and con- tain much new matter while many otes. the bad ones should chard Wagner This should seldom oce rized her bus' taken not to put in bra' Houston S',0w- of early ripening vari o write, with rticles on "The hard Wagner." ertook the work Homes 30t1rileti. l. The articles able in that they cture of the mart pring, and pened till mg apples over them g care that re mixed cising care d cover up les on the Row bins, n conies to The victory rests witlr,America's Great- est iVleche,iue, fluod's Sikjapaii Ua, witen it enters the baule agiCtet, Impure blood. they are commencing t rot, when removed. r .if care is ed or fruit les, and the ,n below 45° Fahr. We n b peek- s, Greenings late in Oeto- in an open before eon, of' the illustrations and portraits have never been printed. There will be two artieles, "His Personal. and "How tie Wrote His Operas," and the first one will appear in the October number the magazine. temperature is kept do or, if possible, at 33° have had best satisfaet' ing such as Spies, Russ and Beldwins in barrel' ber, and leaving the shed as late as possib signing them to th eellar. The barrels are headed up and not open- ed till needed in Ma eh or later. -- Farmers' Advocate. CAST RA For Infanta sail Children. A man of irrenula habits will find one !of Milburn's Sterile Headache Powders The fo- l. taken in the mornin cleat his head, EtYligle steady his nerves an put lainin shape ni for hisday's work, lee We, and 25e. it Yi eller 1111 141 ") had Salt Rhe m of the worst kind as our family doct r called it, and could not get anything to cure me., 1 read of Busde.5ck Blood Bitters, and Vetermined to try it. I got one lott1e and be- fore I used half ,of if I could tell it was doing Me good, and after taking six bot- tles I was per- fectly cured, and to -day am a happy cured of thatterrible MAGDALENA VOIGT, omen at being isease." MRS. hineland, Ont. B. B. 13. is the best remedy in the world for Eczema, Sa1t Rheum, Tetter, Scald Head, Shingles, Boils, Pim- ples, Sores, UIcE and all Blood a Skin Diseases. z4gi: Castoria is Dr. Salved Pitcher's proscription for Tafa,uts and Madrea. It contains neither °pima, Morphia° 11103! other Narcotic) szleatanec. It is a harmless stelestItesao for Paregoric, Drops, Sc,,othing Syrups and 0.1,f;tor 011. Et is Pleasc.,at. Its guarantee is thirty yearg? 1130 by Mililens of Dit,othcr,9.,. Castoria destroys "Virotens and. n]ttysrevcrIshneas. Castoria prevent3 V01Oit5.2. Sour Card, cares Varrhces, and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves 7.2eetil1ag troubles, Cues Constipation and Flatkilency. reeeixraetes -ale Food, regatlater, tho Stomach 1:Q.a1ith3r and naturd n1ttei CastAria is 1;113 Cltildecia2s Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Caste:de,. "Castor;la, is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. 080001), Lowell, Mars. Clastoria. "Castoria is tiO well adaptcd to children. that I recommend it as tmperior to any pre— scription 1:110Wi1 to 111C," H. A. Anctiont, M. D. Brooklyn., N F. THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ...-,31Ewlss5N-N531' 4:47,41.jr, APPEARS ON EVERY W • 49; -RAPPER. rv,Atsn GOLWANY. 77 iiltrinn`f crrflcll. tirVi YORK rITv. 717457471. TV/ :ifftral, 1 L RELIEVED 1 WWI II/CLV DISEASES RatistiVED EV OEM AP. PLICAI ON OP Rhourraatis ed Like Banish- agic. DL MEWS OMER 36 CTS. Itt, a marvellous cure for i11 such dis- gngting and disfiguring diseases as Ee- scum, salt Rheum, Toper, Ilarbers' Itch, Seat d Dead. Dicers, Di, tehes. It cures all it eruptions of theend. makes it soft an4 white .-27. ELTO N •UMpS Will stand wear and. tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and PORCE PUiVi.PS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended A. SaGP -Di igonal S:. opposite Beattie Live. 1 ,JON PELTON, Sold. at Hamilton's Drug Store. ginDr.fhaM. 0nt.; offfiggicaMlarMyismi The Leading peer lists of Amorlea 20 YEARS M. DETROIT, 250,000 0,0RED. A 'V1E0%74511642 St kernent —Re. Hof from 0 Dose. Mr. E. W. Sherman, roprletor of the Sherman House, Morrisb rg, Ont. is known by thousands of Cannata s, hence the fol- lowing statement feent. r. Sherman will be read witit great lute st and pleasure. "I have been cured of r umatIsnt of ten years' Standing In three ays. One bottle of SOTITII AunnICA, ItHECMATIO CURE performed thls most ernarlatble cure. The effects of the first dos of South Amerl- min Rheumatic Cure were t uly wonderful. I have only taken one bot le of the rent- edy, and now haven't anylgn of rheuma- Cam MY 10 System. It al me more good • then all the doctoring I et dld in my Sold at Ilairtilton's ug Store. WE CURL L -MISSIONS Nothing can bo more demoralizing to Young or middle-aged men than the pres- produce weakness, nerve moss, a feeling once of these "nightly res." They of disgust and a -whole tra of symptoms. They unfit a man for buiiness. married life and social happines No matter 45 whether caused by evil h hits in youth, natural weakness or sexu excesses; our kM New Method Treatment vtl1 pooh -well; 0./ Mire you. •, al NO CURE,— NO PAY F, 'Itcador, you need help. iar1y abuse or later excesses may have eakenecl you. Exposure may have disc ed you. You aro not safe till. cured. On? New Method will cure you. You run n risk. to 2 50, 0 0 0 CUWD 'Young Man -You aro pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, iltable and ex- citable. You become for etful, morose, and despondent; blotchos. and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast eountbnanee reveal the blight of your existence WECURE,VARI ,OCELE No matter how serious four 03180 may be or how long you may hive had it, our NEW METHOD TRE 'MENT will euro it. The "wormy VOi18" return to their normalcondition ifnd hence the sexual organs receive psoper nourish- ment. The organs bedomb vitalized, all unnatural drains or loos cease and manly powers return. 7To temporary benellt,_but a permanent' cure assured. NO CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. Plc° DETEN- TION FROM BUSINES1. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VARICOCBLE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION FRIIE. BOORS PREE.1 CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write for a QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATIVIENT. (T1 KENNEDY KERGAN 148 SHELBY 8 REET, DETROIT# M H. Caveats and Trade-Marka obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE DEED, MT office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office-, and my facilities forser•-iug potrets are unsurpassed. Seal1te.l. skstch c. lebok..graph of invention, will description and statemer.t as to advantages clamed.. inr.lfe charge is made for an opinion as to patentability, and my Inc for prosecuting the wilt not be called for itntli the patent 't allowed. "Jew:wrens' Gaunt," con- taining tuff information sent free, Alt Comma.. cations Considered st: atriellp Confidentiat. F'RANIKa_.IN H. HOUGH,' 927; r S. A. seSo WASEISISCST ON. ZS. C. f, TRADEEtrG1NA3R G COPVFGG STS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description me" (snotty 'Overarm our opinion free whether ati. invention prohrldst petentirme. Communica. sons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent% sent free. Oldest agency for scenting patents. Patento taken through MINIM it co. receive specter, nutice, without charge, la the Sdettlilic flintalcal A handsomely illuotrnted 'weekly. Y,Prrest eft. ciliation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 sr, year; four Introths, Bold by ail newsdealer& muNN & 36 1 Broadway, finYk, Brunch Office. 025 D.O. IT PAYS TO ADVERTA IN Till TIMES •. ••••=1.1•111.111•AaddnyvaallSINK.