HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-09, Page 6THE HURON
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131. .
Ron 1000.Blow Hair Dryers
Capri Blow Hair Dryers ,
Yes„ we have the
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given me in the past, and
hope to serve them., as well
as I am able ,to, in the
futur "
Four candidates -m Tram
are• contesting the election
for the three Village trustee
again. Since he has a keen
nterest in the town and,its'
Allan Campbell, w,ho was
acclaimed as reeve of McKil-
lop Township, is serving his
sixth term as reeve of the
Township. .
Mr. Campbell. a retired
farmer and mail route car-
rier, lives at R.R,1, Seaforth:
' The reeve has been on
McKillop Township since
1960, and prior to that served
on the• telephone bpard for
nine years and the school
board for nine years.
Mr. Campbell gas 'also
served on the Seaforth fire
area board since its inception
and represents the township
-2- en-the ayliel d--Conservation-
Authority and the Maitland
' Valley Conservation
- He has served as a
, member of the board of
governors of Conestoga Col-
' lege, for one year.
Mr, CaMpbell said one of
the major issues faced by the
council in the coming term is
starting a secondary plan for
McKillop Township.
Deputy-reeve - Acclaimed
Harvey •Craig, of RR 1,
Walton, , was recently ac-
claimed as deputy reeve of
MCKillop Township.
Mr. Craig, a farmer, has
served on council for nine
The former Deputy reeve
Ralph McNichol retired- from•
municipal politics this year.
Mr. Craig said one issue in ,
the township is the fact few
people offer their names for
council when •nominations
are called for the municipal
. elections.
Marie Hicknell has been
acclaimed as a councillor on
McKillop Township council..
Mrs. Hicknell, who resides
at R.R.5, Seaforth; is 'a farm-..
wife with six children.
She is involved with the
Seaforth Agricultural
Society, the MeKillop
Federation of Agriculture
and is a member of the
Catholic 'Women's League.
Mrs. Hicknell .said she
decided to stand for council
since she wanted , to be
involved -in the community
and learn more about
municipal politics.
This is Mrs: Hicknell'S
first, term on council.
In Stanley Townshipl all
the council was acclaimed tb
Office. •
Tom Consitt
Tom Consitt, acclaimed as
reeve of Stanley Township,
lives., at R.R.1, Varna. The
reeve is a farmer, and has a
wife and three children.
Mr. Consitt has been a
councillor for five years and a
deputy-reeve for four years
and completed his first term
as reeve.
The reeve has " enjoyed
serving „the public over the
past 11 ysirs and is happy to
be- serVIng -the _people in
Stanley for the next two year
The reeve said, "I would
like to see more interest
taken in the local municipal
affairs in Stanley Town;
"For the next two years,
our biggest' project will be
working toward the
completion of the secondary
plan," he said.
Mr, Consitt said he would
like to thank the people in
Stanley Township for thcir
co-operation with the council
over the past years.
• '.. Paul Sleckle
Paul Stecklc, acclaimed as
deputy reeve 'of Stanley
Township lives • at R.R.2,
Zurfeh, Mr. Steckle who is
married and the father of two
boys, is a lifetime. farmer and
sales manager • for a farm
machinery business.
He is active in church and -
community affairs.
Mr. Steckle' has. been a
councillor in Stanley Township
for six years and has been
deputy reeve for two years.
The • deputy reeve 'said he
.has had -a lifelong interest in
politics and municipal af-
• • •,
Mr. Steckle , said in the
next two • years the
completion of Stanley 'Town-,
ship's secondary plan will be
the main issue facing the
council. Also council will be
studying the • township's
zoning, bylaws.
Councillor - Acclaimed
Don Brodie. of. R.R.,1,
Brucefield, was acclaimed as
a councillor on Stanley ToWn-
ship council.
Mr. Brodie, who is a
farmer. "or food producer"
as he says. -has served as a
-councillor for six years in
Stanley Township. ,
He is chairman of the
township's recreation com-
mittee. •
Mr. Brodie said he ran for
council because,he feels it's a
responsibility of ratepayers
in the township to try and
serve on their municipal
government. Mr. Brodie said
he is• disappointed there
weren't more t candidates
running for office.
All of the Stanley -Town-
ship council were returned
by acclamation.
Mr. Brodie said his father
and grandfather were also
involved in the political life of
the township.
The' candidate said council
tries to solve issues as they
Don Brodie
Clarence R , who has
been acclaimed for his se-
cond term on Stanley .Town-
ship ,council, resides
Highway 21, five miles south
of Bayfield.
Mr. Rau and his wife
Sharon have four ,sons,
Robert, Gerard; Steven and
Kenneth and the councillor
runs a cash crop and live-
stock operation and works
with two of his brothers,
John Paul and Dennis Rau.
The councillor' said he
chose to stay on for another
term on council because he
felt he could be of 'more help
with his two years past
experience on council.
'During his first term, •he
was a member of the Zurich
and area fire board, which
purchased a 1968 Ford
tanker in 1977. The- board
plans to purchase a new
pumper truck in 1979.
Mr. Rau said • the main
issue facing Stanley Town-
ship council in the next two
years will be the secondary
HO said. "Now that we
have given it its first and
second 'readings. I think
there will have to be changes
made in some policies. As , a
livestock farmer, I am con-
cerned about some policies
and restrictions that the code
of practice has, and the effect
it has on different people."
Mr. Rau ,adcled,.."At this
time, I would like to thank all
the people in' the township
for the confidence -they have
Louis Maloney
Louis Maloney, a Dublin
businessman.,,is running for
re-election as -11 village of "
Dublin, trustee,
Mr. Maloney, who is mar-
ried and the father of three
children, is the owner of the
Dublin Feed Mill.
" Mr. Maloney has served
on the village council for fo'ur
years and served on the
Dublin PUC for four years,
including two years as chair-
He is seeking re-election
since he is interested in
community affairs and where
the taxpayers dollars are'
spent and why.
Matt McCreight
Matt McCrdight, a Dublin
merchant, is running for a
seat as a village trustee.
Mr. McCreight has served
for six years as a nrember of
the PUC and • the village.
council. He has also been on
the arena board, as the
Hibbert Township repre-
sentative, for the past six.
The candidate was chair,-
man of the Dublin Centennial
Committee which organized
this summer's successful
birthday celebrations for the
McCreight said he
decided to run for office
u ioil in 1
affairs and a concern about
the tax *pars - where
they're spent;" and why. •
The candidate thanked
voters for their support in the
In McKillop ToWnship, all
candidates were acclaimed to
The council members for
the 1979.80 term lire Reeve
Allan , Campbell, Deputy
Reeve .Harvey Craig and
councillers Art 'Anderson,
Marie Hicknell and William
Le ing,
/ 1 ; , 1 . ,
past and asked ' for their
support again in,, the tip-
coming Municipal election;
Oen MieRue
Don MacRae is seeking
re-election as one of Dublin's•
three village trustees.
4 Mn, MacRae has served on
the Village Board for the paSt
15' years, •
The candidate Said be is
running for re-election be-
cause he feels he is fitted for
the job, has the experience
•• and qualific dons UeCessary,
and has a - en interest in
municipal of airs,
Also, Mr MacRae holds an
electrician's license which he
feels gives him added ex-
pertise. • -
Mr.', MacRae, who has
been postmaster in Dublin
for the past six years, is the
father of , .three children.
and District Lions Club. housing project in Dublin. .
there are three main issues ,JERRY MURRAY' -0
facing the trustees. The first - Dublin Trustee Candidate
of • Branch 156, Seaforth an independent 'village,.
and director of the Dublin establishing a senior daze*
Legion and a charter member Finally, he is in favor 9f
trnstee, be i w $ ;chairman of, 1115c to hold, the ,,limi -.On
the Dublin y ro commissiOn chspendiqg ,,espOciall$0 90
and reCentl , has ,been re, , hydro osts." cording s eretary for the , Also, he said he is ,opposed
village con cil. ,', ' to regional goVeril.Plecnt and
While *rv:111 as a village. is hydro rates , '1 )Y9P,Id -
The candidate said he feels
Mr. MacRae; is'a member wants to 'maintain TinniM'4s.-
t!, 11ln I rmse.
To the.Electori of Tuckersitith
It Is your privilege to votetfor councillors
on November 13th: If you/Wish to vote for
me it would be appreciated: .
Franklin M. Falconer
9 years experience c:is Councillor
on all
2 dr. Specialty: 7XS22K8R183816
Serial No., Red. Vinyl Buckets,
Glr78X1K WSW Glass Belt Radial,
Light package, Console, Accessory
floor mats, Torstieflite transmis-
sion, 5,9' litre (360 2BBL) Lean
Burn, Electric heated rear window,
Dual chrome remote mirrors -Rac,
Body side & or deck tape strip,
Door edge protection mouldings,
Tapestray red sunfire metallic,
Push' button AM, Radio 2 Watt,
Single Rear Seat speaker, white
landau - Vinyl roof; Conventional
spare tire, Discounted To
4 door. , Sedan, Serial No.
GH41G8G302664, FR78X15 W
glass belt radial, Deluxe windshield
wiper, package, Accessory floor,
mats, Torqueflite Transmissli5h,
5.2 litre (318 2BBL) Lean Burn,
Electric heated rear window, Left
chrome Remote control MIR,
Electronic Digital clock, Under-
coasting/Hood pad, Green lower
rear Deck tape STR, Engline Block
heater, Mint green metallic, Push
button AM radio 2 watt, Green full
vinyl' roof, Conventional spare tire,..
Transportation charges, Discount-
ed To
• . $6250 .°°
2 Seat Wagon, Serial 'No.
NL45D8B370316, Tan -vinyl bench' .
seat, F78, x 14 WSW glass belted
tire, custom exterior package,
Torqueflite transmission, 3.7. litre
%225. 2BBL 6 cyl. eng., Electric
heated rear window, Roof rear air
'deflector, Tan vinyl body side,
mculding, Caramel tan metallic,
Push button AM radio 2 Watt,
Power steering, Deluxe wheel
covers,— Transportation, charges,
Discounted to
5720 .°°
This does
sales tax
Don Mcpregor
Don McGregor, of. R.R.1.
Brucefield, was acclaimed to
his third term as councillor
on' the Stanley Township
Mr. McGregor, a farmer,
is married - and has three
children-two sons and a
daughter. •
He has served on the
council for four years in the
past and represents council
on the Farm Safety As-
sociation and the Clinton
area fire board,
- He said -hi decided to run
for office , again since 'he
found- as he, became more
involved in municipal politics
he became more interested
in issues.
Mr. McGregor said the
main issue for the township
during the next term will be
the 'secondary plan.
Connell has already had
the first and second reading
of the` plan, but it still
requires the final reading
before approval.
The Logan Township
council includes. Reeve Carl
lock, Deputy-Reeve Laverne
Gordner and councillors Joe
Vandenberk, Joseph " Waite
and. Edwin (Ted) lllman.
In Logan Township, all the
members of council were
returned by acclamation.
Joseph Waite
Joseph Waite, who was
acclaimed' as councillor of
Logan Township, 'lives at
R.R.5, Mitchell.
Mr. Waite, who was born
in 0,s'hawa, and educated in
Waterloo at the post-
• secondary level, moved to
Logan . Township in 1971.
He has been employed as a
pig farmer since 1975.
The councillor has been a'
member of the Mitchell and
district area fire board, and
. chairman of the council's
property committee iri 1978:
Mr Waite es° served as
council's representative on
the Perth County Farm
Safety Association.
He is a trustee of the First
Lutheran Church in Logan
The councillor decided to,
seek re-election since he
enjoys the subject matter and
environment of council, and
he feels that each area of the
township deserves repre-
sentatiOn and he wanted to ,
represent his area.
Mr. Waite said the main
issues facing council during
their next term are whether
to continue the strrface
treating of roads or not,
continuing to modernize the
town hall and to take a closer
look at drainage procedures
with an eye to decreasing-the
expense. ,
Mrs. Marie Hicknell
Over 500 modern frames available
(including most designers nettles) -
Optometrist's and-Opthamologist's
prescriptions filled promptly' and accurately
1-1 Eye examination arranged
On the prem' ises lab for faster
service on prescriptions and repairs.
Qualified and courteous staff
Optic an
87 Main St. S. Seaforth, Ont. (519)527-1303
Free parking at side of-building '
2 Door Hardtop, Serial No.
W123G8A242758, Red vinyl bench
seat W/Car, FR78X15 WSW glai's
belt radial, Torqueflite transmis-
sion, Sprinnaker white, '5.2 litre
%318 288L Lean Burn, Electric
heated rear window, Left chrome
remote control MIR, Dual horns,
Locking ias cap, AM FM Multiplex
radio, Power steering, Red vinyl
Roof, Deluxe wheel covers,
....ransportation, chargesDIseounted To
$5980 • cm
4 door sedan, Serial No.
GH41H8G206415, Tan cloth &
vinyl bench seat, FR78X15 WSW •
glass belt radial, Light package,
Torqueflite transmission, 5.2 Litre
%318 4BBL Lean Burn, Electric
heated rear window, Left chrome
remote control mIR, Tan lower rear
deck tape strip,, Classic Cream,
Push button AM radio 2 Watt, Gold
or cream fully vinyl roof, con-
ventional spare tire, Discounted To
2 Dr. Specialty H, Serial No.
GH22G8G300888, Blue cloth &
Vinyl bench seat, FR78X15'WSW
glass belt radial,Light package,
Seat • belts-colour keyed,
Torqueflite transmission, 5.2 litre
%318. 2BBL Lean Burn, Electric
heated rear window, Left chrome
remote control MIR, Electronic
digital. clock, Deluxe front bumper
guards, Starlight, blue sunfire
metallic, Push button AM Radio 2
Watt, White Landau Vinyl Roof,
Conventional Sapre Tire, Tran-
sportation 'Charges Discounted to
4 Door Sedan, Serial- 'No.
NL41D8B369685, Tan cloth & vinyl
bench seat, DR78XJ4 WSW glass
belt radial, Custom interior pack-
age. custom 'exterior - pack-ages
Power disc- brakes, Torqueflite
transmission, 3.7 Litre 1225 2BBL)
6 cyl. Eng., Electric heated rear
window, Tan vinyl, body side
moulding, caramel 'tan metallic,
Push Button AM Radio 2 Watt,
Power steering. Deluxe wheel
covers, Conventional Spare Tire,
Discounted to