HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-09, Page 7a•
The village ' of Hensall
council were acclaimed to
office. Council membets are ,
Harold K t and
council a Neilands,
Harry 'gunge], Richard
Packham and Klaas Van
Wie rem
Acclaimed Reeve of Hensall
Harold Knight who will
start his second term as
reeve of Hensall with an
acclamation to office says he
would like to, see the village's
,official plait completed and.
see annexation go through.
"Nobody else Wanted to
step up" from council into
the job of reeve," Mr.
Knight cited as another
reason for letting his name
stand as reeve.
The -main , issues facing
Hensall over the next two
years are the new storm
sewers starting this fall as
well as' the plan and annex-
' ation, Mr-. -Knight-told-the
A council member since
1962, and reeve for the past
two yearS, Mr. Knight has
his own electrical business in
Hensall. He and his wife'
Marg, have two childr,en, a
son ' Stephen who's an
apprentice electrician -with
his dad and a daughter,
Anne Dayman, who's a hair-
dresser at' Brian's Hair-
styling in Seaforth.-
Acclaimed to Hensall Council
Richard Packham, ac-
claimed as ,a new member of
Hensall council, feels he'll be
able to look at the village's
business objectively and that
his, experience in various
parts of the world will help
Mr. Packham, Who's 28
and a native of England, has
lived in , Hensall six years.
His wife is .a native of
Hensall and her late father,
Johnlienderson, was a reeve
for a number 'of years.
Mr. Packham, whose
children have just started.
school was an active Kins • -
man for. twq years. He is
employed at Bendix.
He says though he hasn't
had much chance to get into
the issues Hensall will face in
the next two years, "I always
feel things can be negoti-
ated. • 1 I'
array, who has four
attending schools in
the separate school system.
said he ran for Office since he
is interested in the education
process. Mr. Murray has
been acclaimed as trustee on
'the board.
He said the main issue in
the area he serves is trying to
'main the quality of edu-
cat n without great in-
crea -es in cost.
Mr. Murray is married
with four sons. and farms in
'cause he is 'nterested in
school and e cation.
Declining nrolment and
tightneSs of 'n ey have to
be the main issues facing the
school board he believes,
especially declining enrol-
Hii past experience in-
cludes being on the local
hoard of Education in Wing-
ham and four years on the
County boatel.
He is a Sun-Life of Canada
Assurance salesman. His
wife Mary is a Kindergarten
teacher at Sacred Heart
school in 'Wingham. They
have three boys and one girl
and they had one other son
who was killed a year ago.
Separate School Board
Ron. Murray '
Ronald's Murray, who re-
sides on a farm in McKillop
Township, represents Sea-
forth and McKillop Township
on the Huron-Perth Roman
Catholic Separate School
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I chose to run as a taxpayer
to be involved with the
business of the township.
Equal -rights for the whole
township are.the,main issues
facing us.
I have had 2 1/2 years on
Hullet Reereation Board.
I am a farmer,' married and
have three children, a boy
and girl still at home. I am
interested in sports.
rustee Candidate
. Marilyn Kunder
Marilyn Kander, who. is
.running as- a trustee on the
Huron County board of
education r4presenting the
town of Seaforth, and McKir-
lop and Hullett Townships,
said she is running for office
because she is not satisfied
with some decisions made by
the present board.
Mrs. Kunder, who. works
part-time as a bookkeeper at
Topnotch Feeds Ltd.. has
two children - David, a
student at Seaforth Public
School and Nancy, a student
at Seaforth District High
The candidate has,13 years
experience on school boards
including four years on an
advisory Vocational commit-
-tee and eight years on a
trainable , retarded commit-
tee. •
Mrs. Kunder said she has
time to devote to the board
which is a multi-million
dollar business, and "I feel
that the people in this area
shoUld be represented by h
responsible person who is
also a parent with children in
both the elementary and
secondary systems."
Mrs: Kunder said the main
issue facing the school board
in the next two years will be
budgets, lower government
grants, an increased tax
load, school closing, special
educations and public re-
lations between board,
teachers, parents , and
Donald '-McDonald Who is
already in by acelamatiOn on
the Huron County Public
Sdhool Board chose to run for
a seat on, the school board,
because, "Having part of my.
family still in the system, I
am very •interested in their
education as well as every
Other student in Huron
"Also being a farmer I am
very concerned with our
education tax and how it is
being Vent. ,
Two main issues that he
believes face the Board of
Education Will be the impact -
Pf detlitiltig enrolment on oar
edueition system in Huron
county -and the ever
sp iraling cost of' education.
Mr. MacDonald owns and
OriersiteS a farm at Lot 2,
• • -
Sabo' boar THE HYRON EXPO dITOR NOVEMEEtrai 1976-4- 7 '
Grey to ns •
Trustee Candidate
Minnie Noakes
, Minnie Noakes, who lives
in Hensall, is running as a
trustee on the Huron County •
board of education, to repre-
sent ratepayers in the towns
of Hensall and Zurich and
also Hay Township.
,Mrs. Noakes served as a •
councillor oh Hensall council
for six years and was reeve of
the village for three years.
She was employed as a nurse '
in the Queensway Nursing
Home in Hefisall and for the
past three years, attended
South Huron District High
She will receive her Grade
13 Honors diploma at the
school graduation on Nov. 17
Mrs. Noakes said, "I have
always believed in honesty in
every 'endeavour; have been
criticized many times but
have always stood by my
She said she decided to
run for a seat on the board of
education because she is
sincerely interested in and
concerned with education
and administration of the
"For three years I have
'been with the teachers and
students 'at South Huron'
District High School. I am
assured that I have a good
understanding of their pro-
blems plus the fact I am a
mother 'of eight and a
The candidate said the.
main issues facing the board
' in the next two 'years will
likely be the dropping
rolment in the schools; •
rim costs and d very great
dang of unemployment for
the gr duates when they do-
enter the work 'force.
• : ' Acclaimed
°porothy Williams ,
Dorothy Williams, of
R.R.4, Clinton, who repre,
sents Tuekersmith Township
and the town of Clinton on
the HuronCounty board of
educatiot, originally taught
21 years for the board.
Mrs. Williams is the
mother of „two sons who
attended local schools and
the trustee said she ran for
Office originally' because she„&„
felt she kne* the strenth and
Trustee - acclaimed
C. EdWard Dearing
C. Edward, Dearing has
been acclaimed as a trustee
on the Perth County Board of
Mr. Dearing, who operates
a farm in Hibbert Township
in partnership with. his two
sons, has lived in the town-
ship for the past 3,0 years.
The trustee has served,on
thp Perth County board since
the elections of 1970 and was
the board chairman in 1975
and -1976.
'Prior to that time, he was a
trustee on the Seaforth Dis-
trict High School board for
several years.
He is also a , director,
representing Perth County,
on the Ontario Bean Growers
Mr. Dearing said, "After
weighing the arguments in
support of the benefits of
experience and continuity on
the board and after'consider-
able soul searching, on my
part, I have deckled te, once,
again, offer my services as a
representative of my com-
munity and work towards
effectively keeping thepublic
in control of education." .•
He said the main' issue
facing boards in the next two
years is the problem of
striking a realistic balance
between opposing forces.
Mr. Dearing said on one
hand the public expects some
restraint on spending at all
levels of government, in-
cluding school boardkand on
the other hand boards will be
hard pressed to, satisfy that
expectation• h other
factors which interfere, i.e.;
declining enrolments that
tend to Make present
facilities • and services less
efficient, the continuing need
to provide varied and inter-
esting programs despite
fewer students, the in-
creasing cost of supplies and
service contracts and other
The two rePresentatiVes on
the Perth County Board of
Education representing tax-
payers in Fullarton,. Hibbert
and Logan and the ,toWn of
Mitchell were returned' by
Board. I have had experience
on the Blyth Fire Board,
Blyth Arena Board, Hullett
Recreation and an
d Centre Board, and Auburn
Hall Board, I am past
president of Huron County
junior Farmers and Huron
County Soil and Crop
Improvement Association. •
weaknesses of the school
system from both sides.
Mrs. Williams was re-
turned 'as trustee by -ac-
The trustee said she would
like to maintain and improve
the vocational education pro-
gram for all student's who.
wish to take the program.
This year, some students had
to be turned away' from the
course: ' •
Also, Mrs. Williams said
she supports a performance
review of all teaching per-
sonell and administrators
working for the Huron
County board of education.
Th-e-trustee said she would
like to see the review com-
pleted and circulated to the
board of education.
W. J. Kinahan who was
acclaimed- as a trustee on the
Huron-Perth Raritan Catholic
Separate School Board says
he chose to run again be-
Michael Connolly
name - stand again since
ratepayers had asked him to
serve again.
Mr. Connolly said one
' issue in the nett.term will be
keeping educational costs in
• With four years of council
experience, the latter two as '
senior councillor, I believe
that r can do a good job of
presenting viewsand problem's
of the people of Hallett at
county council.
I don't think there• are any
overly controversial issues
facing the people of Hallett
during the next two years;
but I would like to see some
sort of agreement reached
with Clinton, as ' to how
Hallett and the other sur-
rounding townships can help
to support their arena.
During the four years that
I have been a dduncillor in
Hullett it has been my
pleasure to be their' appointed,
representative to the-Clinton
Fire Aea Board, and the
Hullett Recreation Com-
mittee. I have attended the
monthly meetings, of these
boards and taken an active
part in the work they do on
behalf of the ratepayers of
Hullett Township.
Trustee Candidate
John Henderson
John Henderson, ,who is
seeking reelection as a
trustee on the Huron County
board of education, repre-
senting McKillop and Hullett •
Township and .Seaforth has
farmed. in McKillop Town-
ship all his life.
• Mr. Henderson and his
wife have eight Children, and
one' child is in elementa6
school, one in secondary
school and one in college.
The other children have
completed their educatiOn.
The trustee was a member
of The McKillop Township
' School area board for five
years and has been a
member of the Huron County
board of education for the
past eight years.
• 'He sail-dile decided to seek
re-election since, "Having
'experienced my family going
through the education
system for a number of
yeart, I feel that our
,secondary education system
todails failing to give the
students what they need for
our society."
Mr. Henderson said some
of the main issues the board
will be facing the next-
term are -equipment which
must be' replaced due to the
metric system, tr
sportation routes which m
be revised • to eliminate. the
overlapping of bus routes
`and boundary changes7which
shpuld be made in order to
make full use of all schools.
, Robert Peck:ha-s' been
acclaimed as a trustee on the
Huron County board of et1U1,-
cation, iepre,senting rate-
payers in Stanley Township,
Mr, Peck, who lives on the
family farm in the Township
helps operate the appliance
store in "The heart of
downtown Varna."
The trustee and his wife
have four daughters - two are
teachers, One is a high school
student and the fourth works
in a secondary school office
and ,two sons, who.'have
completed their education,
Trustee -Acclaimed
Robert Peek
Mr. Peck has served on
school -boards for over 20
years. He first served on the
S.S. #13, Stanley Township
school baord, on the CDCI
and CHSS board and" is
completing his fourth year on
the Huron County board.
Mr. Peck said, "I chose to
run for a seat on the Huron
County board of education
because I have always been
interested in a good edu-
cation for the students of the
county while trying to keep
costs at a reasonable level."
He said, believe the
main issue facing the board
during the next two years is
the extremely high price that
are pa ing for good
education." He 'sad his aim
in running fora tri stee is to
hold, down these iralling
costs as much as po sible.
"It may even be nec- ary
to do some cutting whie
could possibly involve some
courses." the trustee said.
Concession 15 of Grey Town-
ship. He and his wife
Marilyn have a family of two
boys and four-girls -of which
two are still in the Public and
Secondary. system. He has
been a member of the County
School board for eight years
and before that was on the
GreyTownship Board for 10
Separate School-Boa rd
Trustee - Acclaimed
Michael Connolly, of
R.R.3, Kippen, has been
acclaimed as the .trustee on
the Hitron-Perth Roman
Catholic Separate School
board representing Tucker-
smith and Stanley Townships
and Hensall Mid. Zurich.
Mr. Connolly has ,Served
as a trustee on the board
since the county system Was
1 h e trustee saidihe let his
In Hullett the., reeve`, Joe
Honking and councillors
John-Flynn, Joe Gibson and .
John Jewitt were acclaimed.
Both Greg Brandon and Tom'
Cunningham are running for
the position of deputy reeve.
I would like to thank the
Blyth Standard for this
opportunity to 'thank the
ratepayers of Hullett town-
ship for giving me the last
two years on council. I' have
found it to be very interest-
ing and I have enjoyed
meeting more people and
finding out °the different
workings of council.
From being on council I
have been associated with
the Seaforth fire Area Board
and the Farm Safety Associa-
tion. Our new township shed
and office is taking shape
and I was glad to have had a
small part in its planning and
it should serve the township
for many years.
I am sorry to see so little
interest taken in local politics
here and in surrounding ,
areas and I don't know if the
ratepayers are satisfied •with
the present council or they
aren't interested. If more
interest ,isn't shown in the
future, I'm afraid Regional
Government will be here and
then we will , wish more
people had cared.
I am a farmer who was
born and raised 'in Hullett
Township. I am still residing
on the farm which my great
great grandfather purchased
from the crown.
I am married to the former'
Ila Grigg and have four
daughters and one son.
Linda and Debra are attend-
ing Central Huron Secondary
School. Roger, Julia and
Leona attend Hullett Central
Public School.
I am running for the
position of Deputy-Reeve of
Hullett Township because of
an interest in local politics
and the wish to serve fhe
peoApoleothoof rthbeeetdowofii_stbl ep. t
ship:in my opinion is 'a
• township-plan. We are now
under the county plan and
there are many things in it
which I do not necessarily
feel are good for our town-
ship-one example being the
present severance regul-
ations. There are many par-
cels of land in the township
which are naturally sev ered
by ditches, creeks, etc..
These are too small to' farm
economical ywith our present
machinery and as long as
J2u.itding on them., will not
present a problem tb existing
livestock operation, they
should be severed and built
on rather than growing up in
I• have had two years
experience on the tothiship
council and two yearS on the
old Hallett Township School
Lyle Pettapiece who 's
trying for a Grey Township
-Council seat said he decided
to run for council because
some neighbours asked him
He is concerned about
foreign investment and non-
residential ownership of farm
"It's gotten to be quiq a
concern in other townships
and I'm afraid it's spreading
to Grey Township. It's put-
ting us local people at a
standstill. We can't compete
with them buying this land,"
he said.'
This is his first try at
Charles Thomas a former
Grey ,Township councillor
and reeve who is trying for a
position on that council again
says he decided to run
because a number of rate-
payers encouraged him to
and, "I, guess it's in my
blood after being in muni-
cipal politics for 1.1 years."
As to his reasons for
wanting the job he said, "I,
think it's, perhaps , my duty.
Everyone has a, Certain duty
'to the municipality and thi's is
the way I choose to serve."
He thinks one of the first
issues in Grey Township is
getting tile loans.
"Grey Township is the
only municipality at the
present time in Huron
County which does, not offer
tile loans and I think we need
to re-instate them," he said.
His past political experi-
ence includes 11 years of
municipal experience, six of
them as reeve of the town-
ship and two years on the
school board including one
year as vice-chairman.
He and his wife own a
grain and livestock farm
which he operates with the
help 'of his two sons and he
also has a daughter who is
attending university in
Thunder Bay.
Candidate for Trustee .
Herb Turkheim
Herb TM:0(24h. a Zurich '
businessman, is seeking re-
election to the Huron County
board of education, repre-
senting Hensall, Zurich and ,
Hay Township. .
Mr. Turkheim has, served
on the board for six years,
and was vice-chairman of the
board ,for one year. and
chairman of the board for two
The trustee also served on
the boa'rd's salary negoti-
ating committee for' five
years. For the past two years
. he has been a directpr of the
Ontario Public School Trus-
tees Association.,
Mr. Turkheim said he has
a record of six yeats of
perfect attendance at regular
board meetings.
He said he decided to seek
re-election since he has
a sincere interest in the
educational system. His own
children attend schools in the
system and Mr. Turkheim
said he wants the best
education possible for child-
ren in the county.
Among the , issues Mr.
Turkheim foresees in the
coming term, are rising costs
and declining enrolments in
the schools.
Also. the trustee said in
January 'he took a strong
stand on the possible closing
of Hensall Public School. He
said he will fight that schools.
closing to the end and is
opposed to moves toward
school closure and the amal-
gamation of Smaller schools!
Mr. Turkheim said smaller
schools. serve a vital interest
in the community.
Ed Kreuter has no past
political experience but says
he chose to run• for aseat on
Grey Tonwship council this
time because, "there's been
too Many acclamation n the
"I feel that in 'general we
have overlooked the import-
ance of municipal or town-
ship councils and so I feelthat
if municipal matters are not
in local, control anymore, it's
only because we didn't pay
enough attention."
As to his wanting the job
he says, "The only reason I
want the job is that I fell that
nothing will ever happen if
you just. sit back and comp-
lain about it, but don't offer
to do anything about it
"Hopefully we- might regain
a small amount of control
because the 'government is
supposed to 'be for the
people, by the people.
would like to feel that the
incoming council would be ,
prepared to listen more
closely than ever before to
the needs of the township,"
he said.
Mr. Krauter' farms 500
acres and also does custom
farm machinery work. He
has lived in Grey Township
most of his life and he and
his wife have three children.
John Gillis, a Grey Town-
ship councillor for the past
two years) chose to run for a
seat on, council because he
would like to learn more
about the township, meet
with thepeople and help plan
its future.
"I feel that I 'can con-
ute, my suggestions and
kno edge from the past two
years n council to• plan for
spt har eoi Hdjb el. et n
awnd help hi ch
sol any
thinks the important
issues facing the muncipality
are the drainage systems
t thhee t oewo nn st rhoi ip -
weeds on the roadsides and
the proposal of building up
John Johnston' who has
served as a Grey Township
councillor for foul, years
decided to run again because
some people encouraged him
He' would like the job of
councillor because. "It's -
kind of interesting work once
you get started."
He said there's not really
any big issues facing the
municipality, "just keeping,
things running on an eco-
nomical basis."
"We need to build some
bridges, that's one thing that
has to be done. Some roads
were widened this year and
some more roads need to'be
built'up," he added.
He has lived all of his life
in Grey Township where he
is a farmer. He has a wife
Leona and two children—a
boy and a girl.
director and on the Huroh
SeirVed on the Federation of
County Milk - Committee
cohoral aredr ei.sn. -
ma rried,fo u r b 0 y s
Agriculture as - a • local
municipal politics. He has r
and has five
and a
girl. He has 300,acres of land
ind. operates a dairy farm
with the help of, one of, his.'
' children. All the rest of his
children work outside the
home. ,
Roy' Williamson doesn't
have to face an election as he
is already in as reeve of Grey
Township by acclamation but
the Post thought it would be
good to have the acclaimees
give their political viewpoints
asMwrei i.
Williamson decided to
run for council again because
he is interested in the
Township and 'has lived in
-the township all his life.
The main issue facing the
municipality he believes is
the Secondary Plan—seeing
that it is working for the good
of the people- •and keeping
costs s apsasletwpoalsitipcoasisiebxlpe. e
ence includes"serving on the
Township School Board for
four years', councillor for
Grey Township for two years,
Deputy reeve for two years
and Reeve for four years,-
' .He is married to Kathleen
and farms in Grey Township.
He has a son, a "married
daughter and „two grand-
Leona Armstrong the new
deputy-reeve of Grey Town-
ship by acclamation, has
always been interested in
municipal. affairs as ' her
father was involved in
municipal work for several
She said she is 'looking
forward to serving Grey
Township in the capacity of
Deputy-Reeve and sitting on
County Council.
Of the main issues facin
the municipality she s 'd,
"Grey Township is hopi to
have its Zoning. By-law com-
pleted during 1979. It is
apparent that Grey will have
to solicit • the services of a
By-Law Enforcement Officer
in the near future. I am
currehtly taking a Govern-
mental Affairs Course at the
Goderich High School and
look forwarded to serving the,
_people to the best of my
She belongs to the Melville
Presbyerian Church where.
she teaches Sunday School,
is a member of the choir,
Women's Guild and Couples'
Club. At present she is the
secretary-treasurer for the
Huron County Women's In-
stitutes and District director
of the local W.I. Bra h; a
Director on the Brussels Fall
'Pair Board; a member of the
Brussels, •Morris and Grey
Parks, Recreation and Com-
munity Centre Board and a
. member of the Brussels
Horticultural Society .