HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-09, Page 15ovvvi ER 9,iiiro I N $.•
- CEIVENN144' COUNCIL 'The student council at Huron Centennial School near Brucefield was named recently. Back, left,
John Wooden, Dean Armstrong, Jim Parsons, Estella Willson, Sherry Chuter and David ir"oiit1"David
Turnhali, secretary Julie-,McBeath, president Faye"Cornochan, treasurer Jeff McKellar 'and-Bonnie Timer. Misiing were vice-
president Clare Davidson and Paul Hoggarth. 1-A photo
Ukelele group plays Toronto
Rev. A. itoung of Goderich
.conducted service in Carmel
Presbytprian Churc on Sun-
day and spoke on " einem-
brance''. Mrs. Rob Taylor
led the choir in the anthem
"More Love to Thee". Rev.
Young will be conducting
service the next two Sundays.
The Ladies' report a most
successful Bazaar which waa
held on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig
Chapman, Forest, Mr. Rod
Chapman and friend of Bar-
rie, Gerry Chapman of
Toronto Police Forte, Mrs.
Chapman, Lisa and Lee Anti
of Burlington were week-end
visitors" with their mother
Mrs. L. 'Chapman. Craig and
Gerry bbth played hockey oh
the Hetisall-Zutich Combines
the year"-they *oh the Ail
Ontario Championship in
Hensall Department Store
Hansa(' Ontario 5°41 262-2019
. Dresses
. Tops Etc.
. . . • "•••-• •
v ce
Branch N. 46$, the Wom-
The Canadian gion
Auxiliary of Hensall and
the Cubs paraded at the
United Church on Sunday,
November .5 "for a special
Reinembrafice Day service.
Following the •service at the
ci9rch, they marched to the
Penotaph for a short service
and the placing -of• wreaths.
• • The service in the church
V I S EIS wG an ec 1.•74 csts eedr wbiyi
Rev. oTn.
Mrs. Sam Oesch • is a
the subject, "What kind is patient in Victoria Hospital,
.ryor -world? "In a world of London, where she has under
unrest and wars, of medical gone surgery.
research, of community ende-
avours,coin.. Mrs. Carl Payne attended of industry and
coerce the challenge is with the 64th London Area Con-
us to determine what kind of vention, of the Women's
world our world shall be.
Officiating at the organ
was Richard Fujarczuk of
London and the choir..11 by
choir director Mrs. Marianne
McCaffrey, sang the hymn,
"0 love, how deep".
Noble Grand Mrs. Hazel
Corbett presided for •the
meeting of Amber Rebekah
Lodge Wednesday evening
assisted by the Vice-Grand
Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, who
reported for the visiting
committee. The Treasurer,
Mrs, Dorothy Corbett gave
the financial report and Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor reported
ft'llkelele group, under the
direction of Doris McKinley,
had the hoholit of playing at
the third.' annual Ontario
Ukelele Workshop at the
Toronto Teacher Education
Centr, on Saturday. Bonnie
and Jhenda •Dowson are in
this ;group.
Scime members of last
year's graduation class from
Hymn' Centennial ap,'
proa,chect,Doris to see if he
would c-diitinPe toiead them,
as they had enjoyed their
music and didn't want to lost
their skills on the ukelele.
She invited all. Huron C -
ennial graduates who had
played in elementary school
to join the group, and was
pleasantly surprised to find
she had forty who wanted to
belong. Those who accomp-
any thezn ,on drums, bass,
etc. are also included. They
have been practising twice a
week in the short time
they've had to prepare for
this workshop.
girls went to Toronto by bus,
accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. lvtathers and Mr. and
MrS. Easterbrook. Doris at-
tended the whole session,
which began on Friday at
6:00 and continued until 8:30
on Saturday.
Mr. Doan of Halifax, head
of the workshop, was very
impressed with this group's
musical ability and sense of
rhythm, which of course, is a
reflection of their teacher's
ability and enthusiasm. The
ukelele has become a more
sophisticated instrument
than, it was in the past, and
Mr. Doan has developed
improved teaching tech-
niques which are demon-
strated at 'these music
teachers' workshops.' Mr.
Doan himself is very skilled
on the instrument, just "out
of this world" according to
Doris, and he played for the
The girls spent some time
shopping, and had supper at
Ed's Warehouse. As more
people have become aware of
this talented group, they
have been invited to play at
several functions. Exciting
things may be in store for
them, and we hope their
members will keep us in-
formed about their activities.
Mrs. flildg1 ayne
Unit 4 of Hensall United
Chutch Women met in the
Fellowship Hall on Thursday
November 2 for their Novem-
ber meeting.. The° meeting
opened with a short talk by
Mrs. Jessie McAllister fol-
lowed by a .devotional on
"Temptation" led by Mrs.
Pearl Erratt. The topic was
Caribbean , theology and
proved very interesting.
18 members and three
visitors were present. It was
reported that 34 visits had
been made to sick and,
shut-ins and a reminder was
given about the General
Meeting on December 4
when Unit 4 will give the
.devotional. It was decided
that each member is to bring
six Christmas cookies to the
December meeting of the
After the benediction, Mrs.
Rena Caldwell and her corn-.
rpittee sevrved'lunch and a
social hour was enjoyed.
Miss Molly McGhee, Dir-
ector of the Centralia College
of, Agriculture and Technol-
ogy, spoke on the second day •
of the 64th Annual Conven-
tion of, the London Area of
the Women's Institute, held
at the Banqueter, London on
November. 1, and 2. She
reported major changes in
the ministry since the take-
over by the new head, Dr.
George'Cullen. A new depart
ment, the Food Market Devel-
opement Branch has been
formed; there is new finan-
cial account ability. but
demands have increased Six-
The afternoon session was
presided over by Mrs.
Gordan Papple of Seaforth,
2nd vice-president, when
committee reporti were
given and the new slate of
officers elected: New pres-
ident, is Mrs. Keith Hiepleh,
R. R. 2 Springfield and
Public Relations Officer is,
Mrs.' Wesley Bradnock,
The theme of the conven-
tion was "The family in our
changing society" and was
dwelt upon by the president,
Mrs. Leonard Caffyn of
Ingersoll. The family pro-
vides sustenance, social rela-
forming medium-it is the
smallest of social institutions
but the most important group.
Also addressing the gat-
hering on the first day was
Mrs. Florence Diamond,
president of the Federated
Women's Institutes of Ont-
ario who stressed family
unity "No nation can rise
above its homes".
n the afternoon, Mrs.
pleh, delegate to the
triannual Associated Country
Women of the World conven ,,
tion, held.,in Nairobi, Kenya
.a year ago, told -of her
eiperiences. There are eight
and a half million members
in,this organization from 76
different countries. The con-
vention closed with a moving
Interfaith service.
Guest speaker at the ban-
quet in the evening, Miss
Angela' Armitt, Head of
Extension Department, Uni-
versity of Western Ontario
dwelt on communications as,
it affects family life through
humour with numerous whit-
ty illustrations. Also the
Sweet Adeline Double
Quarte entertained with.
sounds. Scholarships were
presented and Tweedsmuir
Competition prizes.
434 women attended the
two day convention, the
largest number in 6 years,
with 31 persons from, Huron
County. Next year, the Con-
vention will be on the same
date in, Perth South.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
McEwen were recent visitors
• with—their son-in-law and
Daughter Mr. & Mrs'. Terry
Gregson in Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Jack Corbett visited
last week with her son-in-law
and daughter Mn: & Mrs.
Robert Chaffe and family at
Mitchell. '
Hensall Midgets played
against Huron Park at Huron
Park on Tuesday October 31
and lost 3.2. This was the
opening game of the season
for the Hensall Midgets. Tbe
Minor Athletic Association is
sponsoring a dance on Nov.
25 to raise funds for the
hockey teams in the coming
Institute at the Banqueter,
London on November 1 apd
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Wheeler
of Detroit spent a few days
visiting with the latter's aunt
Mrs. Edgar Munn.
for the Finance Committee.
Mrs. Olga Chipchase was
installed into the office of
Left Supporter of the vice-
Grand by Mrs. Bertha Mac
Gregor Past. D.D.P, Arrange
ments were made "to hold a
Bazaar, Bake Sale and Tea
on Saturday November 18th
at 3 p.m.
New Construction in Varna
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
IN mikes 34
Amber lodge
Plans bazaar
Nts., Chessell
We'dlike to welcOme Tom
and Dale Leppington and ,
faMily to the village. They
moved into the Broeze house
on the weekend.
Congratulations to Scott.
The. Remembrance service
at the cenotaph was led by
Rev. T.G. Husser B.A .B.D.
Mr. Harry Horton, veteran
quoted "In Flanders Fields:'
Mr. Grant McClinchey,
president ,,of the Hensall
Branch presented the wreath
for the Legion. The Province
of Ontario wreath was pre-
sented by Mrs. Gordon
Munn assisted by Mr. Robert
McKinley NIP: The—Ladies'
Auxiliary wreath was placed
by Mrs Beatrice Uyl, presi-
dent Auxiliary. The Hensall
Council' wreath was placed
by Reeve Harold Knight.
Mr. Irvin Sillery placed the
Tuckersmith wreath and Mr.
John Tinney placed the Hay
Township wreath. Mr.
Charles Doxtator placed the
wreath for the Hensall Kins-
men. Mr. Charles Hay
placed the W.G. Thompson
& Sons wreath. The Bendix
wreath Was placed by Mr.
Parkash Malik. Mr. Eric
Luther, manager of Bank of
Montreal placed the wreath
Consitt who received the
champion, Herefotd' :calf
award "at" 'the 4itstii,ot
achievement night on Friday
in Clinton.
Construction began last
week on the two houses
being erected by Bo-Jen
Carpentry on the back street.
on their behalf and Mr. M.
Caers manager of Bank of
Commerce placed the wreath
for the Branch. The Hensall
School Board wreath was
placed by Mr. Garnet Allan.
The Cub pack with their
leaders placed poppies at the
cenotaph and the service
concluded with "The Queen:
Refreshments were served
by, the Auxiliary in the
"Legion Hall.
Mr. and Mrs., Roy Allison
of Toronto' visited with the
latter's brother-in-law and
sister Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Bill and Joyce Dowson anti
family toured the Coliing-
WoOd ard'afpl, Sunday, visit-. Mg the Scenic Caves mid
other interesting places in
that locale.
The spookiest Hallowe'en'
spooks, in the Varna area are
the ones who tour the
countryside after all the little
hobgoblins have gone home.
Their identities are pretty
skilfully disguised. If things
ever get dull' around here,
they sure don't stay that way
for long.
The film "Caribbean Cross --
Currents" was featured at
the November meeting of the
UCW. It provided inform-
ation on the racial back-
ground of the people on the
islands and mainland sur:
rounding the Caribbean Sea.
Changes are taking place in
the crops they produce, with
more emphasis now on food
for their own people. Very
low wages for field workers
still exist in some countries.
The churches are providing
assistance in many places in
the form of roans to help
them establish their own
businesses which 'will give
employment to the local
The poems Aist
Voice of God" and r• -`)4'WP
Helping Hand" were real:143y.
Eleanor McAsh. Shirley Hill .
read' the scripture from the
book of Ecclesiastes, and the
prim, "What a Friend We
Have in Jesus" 'was sung;
Margaret Hayter reported
an' interesting and worth-
while programme at ..the
Regional Rally in Winthrop;
Marjorie Stirling presented
the slate of officers, for the
1979 executive. The new
president will be Eleanor
McAsh; Vice president,
Margaret Hunt. Shirley Hill
and Margaret Hayter are
remaining as secretary and
treasurer. The corresponding
secretary will be Helen Taylor
and Barb Consitt will head
the supper committee.
The date of the Christmas
meeting has been changed to
Nov. 30, as there are activ-
ities during the first week of
December which may conflict
with our usual date. A
potluck supper is planned
and all former members and
friends are invited to Join us
for the special evening of
worship and fellowshin..
Wreaths presented at
Hensall Remembrance
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